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Writing an essay outline (Brainstorming-Introduction)

Student ID:_________________ Name: ___________________________________________________
(Reading and Writing) How do you make a good first impression? (ACTIVITY WORKSHEET)
Brainstorming Activity for “My Dream Job”:
1. List the different kinds of jobs that are
available for students who study Humanities:
2. Use Mobile phone to research the skills you
need for the jobs you listed in step 1.
3. What skills do you already have to be
successful in your dream job?
4. What skills do you need to develop to be
successful in your dream job?
5. How can this course help you to be successful
in your dream job?
6. What activities would you like to do in this class
that will help you to be successful in your
dream job?
Miracle Windows Foundation (501c3)
Educational Resources
Submitted by Rebecca Jones`