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Design for Resilience North 3B

Design for Resilience
George W. Thorpe, P.Eng., Ken Johnson, P.Eng.
Thorpe, G., & Johnson, K. (2018). Design for Resilience.
1 Introduction
Infrastructure and system health after severe disturbances was initially calculated by estimating
and managing the risk. Design of infrastructure was limited by the risk focus. Several years ago
this evolved to “Design for Sustainability” and has now advanced into a more comprehensive
“Design for Resilience”.
Critical infrastructure (C.I.) includes processes, systems and services that could cause death,
discomfort or destruction if even momentarily disrupted. If it is networked or interconnected, the
impact on C.I. could be magnified.
The term resilience has been used in many multidisciplinary contexts, however in this case it is
specifically related to the reliability and robustness of C.I. after a severe disturbance. Measuring
resilience is one of the most demanding tasks due to the complexity involved in the process.
Resilience of an engineered system can be improved through dynamic design principles. The
science of design for resilience is key to integrating the factors that are required for a successful
future. It is therefore defined as the strategic design and construction of C.I., buildings and other
related systems to sustain required operations during and after the impact of severe disturbances,
plus prevent or adapt to, longer term influences. (1)
Substantial progress has been made on the science of design for resilience for urban
infrastructure, but to advance our understanding of the best detailed methodology for northern
latitudes, major collaboration between institutions and stakeholders is required.
The reality of climate change is here now and time for infrastructure improvement is limited.
2 Objectives and Background
The goal of this paper is to assess and improve northern critical infrastructure resilience by
developing a methodology for utilizing an advanced engineering design framework. The focus of
this research is on the north, where many factors are different than in the urban areas further
Infrastructure resilience isn’t easy to spot until after a severe disturbance when the full recovery
time is recorded. Each system has a specific quantifiable value. Quantifying these values is key.
A leader of resilience science, Canadian Dr. Slobodan P. Simonovic, has researched and
advanced many facets of this complex subject. He recommends the move from focusing on
disaster risk reduction strategies to focusing on building disaster resilience through effective
adaptation actions. He and his colleagues have worked on the development of a systems
approach to quantification of resilience that allows:
• capturing temporal and spatial dynamics of water management
• better understanding of factors contributing to resilience
• more systematic assessment of various measures to increase resilience (2)
Dr. Simonovic has also developed quantitative dynamic resilience measures, which has 2 main
qualities: inherent (functions well during non-disaster periods); and adaptive (flexibility in
response during disastrous events).
Systems resilience, by definition, is the ability of an engineered system to provide required
capability in the face of adversity. Resilience in the realm of systems engineering involves
identifying: 1) the capabilities that are required of the system, 2) the adverse conditions under
which the system is required to deliver those capabilities, and 3) the engineering design to ensure
that the system can provide the required capabilities.
Hundreds of papers have been written on the many aspects of resilience, but more work is
required to bring a common understanding of the engineering design for resilience aspects.
Mitigation isn’t specifically covered in this document as it is a topic that would fill many volumes
by itself.
3 The Need for Design for Resilience
By employing a “Design for Resilience” methodology, infrastructure and systems can quickly
return to near normal functionality in the event of severe disturbances. A wide range of shocks
and stresses can impact C.I. These events might include damage, loss of power, water, human
access and control of infrastructure due to severe rain, flooding, high winds, lightning,
earthquakes, other natural disasters, or even cyber-attacks.
In the Arctic there are additional issues with permafrost thaw, ground slumping, water shortages,
distance between communities and communication challenges. For North of 60 degrees latitude,
we must also design for longer term climatic influences including sea level rise, floods, higher
temperatures, severe storms, less permafrost, lower river levels and lower stored water levels
due to drought from a warming planet.
Design for Resilience combines stakeholder interaction with various engineering and other skills,
as well as disaster experience, risk management, systems design and strategic planning. A
major factor is covering the extra capital cost for these sustainable improvements. Some are
skeptical about the value of resilience. Can the infrastructure life cycle be extended when
integrating higher cost factors such as artificial intelligence, increased design safety factors and
system redundancies?
