DATE DOWNLOADED: Fri Oct 9 09:21:22 2020 SOURCE: Content Downloaded from HeinOnline Citations: Bluebook 21st ed. Andre Rabie & Gerhard Erasmus, When Delegated Powers Become Plenary Powers, 5 S. AFR. J. oN HUM. Rts. 440 (1989). ALWD 6th ed. Rabie, A.; Erasmus, G. ., When delegated powers become plenary powers, 5(3) S. Afr. J. on Hum. Rts. 440 (1989). APA 7th ed. Rabie, A., & Erasmus, G. (1989). When delegated powers become plenary powers. South African Journal on Human Rights, 5(3), 440-449. Chicago 7th ed. Andre Rabie; Gerhard Erasmus, "When Delegated Powers Become Plenary Powers," South African Journal on Human Rights 5, no. 3 (1989): 440-449 McGill Guide 9th ed. Andre Rabie & Gerhard Erasmus, "When Delegated Powers Become Plenary Powers" (1989) 5:3 SAJHR 440. MLA 8th ed. Rabie, Andre, and Gerhard Erasmus. "When Delegated Powers Become Plenary Powers." South African Journal on Human Rights, vol. 5, no. 3, 1989, p. 440-449. HeinOnline. OSCOLA 4th ed. Andre Rabie and Gerhard Erasmus, 'When Delegated Powers Become Plenary Powers' (1989) 5 S Afr J on Hum Rts 440 -- Your use of this HeinOnline PDF indicates your acceptance of HeinOnline's Terms and Conditions of the license agreement available at -- The search text of this PDF is generated from uncorrected OCR text. -- To obtain permission to use this article beyond the scope of your license, please use: Copyright Information 440 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL ON HUMAN RIGHTS WHEN DELEGATED POWERS BECOME PLENARY POWERS Kauluma v The Cabinetfor the Interim Government of South West Africa AD 8 November 1988, unreported. INTRODUCTION It is a basic ideal of democratic government that those institutions empowered to make decisions directly affecting the public, should be elected and representative. This ensures accountability. When discretionary powers are conferred upon officials who are not accountable, a democratic principle is jeopardized. Control over the exercise of power, a basic objective of democratic government, will, as a result, become that more difficult. This is not only a concept found in political theory. It also relates to the rule of law, specifically in so far as it forbids the arbitrary exercise of power. One can go further and point out that, in addition, it has institutional implications, as reflected by the concept of the separation of powers. Experience has shown that concentration of power in the hands of one branch of government, such as the executive, will inevitably lead to abuse of that power. It is therefore incumbent upon an elected legislature to exercise utmost caution when delegating its power. After all, it is to the elected legislature that the electorate has entrusted ultimate authority. The practical needs of modern governments, however, demand that legislative powers, such as those vested in Parliament, be delegated to the executive. This is done through an enabling Act, which should contain the exact framework in terms of which the delegated powers are to be exercised. These principles of democratic government as well as the practical needs of government find recognition in the law, and more specifically in the maxim delegatus non potest delegare. This rule applies to both delegated legislative powers and to executive powers. It is based on the idea that when an enabling statute authorizes certain officials to perform specific functions, they themselves must do so. They may not further sub-delegate such powers to subordinates. This will also prevent someone less qualified or politically less responsible from exercising such powers. A delegated power therefore does not normally include the power of sub-delegation. This is also the position under South African law. Lawrence Baxter (Administrative Law (1984) 434) summarizes it as follows: 'In South Africa, Parliament is recognized to have unlimited powers of delegation. Considerable latitude is also given to such "original" authorities as provincial councils. But all other administrative authorities are treated as delegees, power having been delegated to them by the original authority. Not being the direct repositories of public trust they are not permitted the same freedom to choose who shall exercise their powers. There is a presumption that they may not further delegate (ie sub-delegate) their powers: delegatus non potest delegare.' CASES AND COMMENTS -441 Modem state practice shows that sub-delegation is sometimes called for. A minister of a state department, for instance, will find it impossible to perform all the functions assigned to his department. He must be able to entrust some of these tasks to his officials. Such sub-delegation, however, must be authorized in the relevant enabling legislation, ie expressly or by necessary implication. Only then can the rule against delegation be suspended. A number of people