Министерство образования и науки Республики Татарстан Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт Р. Р. Хусаинова ARTIFICIAL LIFT AND WELL WORKOVER Методические указания по проведению практических занятий и организации самостоятельной работы по дисциплине «Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык (английский язык)» для магистров направления подготовки 21.04.01 «Нефтегазовое дело» программы «Управление технологическими процессами эксплуатации и ремонта скважин» очной формы обучения Альметьевск, 2016 УДК 622.276.1/4 Х – 98 Хусаинова Р.Р. ARTIFICIAL LIFT AND WELL WORKOVER: методические указания по проведению практических занятий и выполнению самостоятельной работы для магистров направления подготовки 21.04.01 «Нефтегазовое дело» / Р.Р. Хусаинова. - Альметьевск: Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт,2016. – 88с. Методические указания по дисциплине «Профессиональноориентированный иностранный язык (английский язык)» составлены с учетом требований Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования. Предназначены для магистров направления подготовки 21.04.01 «Нефтегазовое дело» программы «Управление технологическими процессами эксплуатации и ремонта скважин» очной формы обучения. Представлены рекомендации к выполнению заданий по темам практических занятий и самостоятельной работы студентов в соответствии с дисциплинарными модулями, вопросы для самостоятельной проверки, рекомендуемая литература. Печатается по решению учебно-методического совета АГНИ. Рецензент: Шайдуллина А.Р. - д.п.н., профессор кафедры «Иностранные языки» © Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт, 2016 2 ВВЕДЕНИЕ Расширение международного сотрудничества в области науки и техники требует от выпускников - магистров знания иностранного языка, практическая польза которого будет определяться способностью магистра использовать информацию из зарубежных источников – устных и письменных. Таким образом, знание языка должно способствовать не только расширению общеобразовательного кругозора обучающегося, но и повышению его квалификации. В связи с этим ставиться задача - научить будущих работников нефтяной промышленности читать и переводить техническую литературу по направлению без словаря. Под технической литературой, подразумеваются не адаптированные и обработанные тексты, а взятые из оригинальной технической литературы, как например, описания приборов, технологий, материалов, рабочих процессов в виде каталогов, проспектов, паспортов, прилагаемых к оборудованию, с которым магистру придется иметь дело на практике. УМК рассчитано на то, что обучаемый владеет необходимым грамматическим материалом. Тексты строятся на определенном грамматическом минимуме, поскольку умение чтения и перевода заключается в накоплении терминологического запаса. Каждая тема раскрывается в трех блоках заданий. Задания первого блока направлены на умения чтения с общим охватом содержания и использования терминологии, что является исходным и основным моментом профессионально-ориентированного перевода. Задания второго блока содержат тексты для самостоятельного чтения и перевода. Правильность перевода и выполнения заданий должна быть проверена при КСР. На протяжении всего курса обучения техническому переводу следует помнить, что главное научить магистров творчески работать над языком и поэтому мы ставим следующие цели: – изучение профессионально-ориентированной терминологии по направлению подготовки; – развитие навыков чтения и перевода текстов; – общение на профессиональные темы (выступления с докладом или сообщением, участие в дискуссии на иностранном языке); В результате освоения материала магистр должен: – уметь использовать иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности: – знать профессионально-ориентированную терминологию; – владеть навыками публичной речи (статья, доклад, презентация проведенного исследования, обсуждение, дискуссия и т.п.) на профессиональные темы. 3 ПЗ - 1 Тема 1. Разработка нефтегазового месторождения (Oil and Gas Field Development) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. life cycle to distinguish drainage area prospect economic assessment revenue production forecasts development cost – – – – – – – – 9. reservoir simulation models 10. development scenario 11. data acquisition 12. production objectiv 13. residual hydrocarbon 14. depollute – – – – – – 15. rehabilitate – период эксплуатации выделить зона дренирования объект поисков экономическая оценка объём реализованной нефти прогнозирование объёма добычи затраты на разработку месторождения гидродинамическая модель схема освоения получение и накопление данных производственная задача остаточный углеводород устранять загрязнение среды обитания восстанавливать Text A The Main Steps of an Oil or Gas Field Development Project 1. A hydrocarbon field has a long life cycle: from the discovery of a petroleum deposit to the first oil/gas, exploration and production activities are spread over several decades. Five main steps can be distinguished in the life of an oil or gas field: Oil & Gas Field Development. 4 2. EXPLORATION AND EVALUATION 1. Field discovery oil and gas are trapped in reservoir rocks buried underground (on shore/ off shore); to locate hydrocarbon accumulation, geoscientists analyze images of the earth’s subsurface produced by seismic echography. They build a model of geological layering of the subsurface, and then identify potential reservoirs called «prospects»; exploration wells need to be drilled to check if the identified prospect does indeed contain hydrocarbons. These wells are typically several kilometers deep. *An economic assessment is performed taking into account revenue according to production forecasts and the estimated development costs. If the required economic criteria are met, the field is developed and then produced. 2. Field evaluation Once discovery has been confirmed, 3D numerical reservoir simulation models are built: to estimate the initial volume of oil and gas in the reservoir; to simulate the reservoir fluid flow behavior and optimize the field development scenario (number, type and location of wells, level of field production, etc…). Appraisal wells are drilled to improve the field description through further data acquisition. 5 3. Field development A field development plan establishes the following: the number of wells to be drilled to reach production objectives; the recovery techniques to be used to extract the fluids within the reservoir; the type and cost of installations, such as platforms, depending on the marine environment (tides, storms, waves, winds, corrosion, …); the separation systems for gas and fluids; the treatment systems needed to preserve the environment. *Rotary drilling is the most widespread drilling technique and has been constantly upgraded: deviated wells, horizontal wells and, more recently, multi- drain wells. Those new technologies allow to increase well productivity. 4. Field production The time period over which hydrocarbons may be extracted varies between 15 to 30 years and may be extended up to 50 years or more for «giant fields». The lifetime of a reservoir is composed of different successive phases: a period of production increase; a stabilization phase or «plateau»; injection phases (water, gas or chemical products) to «assist» the hydrocarbon recovery and thus maintain a satisfactory volume of produced resources; the depletion period when hydrocarbon production declines progressively. *Deep offshore Significant technological developments have been recently made in exploration and production deep offshore (more than 1000 m water depth). Many wells have already been drilled in this range of depth but producing deep offshore fields remains particularly complex and expensive and still represents, today, a technological challenge. 6 5. Field abandonment When the hydrocarbon production rate becomes non economical, the reservoir is abandoned. Before abandoning the field, the oil companies: dismantle facilities such as platforms; put the well in a safe state; preserve the field’s residual hydrocarbon reserves of the field; clean, depollute and rehabilitate the site. 1.2. Ответьте на вопросы: a) How many steps can be distinguished in the life of an oil or gas field? b) What is «prospect»? c) When are exploration wells drilled? d) What main conditions are necessary for the field being developed? e) What kind of wells do you know? f) How long can an average field be developed? g) When is the reservoir abandoned? 1.3. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 1.4. Подготовьте доклад на тему: «Oil & Gas Field Development» 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. Text B From Exploration to Abandonment 1. Throughout its life cycle from exploration to abandonment, an oilfield requires the participation of many different specialists, working in teams, to make major investment and operating decisions. These decisions must be made under conditions where reservoir data is sparse and uncertainties exist not only about the costs and future performance of the asset, but also with respect to the future price and market demand for the produced oil and gas. 2. Because of the risks, the complexities and the sheer magnitudes of the investments required to develop an oilfield, most companies divide the analysis and decisions into discrete, sequential stages using a disciplined project management process often referred to as a stage-gate process. Field Development Stages. 3. There are five stages in this process: Stage 1 is devoted to the Identification and Assessment of Opportunities. This is essentially the Exploration Process. 7 Stages 2 and 3 are the Development Planning stages, where many teams of specialists perform feasibility studies in order to define the optimal development plan for the field, including costs, schedule and project economics in order to obtain a Final Investment Decision (FID). Once the FID is made, Stage 4, the Execution of the Development Plan, (essentially the Field Construction period) takes place. Stage 5 is devoted to the long-term Management of Production Operations. At this stage, the objectives are to optimize production, improve efficiency and maximize the net present worth of the asset by often making additional investments to recover incremental reserves. 2.2. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) participation of specialists – f) optimal development plan – b) sequential stages – g) Field Construction period – c) Identification and Assessment – h) Final Investment Decision – d) Assessment of Opportunities – i) additional investments – e) feasibility studies – j) incremental reserves – 2.3. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 2.4. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. Vocabulary 1. prospect 2. seismic investigation 3. redefine 4. lead 5. oil shale 6. to expel 7. density-related 8. buoyancy 9. oil seeps 10. within - объект исследования - сейсмические исследования - переопределить - возможная ловушка углеводородов - сланец, пропитанный нефтью - вытеснять - связанные с плотностью - плавучесть - нефтепроявления - находящийся внутри Text С Elements of a Petroleum Prospect A prospect is a potential trap which geologists believe may contain hydrocarbons. A significant amount of geological, structural and seismic investigation must first be completed to redefine the potential hydrocarbon drill location from a lead to a prospect. Five elements have to be present for a prospect to work and if any of them fail neither oil nor gas will be present. A source rock - when organic-rich rock such as oil shale or coal is subjected to high pressure and temperature over an extended period of time, hydrocarbons form. Migration - the hydrocarbons are expelled from source rock by three densityrelated mechanisms: 8 - the newly-matured hydrocarbons are less dense than their precursors, which causes overpressure; - the hydrocarbons are lighter and so migrate upwards due to buoyancy; - most hydrocarbons migrate to the surface as oil seeps, but some will get trapped. Trap - the hydrocarbons are buoyant and have to be trapped within a structural (e.g. Anticline, fault block) or stratigraphic trap (e.g. Lens) Seal or cap rock - the hydrocarbon trap has to be covered by an impermeable rock known as a seal or cap-rock in order to prevent hydrocarbons escaping to the surface. Reservoir - the hydrocarbons are contained in a reservoir rock. This is a porous sandstone or limestone. The oil collects in the pores within the rock. The reservoir must also be permeable so that the hydrocarbons will flow to surface during production. 