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SCH4U Unit 1 (1)

UNIT 1 - Structures and Properties
Mia Wong, 2019
Atomic Theory to Bohr - Development of the Modern Atomic Theory
Early History of Chemistry
Fundamental Chemical Laws
Early Atomic Theory
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
Thomson’s Model of the Atom
Discovering the Electron - J.J. Thomson’s Cathode Ray Experiment
Robert Millikan’s Oil Drop Experiment
Rutherford’s Atomic Model
Problems with Rutherford’s Planetary Model
Classical Theories of Light
Wave Theory of Light
Basic Wave Terms
Planck’s Quantum Hypothesis
Photoelectric Effect
Atomic Spectra
Line Spectra of Hydrogen
Bohr’s Model of the Atom
Success and Failures of Bohr’s Model
Henri Burquel’s Discovery of Radioactivity
Characteristics of Radioactive Emissions
Atoms and Isotopes
Electron Cloud Model
Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Numbers
Electron Configuration
Writing Electron Configuration
Energy Level Diagrams
Pauli’s Exclusion Principle
Aufbau Principle
Hund’s Rule
General Periodic Trends
Factors Affecting Properties
Coulomb's Law
Atomic Size
Ion Sizes
Ionization Energy (IE)
Trends in Ionization Energy
Reactivity of Elements
Reactivity of metals:
Reactivity of non-metals:
Electron Affinity (EA)
Electronegativity (EN)
Chemical Bonding
Intermolecular Forces
London Dispersion/Van der waals Forces
Dipole-Dipole Forces
Ion-Dipole Forces
Induced Dipole Forces
Hydrogen Bonding
Intramolecular Forces
Chemical Bonds
Electronegativity and Electron Sharing
Crystalline Solids
Amorphous Solids
Metallic Bonding
Properties of Metals and Metallic Solids
Ionic Crystals
Properties of Ionic Compounds
Covalent Bonding
Atomic Solids
Molecular Solids
Polar Molecular Compounds
Properties of Molecular Compounds
Unusual Properties of Water
Network solids
Ionic Solids
Bonding Theory
Free Radicals
Valence Bond Theory
Sigma () bond
Pi (π) bond
Molecular Orbital Theory
Formation of Molecular Orbitals in CH4
sp3 Hybridization and Shape
Hybrid Orbitals
Hybrid Orbitals of Exceptions to the Octet Rule
Atomic Theory to Bohr - Development of the Modern Atomic Theory
Early History of Chemistry
1,000 B.C.: ore processing for weaponry and ornaments; use of embalming fluids
400 B.C.: alchemy, pseudoscience in which it was believed that metals could be turned to
gold, was practiced
16th century: Georg Bauer refined metal extraction from ores; Paracelsus used minerals
for medicinal application
17th century: Boyle discovered that pressure is inversely proportional to volume (Boyle’s
17th and 18th centuries: Georg Stahl claimed “phlogiston” was contained in combustible
materials (Phlogiston Theory)
1772: Oxygen was discovered by Joseph Priestley
Late 18th century: combustion is studied intensively
Fundamental Chemical Laws
Antoine Lavoisier, referred to as the “Father of Modern Chemistry”, discovered the
nature of combustion, published the first modern chemistry textbook which included the
Law of Conservation of Mass
1804: John Dalton states the Law of Multiple Proportions: When two elements combine
to form a series of compounds, the ratios of the masses of the second element that
combine with 1 gram of the first element can always be reduced to small whole numbers.
1808: John Dalton states Law of Definite Proportions (developed by Joseph Proust): A
given compound always contains exactly the same proportions of elements by mass.
1811: Avogadro’s Hypothesis: At the same temperature and pressure, equal volumes of
different gases contain the same number of particles.
Early Atomic Theory
Ancient Greeks (e.g. Democritus) proposed that when matter is divided into smaller &
smaller pieces, a finite limit known as the atom (atomos) is ultimately reached
Figure 1.1: Empedocles (circa 494 BC - circa 434 BC), a Greek
philosopher, proposed that all structures of the Earth are created
from 4 root elements: fire, air, earth, and water.