from the northern part of Namibia have recently discovered that these considerations do not necessarily apply as far as the administration of their territory is concerned. A certain Mr Kauluma and others brought an action against the Interim Government, the Minister of Defence and the Administrator-General contesting the validity of a curfew. The Administrator-General (AG) for Namibia had earlier promulgated proclamations providing for a curfew in areas of Ovambo. He also prohibited people from driving vehicles by night in 'Security Districts'. At stake was the precise nature and scope of the powers of the AG. In order to understand his powers one has to start at the top, with the relevant Act of Parliament. LEGISLATION INVOLVED Parliamentary legislation Section 38(1) of the South West Africa Constitution Act 39 of 1968 empowers the State President by proclamation in the gazette to make laws for Namibia with a view to the eventual attainment of independence, the administration of Walvis Bay and the regulation of any other matter and he may in any such law (a) repeal or amend any legal provision, including this Act (barring certain provisions (subsecs (6) and (7)) that in effect give Parliament the right to veto a law made by the State President, and any other Act of Parliament in so far as it relates to or applies in Namibia or is connected with the administration thereof or the administration of any matter by any authority therein; and (b) repeal or amend any Act of Parliament, and make different provision, to regulate any matter which, in his opinion, requires to be regulated in consequence of the repeal or amendment of any Act in terms of paragraph (a). Section 38(2)(a) provides that if through a law made under s 38(1) legislative power is conferred upon any body, legislation thus promulgated by such body shall have effect only after it has been approved by the State President. Legislation by the State President Relying upon s 38(1) of the Act the State President by Proclamation 180 of 1977 established the office of Administrator-General for 442 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL ON HUMAN RIGHTS Namibia. At the same time he promulgated Proclamation 181 of 1977 which sought to empower the AG to make laws, by proclamation in the official gazette of Namibia, for that territory and in any such law to repeal or amend any legal provision, including any Act of Parliament in so far as it relates to or applies in that territory or is connected with the administration thereof or the administration of any matter by any authority therein. In other words, the State President interpreted his (delegated) power as including the power to vest full and plenary legislative powers also in a creature of his own making. Legislation by the Administrator-General Pursuant to the powers conferred on him by Proc 181 of 1977, the AG promulgated Proc AG 9 of 1977 (the so-called Security Districts Proclamation), whereby he empowered himself or his delegate to issue orders imposing curfews (s 3(l)(a)(v) and (vi)). Acting by virtue of his own authorization, he subsequently issued Orders AG 26 of 1978 and AG 50 of 1979, which contain individual curfew provisions. THE COURTS DECISION The decision of the unanimous court was delivered by Joubert JA. He held that the powers conferred by Parliament in s 38(1) on the State President were so-called plenary legislative powers. This, according to Joubert JA, implied that although the exercise of the State President's powers could be attacked as being ultra vires, it could not be invalidated on the ground of being unreasonable or because it involved some restriction on the liberty of the subject or of his rights to property. Next the court held that the State President, acting by virtue of s 38(2) of the Act and in pursuance of Proc 181 of 1977, validly conferred the above-mentioned full or plenary legislative powers-in substance as extensive as those of Parliament itself-upon the AG. Following upon this ruling, it was held that since s 3(l)(a)(v) and (vi) of Proclamation AG 9 of 1977 fell within the ambit of the plenary legislative powers of the AG, it was intra vires. Moreover, its validity, according to the court, cannot be impugned on account of its unreasonableness or vagueness. Finally, in like fashion, the court ruled that Orders AG 26 of 1978 and AG 50 of 1979, in spite of a slight textual variance and the introduction of an exemption, were not ultra vires, and that, like their respective enabling provisions (i e s 3(l)(a)(v) and (vi) of Proc AG 9 of 1977), they cannot be invalidated on the grounds of unreasonableness or vagueness. 