2020-2021 Master Course Lesson Plan (5E) Science – Chemistry 1st Cycle – Unit 1 Lesson: 4.1 Pure Substances and Mixtures MASTERY FOCUS (PL-2, PL-3, I-1, I-6) Essential Understanding / Guiding Questions Essential Understandings Matter is the building blocks for all sciences. It is important to know when matter is a pure substance or a mixture. Students will learn how to classify matter as a pure substance or a mixture via its properties. Guiding Questions What is a pure substance? What is a mixture? What is a homogeneous mixture? What is a heterogeneous mixture? What is an element? What is a compound? How is a compound made from the elements? How are mixtures separated into their parts? Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills / Student Expectations (TEKS/SEs) ® CHEM.4D Classify matter as pure substances or mixtures through investigation of their properties. CHEM.2G Express and manipulate chemical quantities using scientific conventions and mathematical procedures including dimensional analysis, scientific notation, and significant figures. CHEM.2H Organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from data. CHEM.2I Communicate valid conclusions supported by the data through methods such as lab reports, labeled drawings, graphs, journals, summaries, oral reports, and technology-based reports. Learning Goals I CAN classify matter as a pure substance. I CAN classify matter as a mixture. College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) VII.A.1 Know that physical and chemical properties can be used to describe and classify matter. English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)/Language Objectives ELPS C.1.g Demonstrate an increasing ability to distinguish between formal and informal English and an increasing knowledge of when to use each one commensurate with grade-level learning expectations. ELPS C.2.d Monitor understanding of spoken language during classroom instruction and interactions and seek clarification as needed. ELPS C.3.d Speak using grade-level content area vocabulary in context to internalize new English words and build academic language proficiency. I WILL orally classify pure substances and mixtures using sentence starters. Vocabulary Matter Element Compound Mixture Heterogeneous Mixture Homogeneous Mixture Pure Substance Atoms LESSON CYCLE (I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, I-5, I-6, I-8) GLOBAL GRADUATE - State Process Standard Ⓡ - State Readiness Standard - Aligned to Upcoming State Readiness Standard Ⓢ - State Supporting Standard © Houston ISD Curriculum 2020-2021 Page 1 of 6 2020-2021 Master Course Lesson Plan (5E) Science – Chemistry 1st Cycle – Unit 1 Lesson: 4.1 Pure Substances and Mixtures Lesson 1: Pure Substances and Mixtures 1 Teacher Moves ENGAGE 15 MIN: Pique student interest and personally involve them in the lesson while pre-assessing prior understanding Before the Lesson: you will have pictures uploaded to a Power Point or printed out. Students will make observations of pictures in their interactive notebooks. Say: In this activity, you will observe the pictures. You will write down the contents you see in each picture. You will observe whether the contents are similar or different. Provide students 1-2 minutes to discuss and record their observations. Picture A © cookiesfordevo- stock.adobe.com Picture B © m.u.ozmen- stock.adobe.com You will have students discuss the observations in a group and cold call on students to discuss their observations. Ask: GLOBAL GRADUATE - State Process Standard Ⓡ - State Readiness Standard - Aligned to Upcoming State Readiness Standard Ⓢ - State Supporting Standard © Houston ISD Curriculum 2020-2021 Page 2 of 6 2020-2021 Master Course Lesson Plan (5E) Science – Chemistry 1st Cycle – Unit 1 Lesson: 4.1 Pure Substances and Mixtures Lesson 1: Pure Substances and Mixtures Teacher Moves Can you separate the contents in the picture? If so, how can you separate the contents? Provide sentence stems to answer the following questions: You can separate the contents by…….. 