“An Emergency Management Framework for Canada” guides a cohesive approach to emergency
management across Canada. The document contains an excellent glossary and provides a
common understanding of terminology. It also introduces the term “Hazardscape” - The
cumulative emergency management environment, composed of all hazards, risks, vulnerabilities
and capacities present in a given area. (3)
As reported by Ken Johnson in 2017 “In spite of this abundant resource, drinking water can be a
scarce commodity, particularly in Northern communities that require a clean source of water yearround. Winter can last eight to ten months of the year, and in winter, most of the surface water is
frozen with a covering of ice up to two metres thick. The north is like a desert, with most regions
receiving less than 250 millimetres of annual precipitation, most of it as snow. Given these
fundamental challenges, supply of community drinking water and wastewater treatment in Nunavut
is particularly challenging. Additional factors include geographic isolation, an extremely cold
climate, permafrost geology, extreme costs, limited level of services, and other unique northern
community attributes.” (4)
Additional stressors are moving natural and human systems toward their tipping point and that may
trigger extremely large responses.
Polar amplification is the phenomenon that any change in the net radiation balance (for example
greenhouse intensification) tends to produce a larger change in temperature near the poles than
the planetary average. Arctic warming is outpacing the rest of the world due to this Arctic
intensification. In 2016, for instance, worldwide temperatures were about 1.78 degrees F above
normal. Arctic temperatures were more than 3.5 degrees above normal. (5)
Figure 1 - NASA GISS temperature trend 2000–2009, showing strong arctic amplification.
Figure 2 - USEPA measurements of sea level rise (6)
One example of a tipping point in the North is the rising sea level due to polar ice and glacier melt,
where it is now at the point of having salt water reach C.I. and water intakes during high tide. The
high seawater level is also causing erosion of soil under waterfront buildings.
Another critical issue is the permanent melting of the permafrost. The active layer thickness (ALT)
is determined by probing down with rods and the indication is that it is steadily increasing. Soil
which surrounds piles that support buildings will lose its gripping effect as the melt goes deeper.
With less frozen permafrost around the piles the building support is reduced and the structure
settles. In the past, pilings were only sunk to a depth of 7 meters or less and will soon be
vulnerable. Modern pilings are now drilled down to 13 meters or more, depending on the structure
of the underlying permafrost. (7)
The resilient design future may see deeper piles and could also have more passive refrigerated
piles to keep the adjacent permafrost frozen year round.
Significant methane and some disease could be unlocked with mass permafrost melt. Wildfires
can hasten the permafrost melting if the cover brush is burnt, thereby exposing the topsoil to the
summer sun.
More severe storms associated with a changing climate can affect infrastructure’s ability to
maintain the services that people depend on. These include high winds and rain, causing sea
and river surge, with associated flooding. Floods are primarily caused by naturally occurring
changes in the height of rivers, lakes and oceans. According to Public Safety Canada, floods are
the most common natural hazard in our country and among the costliest. Historic floods have
occurred across Canada, with many of the worst happening on major river systems that pass
through populated areas. Scientists predict that flooding linked to the impacts of climate change
will increase as the 21st century progresses, particularly in coastal areas of the country.
Along with the warmer northern climate is the inevitable prospect of less snowfall. This snow is
required to fill drinking water reservoirs each year when the summer melt occurs. Low water
levels have been encountered in several storage reservoirs in recent years.
Some reservoir catchment areas may need to be expanded. It is clear that wastewater recycling
would be a positive step to reduce per capita water use. Another solution is the ancient method of
harvesting ice from a frozen lake or river and melting it in the water reservoir during the summer.
Figure 3 - Melting permafrost with slumping soil in the Northwest Territories
Earthquake activity is increasing in some parts of the world. The 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake
near Prince William Sound was magnitude 9.2, which is the second largest ever recorded. A 9.0
earthquake hit the East Coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia in 1952. Several others over
8.0 have hit Alaska in recent years. Recently, the Yukon recorded a 6.0 earthquake in 2014 and
the Nunavut had one in 2017. It is assumed that central and eastern Canada will not face the
same destruction level as Alaska has from earthquakes, but there will be significant damage. (8)
Another possibility is damage from a solar storm. The storms occur when the sun emits huge
bursts of energy in the form of solar flares and what are known as “coronal mass ejections”
(CMEs) – streams of charged plasma that travel at millions of miles an hour. These send a
stream of electrical charges and magnetic fields towards the Earth at a speed of around 3,000
mph, which can damage electronic and other systems, thereby disrupting communications.
Earth’s surrounding magnetosphere can only protect our electrical and electronic systems to
minimal level.
4 Development of the Design for Resilience Framework
The most cost-effective manner to achieve infrastructure resilience is through an integrated set of
design guidelines based on collaborative stakeholder input, engineering and other knowledge
mobilization. The knowledge available across many areas of expertise makes integration a
difficult task. The input of local stakeholders is a very important part of the process and is being
recognized as crucial for success of these projects.