443 CASES AND COMMENTS DELEGATION OF LEGISLATIVE POWERS TO ADMINISTRATIVE BODIES The principle Parliamentary supremacy, evidenced therein, inter alia, that no court of law may invalidate an Act of Parliament (s 32(3) of the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act 110 of 1983), implies that Parliament may freely vest legislative powers in any other body. Such body need not even be another legislature. For instance, the judiciary is sometimes vested with legislative power, eg the authorization of the chief justice to issue rules for the regulation of the Supreme Court (s 43(2)(a) of the Supreme Court Act 59 of 1959). But the authority to legislate is most frequently conferred upon administrative (executive) bodies such as ministers or the State President. Indeed, measured by volume, administrative legislation far outweighs parliamentary legislation. The general principle applicable to delegation is that the delegatee may not further delegate his authority unless permission has been granted thereto in the enabling legislation. The South West Africa Constitution Act, which confers authority on the State President to legislate, further seems to determine-if only indirectly or by implication-that he may authorize another body to exercise legislative powers (s 38(2)(a)). Indeed, this is what the State President has done through the promulgation of Proc 181 of 1977, whereby he delegated his full power under s 38(1) to the AG. In other words, one executive body hereby authorizes yet a further administrative body to make laws. Moreover, s 38(2)(b) by implication provides for a further delegation of the above-mentioned power by a body like the AG to yet another body. The only condition attached to the valid exercise of the delegated powers in question is that, in the first instance, the approval of the State President is required (s 38(2)(a)), while in the second instance, the approval of the delegator (such as the AG) is required (s 38(2)(b)). While the principle that legislative functions should be conferred upon administrative bodies may be justified (cf Baxter at 194-5), the sub-delegation by an administrative body of such power to yet a further administrative or other body gives rise to grave concern, especially where the power is as extensive as in the above instances. This may lead to a further multiplication of bodies which exercise legislative functions, but which have been selected for this important task by an administrative body and not by Parliament. Moreover, if the contention is accepted that the State President exercises plenary powers (explained infra), it would imply that each of these bodies likewise exercise such powers, with its attendant consequences, particularly the immunity from full control by the courts (cf page 447). This particular case illustrates that 'plenary' powers are interpreted to include the power to confer the same power to officials in perpetuity, that is up to the level of the local clerk. And if the existing officialdom 444 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL ON HUMAN RIGHTS is not attractive enough, new officials may be created and given that power-also to sub-delegate as they wish. Scope (i) Effect of legislative acts While executive (or purely) administrative acts establish an individual relationship whereby usually only a particular individual is affected, legislative administrative acts bring about a general relationship which is impersonal and usually affects the public generally, thereby necessarily ignoring specific circumstances that may prevail in respect of particular individuals (cf M Wiechers Administrative Law (1985) 57ff; Baxter at 523). Moreover, the relationship endures for as long as the legislation remains in force, with the result that its application often has only a tenuous connection, if any, with the original decision by the body to enact the particular legislation. In principle, therefore, legislative powers are of a more extensive nature than other administrative powers, implying that the need for control is correspondingly greater. (ii) The concept of plenary legislative power 'Plenary' means of full scope or extent; complete or absolute in force or effect. Plenary legislative power, in the full sense of the phrase, would be the power enjoyed by Parliament. The Republic of South Africa Constitution Act (s 30) determines that Parliament, as the sovereign legislative authority for the Republic, has full power to make laws for the peace, order and good government of the Republic. Apart from s 38(l) of the South West Africa Constitution Act, other statutes confer upon the State President powers which, likewise, appear to be about as extensive as can be imagined, being comparable to the plenary power of Parliament. For instance, the Black Administration Act 38 of 1927 (s 25), read with the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act (s 93) vests the control and administration of black affairs in the State President, who, for this purpose, may even amend or repeal Acts of