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
1) All matter is made of atoms. These indivisible and
indestructible objects are the ultimate chemical particles.
2) All the atoms of a given element are identical, in both weight and chemical properties.
However, atoms of different elements have different weights and different chemical
3) Compounds are formed by the combination of different atoms in the ratio of small whole
4) A chemical reaction involves only the combination, separation, or rearrangement of
atoms; atoms are neither created nor destroyed in the course of ordinary chemical
- Led to ​Billiard Ball Model​ of indivisible atoms of elements (these combined to make all
known compounds)
Thomson’s Model of the Atom
Detected and measured the mass of a beam of negatively charged particles in a vacuum
tube/cathode ray tube (CRT)
Called tiny particles that emerged from a metal cathode “electrons”
Explained electrical conduction in metals by the movement of subatomic electrons in the
Electrical conduction in solutions was explained by the existence of charged atoms called
Since a negatively charged particle was found, a positive charge must also exist
Created the “Plum Pudding” Model
Thomson’s model of the atom was similar to plum pudding, in which raisins were
electrons, suspended in pudding, a positively charged medium
Figure 1.2: Visual representation of Thomson’s model. Electrons are particles suspended
in a positively charged medium, similar to the raisins suspended in Christmas pudding.
Discovering the Electron - J.J. Thomson’s Cathode Ray Experiment
Figure 1.3: CRT has a glass body with electrodes (cathode, -, and anode, +) had negatively
charged particles shoot from the cathode towards the anode which had a hole in the centre. This
caused a visible ray to shoot straight through the anode at a high speed which the fluorescent
screen helped to amplify the point B at which the ray hit the glass. (Ray is visible as a result of
high voltage.) When putting two charged plates on the top and bottom of the tube, it bent the ray
towards point A. When a magnet was added, the point at which the ray hit the fluorescent screen
became point C.
Since electrodes were composed of different kinds of metals, all atoms must contain
Since there is a negative charge, the atom must also contain a positive charge
Conclusions resulted in the ​Plum Pudding Model ​(electrons or plums suspended in a
positive medium or pudding)
Experiment allowed him to find the charge (Coulombs) to mass (kilograms) ratio but not
the exact charge nor mass of a singular electron
Robert Millikan’s Oil Drop Experiment
Figure 1.4: Atomizer sprayed oil droplets which fell
through a pinhole in a metal plate. An X-Ray was used
to ionize (-) the droplets, then the velocity at which they
fell was measured. After, a voltage was applied with a
positive voltage through the first metal plate and a
negative voltage through the second metal plate until the
droplets were suspended, meaning gravitational force
and electrical force reached an equilibrium.
Found charge (1.6 x 10​-19​ C) and mass (9.11 x 10​-31​ kg) of one electron using charge to
mass ratio
Rutherford’s Atomic Model
Discovery of radioactivity (​α, β, and γ rays) allowed Rutherford to probe inside atom
Based on Rutherford’s model, he proposed alpha (α) rays (high energy He​2+​ ions - which
is simply 2 protons) should pass through the positive “pudding” in a very thin sheet of
gold (Au) foil
Figure 1.5: Radium has a radioactive nucleus
which makes it emit alpha particles. Alpha
particle beam was expected to shoot directly
through the gold foil with little deflection, since
Thomson’s model concluded that the electric
fields in an atom would be too weak to affect the
fast-moving alpha particles. The actual result was
alpha particles mostly going straight through with
some having a large degree of deflection.
Figure 1.6: Thomson’s model would have resulted in the alpha
particles passing straight through. This was the expected result.
Figure 1.7: Rutherford observed that the alpha particles
sometimes had a large degree of deflection.
Concluded that there is a dense positive nucleus because
of the deflection degree
Proton was found in 1919
Since the positive charge is in the centre it means that the rest of the atom is
99.99% empty space with electrons orbiting the nucleus
In 1932, Chadwick and Rutherford found that the nuclei masses did not match
with masses of protons, this led to the discovery of neutral particles called
Problems with Rutherford’s Planetary Model
1) According to classical physics, electrons orbiting the nucleus should lose ​kinetic? ​energy
and emit light. Loss of energy would cause electrons to spiral into the nucleus, resulting
in the collapse of the atom.
