ORGANIC ANALYSIS 1 A SYSTEMATIC PROCEDURE FOR ORGANIC QUALITIVE ANALYSIS EXPERIMENT OBSERVATION i) yellow solid or liquid. I. Preliminary Tests INFERENCE Presence of aromatic nitro compounds. i) Brown or dark coloured solid or liquid. May be phenols or aromatic amines. The colour and appearance of the substance is noted. ii) Colorless solid or liquid. May be carboxylic acids, esters, aldehydes, ketones . 2. Odour of the substance i) Phenolic smell. May be phenols. The odour of the substance is noted. ii) Pleasant smell. May be esters, ketones, nitrocompounds. iii) Fishy smell. May be aromatic amines. i) Soluble in cold condition. May be carbohydrates or aliphatic diamide. ii) Soluble in hot condition. May be aromatic or aliphatic acids. a) Blue litmus turns red. May be acids or phenols. b) Red litmus turns blue. May be aromatic amines. c) Neutral to litmus. May be amides, esters, adehydes, ketones, amines, carbohydrates. The substance is soluble. May be aromatic amines. 1.Colour and appearance 3.Solubility Test Solubility of the substance is tested in the following solvents. a) In water A small amount of the substance is shaken up with 1 ml of water and the mixture is tested with litmus paper. b) In dil. HCl solution A small amount of the substance is shaken up with 1 ml of dil. HCl. 2 c) In dil. NaOH solution A small amount of the substance is shaken up with 1 ml of dil. NaOH. 4. Litmus Test A little of the substance is brought in contact with a moistened litmus paper. The substance is soluble. i) Blue litmus turned red. ii) Red litmus turned blue. iii) No change of colour takes place May be aromatic or aliphatic acids or phenols. Presence of acids or phenols. Presence of amines. Presence of carbohydrates, ketones, esters. 5. Test for Special Elements Preparation of Sodium Fusion Extract ( Lassaigne’s test) A small piece of dry sodium metal is fused in a fusion tube by heating gently. To this, little of the solid substance or 2 drops of liquid substance is added and the tube is heated gently until the reaction subsides and then heated to redness. The red hot end of the tube is plunged into 10ml of distilled water in a mortar. The contents are ground well, boiled in a china dish and filtered. The filtrate is used for following tests. a) Test for Nitrogen To about 2 ml of the filtrate, equal i) A blue or green precipitate or volume of strong solution of freshly solution is obtained. Presence of Nitrogen. prepared ferrous sulphate (FeSO4) is added. The solution is boiled, cooled and ii) No blue or green precipitate or solution is obtained. then dil. H2SO4 is added drop by Absence of Nitrogen. drop with constant shaking. b) Test for Sulphur To about 2ml of the filtrate is treated with equal volume of freshly prepared sodium nitroprusside. c) Test for Halogens A purple or violet colour is obtained. Presence of sulphur. No purple or violet colour is obtained. Absence of sulphur. (i) A curdy white precipitate, Presence of chlorine. 3 completely soluble in NH4OH To about 2ml of the filtrate, equal is obtained. volume of dil.HNO3 is added the solution is boiled, cooled and then silver nitrate (ii) A pale yellow precipitate, (AgNO3) solution is added. sparingly soluble in NH4OH is obtained. Presence of bromine. (iii) A yellow precipitate, insoluble in NH4OH is obtained. Presence of Iodine. (iv) No characteristic precipitate is obtained. Absence of halogens (chlorine, bromine and iodine). 6. Test for Aliphatic or Aromatic Character a) A little of the substance is taken in a nickel spatula and heated in the free flame of the Bunsen burner. b) 1 ml conc. HNO3 and 1 ml of conc. H2SO4 is mixed in a dry test tube. To this a little of the substance is heated for 10 mins in a boiling water bath and then poured into a beaker containing 20 ml of water. i) Burns with a smoky sooty flame. The substance is aromatic. ii) Does not burn with a smoky sooty flame but burns with a nonluminous flame. The substance is aliphatic. iii) The substance chars and burns slowly. The substance is carbohydrates. i) A yellow precipitate or solution is obtained. The substance is aromatic. ii) No yellow precipitate or solution is obtained. The substance is aliphatic. 7. Test for Saturation or Unsaturation a) A little of the substance is shaken with i) Bromine water decolourised 1ml of bromine water added drop by readily. drop. ii) Bromine water is decolourised with the formation of a white precipitate. 