Parliament by proclamation. Legally, he may therefore be regarded as the Isupreme chief' of the black population in certain black areas (cf F Venter 'Die Staatspresident se posisie in die Bantoestaatsreg' (1972) 35 THRHR 330). In like fashion, the Public Safety Act 3 of 1953 (s 3(l)(a)) authorizes the State President to make regulations which he considers necessary or expedient, inter alia, for providing for public safety or the maintenance of public order. The above-mentioned powers are so extensive that they seem to rival those of Parliament; indeed, at one point they were described as being equal with the powers of Parliament (cf R v Maharaj 1950 (3) SA 187 (A) at 194D; R v Maphumulo 1960 (3) SA 793 (N) at CASES AND COMMENTS 44) 798G-799B; Binga v Cabinetfor South West Africa 1988 (3) SA 155 (A) at 183G-184A). The Appellate Division in Staatspresident v United Democratic Front 1988(4) SA830(A) at 848E-851J referred to decisions in which such a view was held but went on to reject the contention that the State President's legislative power can be equated with that of Parliament. It is submitted that the only body which is vested with plenary legislative power is Parliament. Even if the position is considered purely according to the scope of the respective powers, it is evident that Parliament's power, as defined in the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, is all-embracing, whereas the State President's powers, awesome though they undoubtedly are, are limited to a specific subject or field, ie Namibian independence, black affairs or. public order and safety. (For further limitations upon the wide legislative powers of the State President, see G C Kachelhoffer Die Betekenis van Ondergeskikte Wetgewing vir die Administratiefreg in Suid-Afrika (unpublished LLD thesis UNISA (1972) 180-7.) However, there are more fundamental reasons why his powers cannot, like those of Parliament, be regarded as being of a plenary nature. These reasons are connected with the subordinate status of the State President's and the AG's legislation. Subordinate status of the State President's and Administrator-General's legislation The true nature of legislation enacted by the State President and the AG is fully understood only when the various forms of control over such legislation are considered. (i) Control by Parliament and the concept of original legislative power In the first place, legislation enacted by the State President and the AG is subordinate legislation in the sense that it is subordinate to Parliament. In fact, all legislation other than parliamentary legislation constitutes subordinate legislation in the above sense. This applies even to provincial ordinances. It is true that the erstwhile provincial councils were labelled as original legislatures, but this was due, first, to the fact that their legislative power, like that of Parliament, was drawn from the South Africa Act of 1909, which was an Act of the British Parliament (cf Middelburg Municipality v Gertzen 1914 AD 544 at 550; Bloemfontein Municipality v Bosrand Quarries(Prop)Ltd 1930 AD 370 at 378). In other words, their authority was not derived, initially, from the South African Parliament and may in that sense be labelled 'original', although this label has since been imposed upon all provincial ordinances, also those deriving their validity from South African parliamentary legislation (cf Pretoria City Council v South African SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL ON HUMAN RIGHTS Organ Builders (Pty) Ltd 1953 (3) SA 400 (T) at 408B-C). Nevertheless, there is no doubt that they always stood in a subordinate position as far as Parliament is concerned. This subordinate status is reflected therein, inter alia, that an ordinance may not be repugnant to an Act of Parliament and that Parliament may repeal any ordinance. In any case, Parliament has demonstrated its power in a definitive manner by abolishing the provincial councils. A further reason why provincial ordinances were regarded as original enactments, as was indicated in Middelburg Municipality v Gertzen (supra at 550), may be ascribed to provincial councils' characteristic of being deliberative legislative bodies. However, if this should be the only qualification, the bylaws of town councils would also have had to be regarded as original enactments (cf Lourens du Plessis & H J Erasmus (1988) 105 SALJ 763 at 767). There is, none the less, no doubt that such bylaws constitute subordinate legislation, although the fact that local authorities qualify as deliberative legislative bodies has served as the basis for the courts' application of the doctrine of benevolent interpretation, when reviewing the validity of bylaws (Baxter at 490-4). The third factor which has featured in the labelling of provincial ordinances as original or plenary enactments