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Raha International School Grade 10 Curriculum Guide 2019-2020

The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme
Raha International School
Grade 10 Curriculum Guide
Table of Contents
Language and Literature ............................................................. 6
English ............................................................................................. 6
Chemistry: The nature of chemical change ..................................... 26
Chemistry: Influencing the outcome of a reaction ........................... 27
Chemistry: Understanding Organic chemistry ................................. 28
Unit 1: Podcast Blast .................................................................................... 6
Unit 2: Coming of Age around the World .................................................... 8
Unit 3: All the Years Set Aflame ................................................................... 9
Unit 4: Voices in Verse ............................................................................... 11
Physics: How can we communicate?............................................... 28
Arabic ............................................................................................ 12
Physics: What's in an atom? ........................................................... 30
Unit 1:‫ النصوص األدبية‬................................................................................ 12
Unit 2: (‫ المقالة (اإلعالم‬................................................................................ 13
Unit 3: ‫البراعة البشرية‬................................................................................. 14
Unit 4: ‫ الرواية – الشيخ والبحر‬..................................................................... 14
Mathematics ............................................................................. 15
Standard Mathematics ................................................................... 15
Physics: Are all our futures electric? ............................................... 29
Physics: Power to the people?........................................................ 29
Biology: How is Life Organized? What Chemical Processes Support
Life? .............................................................................................. 30
Biology: How do characteristics pass from one generation to another?
..................................................................................................... 31
Biology: How have Different Forms of Life Arisen?.......................... 31
Unit 1: Quadratics and other functions ..................................................... 16
Unit 2: Statistics .......................................................................................... 16
Unit 3: Trigonometry .................................................................................. 17
Unit 4: Probability ...................................................................................... 18
Unit 5: Exponents and Logarithms ............................................................. 18
Biology: Human Physiology ............................................................ 32
Extended Mathematics .................................................................. 19
General Science: What determines chemical change? ..................... 33
Unit 1: Circular Functions/Trigonometry ................................................... 19
Unit 2: Statistics with GDC ......................................................................... 20
Unit 3: Quadratics, the Parabola and other Functions .............................. 21
Unit 4: Binomial Expansion and Logarithms .............................................. 22
Unit 5: Sequences and Series ..................................................................... 23
Unit 6: Probability, Binomial and Normal Distribution ............................. 24
Unit 7: Calculus ........................................................................................... 24
Science ...................................................................................... 26
Chemistry: Patterns in chemical reactions ...................................... 26
General Science: How is Life Organized? What Chemical Processes
Support Life? ................................................................................. 32
General Science: How can we communicate? ................................. 33
General Science: How do human impact the environment? ............ 34
Individuals and Societies ........................................................... 35
Unit 1: Matters of the Mind: Psychology: ....................................... 35
Unit 2: Building Efficient Economies: Economic Development ......... 36
Unit 3: Perceptions of War: Vietnam .............................................. 37
Unit 4: Our Boiling Planet: GEOGRAPHY......................................... 37
Design: ...................................................................................... 39
Product Design .............................................................................. 39
Music ............................................................................................ 61
Unit 1: Open Design Project ....................................................................... 39
Unit 1: Move Over Mozart - Theory and Composition .............................. 61
Unit 2: It's My Forte - Performance ............................................................ 61
Unit 3: Bring it Bach Now Y'all .................................................................... 62
Digital Design................................................................................. 40
Unit 1: Marketing Project ........................................................................... 40
Language Acquisition ................................................................ 42
Arabic B ......................................................................................... 42
Unit 1: Sport................................................................................................ 42
Unit 2: Education ........................................................................................ 43
Unit 3: Environment ................................................................................... 44
Unit 4: Media and Technology ................................................................... 44
Spanish .......................................................................................... 45
Drama ........................................................................................... 63
Unit 1: Devising for Darlings ....................................................................... 63
Unit 2: Change in World, Change in Mind .................................................. 64
Unit 3: Your Play, My Way .......................................................................... 65
Unit 4: My Play, My Way ............................................................................ 66
Physical and Health Education ................................................... 68
Unit 1: Cricket ................................................................................ 68
Unit 1: Somos lo que hacemos ................................................................... 45
Unit 2: ¡Qué novedad! ................................................................................ 46
Unit 3: ¡Cuidemos nuestro mundo! ........................................................... 47
Unit 4: Las redes sociales ........................................................................... 48
Unit 2: IDU..................................................................................... 69
French ........................................................................................... 49
Unit 5: Volleyball ........................................................................... 70
Unit 1: Les Relations Sociales ..................................................................... 49
Unit 2: Le monde du travail ........................................................................ 51
Unit 3: Notre planete ................................................................................. 51
Unit 4: Vive les vacances ............................................................................ 52
Arts ........................................................................................... 53
Music ............................................................................................ 54
Unit 1: Film Noir: Midnight in the City ....................................................... 54
Unit 2: Documentary: Tell it like it is; You Have a Voice ........................... 55
Unit 3: Personal Freedom: All about me ................................................... 55
Unit 4: Advertising: Can you sell it? ........................................................... 56
Visual Arts ..................................................................................... 57
Unit 1: The Hand of Fatima: Hamsa, Khamsah .......................................... 57
Unit 2: The Day of the Dead ....................................................................... 57
Unit 3: Portrait of Self ................................................................................ 58
Unit 4: Cultural and Political Figures.......................................................... 59
Unit 3: Football .............................................................................. 69
Unit 4: Water Polo ......................................................................... 70
Unit 6: Contemporary Dance/Stomp .............................................. 71
Welcome to the final year of the Middle Years Programme!
By now the majority of students display competence and
confidence with the systems and structures of the MYP. If you are
new to the MYP please try to attend the Parents as Partners
sessions, and/or refer to the videos and files from the
presentations. The link will be shared via email after each session,
as well as in the Secondary Newsletter in the first week of
Lines of communication
In the MYP we use ManageBac as the primary source of
information sharing, with students as well as parents. Please
ensure that you log in on a regular basis, and also ask your child to
show you how they navigate the platform. From time to time you
may receive emails from your child’s teachers. Feel free to contact
your child’s subject teachers if you have any questions, or the Head
of Faculty if deemed necessary. The Heads of Grade should only be
contacted about non-academic issues, as far as possible.
Parent conferences and reporting periods
In the MYP we operate on a two semester system, with interim
reports half-way through each semester. Due to the continuous
flow of information about assessments on ManageBac there are no
protracted narratives in any of the reporting periods. Rather, the
focus is on ATL skills as well as current academic standing in each
subject area. The Interim 1 (November) and Semester 1 (February)
reports are closely followed by the three-way conferences so that
improvement plans can be agreed on in preparation for the next
reporting period. Interim 2 reports are released in the first week of
May, with end of year (Semester 2) reports available during the
final week of school.
Aspects of Teaching and Learning in the MYP
MYP teachers are committed to working in an environment which
embraces the three aspects as depicted below:
The units of study are constantly updated to include the most
relevant, up-to-date concepts, content and teaching strategies,
resulting in the highest possible quality of teaching and learning.
In the MYP there are six
Global Contexts. These
form the foundation of
any unit of study in the
MYP and students will
have opportunities to
experience all the global
contexts during their
time in the MYP.
Key Concepts
In addition to the Global Contexts, units of study are framed using
Key and Related Concepts. Students will explore the 16 Key
Concepts (as below) during each year of the MYP, across the eight
subject groups. The Related Concepts are subject-specific.
Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills are interwoven throughout the
MYP curriculum, and these same skills are a focus of the PYP and
DP, although the 10 clusters are a unique MYP feature.
Will students be ready for the challenge of the Diploma
Published statistics from the past few years have shown quite
clearly that students progressing from the MYP to the Diploma
Programme perform better than students entering the DP from
other curriculums. In addition, our DP results at Raha have been
consistently far superior to the World Average.
Subjects offered in the MYP at RIS:
Subject Group
Language & Literature
English A and Arabic A
Grade 6-9: History and Geography
Grade 10: History, Geography, Psychology,
Grade 6-8: Mathematics
Grade 9, 10: Extended/Standard Mathematics
Product & Digital Design
Grade 6-8: Visual and Performing Arts
Grade 9, 10: One of the options from: Drama,
Visual Arts, Music, Media Arts / Photography
Grade 6-8: Integrated Sciences
Grade 9: Physics, Biology, Chemistry (1 term
Grade 10: Year-long courses in one or two
Sciences (depending on selection)
See introduction in the PHE section
Individuals & Societies
Physical & Health
Language Acquisition
Arabic, French, Spanish
In addition, there are certain non-MYP requirements in the UAE:
All students study Moral Education and Social Studies. Native
Arabic language speakers study Social Studies in Arabic, as well as
Islamic Studies (if Muslim). Non-native Arabic speakers study Social
Studies in English, and if an Islamic student they take Islamic
Studies in English.
A Full Cycle Service & Action Activity looks like this:
What is Service & Action?
Helping society starts in the classroom and extends beyond it,
requiring students to take an active part in the communities in
which they live. The emphasis is on developing community
awareness and concern, and the skills needed to make an effective
contribution to society.
Service & Action Requirements
Grade 6
▪ Complete the necessary Curriculum Cycle in Science
▪ Encouraged to complete some activities throughout the
Grades 7 & 8
▪ Complete the necessary Curriculum Cycles
o Grade 7 – Humanities (UN Symposium)
o Grade 8 – Math (Statistics: Global Issues)
▪ Encouraged to complete some activities throughout the
▪ Meet 5 of the 7 learning outcomes by the end of Grade 8
Grades 9 & 10
▪ 2 Full, Independent Full Cycles recorded on ManageBac by
the end of Grade 10
o One FULL Cycle in Grade 9
o One FULL Cycle in Grade 10
▪ All Learning Outcomes met by the end of Grade 10
▪ Do different activities that you don’t Investigate & Plan
Personal Project
A self-directed project in which students have the opportunity to
produce a product of their choosing. This may take the form of a
book, video, object, website or plethora of other options. Students
have a supervisor to guide them through the process. The project
culminates in the Report, a high-quality piece of written work
demonstrating the student’s proficiency in investigating, planning,
taking action and reflecting.
Quick reference guide to MYP assessment
Each subject is assessed using four criteria (A, B, C and D).
Each criterion carries a maximum score of 8.
For each reporting period (apart from Interim 1), teachers
will make a decision as to the ‘best fit’ score for each of the
four criteria. No averages are used in the MYP.
The total of the four criterion scores (out of 32) translates
into a final grade (1-7) for the subject.
Conversions: 28-32 (7), 24-27 (6), 19-23 (5), 15-18 (4), 10-14
(3), 6-9 (2), 1-5 (1).
Course Overviews
In the pages that follow, the curriculum summary for each subject
studied in the MYP at RIS is presented, using the following
The exhibition of the products takes place in January, with the
deadline for submission of the report being towards the end of
February. Students will be fully aware of all the deadlines. The
projects are internally marked and standardised, and then
externally moderated by the IB. This is a mandatory component of
the MYP, and students need to pass with a grade of 4 as part of the
requirements for being awarded the Raha MYP Certificate.
The title of the unit.
The statement of inquiry (This statement expresses the
relationship between concepts and context; it represents a
transferable idea supported by factual content).
The Global context.
The Key concept (from the 16 options).
The Related concepts (from the list of subject-specific
concepts in an IB-provided list).
The criteria which will be assessed (from A, B, C, D).
The specific ATL skills under focus.
The learning experiences (content/objectives of the unit)
Language and Literature
A- Analysing
C- Producing Text
B- Organising
D- Using Language
The final year of Language and Literature provides students with
the opportunity to challenge themselves with sophisticated
analytical structures in preparation for the rigour of the Diploma
Programme, while also continuing to demonstrate their
understanding through creative mediums within real-world
Throughout the unit Stories are Waiting students examine the
significance of context by exploring a variety of types of texts
related to travel. Coming of Age Around the World equips students
to recognise how a unique literary theme deviates based on cultural
and historical context and how literary texts can depict universal
qualities despite these contexts.
In Semester Two, students study the dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451
in their unit All the Years Set Aflame through a focused critical
literary lens to appreciate its formal construction and will also
produce a documentary that exposes how relevant the themes are
in modern society. Finally, students will inquire into new media
forms in their unit Podcast on Blast, by investigating several
different genres of podcasts and ultimately creating their own.
Unit 1: Podcast Blast
Statement of Inquiry: Awareness of perspective in response to
texts can promote a sense of connection among diverse global
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concept: Perspective.