Note: emission of light causes loss of energy
2) According to classical theories of light, excited electrons should emit a continuous
spectrum of white light. Instead emission spectrum of all elements is unique (similar to a
Classical Theories of Light
Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation
Visible light is a portion of the spectrum ranging between 390 nm and 750 nm
Wave Theory of Light
All electromagnetic radiation is made up of electric and magnetic fields which oscillate in
a wave pattern as it moves through space
Electromagnetic radiation travels at a constant speed in a vacuum but wavelength and
frequency (f) varies
Basic Wave Terms
c = speed of light
λ (lambda) = wavelength (m)
f = frequency/cycles per sec (s​-1​ or Hz)
Figure 1.8: Typically measured in nanometers (nm), 1 nm = 1 x 10​-9​ m. This would mean
that 1 nm wavelengths would fall under the X-Ray portion of the wave spectrum.
Wavelength increases going right. Frequency increases going left.
Planck’s Quantum Hypothesis
Studied radiant energy emitted by solid bodies (blackbodies) heated to incandescence
Blackbodies always glow red, white, then blue
Realized spectrum produced by white light was NOT continuous
According to classical physics, energy should go up, but it reaches a peak and decreases
Means that electrons can be lost OR gained
E = hf
Note: energy of mole (n) of photons can be found using E = nhf
Note: 1 Joule = 1 kg × ms
- E = energy of a single photon (kJ)
- n = integer
- h (Planck’s constant) = 6.63 x 10​-34 ​J x s
- f = frequency (Hz, s​-1​, cycles/sec)
- As atoms oscillate, radiation (energy) is emitted in bursts/a certain quantity separately
instead of continuously
- Proposed that light was composed of small packets (bursts) or quanta of energy called
- Different colours of light are composed of photos with different “quanta” of energy
- Energy of a particular photon is proportional to the frequency of radiation
Photoelectric Effect
When light shines on metal, it emits electrons (not equivalent of ​β particles)
Low frequency of light (e.g. red) shone on metal does not cause emission of electrons
High frequency of light (e.g. violet) shone on metal causes emission of electrons
Single unit of light energy, multiple of energy quanta
Photon energy transfers to electron, then breaks away because remainder of energy
becomes kinetic energy
When frequency is below a certain threshold, electrons cannot escape
Kinetic energy of electrons breaking away is dependent on photon energy
Atomic Spectra
Spectroscopy: study of spectra (plural of spectrum)
Spectrophotometers take light through a prism, then detects absorbed/transmitted waves
Line Spectra of Hydrogen
Voltage runs through H​2​, H-H bonds break away and emit wavelengths from an excited
Emission spectrum: spectrum seen when electromagnetic radiation passes through a
1) Continuous spectrum - all wavelengths are only at a particular electromagnetic spectrum
2) Line spectrum - wavelengths are only at particular regions
- Hydrogen has a line spectrum
- Atomic spectra are unique to each element, it can be used to identify an atom
- Since electrons can only exist at certain energy levels for each element, only certain
quanta of energy are given off
- Colour of light depends on the quantum’s energy
Figure 1.9: The H​2​’s wavelengths pass through a slit which travels through a prism which emits
the spectrum of H​2 on
a photographic plate. Note that this is not a diagram of a standard
spectrophotometer’s inner workings.