2.5. Ответьте на вопросы: a) What is a petroleum prospect? b) What five elements have to be present for a prospect to work? c) What kind of traps do you know? d) How does a reservoir form? e) What main properties of a reservoir must be present? 2.6 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Text D A Prospect 1. An area of exploration in which hydrocarbons have been predicted to exist in economic quantity. A prospect is commonly an anomaly, such as a geologic structure or a seismic amplitude anomaly, that is recommended by explorationists for drilling a well. A prospect. 2. Justification for drilling a prospect is made by assembling evidence for an active petroleum system, or reasonable probability of encountering reservoirquality rock, a trap of sufficient size, adequate sealing rock, and appropriate conditions for generation and migration of hydrocarbons to fill the trap. 3. A single drilling location is also called a prospect, but the term is more properly used in the context of exploration. A group of prospects of a similar nature constitutes a play. 2.7. Просмотр и обсуждение фильма «A Tour of a Petroleum Industry». 9 2.8. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text E Petroleum Reservoir 1. A petroleum reservoir or oil and gas reservoir is a subsurface pool of hydrocarbons contained in porous or fractured rock formations. Petroleum reservoirs are broadly classified as conventional and unconventional reservoirs. 2. In case of conventional reservoirs, the naturally occurring hydrocarbons, such as crude oil or natural gas, are trapped by overlying rock formations with lower permeability. Petroleum trap. 3. While in unconventional reservoirs the rocks have high porosity and low permeability which keeps the hydrocarbons trapped in place, therefore no need for any cap rock. Reservoirs are found using hydrocarbon exploration methods. 2.9. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 2.10. Переведите следующие сочетания: f) trapped bya) petroleum reservoirg) high porosityb) gas reservoirh) low permeabilityc) hydrocarbons containedi) by overlying rockd) unconventional reservoirsj) hydrocarbon exploration e) naturally occurringmethods2.11. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text F Formation 1. Crude oil found in all oil reservoirs formed in the Earth's crust from the remains of once-living things. Crude oil is properly known as petroleum, and is used as fossil fuel Crude oil. Evidence indicates that millions of years of heat and pressure changed the remains of microscopic plant and animal into oil and natural gas. 2. Roy Nurmi, an interpretation adviser for Schlumberger, described the process as follows: "Plankton and algae, proteins and the life that's floating in the sea, as it dies, falls to the bottom, and these organisms are going to be the source of 10 our oil and gas. When they're buried with the accumulating sediment and reach an adequate temperature, something above 50 to 70 °C they start to cook. This transformation, this change, changes them into the liquid hydrocarbons that move and migrate, will become our oil and gas reservoir." 3. In addition to the aquatic environment, which is usually a sea, but might also be a river, lake, coral reef or algal mat, the formation of an oil or gas reservoir also requires a sedimentary basin that passes through four steps: deep burial under sand and mud, pressure cooking, hydrocarbon migration from the source to the reservoir rock, and trapping by impermeable rock. Types of traps. 4. Timing is also an important consideration; it is suggested that the Ohio River Valley could have had as much oil as the Middle East at one time, but that it escaped due to a lack of traps. The North Sea, on the other hand, endured millions of years of sea level changes that successfully resulted in the formation of more than 150 oilfields. 5. Although the process is generally the same, various environmental factors lead to the creation of a wide variety of reservoirs. Reservoirs exist anywhere from the land surface to 30,000 ft (9,000 m) below the surface and are a variety of shapes, sizes and ages. 2.12. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 2.13. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) known as petroleum f) move and migrateb) fossil fuelg) a sedimentary basinc) evidence indicatesh) by impermeable rockd) falls to the bottomi) important consideratione) accumulating sedimentj) environmental factors 2.14. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text H Estimating reserves 1. After the discovery of a reservoir, a petroleum engineer will seek to build a better picture of the accumulation. In a simple textbook example of a uniform reservoir, the first stage is to conduct a seismic survey to determine the possible size of the trap. Appraisal wells can be used to determine the location of oil-water contact and with it, the height of the oil bearing sands. 11 Often coupled with seismic data, it is possible to estimate the volume of oil bearing reservoir. 2. The next step is to use information from appraisal wells to estimate the porosity of the rock. The porosity, or the percentage of the total volume that contains fluids rather than solid rock, is 20-35% or less. It can give information on the actual capacity. Laboratory testing can determine the characteristics of the reservoir fluids, particularly the expansion factor of the oil, or how much the oil expands when brought from high pressure, high temperature of the reservoir to "stock tank" at the surface. OOIP. 3. With such information, it is possible to estimate how many "stock tank" barrels of oil are located in the reservoir. Such oil is called the stock tank oil initially in place (STOIIP). As a result of studying things such as the permeability of the rock (how easily fluids can flow through the rock) and possible drive mechanisms, it is possible to estimate the recovery factor, or what proportion of oil in place can be reasonably expected to be produced. The recovery factor is commonly 30-35%, giving a value for the recoverable reserves. 4. The difficulty is that reservoirs are not uniform. They have variable porosities and permeabilities and may be compartmentalized, with fractures and faults breaking them up and complicating fluid flow. For this reason, computer modeling of economically viable reservoirs is often carried out. Geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers work together to build a model which allows simulation of the flow of fluids in the reservoir, leading to an improved estimate of reserves. 12 Rock properties. Reservoir forecasting. Uncertainty assessment for future performance predictions of wells in oil reservoirs is performed using stochastic methods. Production. To obtain the contents of the oil reservoir, it is usually necessary to drill into the Earth's crust, although surface oil seeps exist in some parts of the world, such as the La Brea tar pits in California, and numerous seeps in Trinidad. Drive mechanisms. A virgin reservoir may be under sufficient pressure to push hydrocarbons to surface. As the fluids are produced, the pressure will often decline, and production will falter. The reservoir may respond to the withdrawal of fluid in a way that tends to maintain the pressure. Artificial drive methods may be necessary. 2.15. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 2.16. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) a uniform reservoir f) economically viable b) a seismic survey g) an improved estimate c) a possible size h) predictions of wells d) oil bearing sands i) tar pits e) STOIIP j) withdrawal 2.17. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text I Solution gas drive 1. This mechanism (also known as depletion drive) depends on the associated gas of the oil. The virgin reservoir may be entirely liquid, but will be expected to have gaseous hydrocarbons in solution due to the pressure. Solution gas drive. 13 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.18. As the reservoir depletes, the pressure falls below the bubble point, and the gas comes out of solution to form a gas cap at the top. This gas cap pushes down on the liquid helping to maintain pressure. This occurs when the natural gas is in a cap below the oil. When the well is drilled the lowered pressure above means that the oil expands. As the pressure is reduced it reaches bubble point and subsequently the gas bubbles drive the oil to the surface. The bubbles then reach critical saturation and flow together as a single gas phase. Beyond this point and below this pressure the gas phase flows out more rapidly than the oil because of its lowered viscosity. More free gas is produced and eventually the energy source is depleted. In some cases depending on the geology the gas may migrate to the top of the oil and form a secondary gas cap. Some energy may be supplied by water, gas in water, or compressed rock. These are usually minor contributions with respect to hydrocarbon expansion. By properly managing the production rates, greater benefits can be had from solution gas drives. Secondary recovery involves the injection of gas or water to maintain reservoir pressure. The gas/oil ratio and the oil production rate are stable until the reservoir pressure drops below the bubble point when critical gas saturation is reached. When the gas is exhausted, the gas/oil ratio and the oil rate drops, the reservoir pressure has been reduced and the reservoir energy exhausted. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text J Gas cap drive 1. In reservoirs already having a gas cap (the virgin pressure is already below bubble point), the gas cap expands with the depletion of the reservoir, pushing down on the liquid sections applying extra pressure. 2. This is present in the reservoir if there is more gas than can be dissolved in the reservoir. The gas will often migrate to the crest of the structure. It is compressed on top of the oil reserve, as the oil is produced the cap helps to push the oil out. Over time the gas cap moves down and infiltrates the oil and eventually the well will begin to produce more and more gas until it produces only gas. 3. It is best to manage the gas cap effectively; that is, placing the oil wells such that the gas cap will not reach them until the maximum amount of oil is produced. Also a high production rate may cause the gas to migrate downward into the production interval. Reservoir drive mechanism. 14 4. In this case over time the reservoir pressure depletion is not as steep as in the case of solution based gas drive. In this case the oil rate will not decline as steeply but will depend also on the placement of the well with respect to the gas cap. 5. As with other drive mechanisms, water or gas injection can be used to maintain reservoir pressure. When a gas cap is coupled with water influx the recovery mechanism can be highly efficient. 2.19. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 2.20. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) virgin pressure f) economically viable b) depletion of the reservoir g) on top of the oil reserve c) applying extra pressure h) predictions of wells d) can be dissolved i) drive mechanisms e) to manage the gas cap j) the production interval 2.21. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text K Aquifer (water) drive 1. Water (usually salty) may be present below the hydrocarbons. Water, as with all liquids, is compressible to a small degree. As the hydrocarbons are depleted, the reduction in pressure in the reservoir allows the water to expand slightly. Aquifer Drive. Although this unit expansion is minute, if the aquifer is large enough this will translate into a large increase in volume, which will push up on the hydrocarbons, maintaining pressure. 