Related Concepts: Audience imperatives, Purpose, Structure,
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and
audiences. Use a variety of media to communicate with a range of
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas.
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Focus on the process of creating by imitating the work of others.
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Present information in a variety of formats and platforms. Use
critical literacy skills to analyse and interpret media
Research - Media Literacy Skills:
Locate, organise, analyse, evaluate, synthesise and ethically use
information from a variety of sources and media (including digital
social media and online networks.) Seek a range of perspectives
from multiple and varied sources.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Consider ideas from multiple perspectives.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Create original works and ideas; use existing works and ideas in
new ways.
Learning Experiences:
Students examine a variety of text types to analyse and
comment on their conventions and stylistic features, as well
as their intended audience and purpose.
Students use appropriate phrases to describe the specific
effect of stylistic choices on an intended audience.
In writing a commentary on a non-literary text type,
students use specific evidence - both quotations and closereading examples - with a clear explanation of how it
supports their assertions.
Students make use of ACTS commentary structure. Students
make use of expert paragraph structure including effective
topic sentences, evidence, explanation, and transitional
Ideas build from paragraph to paragraph to communicate a
strong overall understanding of the text. Organisation
establishes detailed connections between features of the
Students produce a variety of texts that demonstrate
imagination and creativity whilst exploring different
perspectives of a particular place. In creating their portfolio,
students use a wide range of appropriate linguistic,
structural, literary, and visual devices that fit the
conventions of the text type, while appealing to a particular
Students research their chosen location and select relevant
examples to support their individual understanding, creative
choices, and ideas.
Students make use of a range of vocabulary, sentence
structures, and forms of expression appropriate to the
specific text type, its conventions, and intended audience
and purpose. Students make use advanced and varied
vocabulary and sentence structures to allow for the
communication of complex ideas.
Students make use of a varying registers (formal, informal,
neutral) appropriate to the specific text type, its
conventions, and intended audience and purpose. Students
write under timed conditions using formal academic register
without slang or casual language.
Student grammar and syntax is highly accurate with very
few errors. Errors represent risk-taking with more advanced
language. Errors do not impede communication.
Student spelling is highly accurate with very few errors.
Errors do not impede communication. Any errors are the
result of intentional creative stylistic choices.
Students make use of various visual language techniques
(appropriate images, layout, captions, fonts, etc.)
appropriate to the specific text type, its conventions, and
intended audience and purpose.
Unit 2: Coming of Age around the World
Statement of Inquiry: Identity formation and the search for
personal agency are universally explored as individuals come of
Global context: Identities and Relationships.
Key concept: Connections.
Related Concepts: Character, Context, Setting, Theme.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Language Skills:
Read critically and for comprehension. Make inferences and draw
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas. Give and receive
meaningful feedback.
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Consider ATL skills development. Consider ethical, cultural and
environmental implications.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Gather and organise relevant information to formulate an
argument. Consider ideas from multiple perspectives.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Generate metaphors and analogies.
Learning Experiences:
Students analyse short stories from different contexts to
identify and comment on literary features such as
characterisation, conflict, setting, symbolism and theme.
Students analyse the ways in which various cultural,
historical, and social contexts influenced the depiction of
the coming of age theme and how different authors use this
theme to communicate unique messages about human
Students explicitly state how a reader would respond to an
author’s choices in characterisation, conflict, setting,
symbolism, and theme.
Students draw from their own cultural beliefs to challenge
and/or identify with the author’s creative choices and how
the impact may differ based upon personal belief.
In writing a comparative literary essay, students’ analysis
and overall argument is thoroughly supported with wellchosen references to the text that are explained in detail
using formal terminology where applicable.
Students evaluate the similarities and differences in how
authors from different contexts use the coming of age
experience to communicate unique themes. Students
evaluate the similarities and differences between different
authors’ use of characterisation, conflict, setting, and
symbolism in developing themes.
Students make use of comparative essay structure. This
includes an introduction with a hook, directional
statements, and a controlling thesis statement that
establishes a coherent argument in response to a prompt. It
also includes a concluding paragraph that consolidates
analysis. Students learn to outline more extensively, to
develop loftier analyses that transitioned well between
points. Students make use of comparative paragraph
structure including proper topic sentences, evidence and
explanation, as well as transitional devices to highlight the
similarities and differences between features of the short
Students develop their argument by building ideas from
paragraph to paragraph through the use of a logical and
coherent sequencing of ideas, as well as transitional
Students make use advanced and varied vocabulary and
sentence structures to allow for the communication of
complex ideas.
Students make use of a formal academic register suitable
for literary essays with no slang or casual language.
Student grammar and syntax is highly accurate with very
few errors. Errors represent risk-taking with more advanced
language. Errors do not impede communication. Student
spelling is highly accurate with very few errors.
Unit 3: All the Years Set Aflame
Statement of Inquiry: Dystopian fiction exposes how totalitarian
societies suppress the freedom of individual thought and identity.
Global context: Fairness and Development.
Key concept: Identity.
Related Concepts: Genre, Point of View, Style, Theme.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Language Skills:
Read critically and for comprehension. Read a variety of sources for
information and for pleasure. Make effective summary notes for
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Create plans to prepare for summative assessments (examinations
and performances).
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Access information to be informed and inform others. Evaluate and
select information sources and digital tools based on their
appropriateness to specific tasks.
Research - Media Literacy Skills:
Make informed choices about personal viewing experiences.
Compare, contrast and draw connections among (multi)media
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Draw reasonable conclusions and generalisations.
Learning Experiences:
Students study the novel Fahrenheit 451 to analyse and
comment on the conventions of the dystopian genre
including how it contributes to setting, character, conflict
and theme. Students make strong connections between the
stylistic techniques used throughout the novel and their
connection to larger literary functions (theme, plot,
characterisation, mood, tone, motifs, conflict, etc.).
Students use appropriate phrases to describe the specific
effect of specific stylistic techniques on a reader.
Students use annotation techniques and apply the SUSTIT
acronym to analyse a passage in sufficient depth. In writing
a commentary on a passage from the novel, students use
specific evidence - both quotations and close-reading
examples - with a clear explanation of how it supports
Students employ a commentary structure that analyses a
prose passage from the novel. This structure includes an
introduction that situates the passage within the larger text
and establishes an argument based on the guiding questions
provided. Students make use of expert paragraph structure
including proper topic sentences, evidence, explanation,
and transitional phrasing.
Students develop a sustained response with particular focus
on both guiding questions. Students build ideas from
paragraph to paragraph through the use of a logical and
coherent sequencing of ideas, as well as transitional
Students create a documentary that is an informed,
comprehensive, and insightful response that demonstrates
how one of the key themes from the novel connects with a
real life scenario or recent world event.
Students select relevant examples from the novel and their
selected real life scenario to highlight the relationship
between Bradbury's theme and a real world context.
Students use advanced and varied vocabulary and sentence
structures to allow for the communication of complex ideas.
Students include appropriate literary terminology in their
Students write under timed conditions and make use of a
formal academic register suitable for literary commentary
with no slang or casual language. Students speak using a
formal register with no slang or casual language. The tone is
appropriate and engaging. Changes in tone are used
purposefully for effect. The pace is controlled and
Student grammar and syntax is highly accurate with very
few errors. Errors represent risk-taking with more advanced
language. Errors do not impede communication.
Students create a documentary that includes visual
techniques such as interesting and relevant images and
video footage as well as audio techniques (appropriate and
clear volume, pace, tone, etc.) to effectively support the
clear communication of ideas.
Unit 4: Voices in Verse
Statement of Inquiry: Political context and awareness of global
issues heavily informs an author’s thoughts and feeling and, in turn,
influences stylistic choices.
Global context: Orientations in Space and Time.
Key concept: Connections.
Related Concepts: Context, Self-expression, Style.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
- Learning Experiences:
- ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and
audiences. Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal
Communication - Language Skills:
Read critically and for comprehension. Write for different purposes.
Use a variety of organisers for academic writing tasks.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Practice empathy. Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Plan short- and long-term assignments; meet deadlines. Create
plans to prepare for summative assessments (examinations and
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Access information to be informed and inform others. Make
connections between various sources of information. Evaluate and
select information sources and digital tools based on their
appropriateness to specific tasks.
Students analyse poems to identify and comment on theme.
Students analyse poems to identify and analyse poetic
devices including figurative language, tone, mood, and
elements of sound. Students analyse the way in which the
social, political, and historical context of the civil rights
movement in the United States influenced the content and
theme, as well as elements of style of the texts studied.
Students use effect phrases to describe the effect of poetic
devices such as figurative language, tone, mood, as well as
elements of sound on a specific audience.
Students use annotation techniques to identify evidence. In
writing a commentary on an unseen poem, students use
specific evidence - both quotations and close-reading
examples - with a clear explanation of how it supports
assertions. Students use subject specific terminology to
justify their opinions and ideas.
Students make use of expert paragraph structure including
proper topic sentences, evidence, explanation, and
transitional devices. Students employ commentary
organisational structure as outlined in class.
Students build ideas from paragraph to paragraph to
communicate a strong overall understanding of the poem.
Students imagine that they live during the civil rights era
and write a poem that protests the discrimination and
injustice surrounding a specific event that occurred during
the Civil Rights era.
Students write a poem using several elements of style which
have been chosen with consideration of the intended
effects on a specific audience.
Students write a rationale in which they choose good
examples from the poem and they are thoroughly
explained. Good examples show variety, creativity, and can
be explained for the specific effect(s) they have on an
Students make use advanced and varied vocabulary and
sentence structures to allow for the communication of
complex ideas. Students use condense and layered language
that allow them to communicate complex ideas and
emotions through poetry.
Students write under timed conditions using formal
academic register without slang or casual language.
Students compose a poem using the most appropriate
register (formal or informal) that is a good fit and justified
for poetic expression.
Grammar, syntax, and punctuation is correct and/or serves
a purpose in communicating the message of their poem.
Errors represent risk-taking with more advanced
grammatical forms. Errors do not impede communication.
Students write under timed conditions using spelling is
highly accurate with very few errors. Students compose a
poem that has been carefully proofread for spelling errors.
Any errors are intentional and serve a purpose in
communicating meaning in their poem.
‫يتضمن منهاج الصف العاشر للغة العربية أربع وحدات دراسية مقسمة طوال العام‬
:‫ وهي مرتبة كاآلتي‬،‫الدراسي‬
"‫وحدة “النصوص األدبية‬
"‫وحدة “اإلعالم‬
" ‫وحدة “البراعة البشرية‬
"‫وحدة “الرواية " الشيخ و البحر‬
‫ لمقارنتها‬،‫في نهاية كل وحدة يقدم الطلبة تقييمات متنوعة تقيس تقدمهم في مهارات اللغة‬
‫ سيتم التركيز‬. ‫مع التوقعات حسب منهاج وزارة التربية والتعليم ومنهاج البكالوريا الدولية‬
‫هذا العام على اإلنتاج الكتابي والشفوي لدى الطالب من خالل توظيف مجموعة من‬
، ‫ المقال‬، ‫كتابة السيرة الذاتية والغيرية‬، ‫ التحليل األدبي للنصوص‬: ‫المهارات اللغوية منها‬
‫التحدث‬، ‫والتعليق على بعض القضايا المعاصرة‬، ‫عامود صحفي‬، ‫وكتابة قصة قصيرة‬
‫كما سيتم التركيز على المهارات اللغوية والنحوية واإلمالئية‬، ‫ المقابالت‬، ‫والخطابة‬
‫بالنسبة لألدب العربي سيكلف الطلبة بقراءة وتحليل مجموعة من األعمال‬. ‫والبالغة‬
‫ ويظهر فيها أيضا‬، ‫األدبية المتنوعة ؛ الكتساب مهارة الترابط والبناء المنطقي لألفكار‬
.‫قدرته على استيعاب المفاهيم والمفردات وتوظيفها في إنتاجه الشفوي والكتابي‬
Unit 1:‫النصوص األدبية‬
Statement of Inquiry: ‫سيتعلم الطالب ميزات الشعر العربي من العصر الجاهلي‬
.‫وحتى العصر الحديث‬
Global context: Personal and Cultural Identity.
Key concepts: Change, Relationships, Time, place and space.
Related Concept: Self-expression.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
Unit 2: (‫المقالة (اإلعالم‬
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Give and receive meaningful feedback. Use appropriate forms of
writing for different purposes and audiences.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Use brainstorming and visual diagrams to generate new ideas and
inquiries. Create novel solutions to authentic problems.
