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Weekly Topic Outline PATH 370 Online.pdf

PATH 370
Weekly Topic Outline
This outline is designed to help you focus on topics in
preparation for your weekly quizzes
Week 1
Chapter 1
Tertiary prevention examples like counseling on medications.
Latent vs. Prodromal in an example
Endemic definition
Subclinical definition
Etiology topic in an example
Primary prevention example like vaccinations
Chapter 2
Allostasis definition
Hormones secreted during the stress response
Selye’s three phases of stress
Sympathetic nervous system mediated by norepinephrine
Chapter 4
Know types of intracellular accumulations
Know cellular adaptation types and definition
Know types of necrosis
Apoptosis definition
Chapter 7
Side effects of chemotherapy include anemia, nausea, bleeding, and infections
Tumor marker functions: produced by normal cells, help determine cancer origin, help
identify progression of cancer, and include prostatic-specific antigen
Cancer terminology: oma, carcinoma, and sarcoma
Grading vs. Staging
Deficits in immune system function in cancer: chemotherapy, cancer cells, cancer
metastasis to bone marrow, and malnutrition
Week 2
Chapter 10
Know all hypersensitivity types
Chapter 11
Know all information on the following: ALL, CML, Multiple Myeloma, Hairy Cell Leukemia
Autologous vs. Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant
Chapter 13
Transfusion reactions involve RBC destruction caused by recipient antibodies
Red blood cells have no cytoplasmic organelles
Iron deficiency has low MCHC, MCH, and MCV
Know functions of the circulatory system
Carbon dioxide is transported in the bloodstream as bicarbonate ion
Bilirubin can detect excessive red blood cell lysis
Kidneys produce erythropoietin
Iron is necessary for red blood cell production
Vitamin K deficiency: normal bleeding time, normal platelet count, increased PT and INR
Aplastic Anemia leads to pancytopenia
Pernicious anemia is caused by intrinsic factor
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency anemia occurs when exposed to certain
Chapter 14
Hemophilia: prolonged bleeding time, prolonged aPTT, normal platelet count
Vitamin K deficiency: normal bleeding time, normal platelet count, increased PT and INR
Vitamin K deficiency in newborns present with melena, bleeding from the umbilicus,
and hematuria.
Know Blood Coagulation Assessment: PT/INR, aPTT, Bleeding time
Aspirin can prolong bleeding time
Chemotherapy can cause thrombocytopenia
Know DIC
Dysfunction of the liver can lead to clotting factor deficiency
Chapter 15
Venous vs. Arterial occlusion
Thrombosis vs. Embolism
Peripheral edema is a result of venous thrombosis
DVT vs. Varicose Veins
Week 3
Chapter 16
Define primary and secondary hypertension
Hypertensive urgency vs. emergency (crisis)
Symptoms of hypotension
End organ damage of hypertension
Understand how modifiable risk factors are the first and most
important intervention in managing hypertension (case scenario
Know Blood Pressure Classification ranges (normal,
pre-hypertension, Stage 1, Stage 2)
The importance of sodium in hypertension
The action of an ACE inhibitors
Complications of orthostatic hypotension
Chapter 18
Pulmonary stenosis
The correlation of LDL levels and coronary artery disease
Stable angina vs. Unstable angina
Complications of Acute coronary syndrome
Diagnostic tests and findings to detect Myocardial Infarction (MI)
Rheumatic heart disease
Describe the different congenital heart defects (Example: patent
ductus ateriosus)
Chapter 19
Symptoms of right and left sided heart failure
Know the term paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
Reduced cardiac output in heart failure
Complications of dysrhythmias
Chapter 20
Signs and symptoms of anaphylactic shock
Risk factors and pathogenesis of anaphylactic shock
Define sepsis and septic shock
Types of obstructive shock
Cardiogenic shock
Week 4
Chapter 22
● Dry cough is a common sign of viral pneumonia
● Immunosuppression is a risk factor for active pulmonary TB
● Productive cough and parenchymal infiltrates on x-ray are
signs/symptoms of bacterial pneumonia
● Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the organism that causes TB
● Ghon tubercle is a x-ray finding in TB
● IgE is associated with inhaled allergens in asthma
● Inflammation, mucosal edema, and bronchoconstriction are
associated with allergic form of asthma
● Lack of alpha anti-trypsin in emphysema can lead to alveolar
● Hypersecretion of mucus in chronic bronchitis is a result of
recurrent infection.
● All obstructive pulmonary disorders are characterized by
resistance to airflow.
● Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic asthma
● COPD leads to barrel chest due to air trapping
● Emphysema has a destruction to the alveolar walls due to the
release of proteolytic enzymes from immune cells
● Chronic bronchitis leads to cor pulmonale due to increased
pulmonary vascular resistance
● Bronchoconstriction, bronchial mucosal edema, hypersecretion of
mucus, and hypoxemia are associated with acute asthma attack
● Chronic inflammatory disorder, airway responsiveness, genetic
susceptibility, and airway remodeling are all characteristics of
● Use of accessory muscles, expiratory wheezing, coughing, and
feeling of chest tightness are all part of an acute asthma episode
● Status asthmaticus is a life-threatening complication of asthma
● Thick mucus, fibrosis, and smooth muscle hypertrophy are all
parts of airway obstruction in chronic bronchitis
● Productive cough is seen in patients with chronic bronchitis
Chapter 23
● Hypoxemia is the hallmark for acute respiratory distress syndrome
● Tracheal shift and respiratory distress are a sign for
● Inhalation of organic substances are a cause of Hypersensitivity
● Pneumothorax and ARDS are types of restrictive respiratory
● Air that enters the pleural space during inspiration but is unable
to exit during expiration leads to tension pneumothorax
● Loss of alveolar walls, immunological in nature, and “honeycomb”
appearance on x-ray are all part of interstitial lung disease
● Presence of CD4+ cells, non-productive cough, granulomas,
fatigue, weight loss, and fever are all common characteristics of
● Dyspnea, diminished breath sounds, and tracheal shift are clinical
manifestations of pleural effusion
Chapter 24
● Antacids being a risk factor for hypophosphatemia
● Hyperparathyroidism is a risk factor for hypercalcemia
● Hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia both increase neuromuscular
● Diarrhea can cause metabolic acidosis
● Confusion is a sign of hypernatremia
● Muscle weakness and cardiac dysrhythmias are manifestations of
moderate to severe hypokalemia
● Chronic alcoholism is a cause for hypomagnesemia
● Decreased urine output is a symptom of clinical dehydration
● Decreased antidiuretic hormone can cause hypernatremia
● Confusion, lethargy, coma, and perhaps seizures are clinical
manifestations of hyponatremia
Chapter 25
● The relationship of metabolic alkalosis and hypokalemia
● The respiratory system compensates for metabolic acidosis and
alkalosis. Hypoventilation is the compensatory mechanism for
● Hyperventilation can cause respiratory alkalosis
● Headache is an early sign of metabolic acidosis
● Respiratory acidosis includes an increase in carbonic acid
● Renal compensation for respiratory acidosis is shown by elevated
bicarbonate ion concentration.
● Hypoventilation can lead to respiratory acidosis
● Kidneys are not able to excrete carbonic acid
Week 5
The midterm exam will consist of a comprehensive exam from
Weeks 1-4 which includes Chapters 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15,
16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, and 25. The above topics can be used to
study for the midterm exam.
Week 6
Chapter 27
Know the signs and symptoms of ureteral (kidney)stones
Know the common composition of renal calculi
Know Polycystic Kidney disease
Signs and symptoms of renal cancer
Uric acid crystals in renal calculi from gouty arthritis
Know acute and chronic pyelonephritis
Chapter 28
● Understand the different phases of acute tubular necrosis
● Understand the process of anemia and renal osteodystrophy in
end-stage chronic renal disease
● Know the causes of chronic kidney disease
● The secondary conditions associated with end stage chronic renal
● Know the different phases of acute kidney injury
● Ischemia leads to acute tubular necrosis
Chapter 29
Hematuria is the most frequent and initial symptom of bladder
Vesicoureteral reflux can lead to recurrent cystitis
E.coli is the cause for majority of urinary tract infections
Sexually active women are more prone to urinary tract infections
Ureterocele is a cystic dilation of the ureter
Smoking is a risk factor for bladder cancer
Know the difference between stress and urge incontinence
Know characteristics of cystitis
Chapter 31
● Cryptorchidism poses a risk for testicular cancer
● Know testicular torsion
● Signs and symptoms of prostatic enlargement (BPH)
Chapter 33
Define the different menstrual disorders
Know the different pregnancy related disorders
Understand uterine prolapse
Define endometriosis
Define leiomyomas
Vulvovaginitis is commonly caused by candida albicans
Week 7
Chapter 36
Gastroesophageal varices will present with a history of alcoholism
with hematemesis and profound anemia
Esophageal varices are associated with portal hypertension