2. With a water-drive reservoir the decline in reservoir pressure is very slight; in some cases the reservoir pressure may remain unchanged. The gas/oil ratio also remains stable. The oil rate will remain fairly stable until the water reaches the well. In time, the water cut will increase and the well will be watered out. 3. The water may be present in an aquifer (but rarely one replenished with surface water). This water gradually replaces the volume of oil and gas that is produced out of the well, given that the production rate is equivalent to the aquifer activity. That is, the aquifer is being replenished from some natural water influx. If the water begins to be produced along with the oil, the recovery rate may become uneconomical owing to the higher lifting and water disposal costs. 2.22. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 2.23. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) the reduction in pressure c) the aquifer b) expansion is minute d) increase in volume 15 e) maintaining pressure f) the decline g) a water-drive reservoir - h) the water cut i) the aquifer activity j) lifting cost- Text L Water and gas injection. 1. Waterflooding or water flooding refers to the method in the oil industry where water is injected into the reservoir, usually to increase pressure and thereby stimulate production. Water injection wells can be found both on- and offshore, to increase oil recovery from an existing reservoir. Oil and Gas Acquisitions. 2. Water is injected: - (1) to support pressure of the reservoir (also known as voidage replacement), and - (2) to sweep or displace oil from the reservoir, and push it towards a well. 3. Normally only 30% of the oil in a reservoir can be extracted, but water injection increases that percentage (known as the recovery factor) and maintains the production rate of a reservoir over a longer period. 4. The importance of proper water treatment is often underestimated by oil companies and engineering companies. Especially with river-, and seawater, intake water quality can vary tremendously (algae blooming in spring time, storms and current stirring up sediments from the seafloor) which will have significant impact on the performance of the water treatment facilities. If not addressed correctly, water injection may not be successful. This results in poor water quality, clogging of the reservoir and loss of oil production. Gravity Drainage. The force of gravity will cause the oil to move downward of the gas and upward of the water. If vertical permeability exists then recovery rates may be even better. Gas & Gas Condensate Reservoirs. These occur if the reservoir conditions allow the hydrocarbons to exist as a gas. Retrieval is a matter of gas expansion. Recovery from a closed reservoir (i.e., no water drive) is very good, especially if bottom hole pressure is reduced to a minimum (usually done with compressors at the well head). Any produced liquids are light coloured to colourless, with a gravity higher than 45 API. 16 Gas Cycling is the process where dry gas is injected and produced along with condensed liquid. 2.24. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 2.25. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) stimulate production f) clogging b) on- and offshore g) loss of oil production c) an existing reservoir h) the force of gravity d) over a longer period i) vertical permeability e) that percentage j) recovery rates 3. Текст для перевода на английский язык. Жизненный цикл месторождения нефти Каждое нефтяное месторождение проходит определенный жизненный цикл, состоящий из нескольких характерных этапов. Например, на этапе разработки месторождение нефти проходит через определенные стадии, которые так и называются: стадии разработки месторождения. До того, как начать разработку нефтяного месторождения его необходимо еще найти. И не только найти, а еще и оценить его запасы и добычный потенциал. Только в случае наличия достаточных запасов нефти и технологических возможностей их извлечения приступают к разработке месторождения. Так вот, поиск и разведку месторождения нефти, оценку его потенциала можно выделить в отдельный этап. Условно назовем этот этап нулевой стадией. На этой стадии у нас нет добычи нефти, зато есть затраты на проведение комплекса различных исследований, бурение опорных, параметрических, поисковых, разведочных скважин. Еще один важный момент, о котором не стоит забывать - это комплекс работ, который необходимо осуществить после того как разработка месторождения перестала быть рентабельной (вследствие снижения добычи нефти до минимального уровня и/или достижении предельной обводненности продукции скважин). По мере извлечения нефтяных запасов добыча нефти снижается, при этом обводненность продукции скважин достигает максимальных значений. После того как дальнейшая разработка месторождения перестает быть рентабельной, добычу нефти прекращают, скважины ликвидируют (или 17 консервируют), а лицензию на разработку возвращают в соответствующие государственные органы. Этот этап является завершающим в жизненном цикле месторождения нефти. Таким образом, весь жизненный цикл месторождения будет выглядеть так: ПЗ-2 Тема 1. Разработка нефтегазового месторождения (Oil and Gas Field Development) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. commissioning predict advanced technology dimension structural height reservoir depth oil-bearing thinly bedded initial reservoir pressure MPa (megapascals) – – – – – – – – – – ввести в эксплуатацию прогнозировать усовершенствованная технология протяженность структурная высота глубина продуктивного пласта нефтеносный тонкопластовый начальное пластовое давление мегапаскаль Text А Romashkino Oil Field Development 1. The Romashkino field is an oil field in Tatarstan, Russia. Discovered in 1948, it is the largest oil field of Volga-Ural Basin. The field is operated by Tatneft. 18 2. The field covers approximately 4,200 square kilometres (1,600 sq mi). The oil deposit is lays in depth of about 1,800 metres (5,900 ft) in Kinovskiy and Pashiyskiy formations. Since its commissioning, the Romashkino field had produced over 15 billion barrels (2.4×109 m3) of oil. Statistic analysis predicted depletion at 16.5 to 17.2 billion barrels (2.62×109 to 2.73×109 m3). However, advanced technologies allow for extraction of more oil. 3. The Romashkino oil field is the biggest oil field in Russia. It has a maximum dimension of about 70 km [44 miles], a structural height of 50 to 60 m [164 to 197 ft] and a reservoir depth of 1600 to 1800 m [5200 to 5900 ft]. 4. The deposit is a succession of 10- to 30-m [33- to 100-ft] thick oil-bearing Devonian sandstones and carbonate rocks. The main productive formation contains thinly bedded sandstones and clays. Permeability of the sandstone layers is 200 to 420 mD, porosity is 18.8 to 20.4% and oil saturation is 69.4 to 90.5%. Initial reservoir pressure was 160 to 180 atm [16.2 to 18.2 MPa]. Geologic profile of the Romashkino field. NW 140 Wells 4811-88 518 519 14-91 27 33 30 627 - Limestone - Oil Reserves - Clay - Basement 19-553 18-552 16-551 SE 8-550 - Sansstone 5. Geological exploration in this region began in 1933. In 1947, exploration drilling commenced, and in 1948 Romashkino produced its first oil. Water injection began in 1954, but for the first several years, injection did not compensate for fluid extraction. In 1958, for the first time, the volume of fluid injected that year exceeded the volume of fluid extracted, and by 1963 total injected and extracted fluid volumes balanced. 6. By 1975, the total volume of fluid injected in the program reached 2.13x109 m3, or 104.7% of total extracted fluid. Suggested maximum pressures for water injection were 200 to 250 atm [20.2 to 25.3 MPa], but actual injection pressures sometimes were higher. 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text B Unique Romashkino Oil Field in Tatarstan Republic is an Inexhaustible Source to Add Oil Reserves (Khisamov, R.S., V.G. Bazarevskaya, OAO Tatneft, Tatarstan, Russia) 1. Discovery and development of Romashkino oilfield in 1943 made a significant contribution to the global petroleum science. For the first time advanced exploration and oil reserve development techniques were successfully implemented on a large scale in the oil field. 2. In the oil field stratigraphic section 22 horizons in Devonian and Carboniferous strata were identified to be oil-bearing, 18 of which proved commercial oil presence. Over 400 deposits have been discovered to date. 3. The petroleum geologists suppose that one of the unique elements of Romashkino field is the “replenishment” of oil reserves. The experience shows that as the geological study information expands and accumulates the quantity of evaluated and estimated reserves has been continually increasing in spite of oil production growth. 4. Some experts explain this phenomenon by the errors made in the reserve estimates while the others consider this as the inflow or replenishment due to the hydrocarbon flow along the hidden fractures as well as faults from the depths of crystalline basement. 5. In order to study the current processes that take place in the subsurface of Romashkino field we perform researches and pilot field operations; a great deal of focus is made to the crystalline basement study; unconsolidated zones identification in the crystalline basement. 6. We carry out abyssal seismic surveys and parametric drilling. The long-term study of the oil field performance history made it possible to identify the oil wells with abnormal production rates. In order to define oil migration paths we provided geochemical analyses of oil and etc. 2.2. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) a significant contribution – e) commercial oil presence– b) advanced exploration – f) along the hidden fractures – c) identified to be oil-bearing – g) pilot field operations – d) “replenishment” of oil reserves – h) unconsolidated zones – 20 i) abyssal seismic surveys – j) oil migration paths – 2.3 . Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 3. Текст для перевода на английский язык ОАО «Татнефть» проводит геологическое изучение и разработку нефтяных газовых месторождений на 97 лицензионных участках в России и контрактных территориях за рубежом. Основная добыча нефти ведется Республике Татарстан, Самарской и Оренбургской областях, а разведка – НАО, Калмыкии и Ульяновской области. и 5 в в В Республике Татарстан основные запасы нефти сосредоточены на месторождениях с выработанностью более 80%, в т.ч. на уникальном Ромашкинском месторождении (рис. 1). Они обеспечивают более 75% годовой добычи ОАО «Татнефть» (около 380 тыс. барр/сут). Запасы нетрадиционных углеводородов практически не вовлечены в разработку. В частности, битуминозная и тяжелая нефть с долей запасов 16,8% дает всего около 2% от общей добычи, а запасы слабопроницаемых коллекторов практически не разрабатываются. За эти годы по Ромашкинскому месторождению достигнута стабилизация всех показателей разработки. По оценке «Миллер энд Лентц», доказанные запасы месторождения на 01.01.2014 г. составили 547 млн т (3,9 млрд барр.) За последние 18 лет, за счет проводимых геолого-технических мероприятий, ожидаемый конечный коэффициент извлечения нефти (КИН) по месторождению вырос от 0,441 до 0,531 доли единиц за счет проводимых геолого-технических мероприятий По ОАО «Татнефть» значительный объем геолого-технических мероприятий по стабилизации добычи нефти на выработанных месторождениях составляют бурение горизонтальных скважин и боковых стволов. Внедрение технологий одновременно-раздельной эксплуатации (ОРЭ), одновременно-раздельной закачки (ОРЗ), гидроразрыва пласта (ГРП) в последние годы позволили увеличить добычу нефти из карбонатных коллекторов с низкими коллекторскими свойствами. ПЗ - 3 Тема 2. Добыча за счет естественной энергии пласта (Natural Lift) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. 21 Vocabulary 1. flowline 2. outfitt 3. access 4. outlet valve 5. distribution network 6. estimate 7. purchaser 8. tubular goods 9. associated equipment 10. processing equipment 11. artificial lift equipment – – – – – – – – – – – 12. 