4 Presence of unsaturated substance. Presence of saturated compounds like amines and phenols which are readily brominated. iii) The solution remains brown on adding bromine water. b) A small amount of the substance is i) Pink colour decolourised. shaken with 1 ml of water or acetone and 1ml of 2 % aq. KMnO4 is added drop by drop with constant shaking. ii) No decolourisation takes place. 8. A little of the substance is added to 1 i) Vigorous effervescence takes ml of a strong solution of sodium place and substance dissolves. bicarbonate (NaHCO3) without shaking; the changes are observed and shaken iii) Slow effervescence takes place. well. iii) Slow effervescence and the solution turn yellow. 9. A little of the substance is added to 2 ml of aq. NaOH solution, shaken well, the changes are observed and then heated to boiing. The substance is saturated. May be unsaturated compound or easily oxidisable compounds like aldehydes, phenols or amines. May be presence of saturated compound. May be presence of carboxylic acids. May be presence of polyhydric phenols. May be presence of nitrophenol. i) Dissolves readily in cold. When the solution is acidified with drops of conc. HCl and cooled, the substance is regenerated. May be acids, phenols. ii) Solution turns yellow or brown and finally dark on shaking in cold condition. Polyhydric phenols present. iii) Substance dissolves gradually on warming. May be esters. iv) Solution turns yellow or brown when boiled. May be carbohydrates, aliphatic aldehydes. v) Ammonia gas is evolved on continued boiling. vi) Substance is unaffected in the cold and on boiling. 5 May be amides. May be nitro compounds, ketones, amines. 10. A little of the substance is heated gently with soda lime and then more strongly. i) Ammonia gas is evolved. 11. A little of the substance is warmed with 2 ml of conc. H2SO4 solution. i) Charring or blacking takes place with effervescence. May be amides. ii) Vapours with a phenolic smell Phenols are present. and condensing to oily globules of a liquid are evolved. May be aromatic amines, polyhydric phenols, carbohydrates. ii) White precipitate is formed which dissolves in water. May be aromatic amines. 12. A little of the substance is dissolved A violet or blue or green colour in water or alcohol and neutral FeCl3 is obtained. solution is added drop by drop. Presence of phenols. 13. A small amount of the substance is added to 2 ml of Tollen’s reagent and heated in a water bath for 10 mins. May be presence of polyhydric phenols, aromatic primary amine and reducing sugar like glucose. A bright silver mirror or black precipitate is obtained. II. Test for Functional Groups ( Confirmative tests ) Note: It is necessary to do all the preliminary tests [from 1-12] to fix functional group. After identifying functional group the test for the particular group alone is performed. 1. Test for Carboxylic acids Presence of carboxylic a) A pinch of the substance is shaken Pink colour is produced after adding a number drops of NaOH. acids. up with about 1 ml of water. One drop of phenolphthalein is added and then very A pink colour is got even with the Absence of carboxylic acids. dilute sodium hydroxide solution is addedfirst drop of NaOH. drop by drop with shaking. b) A little of substance is mixed with a 2 ml of alcohol in a dry test tube, two drops A pleasant ester smell is noted. of conc. H2SO4 are added, shaken well and warmed and poured into a 30 ml of a dilute solution of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) , stirred well and the smell is noted. 6 Presence of carboxylic acids. c) Fluorescein Test: A little of substance is mixed with pinch of resorcinol in a dry test tube and 1 ml of conc. H2SO4 are added, shaken well, gently warmed and poured into a beaker containing water, stirred well. To this excess of NaOH solution is added and stirred well. i) The mixture turns deep red on heating, forms a red solution with water and on adding NaOH, an intense greenish yellow fluorescence is obtained. Presence of dicarboxylic acids. ii) No intense greenish yellow fluorescence is obtained. Presence of monocarboxylic acids. 