Keystone Species For President Project Research a keystone species and share the information in an election-style poster. The following information should be in your poster. 1. Pick a Keystone Species. Assign a creative name for your species. Harry the Hare- Snowshoe Hare Lepus americanus 2. Find the following information on your species: a. Where does/did your species live? North America b. In what type of ecosystem/habitat does your species live? They are primarily a northern species that inhabits boreal forests and can also range as far north as the shores of the Arctic Ocean. Along North American mountain ranges, where elevation simulates the environment of more northerly latitudes, they can be found as far south as Virginia (the Appalachians) and New Mexico (the Rockies). c. What does your species eat? In summer, it feeds on plants such as grass, ferns, and leaves; in winter, it eats twigs, the bark from trees, and plants and, similar to the Arctic hare, has been known to occasionally eat dead animals d. What other organism(s) prey on your species? Lynx, bobcats, coyotes, red fox, wolves, owls, hawks, e. What other organisms interact with the organisms identified in questions c and d above? There are also red squirrels, weasels, moose, beaver f. What major role does your species play in its ecosystem that would qualify it as a keystone species? They hold the balance between prey and predator due to the population size of them. Many animals are dependent on them as a food source. Less of them means less of there predators. g. Colorful drawings or colored pictures of species Present this information within your Presidential Poster. You can do this however you want. These could be your “Why we should vote for them” or could be part of a slogan or background design. On the back of the poster: 3. Construct a food web of your species’ ecosystem. Indicate feeding relationships with the arrow pointing toward the predator. 4. Using specific colors, highlight all species in the same trophic level using the same color (4 different colors for 4 different trophic levels). Key needed. 5. Identify the trophic levels in which your species falls. Category Information required Food Web Trophic Levels Creativity 20 points 15 points 10 points 5 points All information is provided. One information is missing or incorrect. 10 points 8 points Two answers or information are missing or incorrect. 6 points Three or more answers are missing or incorrect. 4 points All species interactions are accurately represented. One species interaction is missing or incorrect. Two species interactions are missing or incorrect. 10 points 8 points 6 points Three or more species interactions are missing incorrect. 4 points All organisms are correctly highlighted according to trophic level. One species trophic level incorrectly identified or inaccurate key. Two species trophic levels incorrectly identified, or one trophic level not identified, or key missing. 10 points 8 points 6 points Three or more species trophic levels incorrectly identified AND/OR more than one trophic level not identified. 4 points Poster shows creativity and is bright and colorful. Poster shows some creativity and is lacking color. Poster shows no creativity and lacks color. Poster has no creativity and no color.