5 Reasons to Study Industrial Engineering INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING IS MORE FOCUSED ON PROCESSES AND FINDING WAYS TO IMPROVE PROCESSES. https://www.topuniversities.com/blog/5reasons-study-industrial-engineering Designing and Selling Inventions PASSIVE VOICE https://www.yout ube.com/watch? v=Bq991Q43pkw Answer the following questions: - Which are the characteristics that make this device so impressive and innovative? - Can it be folded/unfolded? - Can it be locked?/ How can it be (un)locked? - Is it a powerfull device? / Why and how is it powered? - Would you buy a Huaweii Mate X? Task 1.-Think of a product or service that has been improved due to innovation and technology advising. 2.- Prepare a description and talk about it (Using passive voice) 3.- Try to explain some details such as: Access, appearance, power, storage, work surfaces, purchase, special features, equipment,etc.