Rydberg Equation:
= R∞ n12 − n12
Bohr’s Equation:
E n = 2.18 × 10−18 J ( n12 )
Note: Bohr’s equation shows only valid energies of transitions for hydrogen’s single electron
- As the electron gets closer to the nucleus, E​n​ becomes larger in absolute value but also
increasingly negative
Bohr’s Model of the Atom
As electrons move further away from the nucleus, energy increases
Ground state: lowest energy state of an atom
Excited state: each energy state in which n > 1 (gained energy)
Electrons moving from ground state to higher states require energy; electrons falling from
a higher state to ground state releases energy (photon emission)
- Bohr developed a model of the atom which explained line spectrum of hydrogen and why
the atom does not collapse
1) Electrons can only move in certain fixed orbits. Each orbit corresponds to a specific
energy level and an electron can move within an orbit without losing any energy
2) An electron can only move from one orbit to another when it gains/loses energy
Success and Failures of Bohr’s Model
Correctly illustrates first 20 elements
Cannot explain elements past calcium
Henri Burquel’s Discovery of Radioactivity
Figure 1.10: Since radioactive atoms (Uranium) emit alpha, beta, and gamma rays, the
direction of rays depends on the electric field surrounding it. Supposing that there is a
photographic plate in front of the Uranium’s emission direction (which is the method in
which Burquel discovered radioactivity), the particle beams were shown on the plate.
Currently, it is known that radioactivity is the spontaneous decay of an atom’s nucleus
(first proposed by Rutherford)
Characteristics of Radioactive Emissions
Alpha Particles
Beta Particles
Gamma Rays
Atomic Mass (u)
Very fast (speed of
Ionizing Ability
Penetrating Power
Stopped by
Atoms and Isotopes
Radioactivity is caused by an unstable nucleus (result of certain isotopes)
Isotopes: atoms of the same element with differing numbers of neutrons
Radioisotopes’ nuclei decays and emits gamma rays and/or subatomic particles
Electron Cloud Model
Quantum Mechanics
Electrons orbit the nucleus in probabilistic clouds
Orbits are in complex shapes
Based on the location of electrons within a given atom 90% of the time
Quantum numbers system presents the electron distribution in an atom
Quantum Numbers
1) Principal Quantum Number (​n​): positive whole number specifying energy level of an
atomic orbital and its size, higher values indicate a higher energy level and size
- n=1-∞
2) Secondary Quantum Number (​l)​ : “orbital angular momentum quantum number” or
“orbital-shape quantum number”; indicates orbital shape
- l = 0 - (​n -​ 1)
- 0 = “s” orbital (sphere)
- 1 = “p” orbital (dumbell)
- 2 = “d” orbital (clover)
- 3 = “f” orbital
3) Magnetic Quantum Number (​ml​ ):
​ specifies the orientation of a given orbital around the
- ml​ ​ = ( - ​l)​ - (+ ​l)​
- (2​l + ​1) possibilities/orientations
4) Spin Quantum Number (​m​s​): indicates whether an electron spins upward or downward
- ms​ ​ ​= 12 or (- 12 )
- First electron in a given subshell will spin upward, second will spin downward
Figure 1.11: Visual
representation of
possible configurations
of “s”, “p”, “d”, and “f”
orbitals, effectively
illustrating first three
quantum numbers.
Electron Configuration
Shorthand to indicate electron arrangement around an atom’s nucleus
Total of 7 energy levels denoted by the primary quantum number and secondary quantum
First energy level:
- Represented by “1s”
- Each “s” sublevel (including sublevels in higher energy levels) can hold 2 electrons
Second energy level:
- Represented by “2s” and “2p”
- Each “p” sublevel (including sublevels in higher energy levels) can hold 6 electrons
Third energy level:
- Represented by “3s”, “3p”, and “3d”
- Each “d” sublevel (including sublevels in higher energy levels) can hold 10 electrons
- “3d” sublevel does NOT fill after “3p” sublevel, it fills after “4p” sublevel
Fourth energy level:
- Represented by “4s”, “4p”, “4d”, and “4f”
- Each “f” sublevel (including sublevels in higher energy levels) can hold 14 electrons
Subsequent energy levels:
- Represented by “s”, “p”, “d”, and “f”
- Sublevels are generally filled in the order “1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 4p, 3d, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f,
5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p, 6f, 7d, 7f”
Writing Electron Configuration
Write energy level (primary quantum number)
Write letter representing orbital shape (secondary quantum number)
Write the number of electrons in sublevel as a superscript (ex. He - 1s​2​)
Repeat for subsequent energy levels
Energy Level Diagrams
Represents each electron’s placement in an atom
Follows Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, Aufbau Principle, and Hund’s Rule
Figure 1.12: Electron configuration for carbon is written, along with its energy level diagram.
