Uploaded by Harmonie Hunkler-Lafferty

Organizing Qualitative Data: Frequency & Charts

Prob & Stats
2.2 Organizing Qualitative Data
I can organize qualitative data using frequency distributions, pie charts, and bar charts.
Frequency Distributions
1. Frequency is the ____________________ of times a particular distinct value occurs.
2. A Frequency Distribution of ____________________ ______________ is a listing of the distinct values
and their _______________________.
To construct a Frequency Distribution of Qualitative Data:
Step 1: List the distinct values in the 1st column of a __________________.
Step 2: For each observation, place a ______________ ______________ in the 2nd column of the table.
Step 3: Count the tallies for each distinct value and record the _____________ in the 3rd column.
Relative Frequency Distribution
1. Relative Frequency: The _____________ of the frequency to the total number of observations.
Example: Use the political survey results above to create a Relative Frequency Distribution.
Prob & Stats
2.2 Organizing Qualitative Data
I can organize qualitative data using frequency distributions, pie charts, and bar charts.
Graphically displaying Qualitative Data
1. Pie Charts: a disk divided into wedge-shaped pieces __________________________ to the
___________________________ of the qualitative data.
a. Constructing a pie chart:
i. Obtain a relative-frequency distribution of the data.
ii. Divide a disk into wedge-shaped pieces proportional to the relative frequencies
iii. Label the slices with the distinct values and their relative frequencies
b. Example:
2. Bar Chart: displays the distinct values of the qualitative data on a horizontal axis and the
___________________ ______________________ (or frequencies or percents) of those values on the
vertical axis. The bars should be positioned so that they ______________________________________.
a. Constructing a bar chart:
i. Obtain a relative-frequency distribution of the data.
ii. Draw a horizontal axis on which to place the bars and a vertical axis on which to display
the relative frequencies.
iii. For each distinct value, construct a vertical bar whose
height equals the relative frequency of that value.
iv. Label the bars with the distinct values, the horizontal
axis with the name of the variable, and the vertical
axis with the “Relative Frequency.”