Learning Experiences:
. ‫كتابة مقال إبداعي‬
. ‫الفهم الصحيح للنص القرآني‬
. ‫المقارنة بين النصوص الشعرية في مراحلها المختلفة‬
. ‫يحلل نصا أدبيا تحليال لغويا‬
. ‫يتعرف على البيئة االجتماعية للكاتب‬
Statement of Inquiry: ‫سيتعلم الطالب من خالل هذه الوحدة كيف يتعامل مع وسائل‬
‫اإلعالم ووسائل التواصل االجتماعي‬
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concepts: Communication, Perspective.
Related Concept: Point of View.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skill:
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Use social media networks appropriately to build and develop
relationships. Advocate for one’s own rights and needs.
Learning Experiences:
. ‫يتعرف فنون الكتابة الصحفية‬
. ‫إجراء مقابالت حقيقية‬
. ‫يدرك أهمية اإلعالم وأثره على المجتمع‬
.‫أثر وسائل التواصل االجتماعي في وسائل اإلعالم‬
Unit 3: ‫البراعة البشرية‬
Unit 4: ‫الرواية – الشيخ والبحر‬
Statement of Inquiry: ‫سوف يتعلم و يدرك الطالب أهمية اإلبداع و دروه في‬
‫تغيير و تطوير المجتمعات اإلنسانية‬
Global context: Orientations in Space and Time.
Key concepts: Aesthetics, Change, Creativity.
Related Concepts: Context, Self-expression, Setting, Style.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
Statement of Inquiry: ‫سوف يفهم الطالب عناصر الرواية العربية من خالل‬
‫دراسة محاور الوحدة و يطبق ذلك عمليا في كتاباته‬
Global context: Fairness and Development.
Key concepts: Change, Global Interactions, Identity.
Related Concepts: Setting.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Interpret data.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Create novel solutions to authentic problems. Make guesses, ask
“what if” questions and generate testable hypotheses.
Learning Experiences:
. ‫تحليل نص شعري للمتنبي‬
. ‫تحليل مقال علمي‬
. ‫يتعرف أسماء بعض الشخصيات التي كان لديها األثر في تغيير المجتمع‬
. ‫يدرك أهمية التغيير اإلبداعي‬
.‫آثار التفكير اإلبداعي على المجتمع‬
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Give and receive meaningful feedback. Use appropriate forms of
writing for different purposes and audiences.
Communication - Language Skills:
Read critically and for comprehension.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Select and use technology effectively and productively.
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Develop new skills, techniques and strategies for effective learning.
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Make connections between various sources of information. Use
critical literacy skills to analyse and interpret media
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Gather and organise relevant information to formulate an
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Create novel solutions to authentic problems.
Learning Experiences:
. ‫قراءة رواية الشيخ والبحر واستنباط الرموز منها‬
. ‫التعرف على أنواع اسم ال النافية للجنس‬
. ‫كتابة استجابة أدبية عن الرواية‬
. ‫يتعرف الصفة المشبهة‬
. ‫يوظف االستعارة في كتابته‬
A- Knowing and
B- Investigating Patterns
C- Communicating
D- Applying Mathematics
in Real-Life Contexts
Standard Mathematics
This course is designed to give students a solid foundation and good
grasp of the fundamental ideas within each of the topics covered in
Grade 10 Maths. The pacing and depth of the topics will be
appropriate to those who were successful in the grade 9 course and
is differentiated according to students’ ability. Successful
completion of this course prepares students for the Diploma
Programme Maths Standard Level in either Analysis & Approaches
or Applications & Interpretation. In the latter part of the year there
is a reshuffle of students to align with choices for the DP. We
endeavour to assist students in identifying the most appropriate DP
course as early as possible, since students who will not specifically
require Analysis & Approaches at university would be best advised
to take Applications & Interpretation at DP level.
All grade 10 students will complete an Inter-Disciplinary Unit (IDU)
in conjunction with the PHE Department, focusing on personal
health and fitness and analysing improvement statistically over the
course of several weeks.
Unit 1: Quadratics and other functions
Statement of Inquiry: Quadratic models can enhance how we
represent relationships between systems and processes.
Global context: Scientific and Technical Innovation.
Key concept: Relationships.
Related Concepts: Models, Representation.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication – Language Skills:
Organise and depict information logically.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Select and use technology effectively and productively.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Revise understanding based on new information and evidence.
Learning Experiences:
Find solutions using factors, the quadratic formula,
completing the square and by using the GDC.
Solve word problems and applications involving quadratic
Understand the parabola and its characteristics.
Transform parabolas using the form y = a (x – h)2 + k.
Graphing parabolas of the form y=ax2 +bx +c using
intercepts and vertices.
Use the GDC to find intersections, vertices, intercepts.
Model quadratic graphs using the GDC.
Understand the definition of a function and determine the
range of a function, given the domain.
Understand and apply (both algebraically and geometrically)
the concept of the inverse of a function.
Translate graphs of functions vertically and horizontally,
reflect and dilate functions.
Unit 2: Statistics
Statement of Inquiry: Patterns and relationships can be used to
justify the impact of human actions on the natural world.
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concept: Relationships.
Related Concepts: Justification, Patterns, Representation.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Give and receive meaningful feedback.
Communication - Language Skills:
Make inferences and draw conclusions. Organise and depict
information logically.
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Identify strengths and weaknesses of personal learning strategies
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Interpret data. Identify trends and forecast possibilities.
Thinking - Transfer Thinking Skills:
Compare conceptual understanding across multiple subject groups
and disciplines.
Learning Experiences:
Collect and analyse data using measures of central tendency
and range.
Select samples and making inferences about populations.
Data collection, Constructing and interpreting graphs,
drawing the line of best fit.
Use the GDC to calculate statistics using simple data as well
as a frequency distribution.
Making inferences about data given the mean and standard
Determine and interpret the correlation coefficient (r).
Interpret and solve problems with the Normal distribution
Unit 3: Trigonometry
Statement of Inquiry: There are relationships between
measurements and their risks and consequences.
Global context: Scientific and Technical Innovation.
Key concept: Relationships.
Related Concept: Measurement.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Language Skills:
Understand and use mathematical notation. Organise and depict
information logically.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Draw reasonable conclusions and generalisations.
Propose and evaluate a variety of solutions.
Learning Experiences:
Find the unknown side and angles using right-angle
trigonometry as well as Pythagoras' Theorem
Use trigonometry to solve problems involving more than
one triangle.
Solve problems involving angles of elevation and
Solve problems involving compass bearings.
Apply the Sine and Cosine rule to solve problems.
Find the area of non-right triangles.
Using trigonometry to solve real life problems.
Solve problems using CAST without a calculator.
The probability of independent and dependent events and
conditional probability.
Unit 5: Exponents and Logarithms
Unit 4: Probability
Statement of Inquiry: Change a probability situation to represent a
fair relationship between winning and losing and justify using odds
and probability.
Global context: Identities and Relationships.
Key concept: Relationships.
Related Concepts: Change, Justification, Representation.
Assessed Criteria: A, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Language Skills:
Understand and use mathematical notation. Use and interpret a
range of discipline specific terms and symbols.
Learning Experiences:
Probability Review (and/or, theoretical/experimental
probability, tree diagrams, Venn diagrams).
The probability of mutually exclusive events.
Calculating probability with and without replacement.
The probability of combined events and probability of
repeated events.
Statement of Inquiry: Discovering mathematical relationships can
lead to a better understanding of how environmental systems
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concept: Relationships.
Related Concepts: Representation, Systems.
Assessed Criteria: B.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Language Skills:
Understand and use mathematical notation.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Identify obstacles and challenges.
Learning Experiences:
Discover the laws of exponents.
Solve exponential equations.
Convert between the index and logarithmic form of a
Solve for unknown in logarithmic expressions.
Use laws of logarithms.
Exponential and logarithmic functions (graphs and idea of
Extended Mathematics
This course is designed to challenge the most able students. Unlike
the Grade 9 Extended course, which mainly runs parallel to the
Standard Maths course, Grade 10 Extended Maths includes a
number of different, more advanced topics. Successful completion
of this course prepares students for the Diploma Programme Maths
Higher Level or Maths Standard Level in Analysis & Approaches.
All Grade 10 students will complete an Inter-Disciplinary Unit (IDU)
in conjunction with the PHE Department, focusing on personal
health and fitness and analysing improvement statistically over the
course of several weeks.
Unit 1: Circular Functions/Trigonometry
Statement of Inquiry: Models and relationships represent systems
and methods to calculate what we cannot measure to assess its
impact on our communities.
Global context: Scientific and Technical Innovation.
Key concept: Relationships.
Related Concepts: Equivalence, Generalisation, Measurement,
Assessed Criteria: B, C, D.
- ATL Skills:
Communication - Language Skills:
Use and interpret a range of discipline-specific terms and symbols.
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Consider ATL skills development. Consider personal learning
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Draw reasonable conclusions and generalisations.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Create novel solutions to authentic problems.
Thinking - Transfer Thinking Skills:
Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations.
Learning Experiences:
Basic trig ratios.
Measure of angles in both degrees and radians.
Solving of trigonometric equations.
Solving bearings problems.
Angles of elevation/depressions and right-angled triangle.
Graphs of trigonometric functions.
Solutions of triangles using sine and cosine rules.
• Area of triangles using the sine ratio.
Unit 2: Statistics with GDC
Statement of Inquiry: Patterns and relationships can be used to
justify the impact of human actions on the natural world.
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concept: Relationships.
Related Concepts: Justification, Patterns, Representation.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Language Skills:
Make inferences and draw conclusions. Organise and depict
information logically.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Interpret data. Develop contrary or opposing arguments.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Make unexpected or unusual connections between objects and/or
Thinking - Transfer Thinking Skills:
Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations.
Learning Experiences:
Collect and analyse data using measures of central tendency
and range.
Select samples and making inferences about
Data collection, Constructing and interpreting graphs,
Drawing the line of best fit.
Use the GDC to calculate statistics using simple data as well
as a frequency distribution.
Compare data using standard deviation.
Making inferences about data given the mean and standard
Unit 3: Quadratics, the Parabola and other
Statement of Inquiry: Modeling relationships can improve
representation globally in scale, variability and duration.
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concept: Relationships.
Related Concepts: Models, Representation, Simplification.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal
communication. Collaborate with peers and experts using a variety
of digital environments and media.
Communication - Language Skills:
Understand and use mathematical notation.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Gather/organise relevant information to formulate an argument.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Make unexpected and or unusual connections between objects
and/or ideas.
Thinking - Transfer Thinking Skills:
Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations.
Learning Experiences:
Use the quadratic formula to solve equations.
Solve word problems involving quadratic equations.
Discriminant and conditions for equal, different and
complex roots.
Understand the parabola and its characteristics. Refer to
parabolic mirrors as an example.
Graphing parabolas of the form y=ax2 +bx +c using
intercepts and vertices.
Use the above in real life problems. Solving practical
problems related to areas, volumes and projectiles
expressed in quadratic form.
Sketch polynomials and related curves.
Understand the definition of a function.
Determine the range of a function, given the domain.
Understand (both algebraically and geometrically) the
concept of the inverse of a function and find the inverse of a
one-to-one function.
Graph different types of functions and understanding their
Reflect and dilating functions.
Describe transformed linear, quadratic, exponential, and
sine and cosine functions.
Unit 4: Binomial Expansion and Logarithms
Statement of Inquiry: Generalisation and modelling to represent
variables and relationship can improve decision making.
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concept: Relationships.
Related Concepts: Equivalence, Generalisation, Justification,
Models, Patterns, Representation.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
- ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Give and receive meaningful feedback.
Communication - Language Skills:
Understand and use mathematical notation.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Analyse complex concepts and projects into their constituent
parts and synthesise them to create new understanding.
Thinking - Transfer Thinking Skills:
Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations.
Learning Experiences:
Factorial Combinations.
Use of GDC.
Calculate the coefficient of a specific term.
Find the constant term.
Solve sophisticated binomial questions at SL mathematics
Learn and apply log rule.
Simplify logarithmic expressions.
Solve equations using logs.
Use logs to solve equations involving indices.
Unit 5: Sequences and Series
Statement of Inquiry: Generalisation combined with justification
can be used to explore mathematical discoveries which benefited
the humanity.
Global context: Scientific and Technical Innovation.
Key concept: Relationships.
Related Concepts: Generalisation, Justification, Patterns,
Representation, Simplification.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
- ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal
Communication - Language Skills:
Use and interpret a range of discipline-specific terms and symbols.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Bring necessary equipment and supplies to class.
