Uploaded by linzm

scavenger hunt

Period: ______ Kitchen #_________
Group members:
Getting To Know The Kitchens Scavenger Hunt
Instructions: Take photographic evidence of each of the items listed below once you have found them in
your kitchen, or in the food’s room. If you are completing this at home you should familiarize yourself with
your own kitchen.
Where do you find the clean towels?
Where do you place the dirty towels?
Where do you find plastic gloves?
Where is the drawer with forks, knives and spoons?
Do you have wooden spoons, tongs, spatulas and other serving equipment? How many of each?
Where are the dry ingredients stored?
Where are the baking goods stored?
Where are the spices and herbs found?
Where are the hand mixers found?
Where are the blenders found?
Where are your plates, bowls, cups etc. How many of each do you have?
Where are your mixing bowls? How many different sizes do you have?
Where are your frying pans and sauce pots? How many do you have and are they different sizes?
Where can you find aluminum foil?
Where can you find plastic wrap?
Where can you find parchment paper?
Where can you find bandaids?
Where can you find hair ties?
Where are the knives found?
Where are the extra big sauce pots kept?
Practice turning the oven on and off in your kitchen Lab
Set timer on the oven in your kitchen
Location of Broom/dustpan?