is the wide scope of the legislative powers which had been entrusted to provincial councils. It is only this latter feature which the proclamations of the State President and the AG to some degree have in common with the provincial ordinances. However, this has not deterred our courts on occasion to attach the adjective 'original' to such enactments. In enacting Proc 181 of 1977, the very subject of the instant case, the State President was thus described as an original legislator in Beukes v Administrateur-Generaal,Suidwes-Afrika (1980 (2) SA 664 (SWA) at 675A-D). Although the powers of the State President and of the AG were described in Kauluma as 'plenary', rather than as 'original', the same meaning was obviously intended and their effect as being largely immune to judicial review was upheld, as has been shown above. Although the State President, unlike the former provincial councils, is empowered by the South West Africa Constitution Act to amend or repeal even parliamentary legislation, his legislative power, nevertheless, is subordinate, as already appears from the provisions of s 38(6) and (7) of the South West Africa Constitution Act, as well as from the fact that Parliament can at any time amend or repeal any proclamation by him, or, for that matter, may repeal the Act-in which the State President's authorization is contained-itself. What has been said of the State President's powers, applies equally to those of the AG or any other delegate. It is true, as D A Botha ('Aliquando Delegatus Delegare Potest' CASES AND COMMENTS 44/ (1980) 13 De Jure 398) contends, that the AG exercises his legislative powers in his own right and thus does not promulgate his proclamations in the name of the State President. However, it is submitted that this is no justification for his conclusion that the AG and the State President on this account enjoy original legislative powers. His contention is based upon a distinction between different relationships arising in the context of the delegation of administrative powers (cf Wiechers at 51 ff). It is submitted that Parliament's ultimate legislative supremacy renders inappropriate the identification of a relationship between Parliament and any other body as being one of decentralization, with the implication that Parliament has transferred its original or plenary legislative power. Only Parliament enjoys such power and this has never been delegated. In any case, the above relationships have been identified only between different administrative bodies, not between Parliament, or another legislature, and an administrative body. Botha wants to determine the question of the nature of the AG's powers solely in terms of an investigation into the scope of his powers. He even argues that in such cases the delegatus non potest delegare rule does not apply. This view cannot be supported. Both the State President and AG are creatures of statute. They enjoy no inherent legislative powers. Their powers in this regard are derived from an Act of Parliament and remain delegated and subordinate in nature. By limiting the whole discussion, as he does, to a question of whether the action taken was intra vires the rather wide powers as created by a compliant legislature, the delegatus rule becomes redundant. (ii) Control by the courts There is no doubt that the State President's legislation, like provincial ordinances, but unlike Acts of Parliament, may be invalidated on account of its being ultra vires in the narrow sense of going beyond the vires-wide though their scope may be- which have been entrusted to the State President's legislative jurisdiction. This is acknowledged by Joubert JA. The crucial issue, however, is whether the State President's proclamation-and proclamations by the AG or other bodies to whom legislative power has been sub-delegated in terms of the South West Africa Constitution Act-may be impugned on the traditional grounds upon which subordinate legislation may be invalidated, i e those of unreasonableness and vagueness. As has been noted above, the court in Kauluma refused to regard the above proclamations as being subject to such control. The court for this view relied upon Binga's case (supra) in holding that the State President's powers under s 38(1) of the South West Africa Constitution Act were of a full and plenary nature and considered such powers as being analogous to the powers possessed by provincial councils before their demise. It is submitted, with 448 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL ON HUMAN RIGHTS reference to the previous two paragraphs, that the State President's legislative powers cannot be regarded as plenary and certainly are not as wide as those entrusted to Parliament. Moreover, they cannot be put on a par with the powers enjoyed by the erstwhile provincial councils. Those powers were 