Dumping syndrome is seen after gastric bypass surgery
Stomatitis may be caused by chemotherapy
H. pylori is a cause for chronic gastritis
Rupture of esophageal varices has a high mortality rate
Necrotizing enterocolitis occurs in premature infants
Ulcerative colitis is associated with bloody diarrhea
Colon cancer has a warning sign of change in bowel habits
Celiac sprue is a malabsorptive disorder from a reaction to gluten
containing foods
Barrett esophagus is a preneoplastic condition
Hiatal hernia will present with heartburn
Gastric ulcer can present with epigastric pain relieved by food
Appendicitis presents with acute right lower quadrant pain
associated with rebound tenderness and systemic signs of
Chapter 37
Gallstones more common in women
Untreated acute cholecystitis may lead to gangrene
Alcoholism is associated with more than half cases of pancreatitis
Chronic cholecystitis can lead to biliary sepsis, calcified
gallbladder, and porcelain gallbladder
Gallstones are composed of cholesterol
● Elevated serum lipase and amylase levels are associated with
● Chronic pancreatitis may lead to DM
Chapter 38
Hep B is transmitted by exposure to blood or semen
Hepatitis will present with an increase in urine bilirubin
Acute hepatitis B will present with a positive hepatitis B surface
antigen (HBsAg)
Jaundice is a common finding in liver disease
Steatohepatitis is an accumulation of fat in the liver cells
Chapter 40
Excess growth hormone in adults leads to acromegaly
Diabetes insipidus is a result from inadequate ADH secretion
The synthesis of thyroid hormone is inhibited by iodine deficiency
A goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland
Chapter 41
Carbohydrate counting, daily exercise, and insulin are therapies
for Type I DM
Microvascular complications of DM include retinopathy and
Diabetic neuropathy is due to a decrease in myoinositol transport
Type 2 DM is due to insulin resistance and b-cell dysfunction
Obesity is a major predictor in Type 2 DM
Polyuria, Polydipsia, Polyphagia are clinical findings for Type 1 DM
Type 1 DM is due to pancreatic b-cell destruction
● Hypoglycemia will present with tremors
● Type 2 DM is associated with nonketotic hyperosmolality
● Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels are the most important in
evaluating DM long term
Week 8
Chapter 44
Cerebral aneurysms present with a severe, sudden headache
Know the risk factors and symptoms for meningitis
Encephalitis is caused by viral infection
During acute stroke is important to distinguish between ischemic
vs. hemorrhagic
Stroke of one side of the cerebral hemisphere will affect the
contralateral side
Blood pressure is a risk factor for hemorrhagic stroke
Cerebral aneurysm results in subarachnoid hemorrhage
Acute hypertension is a risk factor for hemorrhagic stroke
Chapter 45
● Parkinson disease is a deficiency of dopamine in substantia nigra
● Parkinson disease will give rest tremor and skeletal muscle rigidity
Chapter 47
● Pain is a subjective experience difficult to measure objectively.
● One common cause of acute pain is headache
● Migraine will present as severe, pounding headache with nausea
and photophobia
Chapter 51
● Multiple myeloma has a common symptom of bone pain
● Lateral curvature, increase in periods of rapid growth, uneven
shoulders, scapular prominence, and respiratory complications
are all characteristics of scoliosis
● Diabetes, smoking, and poor diet can lead to delayed healing in
● Paget’s disease is excessive bone resorption followed by excessive
formation of fragile bone.
● The most common site for Paget’s disease is the lower spine
● Osteomyelitis is hematogenous
● Osteosarcoma is a malignant bone forming tumor
● Osteomalacia is a bone disorder that comes from insufficient
vitamin D in adults. Rickets is the term used for children.
● Early menopause is a risk factor for osteoporosis
● Malunion is a fractured bone that heals with poor alignment
● Know the different types of fractures
● Muscle strains are caused by abnormal contractions
● Osteoporosis can lead to bone fractures
● Know the phases of bone healing
Chapter 52
● Know the difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid
● SLE is autoimmune
● SLE has a classic presentation of butterfly rash
● Ankylosing spondylitis has inflammation, stiffness, and fusion of
spinal joints
● Gouty arthritis is an inadequate renal excretion of uric acid
● Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic inflammatory condition
● Disturbed uric acid metabolism, crystalline deposits in bony and
connective tissue, cardiac involvement, and renal involvement are
all characteristics of gout
Final Exam
The final exam will consist of a comprehensive exam from the
entire term. The above topics can be used to study for the final