Learning Experiences:
Understand the meaning of an arithmetic sequence.
Understand the meaning of a geometric sequence.
Apply and practise the formulae for both the arithmetic and
geometric sequences.
Find the nth term of an arithmetic or a geometric
Find the sum of the arithmetic or a geometric
Condition for an infinite geometric sequence.
Find the sum to infinity.
Understand and apply the sigma notation.
Solve worded problems at SL mathematics.
Solve problems involving compound interest.
Unit 6: Probability, Binomial and Normal
Statement of Inquiry: Equivalence, change and justification can be
used to explore the human made systems.
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concept: Relationships.
Related Concepts: Equivalence, Generalisation, Justification,
Models, Simplification, Systems.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D
- ATL Skills:
Communication - Language Skills:
Use and interpret a range of discipline-specific terms and symbols.
Understand and use mathematical notation.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Bring necessary equipment and supplies to class. Use appropriate
strategies for organising complex information.
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Consider content.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Gather and organise relevant information to formulate an
argument. Interpret data.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Consider multiple alternatives, including those that might be
unlikely or impossible.
Thinking - Transfer Thinking Skills:
Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations.
Learning Experiences:
Understand the concept of probability.
Independent events.
Mutually exclusive events.
Conditional probability.
Probability space.
Solve problems using probability tree and Venn
Solve probability problems at SL mathematics level.
Conditions for binomial probability.
Understand the notation and apply the formula.
What is normal distribution and the notation.
Solve problems involving normal distribution.
Use GDC for the above.
Unit 7: Calculus
Statement of Inquiry: Generalisation and modelling can be used to
study the impact of environment on human activities.
Global context: Scientific and Technical Innovation.
Key concepts: Relationships, Change.
Related Concepts: Generalisation, Justification, Measurement,
Models, Quantity, Representation, Simplification.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
- ATL Skills:
Communication - Language Skills:
Understand and use mathematical notation. Take effective
notes in class.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Set goals that are challenging and realistic.
Self-management - Affective Skills:
Mindfulness - Practise focus and concentration.
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Consider content.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Draw reasonable conclusions and generalisation. Revise
understanding based on new information and evidence.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Make guesses, ask “what if” questions and generate testable
Thinking - Transfer Thinking Skills:
Combine knowledge, understanding and skills to create
products or solutions.
Learning Experiences:
Differentiate basic function (Not from first principles).
Use the words first derivative and second derivative.
Understand that the first derivative is the gradient of a
Find the equation of the tangent given the point.
Find the equation of the normal given the point.
Explain why the gradient is zero at specific points on a
Find the point given the gradient at that point.
Find the points where the gradient is zero.
Find the maximum and the minimum points and
discriminate between them.
Optimisation of areas and volumes.
Solve questions at SL related to the above knowledge.
A- Knowing and
C- Processing and
B- Inquiring and
D- Reflecting on the
Impacts of Science
Students in Grade 10 have a choice of studying one or two Science
courses. All Science courses are year-long subjects. The course
choices are Chemistry, Physics, Biology and General Sciences. Each
course is broken into four discrete units. Each unit has two MYP 5
criteria summative assessments.
Learning Experiences:
Determine the oxidation number of atom in a compound
State the name the of a compound from the formula and
vice versa
Balance chemical equations
Define an acid and a base
Describe the pH scale
Identify types of reactions
Use the reactivity series to distinguish if a reaction is
Formulate the products of chemical reactions
Chemistry: Patterns in chemical reactions
Chemistry: The nature of chemical change
Statement of Inquiry: What determines chemicals change?
Physical and chemical change require the transfer of kinetic energy
between particles of matter over time.
Global context: Orientation in space and time.
Key concept: Change.
Related Concepts: Movement, Transfer.
Assessed Criteria: B, C.
Statement of Inquiry: Why are SI units needed in the study of
chemical systems?
Through changes in technology, the need for an organisation of
mathematical and chemical notation models scientists were better
able to explain how the world works and to innovate together.
Global context: Personal and cultural expression &
Scientific and technical innovation.
Key concept: System.
Related Concept: Models.
Assessed Criteria: A,D.
- ATL Focus:
Communication, Organization, Critical-Thinking, Transfer skills
- ATL Focus:
Chemistry: Influencing the outcome of a reaction
Communication, Critical-Thinking, Research
Learning Experiences:
State why the Metric system and SI units have been
State values using scientific notation
Identify correct significant figures from instrumentation
Manipulate exponents in calculations
Determine the correct units by using dimensional analysis
Describe the importance of the concept of the mole
Calculate the atomic/ molecular mass
Use atomic and molecular mass with the mole concept to
predict the amount of a product in a chemical process
Determine the concentration of solutions from the mass of
the solute present in a given volume
**Perform a titration and calculate the concentration of an
unknown acid
^Use the molar volume of a gas to predict the volume of a
mass of a gas^
Statement of Inquiry: Why are SI units needed in the study of
chemical systems?
Through changes in technology, the need for an organisation of
mathematical and chemical notation models scientists were better
able to explain how the world works and to innovate together.
Global context: Personal and cultural expression &
Scientific and technical innovation.
Key concept: Relationships.
Related Concept: Conditions.
Assessed Criteria: B, C.
- ATL Focus:
Creative Thinking, Communication, Organization
Learning Experiences:
State Kinetic theory and how Brownian motion gives rise to
reactions and the process of diffusion
Describe the major factors that influence the rate of
reaction (temperature, pressure and concentration, surface
area and catalyst)
Define exo and endothermic processes
Draw reaction profile diagrams to chow energy change in
State La Chatalier’s principle
Discuss the factors that effect the extent of equilibrium and
discuss how conditions will affect reactions
Evaluate how changing conditions will influence a system
Chemistry: Understanding Organic chemistry
Statement of Inquiry: How are organic chemicals found, processed
and used?
The chemical industry has brought change that affects global
interactions with positive and negative effects on the
Global context: Globalisation and sustainability.
Key concept: Change.
Related Concept: Interactions.
Assessed Criteria: A, D.
- ATL Focus:
Describe the reactions of esterification (alcohol + carboxylic
Outline the process of fractional distillation
Describe the process of polymerization
Explain the importance of cracking
Evaluate the impact of fossil fuels on the environment,
including plastic waste (d?)
Physics: How can we communicate?
Statement of Inquiry: New global relationships have become
possible as humanity has learned to communicate through energy
transferred as wave motion.
Global context: Personal and cultural expression.
Key concept: Relationship.
Related Concepts: Movement, Energy.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C.
Affective, Research, Critical-Thinking Skills
- ATL Focus:
Learning Experiences:
State the features that define: alkanes, alkenes, alcohols,
carboxylic acids
Draw and name simple organic compounds including simple
Critical-thinking skills, Creative-thinking skills and communication
- Learning Experiences:
Observation, problem solving and formulating an argument
Finding a novel solution for oscillation factors in a time period
(pendulum experiment) through a design lab Calculations and
explanations for soundwaves in different media Applying
formulas for sound wave calculations.
Physics: Are all our futures electric?
Statement of Inquiry: The development of electrical systems has
defined the modern world and made new futures possible.
Global context: Scientific and technical innovation.
Key concept: Systems.
Related Concept: Development.
Assessed Criteria: A.
Physics: Power to the people?
Statement of Inquiry: Manipulating the relationship between
interacting electric and magnetic forces makes it possible to
distribute plentiful energy to everyone.
Global context: Fairness and development.
Key concept: Relationship.
Related Concepts: Interaction, Energy.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
- ATL Focus:
Critical-thinking skills, information literacy skills, and
communication skills.
- ATL Focus:
Information literacy skills and communication skills.
- Learning Experiences:
Building and testing electrical circuitry.
Circuit diagrams and measurement of electrical current.
Measuring electricity and application of Ohms Law.
- Learning Experiences:
Observing and adapting electrical fields Applying Left handRight hand rules.
Creating, measuring and evaluating continuous current.
Localized and worldwide electrical generation methods and
Physics: What's in an atom?
Statement of Inquiry: Learning to control nuclear changes allows us
to use matter in new ways and release huge quantities of energy,
with consequences that can be both positive and negative.
Global context: Scientific and technical innovation.
Key concept: Change.
Related Concepts: Consequences, energy and environment.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
- ATL Focus:
Media literacy skills, Affective skills, and Collaboration skills.
Biology: How is Life Organized? What Chemical
Processes Support Life?
Statement of Inquiry: Physical systems require the transformation
of stored energy into useful forms which require the movement of
various substances from one location to another. Simple English
Translation: Living things need energy; energy stored in chemicals
must be transported around the organism.
Global context: Identities and Relationships.
Key concept: Systems.
Related Concepts: Transformation; Movement; Energy.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C.
- ATL Focus:
- Learning Experiences:
Comparing properties of radiation and decay.
Observation, problem solving and formulating an argument.
Assessing the application of radioactivity in different scientific
Critical thinking, Creative thinking, Organisation, Communication,
Learning Experiences:
Characteristics of living things (MRS H GREN) and
determining what it means to be alive.
Outline cell theory.
Define ‘cell’.
Explain how cells are structured.
Describe the functions of cell organelles (Mitochondria,
nucleus, cell membrane, lysosome, ribosome, Golgi, ER,
vacuole, chloroplast, cell wall)·
Understand that the types and number of organelles
changes depending on the function of a cell.
Carry and focus a microscope properly ·
Create a wet mount slide (onion and cheek cell) ·
Hierarchy of life · -Compare plant and animal cells.
Biology: How do characteristics pass from one
generation to another?
Statement of Inquiry: Your identity and relationships with other
people are determined by genetic factors: scientific evidence has
led to models that help to understand observed patterns of
Global context: Identities and Relationships
Key concept: Relationships.
Related Concepts: Evidence; Models; Patterns
Assessed Criteria: C, D.
- ATL Focus:
Information literacy, Critical-thinking skills.
- Learning Experiences:
explore how models and experiments reveal the structure and
nature of DNA.
argue from evidence and analysis whether specific genes should
be artificially selected to make ‘designer babies’.
Biology: How have Different Forms of Life Arisen?
Statement of Inquiry: Species change over time through
interactions with their environment: the evolution of humans has
impacted global biodiversity in ways that may not be sustainable.
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concept: change.
Related Concepts: Interaction; Environment.
Assessed Criteria: A, D.
- ATL Focus:
Critical thinking, creative thinking, Information literacy, Media
Learning Experiences:
How life evolved over millions of years.
Evidence of evolution and how new species are formed.
Mechanisms of natural selection.
Protecting an endangered animal at risk of extinction.
Meiosis and changes that lead to variation.
Effects of genetic mutations and the survival of species.
Biology: Human Physiology
General Science: How is Life Organized? What
Chemical Processes Support Life?
Statement of Inquiry: How do body systems interact using matter
and energy to maintain a balanced internal environment?
Global context: Identities and Relationships.
Key concept: Systems.
Related Concepts: Movement; Interactions; Environment.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C.
Statement of Inquiry: Physical systems require the transformation
of stored energy into useful forms which require the movement of
various substances from one location to another.
Simple English Translation: Living things need energy; energy stored
in chemicals must be transported around the organism.
Global context: Identities and Relationships.
Key concept: Systems.
Related Concepts: Transformation; Movement; Energy
Assessed Criteria: B, C.
- ATL Focus:
Organization, Communication, Self-management.
Learning Experiences:
Review/Recall: cell transport Structure and function of the
following systems:
Digestion Alimentary canal and accessory organs Peristalsis,
digestion and absorption.
Muscular Structure of a sarcomere Conversion of ATP to
movement Respiratory Structure/function of upper
respiratory and lungs Gas exchange.
Circulatory Anatomy of the heart Blood vessels Components
of blood.
Endocrine Anatomy of endocrine Focus on the following
hormones: Growth FSH/LH/Testosterone/ Oestrogen/
Progesterone Adrenaline Glucagon/Insulin.
Reproductive Anatomy of the organ systems Link to
hormone feedback loops with reference to menstrual cycle.
- ATL Focus:
Critical thinking, Creative thinking, Organisation, Communication,
Learning Experiences:
Characteristics of living things (MRS H GREN) and
determining what it means to be alive.
Outline cell theory.
Define ‘cell’.
Explain how cells are structured.
Describe the functions of cell organelles (Mitochondria,
nucleus, cell membrane, lysosome, ribosome, Golgi, ER,
vacuole, chloroplast, cell wall)·
Understand that the types and number of organelles
changes depending on the function of a cell.