Pauli’s Exclusion Principle
No 2 electrons can have the same set of quantum numbers
2 electrons per orbital
Aufbau Principle
Electrons fill according to orbital energies from lowest to highest
“d” orbitals are exceptions to the Aufbau Principle, 3d will fill after 4p is full
Hund’s Rule
Most stable arrangement for electrons in orbitals of equal energy is where the number of
electrons with the same spin is maximized
Electrons will not pair in an orbital unless required
General Periodic Trends
Factors Affecting Properties
Elemental properties are related to attractive forces between the nucleus and electrons
Force of attraction is dependent on 2 factors: distance and charge
Coulomb's Law
Quantifies electrostatic attraction between charged particles
F = force of attraction between opposite charges
q​1​ = charge of nucleus (# of protons)
q​2​ = charge of electron
r = distance from nucleus to electron (atomic radius/size)
k = constant (integer)
Atomic Size
Increases down a group:
- Electrons are added further from the nucleus, therefore there is less attraction
- Additional energy levels and shielding effect
- Additional energy levels “shields” electrons from being pulled in towards nucleus
- Added energy levels
- Going down a group increases atomic size more than going left across a period
Decreases going right across a period:
- Effective nuclear charge increases
- Effective nuclear charge = # of protons - # of core electrons (all electrons except for the
valence electrons)
- Going right across a period decreases atomic size less than going up a group
Ion Sizes
Cations get smaller because attraction increases
Anions gets larger because attraction decreases
Anions are larger than the atoms form in which they come
Consider electron-proton attraction
Ionization Energy (IE)
Defined as the energy required to remove an electron from the highest energy level of an
atom in a gas state
Recall the photoelectric effect: electrons are rejected only when E = h υ exceeds a
First ionization energy: energy required to remove first electron
Second ionization energy: energy required to remove second electron
Trends in Ionization Energy
Increases going right across a period
Decreases going down a group
Energy required for removal of first electron is lower than the energy required from
removal of the second electron
Ex. Beryllium: When removing the second electron, the nucleus’ attractive force is
spread across 3 electrons instead of 4. If a third electron is removed, ionization energy
will have a huge jump because its orbital is closer to the nucleus than the 3​rd​ and 4​th​.
Figure 1.13: Electron configuration
shows the orbital of each electron in
beryllium. Proximity of electrons in
orbital “1s” is greater than that of
electrons in orbital “2s”.
Reactivity of Elements
If an atom has a low ionization energy, it will have a high reactivity since it gives up
electrons readily
Reactivity of metals:
Increases towards francium
Decreases across a period
Increases down a group
Reactivity of non-metals:
Increases across a period
Decreases down a group
Electron Affinity (EA)
Amount of energy released when an electron is added to a neutral atom
Increases going across a period
Decreases going down a group
Electronegativity (EN)
Ability of an atom to attract electrons to itself in a covalent bond
Atoms with fewer energy levels can attract electrons more strongly (smaller distance, less
Increases going across a period
Decreases going down a group
Difference of electronegativity defines whether a given chemical bond is ionic, polar
covalent, or non-polar covalent
Chemical Bonding
Intermolecular Forces
Attractive forces holding molecules together
“Inter”: between
Weakened when melting point is reached
Breakage occurs when boiling point is reached
London Dispersion/Van der waals Forces
Result from random motion of electrons
Occurs when electron concentration is higher in one region than another
Forces at particular instant are known as instantaneous dipoles or dipole moments
At low temperatures, dipoles can be induced in other atoms causing solidification in
Relatively weak
Dipole-Dipole Forces
Polar molecules attempt to line up “positive” dipole ends with “negative” dipole ends
Requires polar substance that has a “permanent dipole”
Dipole aligning affects melting and boiling points
Relatively weak
Ion-Dipole Forces
Attractive force between an ion and a polar end of a molecule with the opposite charge
Explains ionic compounds’ solubility
Induced Dipole Forces
An ion-induced dipole force occurs when an ion approaches a nonpolar molecule and
shifts the electron density in the molecule, making it temporarily polarized and attracted
to the ion
A dipole-induced dipole force occurs when a permanent dipole approaches a nonpolar
molecule and shifts the electron density in the molecule, making it temporarily polarized
and attracted to the permanent dipole
Hydrogen Bonding
A particularly strong dipole-dipole force
Between a polarized hydrogen atom in a molecule and an electronegative atom (N, O, or
F) from another molecule
Hydrogen must be bonded to an electronegative atom such as N, O, or F
10X weaker than covalent bonds
10X stronger than regular dipole-dipole forces
Increases melting and boiling points significantly
Intramolecular Forces
Attractive forces bonding atoms together to create a molecule
“Intra”: within
Breakage results in decomposition of a molecule
Chemical Bonds
Ionic bonds
Covalent bonds
Metallic bonds
Influences shape of molecules, molecular shape, and properties
Figure 1.14: Visual representation of methods of chemical bonding between atoms.