13. 14. 15. – – – – choke metering device storage vessel backpressure промысловый трубопровод оснащать, оборудовать доступ выпускной клапан сеть распространения продукции оценивать покупатель трубные изделия вспомогательное оборудование нефтехимическое оборудование оборудование для механизированной эксплуатации скважин штуцер измерительный прибор резервуар для хранения обратное фильтрационное давление Text A Oil and Gas Production System A complete oil or gas production system consists of a reservoir, well, flowline, separators, pumps, and transportation pipelines. Reservoir supplies wellbore with crude oil or gas. Well provides a path for the production fluid to flow from bottom hole to surface and offers means to control the fluid production rate. Flowline leads the produced fluid to separators. Separators remove gas and water from the crude oil. Pumps and compressors are used to transport oil and gas through pipelines to sales points. The production stage is the most important stage of a well's life, when the oil and gas are produced. By this time, the oil rigs used to drill and complete the well have moved off the wellbore, and the top is usually outfitted with a collection of valves called a Christmas tree or Production trees. These valves regulate pressures, control flows, and allow access to the wellbore in case further completion work is needed. From the outlet valve of the production tree, the flow can be connected to a distribution network of pipelines and tanks to supply the product to refineries, natural gas compressor stations, or oil export terminals. 22 As long as the pressure in the reservoir remains high enough, the production tree is all that is required to produce the well. If the pressure depletes and it is considered economically viable, an artificial lift method can be employed. 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text B Production System 1. Understanding the principles of fluid flow through the production system is important in estimating the performance of individual wells and optimizing well and reservoir productivity. In the most general sense, the production system is the system that transports reservoir fluids from the subsurface reservoir to the surface, processes and treats the fluids, and prepares the fluids for storage and transfer to a purchaser. 2. The basic elements of the production system include the: 23 Reservoir Wellbore Tubular goods and associated equipment Surface wellhead, flowlines, and processing equipment Artificial lift equipment 3. The reservoir is the source of fluids for the production system. It is the porous, permeable media in which the reservoir fluids are stored and through which the fluids will flow to the wellbore. It also furnishes the primary energy for the production system. 4. The wellbore serves as the conduit for access to the reservoir from the surface. It is composed of the drilled wellbore, which normally has been cemented and cased. The cased wellbore houses the tubing and associated subsurface production equipment, such as packers. The tubing serves as the primary conduit for fluid flow from the reservoir to the surface, although fluids also may be transported through the tubing-casing annulus. 5. The wellhead, flowlines, and processing equipment represent the surface mechanical equipment required to control and process reservoir fluids at the surface and prepare them for transfer to a purchaser. Surface mechanical equipment includes the wellhead equipment and associated: Valving Chokes Manifolds Flowlines Separators Treatment equipment Metering devices Storage vessels 6. In many cases, the reservoir is unable to furnish sufficient energy to produce fluids to the surface at economic rates throughout the life of the reservoir. When this occurs, artificial lift equipment is used to enhance production rates by adding energy to the production system. This component of the system is composed of both surface and subsurface elements. 7. This additional energy can be furnished directly to the fluid through subsurface pumps, by reducing the backpressure at the reservoir with surface compression equipment to lower wellhead pressure, or by injecting gas into the production string to reduce the flowing gradient of the fluid. 2.2. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) the source of fluids – b) reservoir productivity – c) subsurface reservoir – d) the production system – e) tubular goods – 24 f) g) h) i) j) metering devices – will flow to the wellbore – the primary energy – subsurface equipment – to reduce the gradient – 2.3. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 2.4. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Text С Flow Through Production System 1. Recognizing the various components of the production system and understanding their interaction generally leads to improved well productivity through analysis of the entire system. As the fluid flows from the reservoir into and through the production system, it experiences a continuous pressure drop (as Fig. 1 shows). Fig. 1 2. The pressure begins at the average reservoir pressure and ends either at the pressure of the transfer line or near atmospheric pressure in the stock tank. In either case, a large pressure drop is experienced as the reservoir fluids are produced to the surface. It is the petroleum engineer’s responsibility to use this pressure reduction in an optimal manner. 3. The pressure reduction depends on the production rate and, at the same time, the production rate depends on the pressure change. Understanding the relationship between pressure and production rate is important to predicting the performance of individual oil and gas wells. 2.5. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 2.6. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text D Fluid-Flow Process 1. To design a well completion or predict the production rate properly, a systematic approach is required to integrate the production system components. Systems analysis (more commonly called nodal analysis), which allows the petroleum engineer to both analyze production systems and design well completions, accomplishes this. 2. For proper management of the well and reservoir it is critical to understand the flow of reservoir fluids through the production system, particularly inflow performance, which is the reservoir pressure-rate behavior of the individual well, and outflow performance, which is the flow of reservoir fluids through the piping system. 3. Systems analysis is an excellent engineering tool for optimizing the design of a new well completion or analyzing the behavior of a current production system. The application of systems analysis requires a thorough understanding of the relationship between flow of reservoir fluids in the subsurface reservoir and fluid flow through the well completion and tubulars to the surface stock tank. 4. Unfortunately, this understanding is often lacking in practice. Inefficient operations may occur, because the petroleum engineer does not have a complete understanding of the fluid-flow process or fails to take a comprehensive look at the production system. The proper application of systems analysis provides a basis for determining the interaction of the various components in the production system to optimize the desired production rates for both oil and gas wells. 2.7. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) predict the production rate b) nodal analysis – c) proper management – d) a thorough understanding e) the surface stock tank – f) g) h) i) j) engineering tool – lacking in practice – may occur – determining the interaction desired production rates – 2.8. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 3. Текст для перевода на английский язык. Как известно, в стволе скважины всегда присутствует жидкость. На этапе бурения скважины – это буровой раствор. По окончании бурения его, как правило, замещают технической водой. А в результате мероприятий по освоению скважины ствол заполняется пластовой жидкостью (нефтью или нефтью с водой). Таким образом, как я уже сказал, в стволе скважины всегда присутствует столб жидкости. Столб жидкости создает гидростатическое давление (Р) на забой скважины, которое описывается известным уравнением: P = ρgh где 26 P - гидростатическое давление; ρ - плотность жидкости; g - ускорение свободного падения; h - высота столба жидкости Для того чтобы в скважину поступала жидкость из пласта (будь то нефть, газ или вода) должно соблюдаться простое условие: пластовое давление должно быть выше гидростатического давления столба жидкости в стволе скважины. Теперь, если энергия пласта изначально высока и пластовое давление выше давления столба жидкости в стволе скважины, то получаем естественный приток нефти. Такой способ называется фонтанный способ эксплуатации скважины. ПЗ - 4 Тема 2. Добыча за счет естественной энергии пласта (Natural Lift) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. gas-oil ratio (GOR) scf/stb (standard cubic feet per stock tank barrel) boundary type Water-drive reservoir Gas-cap drive reservoir Dissolved –gas drive reservoir - газовый фактор; газосодержание - стандартный кубический фут на баррель - по типу границ - коллектор с водонапорным режимом - режим газовой шапки в коллекторе - режим растворенного газа в коллекторе Text A Types of Reservoir Hydrocarbon accumulation in geological traps can be classified as reservoir, field, and pool. A “reservoir” is a porous permeable underground formation containing an individual bank of hydrocarbons confined by impermeable rock or water barriers and is characterized by a single natural pressure system. A “field” is an area that consists of one or more reservoirs all related to the same structural feature. 27 A “pool” contains one or more reservoirs in isolated structures. 2. Wells in the same reservoir can fall into categories of oil, condensate, and gas wells depending on the producing gas-oil ratio (GOR): gas wells with producing GOR being greater than 100,000 scf/stb; condensate wells with producing GOR being less than 100,000 scf/stb but greater than 5,000 scf/stb; oil wells with producing GOR being less than 5,000 scf/stb. 3. Oil reservoirs can be classified on the basis of boundary type, which determines driving mechanism, and which are as follows: Water-drive reservoir Gas-cap drive reservoir Dissolved-gas drive reservoir 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Text B Drive mechanisms 1. A virgin reservoir may be under sufficient pressure to push hydrocarbons to surface. As the fluids are produced, the pressure will often decline, and production will falter. The reservoir may respond to the withdrawal of fluid in a way that tends to maintain the pressure. Artificial drive methods may be necessary. Solution gas drive. This mechanism (also known as depletion drive) depends on the associated gas of the oil. The virgin reservoir may be entirely liquid, but will be expected to have gaseous hydrocarbons in solution due to the pressure. As the reservoir depletes, the pressure falls below the bubble point, and the gas comes out of solution to form a gas cap at the top. This gas cap pushes down on the liquid helping to maintain pressure. Gas cap drive. In reservoirs already having a gas cap (the virgin pressure is already below bubble point), the gas cap expands with the depletion of the reservoir, pushing down on the liquid sections applying extra pressure. This is present in the reservoir if there is more gas than can be dissolved in the reservoir. The gas will often migrate to the crest of the structure. It is compressed on top of the oil reserve, as the oil is produced the cap helps to push the oil out. Over time the gas cap moves down and infiltrates the oil and eventually the well will begin to produce more and more gas until it produces only gas. Aquifer (water) drive. Water (usually salty) may be present below the hydrocarbons. Water, as with all liquids, is compressible to a small degree. As the hydrocarbons are depleted, the reduction in pressure in the reservoir allows the water to expand slightly. Although this unit 28 expansion is minute, if the aquifer is large enough this will translate into a large increase in volume, which will push up on the hydrocarbons, maintaining pressure. With a water-drive reservoir the decline in reservoir pressure is very slight; in some cases the reservoir pressure may remain unchanged. The gas/oil ratio also remains stable. The oil rate will remain stable until the water reaches the well. In time, the water cut will increase and the well will be watered out. 2.2. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) often decline – f) b) due to the pressure – g) c) to maintain pressure – h) i) d) can be dissolved – j) e) gas cap moves down – 2.3. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 3. Текст для перевода на английский язык. a small degree – increase in volume – unit expansion – remain unchanged – remain stable – Совокупность всех естественных и искусственных факторов, определяющих процессы, проявляющиеся в пористом пласте при его дренировании системой эксплуатационных и нагнетательных скважин, принято называть режимом пласта. Выделяют пять режимов: водонапорный (естественный и искусственный), упругий, газонапорный (режим газовой шапки), режим растворенного газа и гравитационный. От правильной оценки режима дренирования зависят технологические нормы отбора жидкости из скважин, предельно допустимые динамические забойные давления, выбор расчетно-математического аппарата для прогнозирования гидродинамических показателей разработки, определения объемов добычи жидкости и газа, расчета процесса обводнения скважин, а также и тех мероприятий по воздействию на залежь, которые необходимы при разработке для достижения максимально возможного конечного коэффициента нефтеотдачи. Однако определить режим залежи не всегда просто, так как в ряде случаев многие факторы, определяющие режим, проявляются одновременно 29 ПЗ - 5 Тема 2. Добыча за счет естественной энергии пласта (Natural Lift) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.2. Изучите термины и их сокращения. acronym (сокращение) 1. BHA (Bottom-Hole Assembly) чтение [ bi: eit ei ] 2. RIH and POOH (Running in Hole & Pulling out of Hole) 3. EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) (round trips) [ i: ou a: ] 4. Pre & Post Workover Activities = Preparation Activities 5. DDM (Downhole Drilling Motor) (preparation activity) 6. WOC (Waiting on Cement) (waiting on cement) 7. BHT (Bottom-hole Treatment) 8. DC (Drill collar) 9. DST (Drill Stem Test) 10. MTBF (MeanTime Between Failures) (downhole motor) (bottom hole treatment) (drill collar) [ di: es ti:] [ em ti: bi: ef ] 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Сопоставить английские и русские сокращения. 1. RIH & POOH a) ПЗР 2. BHA b) КНБК 3. MTBF c) СПО 4. DDM d) ОЗЦ 5. EOR e) ОПЗ 30 значение/перевод компоновка низа бурильной колонны (КНБК) спускоподъёмные операции (СПО) методы увеличения нефтеотдачи (МУН) подготовительно-заключит. работы (ПЗР) винтовой забойный двигатель (ВЗД) ожидание затвердения цемента (ОЗЦ) обработка призабойной зоны (ОПЗ) утяжеленная буровая труба (УБТ) испытание пласта пластоиспытателем (ИПП) межремонтный период (МРП) 6. BHT f) ИПП 7. DC g) МРП 8. DSD h) МУН 9. WOC i) УБТ 10. Preparation Activities j) ВЗД 2.2. Сопоставьте сокращения и термины. 1. BHA 2. RIH and POOH 3. EOR 4. Pre & Post Workover Activities 5. DDM 6. WOC 7. BHT 8. DC a) any of several techniques that make it possible to recover more oil than can be obtained by natural pressure, such as the injection of fluid or gases into an oilfield to force more oil to the surface b) a drilling tool made up in the drill string directly above the bit. It causes the bit to turn while the drill string remains nonrotating. It is used most often as a deflection tool in directional drilling. c) a method of formation testing. The basic drill stem test tool consists of a packer or packers, valves or ports that may be opened and closed from the surface, and two or more pressure-recording devices. The tool is lowered on the drill string to the zone to be tested. The packer or packers are set to isolate the zone from the drilling fluid column. d) stimulation of production and injection wells with complex acid compositions, including surfactants – acid compositions, emulsion acid compositions, active technological fluids based on complex solvents. e) the procedure of pulling out and subsequently running back into the hole a string of drill pipe or tubing (or any tool). Also called tripping. f) is a subsurface equipment. It can be as simple as bit and drill collars or it can be very complex and made up of multiple components. It usually includes the drilling bit, drill collars, stabilizers and other drilling components run into the well on the end of the drill pipe. g) include all kinds of operations to prepare equipment and tools for each of the major works, as well as held before the start and end of each repair and each work shift. h) is the predicted elapsed time between inherent failures of a 31 9. DST 10. MTBF system during operation. It can be calculated as the arithmetic mean (average) time between failures of a system. i) a heavy, thick-walled tube, usually steel, used between the drill pipe and the bit in the drill stem, used to stiffen the drilling assembly an put weight on the bit so that the bit can drill. j) the time when drilling or completion operations are suspended so that the cement in the casing annulus can harden sufficiently. 3. Текст для перевода на английский язык. Компоновка низа бурильной колонны включает, как правило, долото, калибратор и винтовой забойный двигатель-отклонитель. Спуско-подъемные операции относятся к наиболее трудоемким работам в бурении. На них приходится до 40 % всего времени, затрачиваемого на строительство скважины. Автоматизация и механизация этих работ в бурении является наиболее эффективным средством совершенствования их организации. В настоящее время выделяют несколько групп методов повышения нефтеотдачи пласта: - гидродинамические методы; - физико-химические методы; - тепловые, микробиологические и другие методы Подготовительно-заключительные работы включают все виды операций по подготовке оборудования и инструмента для каждой из основных работ, а также проводимых перед началом и в конце каждого ремонта и каждой рабочей смены. Винтовые забойные двигатели предназначены для бурения наклоннонаправленных, глубоких, вертикальных, горизонтальных и других скважин. Так же применяется для разбуривания песчанных пробок, цементных мостов, солевых отложений и тд. Применяется в нефтегазовой и нефтегазодобывающей областях. Диаметр винтовых забойных двигателей обычно составляет 54-230 мм и применимы в бурении и капитальном ремонте скважин. Ожидание затвердевания цемента – ожидание затвердевания цемента после цементирования обсадной колонны Обработка призабойной зоны - относится к методам интенсификации притока. ОПЗ производят в терригенных и карбонатных коллекторах кислотными или щелочными (только терригены) составами с целью восстановления проницаемости призабойной зоны пласта (ПЗП). 32 Утяжеленные бурильные трубы предназначены для повышения жесткости и увеличения массы нижней части бурильной колонны, посредством которой создается нагрузка на долото. Пластоиспытатель спускают в скважину на бурильных трубах. Пластоиспытатели позволяют создавать мгновенно высокую депрессию, что является благоприятным фактором для очистки призабойных зон пласта и вызова притока пластового флюида. При этом повышается эффективность результатов испытания ( экономичность, объем и качество информации) и обеспечивается испытание объектов в скважинах с негерметичной колонной обсадных труб. Межремонтный период - продолжительность эксплуатации скважины ( сут) от предыдущего до следующего ремонта. Обычно его вычисляют в среднем за квартал ( полугодие, год) по каждой скважине, цеху по добыче нефти и газа, нефтегазодобывающему управлению ( НГДУ), объединению в целом ( в среднем), а также по способам эксплуатации. Межремонтный период - это время работы оборудования между двумя очередными плановыми ремонтами. ПЗ - 6 Тема 2. Добыча за счет естественной энергии пласта (Natural Lift) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.2. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. Vocabulary 1. be actuated - приводить в действие 2. borehole section - интервал ствола скважины 3. bottom-hole choke - забойный штуцер 4. casing head - головка обсадной коллоны 5. casing valve - затрубная задвижка 6. hardware - металлическое изделие 7. main valve - главный распределительный клапан 8. master valve - фонтанная задвижка 9. needle valve - игольчатый клапан или вентиль 10. pressure drawdown - депрессия в скважине (снижение забойного давления) 11. pressure gauge - датчик давления 12. surface chokes - устьевой штуцер 13. tee - тройник 14. tubing head - головка НКТ 15. wing valves - задвижка на отводной линии фонтанной арматуры 33 Text А Flowing Wells Defined as any well which has sufficient pressure in the reservoir to cause the oil or gas to flow naturally to the surface through the wellbore. A well which produces oil or gas without any means of artificial lift. They require relatively little equipment or expense to bring the oil to the surface. A well in which the formation pressure is sufficient to produce oil at a commercial rate without requiring a pump. Most reservoirs are initially at pressures high enough to allow a well to flow naturally. 1. The flowing well is composed of wellhead, casings, tubing, packers, downhole chokes), surface chokes and Christmas tree. Wellhead is defined as the surface equipment. Wellheads are typically welded onto the first string of casing. A wellhead is the component at the surface of an oil or gas well that provides the structural and pressurecontaining interface for the drilling and production equipment. The surface 34 pressure control is provided by a Christmas tree, which is installed on top of the wellhead, with isolation valves and choke equipment to control the flow of well fluids during production. Casing is large diameter pipe that is assembled and inserted into a recently drilled section of a borehole and typically held into place with cement. Production tubing is a tube used in a wellbore through which production fluids are produced. Production tubing is run into the drilled well after the casing is run and cemented in place. It protects wellbore casing from corrosion, and deposition of by-products, such as sand / silt, paraffins, and asphaltenes. Production packer is a standard component of the completion hardware of oil or gas wells used to provide a seal between the outside of the production tubing and the inside of the casing, liner, or wellbore wall. 2. Based on its primary use, packers can be divided into two main categories: production packers and service packers. Production packers are those that remain in the well during well production. Service packers are used temporarily during well service activities such as cement squeezing, acidizing, fracturing and well testing. 3. It is usually run in close to the bottom end of the production tubing and set at a point above the top perforations or sand screens. In wells with multiple reservoir zones, packers are used to isolate the perforations from each zone. 4. Most packers are "permanent" and require milling in order to remove them from the casing. The main advantages of permanent packers are lower cost and greater sealing and gripping capabilities. Christmas tree - the equipment at the top of the production wellhead is called Christmas tree and it is used to control flow. Christmas tree is installed above the tubing head. An adopter is a piece of equipment used to join the two. Christmas tree may have one flow outlet (a tee) or two flow outlets (a cross). The master valve, the tubing must be plugged. Christmas tree consists of a main valve, wing valves and needle valve. These valves are used for closing the well when needed. At the top of the tee structure (on the top of the Christmas tree), there is a pressure gauge that indicates the pressure in the tubing. Wellhead chokes are used to limit production rates for regulations, protect surface equipment from slugging, avoid sand problems due to high drawdown, and control flow rate to avoid water or gas coning. Surface choke is a piece of equipment used to control the flow rate. In the most flowing wells, the oil production rate is changed by adjusting the choke size. The choke causes back-pressure in the line. The back-pressure (caused by the choke or other restrictions in the flowing line) increases the bottom hole flowing pressure. Increasing the bottom-hole-flowing pressure decreases the pressure drop from the reservoir to the wellbore (pressure drawdown). Thus, 35 increasing the back-pressure in the wellbore decrease the flow rate from the reservoir. Down-hole chokes - In some wells, chokes are installed in the lower section of tubing strings. This choke arrangement reduces well-head pressure and enhances oil production rate as a result of gas expansion in the tubing string. For gas wells, use of down-hole chokes minimizes the gas hydrate problem in the well stream. A major disadvantage of using down-hole chokes is that replacing a choke is costly. 