New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore. Autonomous College Affiliated to VTU Department of MCA Session: Sep-Nov 2020-21 III Semester MCA-Assignment-1 Course Name : DBMS Group1 Classify DBMS Languages 1. Course Code : 19MCA32 C) CO1,2 2.5M L3 2. Illustrate on Database characteristics CO1,2 1.5M L3 3. Derive the structure for Three schema architecture CO1,3 1M L4 4. Interpret the constraints in SQL CO1,4 2.5M L5 CO1,2 2.5M L3 Group2 Illustrate on Data models 1. 2. Categorize the different Workers behind the scene CO1,2 1.5M L3 3. Characterize the different Database interfaces CO1,3 1M L4 4. Justify, When not to use DBMS CO1,4 2.5M L5 CO1,2 2.5M L3 Group3 Categorize the different Actors on the scene 1. 2. Illustrate the advantages of Database systems CO1,2 1.5M L3 3. Characterize the types of Data independence CO1,3 1M L4 4. Evaluate the different Attribute types CO1,4 2.5M L5 Note: Submission date on