Many researchers are contributing to the development of resilience science. Some of the recent
work will be explained in this section.
Four attributes that can provide a resilient system are: robustness, adaptability, integrity and
tolerance. Fourteen design techniques and twenty support techniques that can achieve these
attributes are adapted from Hollnagel, Woods, and Leveson (2006) (9), as well as Jackson and
Ferris (2013) for civil systems. (10)
Adaptation is about planning and shifting our built environment and practices to account for
current and anticipated effects. This is an extremely important aspect of resilience.
Figure 4 – Risk (Hazard, Exposure & Vulnerability), Resilience (Hazard, Exposure & Intrinsic Resilience)
Resilient infrastructure and systems will have: 1. Reduced failure probabilities, 2. Reduced
consequences from failures, in terms of lives lost, damage, and negative economic and social
consequences, 3. Reduced time to recovery (restoration of a specific system or set of systems to
their “normal” level of functional performance). Bruneau et al state that resilience for both
physical and social systems can be further defined as consisting of the following properties:
• Robustness: strength, or the ability of elements, systems, and other measures of analysis to
withstand a given level of stress or demand without suffering degradation or loss of function;
• Redundancy: the extent to which elements, systems, or other measures of analysis exist that
are substitutable, i.e., capable of satisfying functional requirements in the event of disruption,
degradation, or loss of functionality;
• Resourcefulness: the capacity to identify problems, establish priorities, and mobilize resources
when conditions exist that threatens to disrupt some element, system, or other measures of
analysis. Resourcefulness can be further conceptualized as consisting of the ability to apply
material (i.e., monetary, physical, technological, and informational) and human resources in
the process of recovery to meet established priorities and achieve goals;
• Rapidity: the capacity to meet priorities and achieve goals in a timely manner in order to
contain losses, recover functionality and avoid future disruption
Climate change risk assessment can be viewed as a valuable aspect of adapting and building
resilience. This includes the following items:
Risk = (Vulnerability Rating) x (Hazard Rating) x ((Exposure Rating)
Resilience = (Intrinsic Resilience) x (Hazard Rating) x ((Exposure Rating)
Dynamic Resilience is the ability to resist the initial impact to a high degree and recover in the
desired time. (11) (Bruneau, Michel et al.)
The Hyogo Framework Assessment (HFA) ranked risk of participating countries from five
continents. This was replaced by the UN Sendai Framework Assessment (SFA) of resilience.
The Dependence Tree Analysis (DTA) method identifies the weight of relationships between
several events. This is more accurate than the equally weighted indicators in the HFA method.
The Intrinsic Resilience Index (IR) uses the SFA score and modifies it using the DTA method.
The Bounce-Back Index (BBI) is the system’s capacity to adapt to its initial functional state. BBI
is the combination of Resilience, Vulnerability and Exposure.
Resilient infrastructure and systems will perform well under severe stress, as indicated by the red
curve in Figure 5. There may be a short period of loss of some percentage of function, shown as
P min, but this amount is acceptable because normal service will still continue. The performance
curve then bottoms out and starts to recover in an orderly manner. The recovery time to total
restoration is also a calculation that is predetermined and must be reasonable.
With resilient infrastructure and systems there is a response capacity which is the ability to resist
the stress, diagnose the status with smart predictive software, and repair or switch to redundant
In contrast, when resilience is not designed and built in, the performance most often falls close to
zero percent after a severe stress and will take a significant amount of time to recover. People
would then be without drinking water or electricity, for example, thus forced to fall back on
traditional ways of supplying their own water and power.
Figure 5 – Graph with the performance curve for a resilient system ©
What is the best methodology for planning for resilience and then building resilience? Figure 6
below shows a framework which starts with planning - determining current threats and hazards,
characterizing and analyzing risk, until the resilience options are developed. The plan then needs
to have the resilience actions prioritized and implemented. Moving into the building phase, key is
funding of these activities, which is a proactive investment for harm reduction by tax payers. The
detailed design for resilience then takes place, followed by construction and monitoring of these
improvements to learn from disruptive events. The infinite loop of plan for resilience and build for
resilience can continue to advance with new knowledge and improved methodology.