'original' only in a rather technical sense, as has been explained. The State President's powers are not original in that sense. An even more fundamental reason why his position cannot be equated with that of the former provincial councils relates to the different nature of the respective bodies: The provincial councils were elected legislatures and their legislation was preceded by deliberations held in public. Neither of these conditions -which served as political controls -applies to the State President. Political accountability and legitimacy in the form of an electoral mandate, as Baxter (at 494) points out, does provide some justification for the judicial restraint which our courts tend to exercise in respect of representative and accountable legislatures. No such deference should be accorded to legislation made by an executive body such as the State President. In short, his proclamations, as true subordinate legislation, should be subject to the normal control by the courts over such legislation. It is submitted -contrary to the decision in Kauluma- that the State President's Proc 181 of 1977 should be susceptible to control, not only on the grounds of ultra vires in the narrow sense, but also on account of its unreasonableness or vagueness. The same position should prevail also with regard to the AG's Procs AG 9 of 1977 and orders AG 26 of.1978 and AG 50 of 1979, all of which constitute subordinate legislation. S v Werner 1980 (2) SA 313 (W) at 321A-C and Omar v Minister of Law and Order 1987 (3) SA 859 (A) at 892G-H provide authority to refute the proposition that merely because Parliament conferred wide legislative powers upon an administrative body, the exercise of those powers in the form of the enactment of proclamations or regulations should be immune to judicial review. On the contrary, they should, as subordinate legislation, be subject to the traditional scope of judicial review, as was demonstrated in the above-mentioned cases. In fact, the vast scope of legislative powers exercised by an administrative body renders effective control imperative. The very fact that executive organs have been endowed with such wide legislative powers, should result in the courts being rather more critical of the manner in which they are exercised. It is submitted that the absence of a truly legislative character on the part of both the State President and the AG should be taken into account. The true nature of the body involved is of direct importance when it comes to a determination of the validity of its actions. This is, after all, part of the justification for drawing a distinction between legislative, executive and judicial branches of government. 449 CASES AND COMMENTS Perhaps it should also be recalled that it was exactly this point, the nature of the organ involved and not the formal bestowing of a power through an Act of Parliament, which formed the basis of a former famous judgment of the Appellate Division. In Minister of the Interior v Harris 1952 (4) SA 769 (A) it was ruled that the High Court of Parliament was no court of law. This conclusion was reached inter alia by looking at the substance and not merely the form of the Act, whether the High Court of Parliament is in fact a Court of Law. 'The Courts are bound by a definition in a legislative enactment in so far as that enactment falls within the powers of the Legislature, but when the question is whether or not those powers have been exceeded, the definition itself is in issue along with the whole enactment, and the enactment must be judged by its substance and not by the nomenclature it uses' (per Centlivres CJ at 783C-D). When the rationale for allowing delegation is the fact that administrative experts should implement general policy as laid down by the legislature, it cannot really be faulted. When, however, too much discretion is delegated, as happened in the Kauluma case, Parliament's basic legislative function is forfeited. The just and acceptable exercise of a delegated power fundamentally depends on the extent to which the legislature has established objectives and standards before allowing implementation by the executive. In terms of such a test, the practical dictates of the modem state on the one hand and of democratic government and respect for the separation of power on the other, may be reconcilable. Kauluma'scase confirms that Parliament in effect has abdicated its primary legislative function in favour of administrative bodies. Likewise, the Appellate Division failed to apply a well-established principle of administrative law. It thereby relinquished its responsibility of serving as an effective buffer between administrative bodies and individuals. As Mr Kauluma discovered. ANDRI RABIE Professor of Law University of Stellenbosch GERHARD ERAsMus Professor of Law University of Stellenbosch