Activity Sheet Tritunggal Christian Secondary School Name : ____________________________ Class : ____________________________ No : ____________________________ Subject Grade Topic Semester School Year Day, Date : Chemistry : XII (Twelve) : Haber-Bosch Process : I (One) : 2020/2021 : Wednesday, September 30, 2020 Grade Teacher’s Signature Parent’s Signature Purpose The purpose of this activity is to: a. describe the process of Haber-Bosch Process; b. explain how nitrogen gas is converted into useful materials; and c. determine the impact of Haber-Bosch process in the world. Question and Answer: Watch the videos and answer the following questions: 1. Which gas is the most abundant in our atmosphere? 2. What type of bond holds the nitrogen atoms? 3. What element is the most important in growing crops? 4. Who discovered how to manipulate equilibrium systems? 5. Write the balance equation for the Haber-Bosch process. 6. What is the compromise temperature for the Haber-Bosch process? Explain why this temperature is the most suited temperature for the process. 7. What is the pressure used for this process? Explain why this pressure is the most suited for the HaberBosch process. 8. What happened to the excess nitrogen and hydrogen after the process? 9. Why was there a controversy around awarding Fritz Haber the Nobel Prize for Chemistry? 10. What impact has Haber’s process had on the world? Should we continue to use the Haber process, or should we replace it? Activity Sheet, Chemistry XII-I, 2020/2021 Gideon P. Cavida Mr. 1