Carry and focus a microscope properly ·
Create a wet mount slide (onion and cheek cell) ·
Hierarchy of life · -Compare plant and animal cells.
General Science: How can we communicate?
Statement of Inquiry: New global relationships have become
possible as humanity has learned to communicate through energy
transferred as wave motion.
Global context: Personal and cultural expression.
Key concept: Relationship.
Related Concepts: Movement, Energy.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C.
- ATL Focus:
Critical-thinking skills, Creative-thinking skills and communication
- Learning Experiences:
• Observation, problem solving and formulating an argument.
• Finding a novel solution for oscillation factors in a time
period (pendulum experiment) through a design lab.
• Calculations and explanations for soundwaves in different
• Applying formulas for sound wave calculations.
• p. 5 114-133 Physics MYP by Concept 4.
General Science: What determines chemical
Statement of Inquiry: Physical and chemical change require the
transfer of kinetic energy between particles of matter over time.
Global context: Orientation in space and time.
Key concept: Change.
Related Concepts: Movement, Transfer.
Assessed Criteria: B, C.
- ATL Focus:
Communication, Organisation, Critical-Thinking, Transfer skills.
Learning Experiences:
Determine the oxidation number of atom in a compound.
State the name the of a compound from the formula and
vice versa.
Balance chemical equations.
Define an acid and a base.
Describe the pH scale.
Identify types of reactions.
Use the reactivity series to distinguish if a reaction is
Formulate the products of chemical reactions.
General Science: How do human impact the
Statement of Inquiry: Physical and chemical change require the
transfer of kinetic energy between particles of matter over time.
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concept: Change.
Related Concepts: Environment, Consequences.
Assessed Criteria: A, D.
- ATL Focus:
Information literacy, collaboration, communication, transfer,
creative-thinking skills.
- Learning Experiences:
System analysis and evaluation.
Interpreting data and graphs; analysis of historical climate data
and predictions.
Using chemical equations and formulas and applying physics
principle to problems.
Literature review of current research of climate data and
climate policies and agreements (national and international)
Argumentative essay writing.
p. 292-317 Sciences MYP by Concept 4&5
Unit 1: Matters of the Mind: Psychology:
Individuals and Societies
A- Knowing and
C- Communicating
B- Investigating
D- Thinking Critically
For our Grade 10 Individual and Societies, topics covered are: Psychology,
Business Studies, History and Geography. Our units are strategically
planned with a clear Statement of Inquiry (SOI) used to guide
a conceptual understanding of content whilst developing specific
academic skills. The first unit, ‘Matters of the Mind, Psychology,’
examines the impact of cultural globalization, and the investigation of
ethical considerations of psychological research to explain behaviour.
Students develop an understanding of the complexities of human behavior
and understanding. The second unit, ‘Building Efficient Economies,
Business Studies,’ involves the study a country’s economic development
through their ability to access resources that will provide equal
opportunity. Students will present a MUN resolution detailing their
findings on ONE researched country. Our third unit, ‘Perceptions of War,
Vietnam,’ deals with internal and external forces that changed the world
leading to new beliefs and ideologies. Students will review opposing
world perspectives during times of historical conflict. The assessments
consist of a source analysis (OPVL) and written response. Our final unit,
‘Our Boiling Planet, Geology and Global Warming’ involves the study of
the rock cycle and plate tectonics. The second half of the unit focuses on
the causes of global warming and the debate about potential solutions.
The assessment includes formulating a research question and justifying it
in relation to the unit.
Statement of Inquiry: A critical analysis of ethical standards in
psychological research and examination of patterns in globalization.
Global context: Fairness and Development, Identities and
Relationships; Exploration.
Key concept: Global Interaction
Related Concept: Behaviour and Group
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Research – Information Literacy Skills:
Process data and report results.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Draw reasonable conclusions and generalisations.
Communication, Language Skills:
Make inferences and draw conclusions.
- Learning Experiences:
Introduction to Psychology – the scientific study of the
human mind and its functions, especially those affecting
behaviour in a given context.
Introduction to ‘Cultural Globalisation,’ and it’s impact on
human behavior
Learning applicable and appropriate terminology – Cultural
Hybridity, Homogeneous Cultures, Heterogeneous Cultures,
Cultural Imperialism
Introduction to Unethical / Ethical Studies – students will
review THREE case studies analyzing strengths, limitations
and ethical considerations. What makes an experiment
unethical? TEACUP / WEIRD, understand how to use these
acronyms to analyse case studies.
Unit 2: Building Efficient Economies: Economic
Statement of Inquiry: Access to resources and equality of
opportunity can help societies to develop to become fairer places
but this is often dependent on global interactions.
Global context: Fairness and Development.
Key concepts: Global Interactions, Systems.
Related Concepts: Disparity, Equity, Globalisation,
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Propose and evaluate a variety of solutions.
Research – Media Literacy Skills:
Collect and analyse data to identify solutions and make informed
- Learning Experiences:
How industries are classified
Differentiate between primary / secondary / tertiary
Physical and human factors – Raw materials, labour, health
Transnational Corporations, Globalisation – Vodafone
Case Study High-Technology
Global Distribution – Apple, Samsung, Starbucks
Case Study: Tourism Industry Understand the extent of
economic disparity in the modern world.
Be able to interpret Human Development Index (HDI) data
Understand the contribution of geography and institutions
to economic development, and the influence of geography
upon institutions.
Understand the development cycle.
Understand different development strategies.
Understand economic development in the context of the
Unit 3: Perceptions of War: Vietnam
Statement of Inquiry: Well documented conflicts reveal differing
cultural, economic, and political global perspectives historically and
create differing contemporary perspectives.
Global context: Orientations in Space and Time.
Key concept: Change
Related Concepts: Conflict, Causality (cause and consequence),
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Language Skills:
Use and interpret a range of discipline – specific terms.
Research - Media Literacy Skills:
Collect and analyse data to identify solutions and make informed
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Gather and organise relevant information to formulate an
- Learning Experiences:
Life in Vietnam in 1940s-80s
Vietnam’s Infrastructure
A basic introduction to Communism and Capitalism
Communism – Ho Chi Min (Biography)
Vietcong vs Vietminh
Read case studies about Ho Chi Min
Terminology – Tet Offensive, Indochina, Bobby Traps, Cu Chi
Tunnels, Agent Orange, Guerilla Warfare
Perceptions of War – Did the American’s have any right
Role of America in the Vietnam War – to prevent the spread
of communism
Evaluation of photographs and visual sources.
What types/range of sources are available about the
Vietnam War.
Use several types of sources to look at an overview of the
How do sources help us understand why the USA became
Was the Tet offensive a victory for the Vietcong? Analysis of
The value of media as evidence.
How do sources help us understand why the USA failed in
Unit 4: Our Boiling Planet: GEOGRAPHY
Statement of Inquiry: Human innovation is both the cause and
solution to global warming.
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concept: Systems.
Related Concepts: Processes, Patterns and Trends
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Make inferences and draw conclusions.
Research – Information Literacy Skills:
Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on
their appropriateness to specific tasks.
Thinking – Critical Thinking Skills:
Recognise unstated assumptions and bias.
- Learning Experiences:
Global Warming Terminology – Climate change, carbon
footprint, fossil fuel, green-house effect.
Rock Cycle and Types of Rock - Lab-Science experiment to
see how three types of rock types are formed,
(sedimentary, igneous, metaphoric) based on physical and
chemical properties.
Weather and Erosion-how different types of rock weather at
different rate, thus forming different features. Define and
explain the difference between Weathering and Erosion.
Understanding the carbon inputs and outputs to understand
the carbon cycle. How burning of fossil fuels puts MORE CO2
emissions into atmosphere. - Pollution from Coal and Fossil
Fuels- CO2 as emissions. Methane, Carbon, CFCs. Case study
– Impact of cattle farming
Green House Effect and Green House Gases (GHGs)-Green
House Gas Effect - Types of Green House Gases. Difference
between Climate Change and Global Warming.
Solutions – Is technology helping or hindering global
warming? What about the use of renewable energy,
sustainability and Green Practices
Unit 1: Open Design Project
A- Inquiring and Analysing
C- Creating the Solution
B- Developing Ideas
D- Evaluating
Product Design
The focus in Grade 10 Product Design is on the students identifying
a target market and creating a product that fulfils the needs of the
users within this market. The brief presented to the students
specifies that the product they design must be based on the theme
of ‘education for children’. The global context related to this unit is
‘scientific and technical innovation’. Keeping this in mind, the
students are encouraged to demonstrate all their experience in
Product Design to create a product that solves a ‘real life’ need and
demonstrates their vision as being global leaders of the future.
Particular emphases in this unit is placed on integrating CAD and
CAM during the design and manufacture phase of the students
work with the view of preparing those who wish to take Design
Technology at Diploma Level.
Statement of Inquiry: People have a variety of needs which require
products to solve in innovative ways.
Global context: Scientific and Technical Innovation.
Key concepts: Form, Relationships.
Related Concepts: Ergonomics, Design, Markets and trends.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Give and receive meaningful feedback. Use appropriate forms of
writing for different purposes and audiences. Negotiate ideas and
knowledge with peers and teachers. Share ideas with multiple
audiences using a variety of digital environments and media.
Communication - Language Skills:
Read critically and for comprehension. Use and interpret a range of
discipline-specific terms and symbols. Find information for
disciplinary and interdisciplinary inquiries, using a variety of media.
Organise and depict information logically.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Take responsibility for one’s own actions. Listen actively to other
perspectives and ideas.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Plan short- and long-term assignments; meet deadlines. Set goals
that are challenging and realistic.
Self-management - Affective Skills:
Resilience - Practise dealing with change.
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Develop new skills, techniques and strategies for effective learning.
Consider ATL skills development.
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Collect, record and verify data. Identify primary and secondary
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Propose and evaluate a variety of solutions. Identify obstacles and
challenges. Use models and simulations to explore complex
systems and issues.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Use brainstorming and visual diagrams to generate new ideas and
inquiries. Create original works and ideas; use existing works and
ideas in new ways.
Thinking - Transfer Thinking Skills:
Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations. Transfer current
knowledge to learning of new technologies.
- Learning Experiences:
The students will be able to identify products that help a
client to learn. The students’ design phase will demonstrate
an understanding of how products can help a client to learn
a particular aspect of knowledge/skills.
The student's product will be able to be tested to see how it
can affect learning.
The students will be able to use a variety of online programs
to create and visualise their product. This will include laser
cutting and 3d printing aspects.
Digital Design
The focus in Grade 10 Product Design is on the students identifying
a target market and creating a product that fulfils the needs of the
users within this market. The brief presented to the students
specifies that the product they design must be based on the theme
of ‘education for children’. The global context related to this unit is
‘scientific and technical innovation’. Keeping this in mind, the
students are encouraged to demonstrate all their experience in
Product Design to create a product that solves a ‘real life’ need and
demonstrates there vision as being global leaders of the future.
Particular emphases in this unit is placed on integrating CAD and
CAM during the design and manufacture phase of the students
work with the view of preparing those who wish to take Design
Technology at Diploma Level. At the end of this unit students gain a
platoria of skills including: Website development using a range of
applications and languages (HTML, CSS, Wix, Weebly, Wordpress,
Photoshop). Creating & editing videos (applications: iMovie,
Windows Movie Maker, Final Cut Pro, use of green screen effects).
Brochure (MS Publisher, Photoshop and a range of other software).
Creating a virtual 3D tour.
Unit 1: Marketing Project
Statement of Inquiry: Students will explore and discover a variety
of ways in which to market a product or company.
Global context: Scientific and Technical Innovation.
Key concepts: Aesthetics, Creativity.
Related Concepts: Evaluation, Innovation.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Give and receive meaningful feedback. Use appropriate forms of
writing for different purposes and audiences. Use a variety of
media to communicate with a range of audiences.
Communication - Language Skills:
Take effective notes in class; make effective summary notes for
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Help others to succeed. Take responsibility for one’s own actions.
Manage and resolve conflicts and work collaboratively in teams.
Give and receive meaningful feedback.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Plan short- and long-term assignments; meet deadlines. Set goals
that are challenging and realistic. Bring necessary equipment and
supplies to class. Select and use technology effectively and
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Draw reasonable conclusions and generalisations. Identify obstacles
and challenges.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or
processes. Create original works and ideas; use existing works and
ideas in new ways.
Thinking - Transfer Thinking Skills:
Combine knowledge, understanding and skills to create products or
- Learning Experiences:
Students will spend several lessons doing research about
UAE history and how it has developed over the years,
therefore, creating more jobs.