Electronegativity and Electron Sharing
Δ EN​ between atoms can be ionic, intermediate or high
Δ ​EN f​ rom 1.7 - 3.3 is mostly ionic
Δ EN f​ rom 0.4 - 1.7 is polar covalent
Δ EN f​ rom 0.0-0.4 is non-polar or mostly nonpolar
Crystalline Solids
Includes atomic solids, molecular solids, and network solids
In organized particle arrangements
Amorphous Solids
Indistinct shapes
Disorganized particle arrangements
Metallic Bonding
“Electron-sea” model
Valence electrons move freely among ions
Electrons do not belong to any single nucleus
Delocalized electrons hold metal ions in place rigidly
Strong bonding force
Aggregates of crystals
Properties of Metals and Metallic Solids
High melting point and boiling point
Metals gain metallic character going up and across the periodic table
q q
Recall: F = k ( 1r2 2 ), a smaller radius results in a stronger force between opposite
Free moving electrons cause electrical and thermal conductivity in solid and liquid forms
Metal ions can slide by one another easily with electrons constantly surrounding it
causing malleability and ductility
Variation between metals is because of crystal sizes; the smaller the atomic size of a
metal, the harder the pure metal will be
Crystalline solid
Few valence electrons
Low ionization energies
Lustrous because of delocalized electrons which emit and absorb various wavelengths
Can be composed of 2 or more metals or one or more metals and nonmetals
Can significantly affect a metal’s properties
If atoms of added element are of similar size to metal atoms, they will replace metal
atoms in the structure
If atoms of added element are smaller than metal atoms, they will fit in between metal
atoms in the structure
Ionic Crystals
Crystal lattice composed of alternating positive and negative ions
Unit cell is the smallest repeating ion groups
Increasing ionic radius decreases melting and boiling points because of lower attractive
Increasing ionic charge increases melting and boiling points because of higher attractive
Properties of Ionic Compounds
High melting point and boiling point
Attractive forces between ions and water is stronger than intermolecular forces between
the ions themselves contributes to solubility
Hard, brittle and breaks apart when struck because of its crystalline structure
Conducts electricity in water because ions can move within the fluid
Covalent Bonding
Polar: unequal sharing of electrons
Non-polar: equal sharing or near equal sharing of electrons
Atomic Solids
Crystalline solid
Noble gases form liquids and solids at low temperatures due to weak bonds between
Since attractive forces are weak, they are weakened and broken at low temperatures
As the number of electrons increases, the melting point and boiling point also increase
As molar mass increases, London Dispersion Forces increase
Very low melting and boiling points that increase going down a group
No electrical conduction
Molecular Solids
Crystalline solid
Substances with covalent bonds or polar covalent bonds
Can exist in all states at room temperature
Nonpolar Molecular compounds only have London Dispersion Forces between molecules
Forces of attraction are greater between molecules with a greater number of atoms
Low melting and boiling points
Polar Molecular Compounds
Compounds with bond dipoles and molecular dipoles have high melting and boiling
points due to intermolecular forces between permanent dipoles
Crystalline solid
Properties of Molecular Compounds
No electrical conductivity since electrons cannot move freely
Relatively low melting and boiling points because of weak intermolecular forces
Greater intermolecular force strength result in a higher melting and boiling point