2. Test for Phenols a) Libermann’s Test: A little of substance is heated with a few crystals of sodium A red solution is obtained, which Presence of phenolic nitrite in a dry test tube, cooled and 3 or turns blue or green on adding group. 4 drops of conc.H2SO4 are added, shaken NaOH solution. well and poured into 50 ml of water in a 100 ml beaker, stirred well. To this All phenols do not give NaOH is added in excess and stirred well. this test. b) Phthalein Fusion Test: A little of substance is mixed with pinch of phthalic anhydride in a dry test tube and 1 ml of conc. H2SO4 are added. The mixture is gently warmed and poured into 50 ml of water in a 100 ml beaker. To this NaOH is added in slight excess and stirred well. i) A pink or red colour is obtained. Presence of simple phenols, salicylic acid. ii) An intense yellowish green fluorescence is obtained. Presence of dihydric phenols like resorcinol. c) Azo-Dye Test: A few drops of aniline A scarlet red or brownish red or are dissolved in about 5 ml of dil.HCl. To orange red precipitate of a dye is this 5 ml of a strong solution of sodium obtained. nitrite is added in drops with constant shaking and cooled in ice cold water. To the above diazotized solution, a solution of the substance dissolved in 3 ml of 10%NaOH is added. d) About 1 ml of Fehling’s solution A is A red brown mixed with 1 ml of Fehling’s solution B. obtained. The mixture is added to a 7 precipitate Presence of phenols such as resorcinol or naphthol. is Presence of polyhydric phenols. little of the substance shaken well and heated in a water bath. 3. Test for Carbohydrates a) Molisch’s Test: To a little of the substance is dissolved in 2 ml of water, a few drops of an alcoholic solution of 1naphthol are added, shaken well and 2 ml of conc. H2SO4 is added along the sides of the test tube without shaking. A violet or purple or red coloured Presence of ring is obtained at the junction of carbohydrates is the two layers and the colour confirmed. slowly spreads throughout the solution. b) Fehling’s Test: A small amount of substance is shaken up with 1 ml of A red brown water. The solution is added to about 2 ml obtained. of Fehling’s solution A and Fehling solution B and heated on a water bath for 15 mins. precipitate is Presence of carbohydrates. (reducing sugars) c) A small amount of the substance is A bright yellow crystalline dissolved in 5 ml of water, then added 2 precipitate is obtained. ml of phenyl hydrazine hydrochloride and 2 ml of glacial acetic acid. The contents are heated in a water bath for 15 mins with occasional shaking and cooled. Presence of reducing sugars like glucose, fructose etc. d) Barfoed’s Test: To a little of the i) A red brown precipitate is substance in water, Barfoed’s reagent is obtained. added and heated in a water bath. ii) No red brown precipitate is obtained. Presence of monosaccharides. Presence of polysaccharides. 4. Test for Aldehydes and Ketones a) About 3 drops of the substance are added to a saturated solution of sodium bisulphite solution and shaken well. A white crystalline precipitate is obtained. b)A small amount of the substance is A yellow or red-brown crystalline added to about 3 ml of Borsche’s reagent, precipitate is obtained. a drop of conc. HCl is added, gently heated for about 2 mins and then cooled well. 8 Aldehydes and certain ketones are present. Ketones with keto group directly attached to benzene ring does not answer this test. Presence of aldehydes and ketones. c)A mixture of 5 drops of phenylhydrazine a) A yellow or yellowish white and 5 drops of glacial acetic acid are taken precipitate is obtained. in a dry test tube. A small amount of the substance is added, gently heated for a b) A bright yellow crystalline minute. Excess of cold water is added and precipitate shaken well. Presence of aldehydes and ketones. Presence of reducing sugars. d)About 0.3 g of semicarbazide A white crystalline precipitate of Presence of aldehydes hydrochloride is dissolved in water. About the semicarbazone is obtained. and ketones. 