Students will use prior knowledge to create a
solution/product to market the school.
In their project they will apply their knowledge to create a
product for a specific audience, specifically parents who
have just moved to the UAE and are in search of a school for
their children.
Students will apply the design cycle to their project and
work through all criteria of the Design Cycle.
Unit 1: Sport
Language Acquisition
A- Comprehending spoken
and visual text
C- Communicating in
response to spoken
and/or written and/or
visual text
B- Comprehending written
and visual text
D- Using language in
spoken and/or written
Arabic B
In Unit I entitled ‘Sport’, investigate the benefits of sports and the
link between culture and sport. They name various sport and
express likes and dislikes.
In Unit 2 entitled ‘Education’ students compare various school
systems and reflect on the progress of education.
In Unit 3 entitled ‘The environment’ students identify environmental
issues and identify solutions.
In Unit 4 entitled ‘Media and technology’ students investigate
various media and debate the benefits and risks of social media.
Statement of Inquiry: Sports can shape our minds before our
bodies, it may change our way of thinking.
Global context: Personal and Cultural Identity.
Key concepts: Communication, Culture.
Related Concepts: Meaning, Purpose.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Give and receive meaningful feedback. Collaborate with peers and
experts using a variety of digital environments and media.
Communication - Language Skills:
Read critically and for comprehension. Take effective notes in class.
Structure information in summaries, essays and reports.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Practise observing carefully in order to recognise problems.
Formulate factual, topical, conceptual and debatable questions.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Use brainstorming and visual diagrams to generate new ideas and
Learning Experiences:
Topics and language skills: National Sport, Popular sports
Football, Handball, Teamwork, body, health, mental health,
and life.
Grammar and language: Present and Past tense, Pronouns,
descriptive phrases, expressions, comparison.
Suggested vocabulary: value, food and drink, affect and
effect, social life, advantages and disadvantages, during, I
think, I see, in my opinion, happiness, good and bad habits.
Language structure: Singular Dual and Plural form.
Culture: The importance of sports in Arab culture.
Balanced lifestyle.
Why do different nations have their own sports? Writing
forms: emails, Message, article, interview, short story,
celebration cards, and invitations.
Self-management - Affective Skills:
Emotional management - Practise strategies to reduce stress and
anxiety .
Learning Experiences:
Topics: -Education was easier/harder in the past than
nowadays because ... Educators have given us the best of
their experience. Education system.
Vocabulary: Education, explorer-explore, knowledge, judge,
future, brain, schools and universities, understand, benefits,
reasons, spread, face (V), worked, study, world.
Grammar: past tense, he, she, they, I. : Comparative: bigger
than, cheaper than, easier, harder, longer, more dangerous.
Your future plans. The importance of education
(knowledge). -Arabic Quotes and proverbs.
Root system: ‫ ر ح ل‬Connecting words: ‫ و من ثم‬،‫ لذلك‬،‫ ف‬،‫ثم‬
Structures: ‫ مع أنه‬-‫ أنا ال أرى أن‬-‫ ربما‬Grammar: Past, Future, and
Present tense.
Reading and comprehending selected texts about Ibn
Batuta's Journeys. Listening skills: answer questions.
Dictionary skills.
Unit 2: Education
Statement of Inquiry: Education can improve the quality of life. It
also has the power to positively affect our lives.
Global context: Scientific and Technical Innovation.
Key concepts: Creativity, Development, Identity.
Related Concepts: Point of view, Structure.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Set goals that are challenging and realistic.
Unit 3: Environment
Statement of Inquiry: Language can be used to express points of
view and motivate people to take action.
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concepts: Change, Global interactions.
Related Concept: Audience.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Use intercultural understanding to interpret communication.
Communication - Language Skills:
Read a variety of sources for information and for pleasure. Preview
and skim texts to build understanding.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Propose and evaluate a variety of solutions.
Learning Experiences:
Vocabulary related to the earth and environments as
determined by the teacher, expressions of opinion and
points of view, transitional words.
Structures of future, conditional, “if” and “when” clauses.
Interact in a spontaneous and engaging manner using
vocabulary structured in the unit.
Analyse and organise information from a variety of sources
and media.
Organise ideas and logically structure a coherent
Points of view, I believe that... ,It is important that..., We
need to..., I agree that..., ’’If” statements o “If” present,
future, “When” present, future.
A few phrases involving doubt: I don’t think there will be...,
don’t think we should...
Unit 4: Media and Technology
Statement of Inquiry: Language and images used in the media have
the power to persuade an audience.
Global context: Scientific and Technical Innovation.
Key concepts: Communication, Relationships.
Related Concepts: Meaning, Message, Purpose.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Give and receive meaningful feedback.
Communication - Language Skills:
Read critically and for comprehension.
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Collect, record and verify data.
Research - Media Literacy Skills:
Seek a range of perspectives from multiple and varied sources.
Learning Experiences:
Component and Topics: Technology Revolution: past,
present and future.
Media forms: TV, radio, internet (blogs, social media, email).
-Technology VS Real life.
Grammar and structures: Present, past and future tense.
Expressions and vocabulary: I expect, I think, in my opinion,
who knows, maybe, must, avoid, advantages and
disadvantages, truth, audience, social life and social media.
Unit1: ‘Bienvenidos’: is about greetings, essential phrases, numbers
and age. Student present themselves and take part in role-plays.
Unit2: Mi familia: is about family members, and relationships.
Students write their own family tree and present it to the class.
Unit3: Mi casa: Students learn about typical Spanish houses and
compare them to the house they live in.
Unit4: Mi colegio: Students learn about school facilities, days of the
week and school subjects.
Unit 1: Somos lo que hacemos
Statement of Inquiry: Students will understand that connections
can be made between their mother tongue and another language
through an inquiry into language structures to identify patterns.
Global context: Identities and Relationships.
Key concepts: Connections, Relationships.
Related Concepts: Context, Conventions.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
- ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Use intercultural understanding to interpret communication. Use a
variety of speaking techniques to communicate with a variety of
Communication - Language Skills:
Take effective notes in class.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Plan strategies and take action to achieve personal and academic
- Learning Experiences:
Vocabulary: General knowledge for Spanish language and
Spanish speaking countries, greetings, salutations and
farewells (¡Hola!, Buenos días, buenas tardes, Adiós…).
Alphabet and sounds in Spanish, numbers up to 31 (cardinal
and ordinal), months, dates, (once de diciembre), colours.
Personal information such as name, age, birthday (mi
nombre es ___, tengo ___años y mi cumpleaños es el ____).
Classroom vocabulary and instructions (mesa, silla,
bolígrafo) (¿puedes repetir? no entiendo, ¿puedo ir al baño?
Por favor).
Grammar: Verb «haber» there be; There is/are: Hay ,
«estar» to be and «tener» to have, adjectival agreements
sm sf plm plf, Masculine and feminine in Spanish, Singular y
plural , he in Spanish: El artículo (el, la, los, las/
Un, una, unos, unas).
Function: Understand and speak to meet new people. Say
instructions in Spanish. Recognise the vocabulary of the
class. Tell the things are in a school bag pack.
Culture: Find about the differences of vocabulary and learn
more about a Spanish speaking country to raise awareness
of other countries and languages other than yours.
Speaking skills: students will speak about self and their
school equipment.
Writing skills: Students will write a formal letter to a
potential friend in a Spanish speaking country about self.
Unit 2: ¡Qué novedad!
Statement of Inquiry: Students will understand that our personal
and extended families contribute to our identity through an inquiry
into diversity and interconnections.
Global context: Identities and Relationships.
Key concept: Connections.
Related Concepts: Context, Patterns.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
- ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and
Communication - Language Skills:
Preview and skim texts to build understanding. Take effective notes
in class.
Self-management - Affective Skills:
Practise focus and concentration.
- Learning Experiences:
Vocabulary: Physical descriptions and character
qualities, family members and pets
Grammar: Verb «ser» to be to describe characteristics of
people vs «estar» to be and «tener» to have -adjectival
agreements sm sf plm plf (Adjetival agreement
Using adjetives after nouns. . MesA rojA, LibrO RojO,
mesAS rojAS etc) -possessive adjectives:
(mi(s), tu(s), su(s)). Numbers up to 100 (cardinals).
Function: Ask about and describe people, ask for and
give opinions. Identify family members, ask about
someone’s family. Describe people and pets’ personality
and physical characteristics.
Culture: Find about the differences in sizes of family
based on the country they are from.
Find out if it is traditional to have pets at home in
different nationalities.
Speaking skills: Students will talk about their families
and compare them with one from a Spanish speaking
Writing skills: Students will write about their families.
Unit 3: ¡Cuidemos nuestro mundo!
Statement of Inquiry: The students will understand how different
people lives, and how to name every place in different
Global context: Identities and Relationships.
Key concepts: Culture, Identity.
Related Concepts: Audience, Meaning.
Assessed Criteria: C, D.
- ATL Skill:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Give and receive meaningful feedback. Use a variety of speaking
techniques to communicate with a variety of audiences. Use
appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and audiences.
Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal communication.
Self-management - Reflective Skills:
Consider content. Consider ethical, cultural and environmental
- Learning Experiences:
Vocabulary: Types of house and location. Name of countries
in Spanish. Rooms and floors of the house. Furniture items
and prepositions. Positive and negative adjectives for
describing a house (Adjectives &adverbs of quantity).
Actions of things you do in a house.
ESTAR. De , de+el. Present tense. Prepositions. Me gusta…
Function: Recognise and describe the vocabulary of
different parts and contents of the house. - Tell the different
types of housing and give opinions about it.
Culture: Students learn about the different Spanish houses.
- Comparison of a Spanish typical house and their own
house. - Research into famous Spanish architecture.
Unit 4: Las redes sociales
Statement of Inquiry: Students will understand that there are
similarities and differences in school communities around the
Global context: Orientations in Space and Time.
Key concept: Identity.
Related Concept: Word choice.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
- ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and
Communication - Language Skills:
Preview and skim texts to build understanding.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas. Use social media
networks appropriately to build and develop relationships.
Self-management - Affective Skills:
Practise strategies to overcome distractions. Practise strategies to
develop mental focus.
- Learning Experiences:
Introduction to Spanish educational system and Spanish
school timetable. Debate, mind mapping different schooling
systems and their impact on identities. (Longer lunch break,
but longer school day).
Vocabulary: Ask about and tell the time talk about daily
routine talk about school subjects say what you think of
school subjects.
Grammar: Conjugate the verb "estudiar" learn to formulate
questions using the questioning words ¿qué? ¿Cuál/cuáles?.
Review possessive adjectives (mi(s), tu(s), su(s)), days of the
week. Learn new possessive adjectives nuestro/s, vuestro/s,
Function: give opinions about school subjects give opinions
and reflect on Spanish school system and compare to
students' timetable.
Culture: Introduction to Spanish education system and
Spanish school. Learning about Spanish school timetables
Speaking skills: Students will talk about their subjects and
compare them with one from a Spanish speaking country.
Writing skills: Students will write about their school subjects
and their timetables in Spanish.
Grade 10 units are based on DP requirements. Phase 1 Grade 10
cover similar themes to French Ab Initio whereas phase 2 to 4 focus
on topics that will be covered in SL and HL classes. Their speaking,
listening, reading and writing assessments are a preparation to the
DP classes.
In Unit one, entitled ‘Les relations sociales, students learn how to
express feelings, identify reasons we get on well or no with people,
they write a diary page where phase 2, 3 and 4 also need include
familiar expressions and idioms. In Unit two, entitled ‘le monde du
travail’, phase 1 identify various jobs and their advantages, while
phase 2 to work on persuasive writing in job applications. The unit
culminates in taking part in a job interview, for the profession of
their choices. In Unit three, entitled ‘Notre planète’ students identify
various environmental issues and human responsibility. They write
either a speech or an article to inform and raise awareness. In Unit
four, entitled’ Les nouvelles technologies’, students’ question
whether we communicate better in the age of social media.
Unit 1: Les Relations Sociales
Statement of Inquiry: Students will understand that young people
from francophone countries share beliefs, values, interests,
attitudes and patterns of behaviour similar yet different from our
Global context: Identities and Relationships.
Key concept: Communication.
Related Concept: Point of View.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Give and receive meaningful feedback. Negotiate ideas and
knowledge with peers and teachers. Share ideas with multiple
audiences using a variety of digital environments and media.
Communication - Language Skills:
Read critically and for comprehension. Take effective notes in class.