Figure 6 - Dynamic framework for planning and implementing resilient infrastructure ©
Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute explain their resilient design methodology: Ideally, a
design and assessment tool for resilient infrastructures would cover a range of capabilities like:
- modelling the physical components of the system including their interactions
- definition of an intended system performance
- calculation of the current system performance and comparison with expected performance
- definition of load cases resulting from specified disruptive events
- definition of generic damage scenarios, i.e. event-independent damage scenarios
- calculation of consequences to the overall system performance
- identification of critical system components and damage scenarios
- assessment of the resilience of the system
- implementation of mitigation strategies towards more resilience
- re-calculation of system resilience including mitigation strategies
With these functionalities implemented, engineers are enabled to design and assess the
resilience of complex technical systems. Two characteristics of the software tool are important
with respect to the before mentioned dilemma for engineers:
First, the physical and multi-physical domain of the infrastructure is modelled in terms of
components for which a well-known set of analytical or partial-differential equations is applicable.
Secondly, an option for event-independent, generic damage scenarios allows us to better prepare
for the unexpected. The ability to simulate a certain damage effect, regardless of the initiating
reason, gives rise to more independence on actual events. (12)
Figure 7 – An overview of Canada’s plan for adaptation to climate change
A new National Standard of Canada (NSC) has been developed to assist northern infrastructure
with detailed specifications for design to withstand a changing climate. The first five NISI
standards deal with drainage, permafrost and snow load. Under development are several more
standards covering operations, maintenance, fire, high winds and erosion. These standards will
start to prepare Canadian infrastructure for an uncertain future. (13)
Engineers Canada has developed, under the direction of the Public Infrastructure Engineering
Vulnerability Committee (PIEVC), the Engineering Protocol for Infrastructure Vulnerability
Assessment and Adaptation to a Changing Climate. This protocol is a step-by-step methodology
of risk assessment and optional engineering analysis for evaluating the impact of changing
climate on infrastructure. (14)
5 Conclusion
As the impacts of climate change on the North are increasing in frequency and severity, we must
confront the new climate reality with maximum speed and collaboration. We need to accelerate
progress and promote resilience by:
mobilizing existing knowledge by teaming and collaborating with stakeholders
researching known unknowns with a cross-functional team and building capacity
transforming existing infrastructure and systems by making funds available for resilience efforts
building new climate resilient and cost-effective infrastructure.
The design for resilience methodology is advanced enough to allow a theoretical foundation for
understanding best practice. It will continue to evolve as it is refined by adapting and applying
new scientific practices and knowledge. To fully achieve northern C.I. resilience goals,
experimentation, iterative learning and discovery by stakeholders is required. Development of
“Implementation Roadmaps” will assist design teams in their work.
On a broader note - promoting, teaching and implementing the “Design for Resilience” framework
should become part of common engineering education and practices.
We will continue to examine the many aspects of northern design for resilience and determine
how these can be strengthened during the detailed C.I. design phase.
(1) Pathways to Resilience http://pathways-2-resilience.org/ebook/part-i-pathways-to-resilience/
(2) Simonovic, Slobodan P. et al http://www.slobodansimonovic.com/research.html
(3) Johnson, Kenneth. Northern Territories WWA Journal P28 http://ntwwa.com/wpcontent/uploads/2018/03/NTWWA_Journal_2017.pdf
(4) Climate Change Indicators: Sea Level, USEPA Report
(5) Wikipedia Polar amplification https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polar_amplification
(6) Richter-Menge, Overland, Mathis and Osborne: Arctic Report Card 2017
(7) Cimellaro, Gian Paolo et al “A Quantitative Framework to Assess Communities Resilience at
the State Level” http://staff.polito.it/gianpaolo.cimellaro/index.html
(8) Wikipedia “Largest Earthquakes” www.wikipedia.com/
(9) Hollnagel, E., Woods, D. D., & Leveson, N. (Eds.). (2006). Resilience Engineering: Concepts
and Precepts. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited.
(10) Jackson, S., & Ferris, T. (2013). Resilience Principles for Engineered Systems. Systems
Engineering, 16(2), 152-164.
(11) Bruneau, Michel et al. 2003 A framework to quantitatively assess and enhance seismic
resilience of communities. Earthq. Spectra 2003, 19, 733–752.
(12) Hiermaier, Stefan, Hasenstein, Sandra & Faist, Katja. “Resilience Engineering - How to
Handle the Unexpected”, Fraunhofer Institute
(13) NISI https://www.scc.ca/en/news-events/news/2017/new-national-standard-will-help-ensureinfrastructure-resiliency-canadas-north
(14) Engineering Protocol for Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation to a
Changing Climate (PIEVC) https://pievc.ca/protocol
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