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Сопоставьте термины и их определения. 1. Wellhead is a) a well which produces oil or gas without any means of artificial lift. 2. Appraisal well b) the component at the surface of an oil or gas well that provides the structural and pressure-containing interface for the drilling and production equipment. 3. Production tubing is c) the chokes which installed in the lower section of tubing strings. 4. Packer is d) a piece of equipment used to control the flow rate. 5. Down-hole chokes are e) the equipment at the top of the production wellhead. It controls the flow and consists of different valves. 6. Christmas tree is f) a large diameter pipe that is assembled and inserted into a recently drilled section of a borehole and typically held into place with cement. 7. Flowing well is g) a piece of downhole equipment that consists of a sealing device, a holding or setting device, and an inside passage for fluids. 8. Surface choke is h) a tube used in a wellbore through which production fluids are produced. 9. Well is i) a well drilled in a relatively explored area to survey its geological structure and oil and gas bearing prospects. 10. Casing is j) any hole drilled by the bit for water, gas or oil. 2.2. Прочтите и переведите текст. 36 Text B Wellhead 1. Wellheads can involve dry or subsea completion. Dry completion means that the well is onshore or on the topside structure on an offshore installation. Subsea wellheads are located underwater on a special sea bed template. 2. The wellhead has equipment mounted at the opening of the well to regulate and monitor the extraction of hydrocarbons from the underground formation. This also prevents oil or natural gas leaking out of the well, and prevents blow-outs due to high pressure formations. 3. Formations that are under high pressure typically require wellheads that can withstand a great deal of upward pressure from the escaping gases and liquids. These must be able to withstand pressures of up to 140 MPa (1,400 Bar). The wellhead consists of three components: the casing head, the tubing head, and the “Christmas tree.” 2.3. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Text С Christmas tree 1. A typical Christmas tree, composed of a master gate valve, a pressure gauge, a wing valve, a swab valve and a choke is shown above. The Christmas tree may also have a number of check valves. The functions of these devices are explained below. 2. At the bottom we find the casing head and casing hangers. The casing is screwed, bolted or welded to the hanger. Several valves and plugs are normally fitted to give access to the casing. 3. This permits the casing to be opened, closed, bled down, and in some cases, allow the flowing well to be produced through the casing as well as the tubing. The valve can be used to determine leaks in casing, tubing or the packer, and is also used for lift gas injection into the casing. 4. The tubing hanger (also called a donut) is used to position the tubing correctly in the well. Sealing also allows Christmas tree removal with pressure in the casing. 5. Master gate valve. The master gate valve is a high quality valve. It provides full opening, which means that it opens to the same inside diameter as the tubing so that specialized tools may be run through it. It must be capable of holding the full pressure of the well safely for all anticipated purposes. This valve is usually left fully open and is not used to control flow. 6. Pressure gauge. The minimum instrumentation is a pressure gauge placed above the master gate valve before the wing valve. In addition, other instruments such as a temperature gauge are normally fitted. 37 7. Wing valve. The wing valve can be a gate or ball valve. When shutting in the well, the wing gate or valve is normally used so that the tubing pressure can be easily read 8. Swab valve. The swab valve is used to gain access to the well for wireline operations, intervention and other workover procedures (see below). On top of it is a tree adapter and cap that mates with a range of equipment. 9. Variable flow choke valve. The variable flow choke valve is typically a large needle valve. Its calibrated opening is adjustable in 1/64 inch increments (called beans). High-quality steel is used in order to withstand the high speed flow of abrasive materials that pass through the choke, usually over many years, with little damage except to the dart or seat. If a variable choke is not required, a less expensive positive choke is normally installed on smaller wells. This has a builtin restriction that limits flow when the wing valve is fully open. 10. Vertical tree. Christmas trees can also be horizontal where the master, wing and choke are on a horizontal axis. This reduces the height and may allow easier intervention. Horizontal trees are especially used on subsea wells. 2.4. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) composed of – f) shutting in the well – b) bolted or welded – g) high-quality steel – c) pressure in the casing – h) is not required – d) may be run through – i) that limits flow – e) a temperature gauge – j) a horizontal axis – 2.5. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 3. Текст для перевода на английский язык. Фонтанная арматура Разновидность устьевой арматуры скважины, монтируется на устье фонтанирующей скважины для его герметизации, подвески лифтовых колонн и управления потоками продукции скважины. Фонтанная арматура: должна выдерживать большое давление (при полном закрытии фонтанирующей скважины); давать возможность производить замеры давления как в лифтовых трубах, так и на выходе продукции из скважины; позволять выпускать или закачивать газ при освоении скважины. 2.6. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. Vocabulary 1. burner 2. line heater 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. gas hydrates deposit out install hissing sound oil leaks downstream valve tubing pressure gauge wearing - камера сгорания - подогреватель, устанавливаемый на трубопроводе - газогидрат - выпадать - устанавливать - шипящий звук - утечка нефти - клапан поточного типа - манометр давления в НКТ - износ Text D A Well “Shutting-In” and “Opening” Procedures 1. Certain procedures must be followed to open or close a well. Before opening, check all the surface equipment such as safety valves, fitting and so on. 2. The burner or a line heater must be lit before the well is opened. This is necessary because the pressure drop across a choke cools the fluid and may cause gas hydrates or paraffin to deposit out. 3. A gas burnet keeps the involved fluid (usually water) hot. Fluid from the well is carried through a coil of piping. The choke is installed in the heater. Well fluid is heated both before and after it flows through the chokes. The upstream heating helps melt any solid that may be present in the producing fluid. The downstream heating prevents hydrates and paraffins from forming at the choke. 4. Surface valves should be open and clear before the well is allowed to flow. All valves that are in the master valve and other downstream valves are closed. 5. Then follow the following procedure to open a well: The operator opens the master valve (just a crack) and escaping makes a hissing sound. When the fluid no longer hisses through the valve, the pressure has been equalized and then the master valve is opened wide. If there are no oil leaks, the operator cracks the next downstream valve that is closed. Usually this will be either the second (backup) master valve or a wing valve. Again, when the hissing sound stops, the valve is opened wide. 39 The operator opens the other downstream valves the same way. To read the tubing pressure gauge, the operator must open the needle valve at the top of the Christmas tree. After reading and recording the pressure, the operator may close the valve again to protect the gauge. 6. The procedure for “shutting-in” a well is the opposite of the procedure for opening a well. In shutting-in the well, the master valve is closed last. Valves are closed rather rapidly to avoid wearing of the valve (to prevent erosion). At least two valves must be closed. 2.7. Переведите следующие сочетания: f) through the valve – a) check all the equipment – b) cools the fluid – g) the hissing sound – c) fluid is heated – h) to protect the gauge – i) recording the pressure – d) prevents hydrates – j) is the opposite – e) downstream valves – 2.8. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 3. Текст для перевода на английский язык. При эксплуатации газовой скважины необходимо, чтобы все задвижки елки были полностью открыты, за исключением задвижек на запасной выкидной струне. Это вызвано тем, что если в струе газа имеются твердые примеси, то при не полностью открытых задвижках могут разъедаться клинкеты. В случае выхода из строя коренной задвижки смена ее требует глушения скважины. Коренная задвижка должна быть открыта полностью как при эксплуатации, так и при временной остановке скважины. Для других задвижек устанавливается следующий порядок открытия и закрытия их на елке. При пуске скважины в эксплуатацию открывают коренную задвижку, далее открывают задвижку, ближайшую к крестовине, затем к отводу. При остановке скважины следует закрыть задвижки в обратном порядке. При сборке фонтанной арматуры на устье должно быть обращено внимание на тщательность крепления всех соединений и в особенности трубной головки, так как в случае ее ремонта или смены необходимо глушение скважины. Кроме того, неисправность фонтанной арматуры может служить причиной аварий, а несвоевременное устранение дефекта может привести к открытому фонтанированию скважины. ПЗ - 7 Тема 3. Механизированный метод добычи. (Artificial Drive) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. 40 Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. solution gas pressure maintenance production pressure drawdown bottom-hole pressure decreasing reservoir pressure hydrostatic column Beam pumping/ Sucker rod pumping 8. bottom-hole pressure 9. Electrical Submersible pumping 10. Hydraulic pumping - газ растворенный в нефти поддержание давления падение пластового давления забойное давление снижение пластового давления гидростатический напор эксплуатация скважины штанговым насосом - пластовое давление - электрический центробежный насос - гидравлический насос Text А Artificial Lift 1. Most oil reservoirs are of the volumetric type where the driving mechanism is the expansion of solution gas when reservoir pressure declines because of fluid production. Oil reservoirs will eventually not be able to produce fluids at economical rates unless natural driving mechanisms (e.g., aquifer and/or gas cap) or pressure maintenance mechanisms (e.g., water flooding or gas injection) are present to maintain reservoir energy. 2. The only way to obtain a high production rate of a well is to increase production pressure drawdown by reducing the bottom-hole pressure with artificial lift methods. Artificial Lift Methods. 