Title 006. WT.B02.WT - Move to Murrysville Description Please provide suite of controls in place over the move to Murrysville and how the risk of inventory lost in transit was addressed - Was there a final count at the Andover location before move, and then a count when arrived in Murrysville? The inventory was not physically moved from Andover to Murrysville. We are in the process of depleting and shutting down the factory, while we purchased/stocked the Murrysville Factory and Export Warehouse with new inventory. Or a full physical performed in Murrysville? They follow the same cycle counting procedures as the Andover Factory and Tewksbury Warehouse, respectively. We also integrated them into our INV03a CC Monitoring control, where we review adjustments, KPI of accuracy and any data on ABC indicators. Were observations performed by Philips personnel in Murrysville? Or was it phased it through receiving and covered by cycle counts? Phased it through receiving and covered by cycle counts.