2 Transition to Explore: You just made observations and discussed how mixtures can be separated. You will now explore the concept of a pure substance and a mixture. EXPLORE: 45 MIN Involve students in the topic by providing opportunities for them to build their own understanding. Before the lesson: You will print out or create Power Point with pictures if in your virtual classroom. If completing a dry lab, you will need to prepare the student baggies with the materials. Lab_ Matter and its properties Materials: Legos of different colors or blocks of different colors Baggies Colored pencil Say: In this activity you will use the Lego pieces. Each Lego represents one atom. An atom is the smallest unit of matter. Think about the engage and arrange Lego pieces like the first picture. Provide one minute for students to complete this. SAY: Think about the second picture in the engage. Arrange the legos like the ice example. Provide one minute for students to complete this. SAY: Now you will create three different types of pure substances and three arrangements of mixtures using the Legos or blocks. Ask: What is a mixture? Explain the properties of a mixture? What is a pure substance? Explain the properties of a pure substance? GLOBAL GRADUATE - State Process Standard Ⓡ - State Readiness Standard - Aligned to Upcoming State Readiness Standard Ⓢ - State Supporting Standard © Houston ISD Curriculum 2020-2021 Page 3 of 6 2020-2021 Master Course Lesson Plan (5E) Science – Chemistry 1st Cycle – Unit 1 Lesson: 4.1 Pure Substances and Mixtures Lesson 1: Pure Substances and Mixtures Teacher Moves Can a separation occur in a both a pure substance and a mixture? Why or Why not? Transition to Explain: Now that you have explored what a mixture and the properties of pure substances. You will take notes on Pure Substances and Mixtures. 3 EXPLAIN: 20 MIN Provide students with an opportunity to communicate what they have learned so far and determine what it means. Before the Lesson: Download the Power Point in the Additional Resource folder. Review and add any finishing touches. Say: In this activity, you will take notes in your interactive notebooks and answer questions on pure substances and mixtures. Materials: Power Point Graphic Organizer Students will take notes on Power Point presentation. Students will be given the following words to complete a graphic organizer showing the relationship. This can be digital. Say: You will now create a grahic organizer using the following words. Word Bank: Matter, Pure Substances, Mixtures, Elements, Compounds, Heterogeneous Mixtures, Homogeneous Mixture MUST HAVES: Content vocabulary Term Definitions Beginners will also create a graphic organizer using the above words in the word bank. Students can review their notes and look at definitions from the Power Point. This vocabulary book will be used to help them remember the concept. Intermediate students will be provided sentence stems to create their visual of matter. Advanced High students will be able to look at their interactive notebooks or digital notes to complete the graphic organizer. You can provide an example if needed. Exemplar: GLOBAL GRADUATE - State Process Standard Ⓡ - State Readiness Standard - Aligned to Upcoming State Readiness Standard Ⓢ - State Supporting Standard © Houston ISD Curriculum 2020-2021 Page 4 of 6 2020-2021 Master Course Lesson Plan (5E) Science – Chemistry 1st Cycle – Unit 1 Lesson: 4.1 Pure Substances and Mixtures Lesson 1: Pure Substances and Mixtures Teacher Moves Matter Mixtures Pure Substances Homogeneous Mixtures Elements Compounds Heterogeneous Mixtures Secondary Science Curriculum and Development created with Word Shapes ASK: How do you define a pure substance? What are the two types of mixtures? 4 Transition to Evaluate: You have just completed a graphic organizer and notes on pure substances and Mixture. You will now complete a reflection on pure substances and Mixture. EVALUATE: 10 MIN Determine what/how much learning and understanding has been acquired. Say: You will write a reflection on pure substance and mixtures. Have students review the Engage portion and reflect on how contents are separated in mixtures and how contents are not separated in pure substances. Reflect on their definition of pure substances and mixtures and write how they can now add to their understanding of the concepts. MUST HAVES: Content vocabulary GLOBAL GRADUATE - State Process Standard Ⓡ - State Readiness Standard - Aligned to Upcoming State Readiness Standard Ⓢ - State Supporting Standard © Houston ISD Curriculum 2020-2021 Page 5 of 6 2020-2021 Master Course Lesson Plan (5E) Science – Chemistry 1st Cycle – Unit 1 Lesson: 4.1 Pure Substances and Mixtures Lesson 1: Pure Substances and Mixtures Teacher Moves Term Definitions Sentence Frame I used to think…. But now, I think… My understanding has changed because….. GLOBAL GRADUATE - State Process Standard Ⓡ - State Readiness Standard - Aligned to Upcoming State Readiness Standard Ⓢ - State Supporting Standard © Houston ISD Curriculum 2020-2021 Page 6 of 6