Unusual Properties of Water
Dubbed the “universal solvent” because it can dissolve polar molecules and ionic
Expands when frozen because of the organization of hydrogen bonds in the solid
Network solids
Covalent network crystal
Individual atoms bound in covalent bonds forming an interwoven network
High melting and boiling points
Extreme hardness
Crystalline solid
Ionic Solids
Hard and brittle solids formed by metal cations and nonmetal anions
Held together by electrostatic forces (ionic bonds)
High melting and boiling points
Electrically conductive in liquid state
Crystalline solid
Bonding Theory
Free Radicals
Atoms and/or molecules with unpaired electrons are reactive substances
Due to an odd number of electrons
When 2​+​ Lewis structures can be drawn, “hybrid” structure is assumed
Electrons are assumed to be “delocalised”
Figure 1.15: Resonance structures of nitrite ion. There are 2 resonance structures, neither of
which are the actual structure. The actual structure is a resonance hybrid of both. Both resonance
structures can also be presented as one structure as seen on the most right diagram.
Valence Bond Theory
Quantum mechanical model of bonding
Covalent bonds form when a pair of half-filled orbitals overlap to form combined
(bonding) orbitals
Contains 2 electrons with opposite spins
Electron density is highest between the 2 nuclei
Sigma ( σ ) bond
Result of direct orbital overlap
Overlapping orbitals can form between s and p
Combined orbitals represents a lower energy state
Figure 1.16: Examples of sigma bonds resulting from overlapping orbitals. When put on the
same axis specified and lined up, the unshaded parts of each orbital show the regions of direct
overlap. The shaded areas are the regions that do not participate in the sigma bond.
Pi ( π ) bond
Sigma bonds result from direct orbital overlap and only one pair of electrons can
overlap directly within an atom
Explains double and triple bonds between atoms
Occur when one or more pairs of electrons is shared between 2 atoms
Require unhybridized orbitals because the space between orbitals is already taken
up by a sigma bond
Enclose a sigma bond on two sides
“Sideways” bonding
Figure 1.17: Bonding of ethylene is shown according to valence bond theory. Carbon-carbon
double bond is pictured in which the sigma bond is enclosed on the top and bottom by one pi
Molecular Orbital Theory
Lewis Theory considers all valence electrons as identical
Contradicted by Wave-Mechanical Model in which there are different atomic orbitals in
each energy level
Experimental evidence confirmed Lewis Model of covalent bonding in compounds
States atomic orbitals combine to make molecular orbitals
Molecular orbitals are combinations of Schrodinger’s equation containing multiple nuclei
Formation of molecular orbitals involves electrons promotion and orbital hybridization
Formation of Molecular Orbitals in CH4​
1) 2​nd​ “s” electron is “promoted” into empty “p” orbital
2) 2s and 2p atomic orbitals undergo hybridization to form sp​3​ orbitals (1s and 3p make 4
3) Each identical sp​3​ orbital can form sigma bond with another half-filled orbitals
sp​3​ Hybridization and Shape
Electron repulsion creates a tetrahedral shape (AX​4​) with bond angles of 109.5°
Figure 1.18: Visual representation of sp​3​ orbital composed of 4 sp
hybrid orbitals with one large lobe and one small lobe.
Hybrid Orbitals
s + p → sp (linear)
- s + 2p → sp​2​ (trigonal planar)
- s + 3p → sp​3​ (tetrahedral)
Note: sp hybridized orbitals create a dumbbell shape with one large lobe and one small lobe
Hybrid Orbitals of Exceptions to the Octet Rule
s + 3p + d ​→ sp​3​d (trigonal bipyramid)
s + 3p + 2d → sp​3​d​2 ​(octahedral)