CLAFQO-13 13 Conferencia Latinoamericana de Físico-Química Orgánica 13th Latin American Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry May 17-21,2015, Carlos Paz, Argentina a CONTRIBUTED PAPER FORM Please type the abstract in the template according to instructions and fill the required information Presenter’s Name: Mailing Address: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Title of the contribution: Authors’ names: Preferred mode of presentation is (check one) ( ) Oral Presentation ( ) Poster (Final list of oral presentations will be selected by the Scientific Committee) Date: Files should be named by presenter´s last name followed by the first letters of name (i.e SmithJC.doc) and save as Word document. Send this filled document to: DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS: February 13, 2015 Abstract TEMPLATE TITLE (Font Arial 12) Authors’ names. The name of the author who is presenting the paper should be underlined (Font Arial 10). Address (Font Arial 10). Text, Font Arial 10.