Use a variety of organisers for academic writing tasks.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Use social media networks appropriately to build and develop
relationships. Help others to succeed. Give and receive meaningful
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Set goals that are challenging and realistic.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Practise observing carefully in order to recognise problems
Formulate factual, topical, conceptual and debatable questions.
Consider ideas from multiple perspectives. Identify obstacles and
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Use brainstorming and visual diagrams to generate new ideas and
Learning Experiences:
Vocabulary: Personal information, countries and
nationalities, physical/personality description, adjectives,
technology and the internet
Grammar: Ask questions review -present tense review adjective agreements -prepositions RE -reflexive verbs passé composé of regular and irregular verbs with avoir passé composé of regular and irregular verbs with être possessive adjectives.
Function: exchange personal information, talk about
technology and the internet -talk about families, describe
people, discuss relationships, create and use a blog,
describe aspects of daily life, talk about what you have
done, talk about special occasions.
Culture: Find out about the French-speaking world, find out
about sights and places in Paris -understand tourist and
travel information.
Unit 2: Le monde du travail
Unit 3: Notre planete
Statement of Inquiry: Through an inquiry into the world of work,
students will investigate how to prepare for a job interview and
how the language used during a formal conversation has an impact
on the audience and the outcome of the interview.
Global context: Fairness and Development.
Key concept: Communication.
Related Concepts: Audience, Word Choice.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
Statement of Inquiry: Students will understand that decisions and
choices we make may affect and be influenced by the actions of
others, through an inquiry into human impact on the environment.
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concept: Connections.
Related Concepts: Empathy, Point of View.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Exercise leadership and take on a variety of roles within groups.
Advocate for one’s own rights and needs.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Practise observing carefully in order to recognise problems. Draw
reasonable conclusions and generalisations.
Learning Experiences:
Grammar: Future tense and conditional need to be studied
in order to allow the student to identify ideal job and
express future plans. Present tense review.
Vocabulary: Jobs Personal information connecting words
Function: Create a CV - Apply for a job - write a candidature
Culture: Find out about 'petit job' in France.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Give and receive meaningful feedback. Use a variety of speaking
techniques to communicate with a variety of audiences. Negotiate
ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.
Communication - Language Skills:
Read critically and for comprehension. Make inferences and draw
conclusions. Take effective notes in class. Make effective summary
notes for studying. Use a variety of organisers for academic writing
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Make connections between various sources of information.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Evaluate and manage risk. Identify obstacles and challenges.
Learning Experiences:
Name contemporary and local environmental issues.
Expression of opinion: je pense que, selon moi, il me semble
que, a mon avis...
Give solutions through examples to protect the
Watch an advertisement and answer listening
comprehension questions.
Adjective agreement - Use comparative superlative.
Write an article and a speech to raise awareness about
environmental issues - justify opinions, give advice, identify
issues with the environment on pictures (visual).
Verbal and written communication - Organising ideas using
connective words effectively - Writing an article Brainstorming arguments - Recognising an article.
Unit 4: Vive les vacances
Statement of Inquiry: The students will reflect on their role when
they travel/go on holiday in order to have the better experience
travel and understand other cultures. They will understand this
through an inquiry into peoples, boundaries, exchange and
Global context: Orientations in Space and Time.
Key concept: Culture.
Related Concepts: Function, Purpose.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Use a variety of media to communicate with a range of audiences.
Communication - Language Skills:
Paraphrase accurately and concisely.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Recognise unstated assumptions and bias. Consider ideas from
multiple perspectives. Develop contrary or opposing arguments.
Learning Experiences:
Vocabulary: Counties/cities, prepositions, different types of
holiday, Activities, connecting words (comme/ avant que/
apres que/ si...)
Grammar: Passe compose, Conditionnel, le futur simple Regle de 'si ' Function: Describe a picture, book in a hotel, talk about
past/future holiday, reflect on a past holiday.
Culture: Find out about Francophone touristic places.
Grade 10
A- Knowing and
C- Thinking Creatively
B- Developing Skills
D- Responding
During the fifth year of the MYP, students are expected to
demonstrate more ownership over their artistic practice by
engaging in projects that have a real-world application beyond the
classroom. In Visual Arts, students construct “Hands of Fatima” out
of clay that are permanently displayed throughout the school. In
Media Arts, students use their personal voice to create a
documentary addressing a relevant issue in their world. In Drama,
students use prior knowledge of practitioners to support their own
devising and script adaptation to develop several original plays over
the course of the year. In Music, students compose and perform
original musical scores independently.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Use a variety of speaking techniques to communicate with a variety
of audiences.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Exercise leadership and take on a variety of roles within groups.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Plan short- and long-term assignments; meet deadlines.
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Understand and use technology systems.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Make guesses, ask “what if” questions and generate testable
Learning Experiences:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the visual
and thematic characteristics of Film Noir while using
terminology specific to Media Arts.
Use High/low key lighting, use of shadows, scripting,
editing/post processing.
Engaging in all the production phases and experimenting
with the artistic procedures in the media‐making process.
Offer a meaningful reflection and critique of their own
Unit 1: Film Noir: Midnight in the City
Statement of Inquiry: To understand what it means to be human, it
is important to be able to articulate feelings, emotions and ideas.
Global context: Identities and Relationships.
Key concept: Identity.
Related Concept: Genre.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
Unit 2: Documentary: Tell it like it is; You Have a
Statement of Inquiry: Personal bias can affect the effectiveness of
Global context: Fairness and Development.
Key concept: Communication.
Related Concept: Audience.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Language Skills:
Use and interpret a range of discipline-specific terms and symbols
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Bring necessary equipment and supplies to class
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Use critical literacy skills to analyse and interpret media
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Consider ideas from multiple perspectives
Learning Experiences:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
documentary genre, including meaning, visual techniques,
and the use of subject-specific terminology
Demonstrate the acquisition and development of shooting
and editing and the importance of camera movements
according to genre of the documentary studied.
The documentary will show a developed, clear, imaginative
and coherent artistic intention.
The original documentary will demonstrate the intentions
and conventions of the chosen style of documentary.
Unit 3: Personal Freedom: All about me
Statement of Inquiry: Creativity is intrinsic in humans.
Global context: Personal and Cultural Identity.
Key concept: Creativity.
Related Concepts: Composition, Expression, Composition,
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Share ideas with multiple audiences using a variety of digital
environments and media.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Select and use technology effectively and productively.
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Identify primary and secondary sources.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Identify obstacles and challenges.
Learning Experiences:
Demonstrate the application of skills and techniques in the
production and presentation of an original artwork.
Develop a feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent artistic
intention that expresses and depicts personal freedom.
Create an artistic response that intends to reflect or impact
on the world around by experimenting with various styles
and genres in representation of an issue.
Critique the artwork of self and others.
Unit 4: Advertising: Can you sell it?
Statement of Inquiry: Arts can play a role to inspire social change.
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concept: Change.
Related Concept: Narrative.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
- ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Use a variety of media to communicate with a range of audiences.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Give and receive meaningful feedback.
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Consider ethical, cultural and environmental implications.
Thinking - Transfer Thinking Skills:
Combine knowledge, understanding and skills to create products or
- Learning Experiences:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
processes and concepts used in advertising through
comparing and contrasting two samples.
Demonstrate the acquisition and development of the skills
and techniques of the art form studied by utilising
composition, text, timing/pacing and camera
Demonstrate a range and depth of creative-thinking
behaviours through the planning processes for making
media (for example, storyboards and scripts).
Create an artistic response that intends to reflect or impact
the world around them.
Visual Arts
Unit 1: The Hand of Fatima: Hamsa, Khamsah
Statement of Inquiry: How do people express their belief and
identity in sculptural forms?
Global context: Identities and Relationships.
Key concept: Culture.
Related Concepts: Expression, interpretation.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
- ATL Skills:
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Plan short- and long-term assignments; meet deadlines.
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Keep a journal to records reflections.
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Access information to be informed and inform others. Identify
primary and secondary sources.
Research - Media Literacy Skills:
Seek a range of perspectives from multiple and varied sources.
Compare, contrast and draw connections among (multi) media
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Gather and organise relevant information to formulate an
argument. Revise understanding based on new information and
evidence. Consider ideas from multiple perspectives.
Learning Experiences:
There is no prior learning for this unit as students have not
used this medium before. They have not had this topic
before either. Students must follow technical
demonstrations provided by the teacher if they are to
succeed. The material is challenging correct building
techniques are not followed, so discipline is required. The
grade level has many student samples to view so they will
have confidence that they too can achieve this project.
Unit 2: The Day of the Dead
Statement of Inquiry: How can recycled materials be used to
produce creative artworks?
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concept: Creativity.
Related Concepts: Audience, Innovation.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C.
- ATL Skills:
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Plan short- and long-term assignments; meet deadlines.
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Keep a journal to record reflections.
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Access information to be informed and inform others. Identify
primary and secondary sources.
Research - Media Literacy Skills:
Seek a range of perspectives from multiple and varied sources.
Compare, contrast and draw connections among (multi) media
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Gather and organise relevant information to formulate an
argument. Revise understanding based on new information and
evidence. Consider ideas from multiple perspectives.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or
processes. Create original works and ideas; use existing works and
ideas in new ways.
Learning Experiences:
Research the celebratory objects of the ‘’Day of the Dead’’.
Why and how is this celebrated by Mexican culture?
Do other cultures also celebrate death? Present six images
of these objects. Supply credits.
Creation Artist Statement explaining your theme and how
the visuals communicate it.
Research from culture and popular sources and create a
personal reponse, the artwork.
Unit 3: Portrait of Self
Statement of Inquiry: Symbols identify cultural heritage and have
been used in art history to provide deeper conceptual
Global context: Identities and Relationships.
Key concepts: Identify, Aesthetics, Connections.
Related Concepts: Composition, Expression.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
- ATL Skills:
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Plan short- and long-term assignments; meet deadlines.
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Keep a journal to record reflections.
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Access information to be informed and inform others. Identify
primary and secondary sources.
Research - Media Literacy Skills:
Seek a range of perspectives from multiple and varied sources.
Compare, contrast and draw connections among (multi) media
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Gather and organise relevant information to formulate an
argument. Revise understanding based on new information and
evidence. Consider ideas from multiple perspectives.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or
processes. Create original works and ideas; use existing works and
ideas in new ways.
- Learning Experiences:
Students will research the Dutch still-life Masters from the
Baroque period (1600’s) and the Australian artist Graeme
Peebles 1980-1990 period to understand the aims of still life
painting and the symbolic meaning. As G. Peebles is a
printer maker, students will also acquire an understanding
of the use of predominately black images with only minimal
light in pictures for a dramatic effect. They will choose 2/ 3
of his mezzo tint prints and make a comment on his use of
dramatic blacks against whites. Provide an explanation on
the print technique: mezzo tint.
Students will be analysing famous artworks and deciding
why the artist chose the tonal rendering effect to create this
A written exercise which explores the symbolic meanings
behind still life objects.
Students must provide a number of researched objects and
statements that explain their connection to these figures.
Three artworks are completed, using chalk pastel which
challenges and develops student’s understanding of tonal
rendering techniques, picture planes and how light and
shadow effect these spaces, and where light falls across
specific areas of an object and how they can tone these.
Students presents their completed artwork and exhibits it in
the Raha Gallery. They may choose to have it framed.
A written Artistic Intention can be found in students’
Process Journal.
Within the Process Journal, students present a variety of
drawn figures and compositional trials to explore and refine.
These evolve from pencil sketches of tonally rendered
figures, to presenting a variety of perspectives.
Students will write a reflection (one paragraph) which
reviews their creative process (the step made to create the
artwork) and how this process was similar to previous units.
Unit 4: Cultural and Political Figures
Statement of Inquiry: The breaking of traditional compositional
rules can provide the artist with greater creativity and personal
Global context: Personal and Cultural Expression.
Key concept: Aesthetics.
Related Concept: Creativity.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C.
- ATL Skills:
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Plan short- and long-term assignments; meet deadlines.
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Keep a journal to records reflections.
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Access information to be informed and inform others. Identify
primary and secondary sources.
Research - Media Literacy Skills:
Seek a range of perspectives from multiple and varied sources.
Compare, contrast and draw connections among (multi) media
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Gather and organise relevant information to formulate an
argument. Revise understanding based on new information and
evidence. Consider ideas from multiple perspectives.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or
processes. Create original works and ideas; use existing works and
ideas in new ways.
Learning Experiences:
Students will choose a topic to research and supply printed
images of many figures.