0.5 g of sodium acetate crystals are added, shaken well to dissolve the solid and to this 2 ml of an alcoholic solution of the substance is added, heated in a water bath for 15 mins and cooled. e)A small amount of the substance is A violet colour is produced quickly. Presence of aldehydes is added to about 3 ml of Schiff’s reagent confirmed. and shaken well. f)A small amount of the substance is added A reddish brown precipitate is to 2 ml of Fehling’s solution A & B and obtained heated gently. Presence of aliphatic aldehydes. Reducing sugars and polyhydric phenols also answer this test. 5. Test for Esters a)Hydroxamic Acid Test A violet or deep red brown colour is Presence of esters. About 3 drops of the liquid and a pinch of obtained. hydroxylamine hydrochloride are added to about 5 ml of 10 % NaOH solution. The contents are gently boiled for 3 mins, cooled, acidified with conc. HCl, added drop by drop and then about 5 drops of FeCl3 solution are added and shaken well. b) The liquid is refluxed with 10 % NaOH A white precipitate is obtained. Ester of an aromatic acid solution. The residue is acidified with con is present. HCl and cooled. 6.Test for Amides a) A little of substance is heated with 5 ml of 10 % NaOH solution and acidified with conc. HCl and cooled. i) Ammonia is evolved while heating. Presence of aliphatic or aromatic amide. ii) On adding HCl, a white precipitate is obtained. Presence of aromatic amide. iii) On adding HCl, no white precipitate is obtained. Presence of amides of lower aliphatic acids and urea. 9 b) Biuret Test: A small amount of the Ammonia is evolved on heating. substance is gently heated in a dry test A violet or red colour tube for few miutes, cooled, the residue solution is obtained. is shaken up with 2 ml water, a few drops of CuSO4 are added and then 10 % NaOH is added drop by drop. Presence of diamides like urea. 7.Test for Amines i) A little of the substance is dissolved in A clear solution is obtained. about 1 ml of conc. HCl, diluted to 4 ml and cooled in ice cold water. To this a few drops of aq. sodium nitrite (NaNO2) A yellow or yellowish brown oily [already cooled in ice water] is added liquid separates. drop wise with constant shaking. A yellowish brown crystalline precipitate is obtained. The precipitate is removed, dissolved in water and when treated with NaOH gives a green solid. Presence of aromatic primary amine. ii) If a clear solution is obtained, a A scarlet red dye is obtained. solution of 2-naphthol in NaOH is added. Presence of aromatic primary amine. Presence of secondary amine. Presence of tertiary amine. iii) The yellow oily liquid obtained above The mixture added to water gives a Presence of secondary is mixed with 2 drops of phenol, heated red solution which becomes green amine. gently, 2 drops of conc. Sulphuric acid or blue on adding NaOH. added, again warmed, added to 20 ml of water and then NaOH solution added in excess. b) A small amount of the substance I A characteristic offensive smell of mixed with a few drops of chloroform, 2cc isocyanide is obtained. of alcoholic potash added and warmed gently. Presence of primary amine. c) About 0.5 g of the substance is shaken A white crystalline precipitate of up with 2 ml of acetic acid. About 5 drops the acetyl derivative is obtained. of acetic anhydride are added, shaken well for some time and then diluted with water. Presence of primary or secondary amine. 8.Test for Nitro compounds 10 a) Mulliken Barker’s Reaction: A A bright silver mirror or a black small amount of the substance is precipitate of silver is obtained. dissolved in about 2 ml of alcohol. About 1 ml of a strong solution of calcium chloride is added, a pinch of Zn dust is added, contents shaken well for a few minutes and filtered. The filtrate is added to Tollen’s reagent and heated in a water bath. b) A small amount of the substance is mixed with a few granules of tin and 2 ml of con HCl, gently heated, shaken well and again heated. The contents are filtered and the following tests are carried on i) A few drops of the filtrate are A characteristic offensive smell of treated with a few drops of isocyanide is obtained. chloroform and 2 to 3 ml of alcoholic potash and gently heated. ii) About 2 to 3 drops of the filtrate A scarlet- red dye is obtained. are diazotized with sodium nitrite solution and the diazotized solution is added to a solution of β-naphthol in sodium hydroxide. Presence of nitro group. Presence of nitro group. Presence of aromatic nitro group. REPORT: The given organic substance is i. aliphatic /aromatic ii. unsaturated /not unsaturated iii. Contains / does not contain the elements sulphur, nitrogen, and halogens iv. Contains the functional group 11