Students will study the artworks of David Larwell, Jean
Michel Basquiat and Jill lweis. Present two paintings and
credits of their art works. Critique which markings you are
inspired by, present an Artist’s Statement.
Using distortion, sketch each of your researched figures
multiple times until you are satisfied with the figure’s
distorted aesthetics.
Students will choose a colour scheme to best express the
Students will present multiple sketches exploring a resolved
composition where all figures are as important as each
What is pattern? Explore through sketches a variety of
patterns which relates to your context.
Learning Experiences:
Students will show understanding of concepts learned in
class through writing a written theory test on Major and
minor scales, Key Signatures,
Major/minor/perfect/augmented/diminished intervals and
major and minor chords.
Students will use theory knowledge to create a theme and
variation composition for a piano. They will need to provide
an intention on how they will manipulate theory to change
the original melody.
Students will prepare to show the understanding of theory
in today's society through a one-minute persuasive
Unit 1: Move Over Mozart - Theory and
Statement of Inquiry: Music theory has developed as a language of
written expression for compositions.
Global context: Personal and Cultural Identity.
Key concept: Communication.
Related Concepts: Composition, Expression.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Language Skills:
Take effective notes in class.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Advocate for one’s own rights and needs.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Keep an organised and logical system of information
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Understand and use technology systems.
Thinking - Transfer Thinking Skills:
Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations.
Unit 2: It's My Forte - Performance
Statement of Inquiry: Personal expression can show a creative
interpretation when presenting art.
Global context: Personal and Cultural Identity.
Key concept: Creativity.
Related Concepts: Interpretation, Presentation.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Give and receive meaningful feedback.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Take responsibility for one’s own actions.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Set goals that are challenging and realistic.
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Collect and analyse data to identify solutions and make informed
Thinking - Transfer Thinking Skills:
Combine knowledge, understanding, and skills to create products
or solutions.
Unit 3: Bring it Bach Now Y'all
Statement of Inquiry: The historical era and culture sets the
boundaries for the genre.
Global context: Orientations in Space and Time.
Key concept: Culture.
Related Concepts: Boundaries, Genre.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D
Learning Experiences:
Students will gain knowledge on a key performer and typical
musical songs on their instrument. It is important that they
understand where their instrument can take them through
the development of skills.
Students will complete a performance of their choice based
on a year’s cumulative work. They will be able to perform
solo, in small groups or participate in a school performing
Students will record their practising for both the video and
their performance choice. Students will need to record their
challenges and what they have worked on every two weeks
in a blog style post.
Students will show skill development throughout the year
through the creation of a progress video. Each clip will have
one pro and one thing to work on to reflect on how the
performances went.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Language Skills:
Organise and depict information logically.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Manage and resolve conflicts and work collaboratively in teams.
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Develop new skills, techniques and strategies for effective
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Collect, record and verify data.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Draw reasonable conclusions and generalisations.
Learning Experiences:
Students will compare and contrast a historical musical
figure to a modern musical icon. They will present their
information in a RAP battle to show what they have
Students will contrast the two people that they have
researched in an edited sound collaboration.
Students will show their rough work in the sound edit as
well as a track sheet of where the changes will go.
Students will respond to the role of classical music today.
Unit 1: Devising for Darlings
Statement of Inquiry: How can I structure my theatrical message in
such a way that I achieve the audience reaction I want?
Global context: Personal and Cultural Identity.
Key concept: Communication.
Related Concepts: Audience, Presentation.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Use a variety of speaking techniques to communicate with a variety
of audiences. Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas. Give and receive
meaningful feedback.
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Access information to be informed and inform others. Make
connections between various sources of information.
Research - Media Literacy Skills:
Demonstrate awareness of media interpretations of events and
ideas (including digital social media).
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or
processes. Create original works and ideas; use existing works and
ideas in new ways.
Thinking - Transfer Thinking Skills:
Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations Inquire in
different contexts to gain a different perspective.
Learning Experiences:
Students will gain knowledge in voice development,
Movement skills/Developing body language, teaching young
audiences, creating a play for specific audiences.
Unit 2: Change in World, Change in Mind
Statement of Inquiry: As we see change in the world, we innovate
old practices to create new interpretations of drama.
Global context: Orientations in Space and Time.
Key concept: Change.
Related Concepts: Innovation, Interpretation.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Share ideas with multiple audiences using a variety of digital
environments and media.
Communication - Language Skills:
Read critically and for comprehension. Make inferences and draw
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Collect, record and verify data. Access information to be informed
and inform others. Make connections between various sources of
Research - Media Literacy Skills:
Locate, organise, analyse, evaluate, synthesise and ethically use
information from a variety of sources and media (including digital
social media and online networks).
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Gather and organise relevant information to formulate an
argument. Evaluate evidence and arguments.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Use brainstorming and visual diagrams to generate new ideas and
Thinking - Transfer Thinking Skills:
Inquire in different contexts to gain a different perspective.
Learning Experiences:
Students will research various sources, create context by
way of interpretation.
Unit 3: Your Play, My Way
Statement of Inquiry: The development of an individual aesthetic
style supports the shaping of roles to communicate with an
Global context: Personal and Cultural Identity.
Key concept: Aesthetics.
Related Concepts: Audience, Role.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Give and receive meaningful feedback. Use a variety of speaking
techniques to communicate with a variety of audiences. Negotiate
ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Practise empathy. Delegate and share responsibility for decisionmaking; help others to succeed. Take responsibility for one’s own
actions. Give and receive meaningful feedback.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Plan short- and long-term assignments; meet deadlines. Set goals
that are challenging and realistic. Bring necessary equipment and
supplies to class.
Self-management - Affective Skills:
Mindfulness - Practise focus and concentration.
Resilience - Practise “bouncing back” after adversity, mistakes and
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Keep a journal to record reflections.
Research - Information Literacy Skills:
Access information to be informed and inform others. Use memory
techniques to help remember key information.
Learning Experiences:
Students will be creating, developing and performing a play
text over a period of time.
Students employ a variety of ATL skills to reach the finish
line of a final performance.
Unit 4: My Play, My Way
Statement of Inquiry: The stories we create present facets of our
own identity.
Global context: Personal and Cultural Identity.
Key concept: Identity.
Related Concepts: Composition, Presentation.
Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and
audiences. Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and
Communication - Language Skills:
Read a variety of sources for information and for pleasure.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Delegate and share responsibility for decision-making. Listen
actively to other perspectives and ideas.
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Plan short- and long-term assignments; meet deadlines.
Self-management - Affective Skills:
Resilience - Practise “bouncing back” after adversity, mistakes and
failures. Practise “failing well”. Practise dealing with change.
Self-management - Reflection Skills:
Consider ATL skills development.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Consider ideas from multiple perspectives.
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Use brainstorming and visual diagrams to generate new ideas and
inquiries. Create original works and ideas; use existing works and
ideas in new ways.
Learning Experiences:
Students will work together in 2-3 groups to devise an
original piece of theater to present to the audience of their
Students will choose their roles of playwright, director,
actor, design, or tech support according to their strengths.
Students will give and receive constructive feedback as well
as reflecting on their own work.
Physical and Health Education
A- Knowing and
C- Applying and Performing
B- Planning for
D- Reflecting and
Improving Performance
In their final year of the MYP, Grade 10 students will cover units such as
Cricket, Stomp/ Dance, Volleyball, Football, Water Polo and an
Interdisciplinary Unit (IDU). During this time, they will be challenged to
utilise media to promote sport, use fitness testing and statistics to analyse
and improve health, collaborate with others to create an original dance
routine, undertake different roles within a team setting, plan and coach
training sessions for younger children, and examine and review team
strategies to improve performance..
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Use a variety of media to communicate with a range of audiences.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Delegate and share responsibility for decision-making. Encourage
others to contribute. Exercise leadership and take on a variety of
roles within groups. Give and receive meaningful feedback.
Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills:
Practise observing carefully in order to recognise problems. Identify
obstacles and challenges.
Learning Experiences:
Recalling, basic techniques of throwing and catching.
Recalling and applying rules, techniques and procedures of
modified Cricket.
Applying and Performing Cricket bowling, batting and
Peer observation and feedback.
Analysing movements and skills.
Choosing different roles within a group.
Using technology to create/edit/narrate a Cricket video.
Unit 1: Cricket
Statement of Inquiry: Effective systems of interaction and
communication can enhance a team’s ability to analyse choices and
apply strategies.
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concepts: Communication, Connections, Development.
Related Concepts: Choice, Interaction, Movement, Refinement.
Assessed Criteria: A, C.
ATL Skills:
Unit 2: IDU
Unit 3: Football
Statement of Inquiry: Patterns and relationships can be used to
justify the impact of human actions on the natural world.
Systems can develop choices to improve the health of humankind.
Statement of Inquiry: Purposeful changes in movement choices
and refinement can lead to effective game adaptations and
performance development.
Global context: Fairness and Development.
Key concept: Change, Development.
Related Concepts: Adaptation, Choice, Movement, Refinement.
Assessed Criteria: B, C.
Global context: Globalisation and Sustainability.
Key concepts: Systems, Development.
Related Concepts: Change, Communication, Relationships.
Assessed Criteria: PHE – A,B, D. IDU - A, B, C, D.
ATL Skills:
Self-management - Organisation Skills:
Set goals that are challenging and realistic. Plan strategies and take
action to achieve personal and academic goals.
Self-management - Affective Skills:
Perseverance- Demonstrate persistence and perseverance.
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Exercise leadership and take on a variety of roles within groups.
Learning Experiences:
Students will participate a peer assessment to identify areas
of strength and development in Football.
Students will choose skills to improve and form groups
based on skill sets.
Students will collaborate with others to create activities to
develop skills.
Students will utilise previous shared skills to provide training
sessions to other students.
Students will participate in on-going, student led skill
development sessions.
Students will participate in an applying and performing
assessment task.
Learning Experiences:
Students research and utilise fitness tests to gain an
understanding of their current overall fitness.
Students participate in individual and group fitness
Students create achievable fitness goals.
Students negotiate ideas with peers and teachers to
formulate strategies to improve.
Students create fitness plans to develop their fitness in
accordance with their goals.
ATL Skills:
Unit 4: Water Polo
Unit 5: Volleyball
Statement of Inquiry: An effective team needs to develop and use
systems of verbal and nonverbal communication in the pool.
Global context: Identities and Relationships.
Key concepts: Communication, Logic, Relationships.
Related Concepts: Adaptation, Choice, Interaction.
Assessed Criteria: D.
Statement of Inquiry: Communication enables team systems to
have time and space, which can lead to effective movement
Global context: Orientations in Space and Time.
Key concept: Communication.
Related Concepts: Adaptation, Choice, Movement, Space, Systems.
Assessed Criteria: A, C.
ATL Skills:
Communication - Interactive Skills:
Give and receive meaningful feedback.
ATL Skills:
Social - Collaboration Skills:
Manage and resolve conflicts and work collaboratively in teams.
Learning Experiences:
Learning Experiences:
Basic rules and intro to communication styles.
Students will identify their own communication style and
development of rules of Water Polo.
Intro to positions and putting different communication
styles with them. Reflecting on what communication style
suits which position.
Treading water. Differentiating some groups into the deep
end playing Water Polo.
Peer assessing communication styles and positions.
Strategies for team work to develop the game of water polo
and create more success.
Students will identify strategies to help develop their
communication styles in the water and in everyday life.
Positions, rules and skills being observed and graded.
Students will learn general rules of Volleyball and basic
Students will observe peers and deconstruct Volleyball
passing skills.
Students will observe and create formations to overcome
opposition teams.
Students will collaborate with peers to create training
sessions to improve individual performances.
Students will analyse game situations and use Volleyball
rules to create solutions.
Unit 6: Contemporary Dance/Stomp
Statement of Inquiry: The interaction of peoples' perspectives and
the refinement of dance movements can create an environment of
expression and creativity.
Global context: Personal and Cultural Identity.
Key concept: Aesthetics.
Related Concepts: Environment, Interaction, Perspective.
Assessed Criteria: B, C.
ATL Skills:
Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills:
Create original works and ideas; use existing works and ideas in
new ways.
Learning Experiences:
Students will investigate expression, mood, space and time
and how it can contribute to an original dance piece.
Students will form groups and commence research and
planning to create their original dance.
Students will collaborate and investigate different
movements, utilising space and rhythm to create a story
or theme.
Students will plan sequences to make efficient use of
members and the dance area.
Students will perform their dance to demonstrate their
collaborated and original expression.
Students will use reflective learning experiences to further
understand interpersonal and social skills.