3. Artificial lift is a technique used to bring oil from the reservoir to the surface because of decreasing reservoir pressure. Generally this is achieved by the use of a mechanical device inside the well (known as pump or velocity string) or by decreasing the weight of the hydrostatic column by injecting gas into the liquid some distance down the well. 4. Artificial lift is needed in wells when there is insufficient pressure in the reservoir to lift the produced fluids to the surface. It also often used in naturally flowing wells (which do not technically need it) to increase the flow rate above what 41 would flow naturally. Approximately 50% of wells worldwide need artificial lift systems. 5. There are currently four common methods of artificial lift: • Beam pumping/ Sucker rod pumping; • Electrical Submersible pumping; • Gas lift; • Hydraulic pumping; 1.2. Ответьте на вопросы. 1) How many methods of oil producing do you know? 2) What does natural lift rely on? 3) What does artificial lift mean? 4) What mechanical device for artificial lift do you know? 5) How many methods of artificial lift do you know? 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы. 2.1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Text B Artificial Lift 1. Production wells are free flowing or lifted. A free flowing oil well has enough downhole pressure to reach suitable wellhead production pressure and maintain an acceptable well flow. 2. If the formation pressure is too low, and water or gas injection cannot maintain pressure or are not suitable, the well must be artificially lifted. For smaller wells, 0.7 MPa (100 PSI) wellhead pressure with a standing column of liquid in the tubing is measured, by a rule of-thumb method, to allow the well to flow. 3. Larger wells will be equipped with artificial lift to increase production, even at much higher pressures. Some artificial lift methods are described below. 2.2. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text C Usage of Artificial Lift Systems 1. There are approximately 2 million oil wells in operation worldwide. More than 1 million wells use some type of artificial lift. More than 750,000 of the lifted wells use sucker-rod pumps. In the US, sucker-rod pumps lift approximately 350,000 wells. 42 2. Approximately 80% of all US oil wells are stripper wells making less than 10 B/D with some water cut. The vast majority of these stripper wells are lifted with sucker-rod pumps. Of the nonstripper “higher” volume wells, 27% are rod pumped, 52% are gas lifted, and the remainder are lifted with ESPs, hydraulic pumps, and other methods of lift. 3. These statistics indicate the dominance of rod pumping for onshore operations. For offshore and higher-rate wells around the world, the use of ESPs and gas lift is much higher. 2.3. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Text D Selecting an Artificial Lift System 1. To realize the maximum potential from developing any oil or gas field, the most economical artificial lift method must be selected. The methods historically used to select the lift method for a particular field vary broadly across the industry. 2. The methods include: Operator experience What methods are available for installations in certain areas of the world What is working in adjoining or similar fields Determining what methods will lift at the desired rates and from the required depths Evaluating lists of advantages and disadvantages “Expert” systems to both eliminate and select systems Evaluation of initial costs, operating costs, production capabilities, etc. with the use of economics as a tool of selection, usually on a present-value basis 3. These methods consider: Geographic location Capital cost Operating cost Production flexibility Reliability “Mean time between failures” 3. Текст для перевода на английский язык. Когда пластовой энергии недостаточно для фонтанного метода добычи нефти, прибегают к искусственным способам подъема нефти, например к компрессорной добыче нефти, добыче при помощи глубинных штанговых насосов, погружных электроцентробежных насосов, погружных гидропоршневых насосов. Для того, чтобы предотвратить многие трудности и опасные моменты при эксплуатации скважин, способ подъема нефти должен быть предопределен до 43 разбуривания месторождения проектом разработки. При этом диаметры скважин должны быть определены в зависимости от дебитов при их механизированной эксплуатации. Но производство оборудования накладывает определенные ограничения на выбор способа подъема нефти из скважин. ПЗ - 8 Тема 3. Механизированный метод добычи. (Artificial Drive) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. 4. sucker rod beam pumping slim holes multiple completions 5. barrel 6. valve 7. advantage 8. disadvantage 9. salvage value 10. application – – – – насосная штанга балансирный насос скважина малого диаметра многопластовое заканчивание – – – – – – баррель (бочка) клапан преимущество недостаток ликвидационная стоимость применение Text A Sucker Rod Pumping 1. Sucker rod pumping is also referred to as ‘‘beam pumping.’’ It provides mechanical energy to lift oil from bottom hole to surface. It is efficient, simple, and easy for field people to operate. It can pump a well down to very low pressure to maximize oil production rate. It is applicable to slim holes, multiple completions, and high-temperature and viscous oils. The system is also easy to change to other wells with minimum cost. 2. Beam pumping - the pump is designed to be inserted inside the tubing of a well and its main purpose is to gather fluids from beneath it and lift them to the surface. 3. The most important components are: the barrel, valves (traveling and fixed) and the piston. The pump is connected to the pumping unit at the surface by a string of sucker rods. Sucker rods are stroked up and down in the tubing, activating the pump at the bottom. At the surface, a large mechanical device called the beam pumping unit is attached 44 4. Depending on the size of the pump, it generally produces 5 to 40 liters of liquid at each stroke. Often this is an emulsion of crude oil and water. Pump size is also determined by the depth and weight of the oil to remove, with deeper extraction requiring more power to move the heavier lengths of sucker rods. Advantages of Beam Pumping: - high system efficiency; - economical to repair and service; - flexibility - adjust production through stroke length and speed; - high salvage value for surface unit and downhole equipment; Disadvantages of Beam Pumping: - limited to relatively low production volumes, less than 1,000 barrels per day; - limited to onshore application (big surface unit required); 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Изучите элементы штангового насоса. 1. engine 2. gear reducer 3. crank arm 4. counter weight 5. pitman arm 6. walking beam 7. sampson post 8. horse head 9. bridle 10. polished rod 11. stuffing box 12. sucker rod 13. tubing string 14. casing 15. pump – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – двигатель зубчатый редуктор кривошип балансировочный груз шатун станка-качалки балансир станка качалки стойка станка-качалки лёгкая вышка над шахтой для подъёмника подвеска насосных штанг полированный шток корпус сальника (СУСГ) насосная штанга насосно-компрессорная труба (НКТ) обсадная колонна насос 45 Beam Pumping Diagram 1. Engine or Motor 2. Gear reducer 3. Crank arm 4. Counter weight 5. Pitman arm 6. Walking beam 7. Sampson post 8. Horse head 9. Bridle 10. Polished rod 11. Stuffing box 12.Sucker rods 13. Tubing 14. Casing 15. Pump 2.2. Сопоставьте термины и их значения. 1. Sucker pumping 2. Walking beam 3. Polished rod 4. Horsehead 5. Pitman 6. Crank arm rod a) the topmost portion of a string of sucker rods. It is used for lifting fluid by the rod-pumping method. It has a uniform diameter and is smoothly polished to seal pressure effectively in the stuffing box attached to the top of the well. b) the arm that connects the crank to the walking beam on a pumping unit by means of which rotary motion is converted to reciprocating motion. c) the horizontal steel member of a beam pumping unit that has rocking or reciprocating motion. d) a steel member connected to each end of the shaft extending from each side of the speed reducer on a beam pumping unit. e) a special steel pumping rod. Several rods screwed together make up the mechanical link from the beam pumping unit on the surface to the sucker rod pump at the bottom of a well. f) the generally horsehead-shaped steel piece at the front of the beam of a pumping unit to which the bridle is attached in sucker rod pumping. 46 7. Sucker rod g) a method of artificial lift in which a subsurface pump located at or near the bottom of the well and connected to a string of sucker rods is used to lift the well fluid to the surface. 2.3. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text C Rod Pumps 1. Sucker rod pumps, also called donkey or beam pumps, are the most common artificial lift system used in land-based operations. A motor drives a reciprocating beam, connected to a polished rod passing into the tubing via a stuffing box. 2. The sucker rod continues down to the oil level and is connected to a plunger with a valve. On each upward stroke, the plunger lifts a volume of oil up and through the wellhead discharge. On the downward stroke it sinks (it should sink, and not be pushed) allowing oil to flow though the valve. 3. The motor speed and torque is controlled for efficiency and minimal wear with a pump off controller (PoC). Use is limited to shallow reservoirs down to a few hundred meters, and flows up to about 40 liters (10 gallons) per stroke. 3. Текст для перевода на английский язык Штанговый глубинный насос представляет собой насос с проходным поршнем, приспособленным для работы в нефтяных скважинах на больших глубинах. Штанговые глубинные насосы обладают рядом достоинств: простотой конструкции, возможностью откачки жидкости из нефтяных скважин, когда другие способы эксплуатации неприемлемы или экономически невыгодны, механизацией процесса откачки, простотой регулирования отбора жидкости и обслуживания установки. Условия эксплуатации: • обводненость до 99%; • содержание механических примесей до 1,3 г/л; • содержание свободного газа на приеме насоса до 20% от объема; • минерализация до 10 г/л; • концентрация ионов водорода (рН) 4,2—8. 47 2.4. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. submersible pumping centrifugal pump deviated holes electrical submersible pumps applicable multiple completions limitations suitable capacity doglegs – – – – погружной насос ЦНС, центробежный насос наклонно направленная скважина ЭЦН, электрический центробежный насос – – – – – – применим многопластовое заканчивание ограничения подходящий способность, пропускная способность резкое искривление ствола скважины Text D Submersible Pumping 1. Submersible pumping consists of an electric motor attached to a pump on the end of the tubing string. The electric motor turns a centrifugal pump which forces oil from the bottom of the well, up through the inside of the tubing, and out at the surface. The electricity is supplied through an electric cable attached to the side of the tubing and connected to the electric motor. 48 2. An artificial-lift pumping system using a surface power source to drive a downhole pump assembly. A beam and crank assembly creates reciprocating motion in a sucker-rod string that connects to the downhole pump assembly. The pump contains a plunger and valve assembly to convert the reciprocating motion to vertical fluid movement. 2.5. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Text E Electrical Submersible Pumps 1. Electrical submersible pumps (ESPs) are easy to install and operate. They can lift extremely high volumes from highly productive oil reservoirs. Deviated holes present no problem. ESPs are applicable to offshore operations. Lifting costs for high volumes are generally very low. 2. Limitations to ESP applications include high voltage electricity availability, not applicable to multiple completions, not suitable to deep and hightemperature oil reservoirs, gas and solids production is troublesome, and costly to install and repair. Advantages of ESP: - high volume and depth capacity; - high efficiency over 1,000 BPD; - low maintenance; - minimal surface equipment requirements; - high resistance to corrosive downhole environments; - use in deviated wells and vertical wells with doglegs; Disadvantages of ESP: - poor ability to pump sand; 3. The electrical submersible pump, typically called an ESP, is an efficient and reliable artificial-lift method for lifting moderate to high volumes of fluids from wellbores. These volumes range from a low of 150 B/D to as much as 150,000 B/D (24 to 24,600 m3/d). Variable-speed controllers can extend this range significantly, both on the high and low side. 4. The ESP’s main components include: Multistaged centrifugal pump Three-phase induction motor Seal-chamber section Power cable Surface controls 49 5. History of ESPs. In 1911, 18-year-old Armais Arutunoff organized the Russian Electrical Dynamo of Arutunoff Co. in Ekaterinoslav, Russia, and invented the first electric motor that would operate in water. During World War I, Arutunoff combined his motor with a drill. It had limited use to drill horizontal holes between trenches so that explosives could be pushed through. In 1916, he redesigned a centrifugal pump to be coupled to his motor for dewatering mines and ships. In 1919, he immigrated to Berlin and changed the name of his company to REDA. 3. Текст для перевода на английский язык Погружной насос — насос, погружаемый ниже уровня перекачиваемой жидкости. Это обеспечивает подъём жидкости с большой глубины, хорошее охлаждение узлов насоса, и позволяет поднимать жидкости с растворенным в ней газом. Устанавливается в буровых скважинах, шахтных колодцах, технологических ёмкостях. Различают два типа погружных насосов: штанговые погружные насосы и бесштанговые погружные насосы. Штанговые погружные насосы, в которых привод осуществляется от независимого двигателя, находящего на поверхности жидкости, через механическую связь (штангу). Бесштанговые погружные насосы выполняются в одном агрегате с электрическим (или гидравлическим) двигателем. Питание электродвигателя осуществляется через погружаемый силовой кабель. Данные насосы являются наиболее распространёнными. К ним относятся скважинный насос, колодезный насос, а также фекальный насос и дренажный насос. ПЗ - 9 Тема 3. Механизированный метод добычи. (Artificial Drive) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. Vocabulary 1. casing–tubing annulus 2. gas lock 3. gas-lift mandrel 4. gas-lift valve - межтрубное пространство газовая пробка (в трубопроводе) скважинная камера газлифтной установки газлифтный клапан 50 5. productivity index - коэффициент продуктивности скважины Text A Gas lift as an Artificial Method 1. Gas lift technology increases oil production rate by injection of compressed gas into the lower section of tubing through the casing–tubing annulus. Upon entering the tubing, the compressed gas affects liquid flow in two ways: the energy of expansion propels (pushes) the oil to the surface and the gas aerates the oil so that the effective density of the fluid is less and, thus, easier to get to the surface. 2. There are four categories of wells in which a gas lift can be considered: High productivity index (PI), high bottom-hole pressure wells; High PI, low bottom-hole pressure wells; Low PI, high bottom-hole pressure wells; Low PI, low bottom-hole pressure wells; 3. The fluid in the tubing is made lighter by the gas, and as a result, the mixture is pushed to the surface by reservoir pressure. A source of gas and compression equipment is required for gas lift. Proper installation and compatibility of gas lift equipment (surface and in the wellbore) are essential to any gas lift system. 51 Advantage of Gas Lift: Gas Lift is an artificial lift process that closely resembles the natural flow process and basically operates as an enhancement or extension of that process. The only major requirement is an available and economical supply of pressurized gas. Disadvantages of Gas Lift: - not feasible if no source of gas present; - high initial cost; - maintenance intensive; - difficult to operate; 1.2. Сопоставить термины и их значения: 1. Gas lift 2. Gas-lift mandrel 3. Gas-lift valve 4. Gas-lift well 5. Gas lock 6. Gas well 7. Gas-cut mud a) a condition in a pumping well when dissolved gas, released from solution during the upstroke of the plunger, appears as free gas between the valves. If the gas pressure is sufficient, the standing valve is locked shut, and no fluid enters the tubing. b) a well that primarily produces gas. Legal definitions vary among the states. c) a device installed in the tubing string of a gas-lift well into which a gas-lift valve is fitted. d) a well in which reservoir fluids are artificially lifted by the injection of gas. e) device installed on a gas-lift mandrel, which in turn is put on the tubing string of a gas-lift well. Tubing and casing pressures cause the valve to open and close, thus allowing gas to be injected into the fluid in the tubing to cause the fluid to rise to the surface. f) the process of raising or lifting fluid from a well by injecting gas down the well through tubing or through the tubing-casing annulus. Injected gas aerates the fluid to make it exert less pressure than the formation does; the resulting higher formation pressure forces the fluid out of the wellbore. Gas may be injected continuously or intermittently, depending on the producing characteristics of the well and the arrangement of the gas-lift equipment. g) a drilling mud that contains entrained formation gas, giving the mud a characteristically fluffy texture. 52 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text B Gas Lift 1. A gas lift injects gas into the well flow. The downhole reservoir pressure to the wellhead falls off, due to the counter pressure from weight of the oil column in the tubing. Thus, a 150 MPa reservoir pressure at 1,600 meters. 2. A gas lift injects gas into the well flow. The downhole reservoir pressure to the wellhead falls off, due to the counter pressure from weight of the oil column in the tubing. Thus, a 150 MPa reservoir pressure at 1,600 meters will fall to zero in the wellhead if the specific gravity is 800 kg/m2 (0.8 times water). 3. By injecting gas into this oil, the specific gravity is lowered and the well will start to flow. Typically, gas is injected between the casing and tubing, and a release valve on a gas lift mandrel is inserted into the tubing above the packer. 4. The valve will open at a set pressure to inject lift gas into the tubing. Several mandrels with valves set at different pressure ranges can be used to improve lifting and startup. 5. Gas lift can be controlled for a single well to optimize production, and to reduce slugging effects where the gas droplets collect to form large bubbles that can upset production. Gas lift can also be optimized over several wells to use available gas in the most efficient way. 3. Текст для перевода на английский язык Газлифт — один из способов искусственного подъёма при добыче углеводородов. Основное отличие от эрлифтного способа заключается в использовании определенного газа, а не воздуха, для закачки в скважину. Нефть из пласта поднимается на поверхность энергией газа. Газлифтный способ позволяет получать высокие отборы жидкости из скважин. Газлифт позволяет эксплуатировать скважины с большим содержанием песка. Конструкции газлифтного типа более надежны чем эрлифт и легче в эксплуатации. Меньшие потери нефти при добыче обеспечивают более высокую экологичность. Достигаются более высокие показатели утилизации нефтяного газа. Газ, закачиваемый в скважину, впоследствии может быть использован вторично, хотя и требует повторной компрессии перед закачкой. 2.2. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. 53 Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. hydraulic pumping tubing string reciprocate power fluid capital cost – – – – – гидравлический насос насосно-компрессорная труба (НКТ) двигаться возвратно-поступательно напорная жидкость первоначальные капитальные издержки Text C Hydraulic Pumping 1. Hydraulic pumping - high pressure oil, is pumped into the well through the tubing string. At the bottom of the well, the powered oil enters a mechanical device, causing it to reciprocate. This mechanical device activates a pump, which lifts the oil from the producing formation, together to the surface. 2. The systems consist of a surface power fluid system, a prime mover, a surface pump, and a down hole jet or pump. Power fluid from surface actuates the engine, which in turn drives the pump, and power fluid returns to the surface with the produced oil. 54 Advantages of Hydraulic Pump: - no moving parts; - high volume capability; - multiwell production from a single package; - low pump maintenance; Disadvantages of Hydraulic Pump: - high initial capital cost; - сomplex to operate; 3. Текст для перевода на английский язык. Гидравлические механизмы — аппараты и инструменты, использующие в своей работе кинетическую или потенциальную энергию жидкости. К гидравлическим механизмам относят гидравлические машины. В таких механизмах сила высокого давления гидравлической жидкости преобразуется механизмами различных гидравлических моторов и цилиндров. Потоком жидкости можно управлять напрямую или автоматически — посредством управляющих клапанов. Распределение потока происходит по специальным гидравлическим шлангам и трубкам. ПЗ - 10 Тема 4. Капитальный ремонт скважин (Well Workover) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. 1. well stimulation 2. well intervention 3. drainage area 4. assortment 5. pore throats 6. diluted acid 7. formic acid 8. skin damage 9. jetting tool 10. damaged area Vocabulary – интенсификация притока в скважину – подземный ремонт скважины – зона дренирования – ассортимент – поровые связки – разбавленная кислота – муравьиная кислота – нарушение проницаемости – инструмент для промывки скважины – повреждённый участок 55 Text A Well Stimulation. 1. Well stimulation is a well intervention performed on an oil or gas well to increase production by improving the flow of hydrocarbons from the drainage area into the well bore. Well Stimulation. 2. Cleaning the formation. The assortment of drilling fluid pumped down the well during drilling and completion can often cause damage to the surrounding formation by entering the reservoir rock and blocking the pore throats (the channels in the rock throughout which the reservoir fluids flow). 3. Similarly, the act of perforating can have a similar effect by jetting debris into the perforation channels. Both these situations reduce the permeability in the near well bore area and so reduce the flow of fluids into the well bore. 4. A simple and safe solution is to pump diluted acid mixtures from surface into the well to dissolve the offending material. Once dissolved, permeability should be restored and the reservoir fluids will flow into the well bore, cleaning up what is Acidizing. left of the damaging material. 5. After initial completion, it is common to use minimal amounts of formic acid to clean up any mud and skin damage. In this situation, the process is loosely referred to as “well stimulation.” Oftentimes, special interest groups that 56 oppose oil and gas production refer to the process as “acidization,” which is actually the use of acids in high volume and high pressure to stimulate oil production. 6. In more serious cases, pumping from surface is insufficient as it does not target any particular location downhole and reduces the chances of the chemical retaining its effectiveness when it gets there. In these cases, it is necessary to spot the chemical directly at its target through the use of coiled tubing. 7. Coiled tubing is run in hole with a jetting tool on the end. When the tool is at its target, the chemical is pumping through the pipe and is jetted directly onto the damaged area. This can be more effective than pumping from surface, though it is much more expensive, and accuracy is dependent on knowing the location of the damage. 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text B Well stimulation Well stimulation is a well intervention performed on an oil or gas well to increase production by improving the flow of hydrocarbons from the drainage area into the well bore. Stimulation is the opening of new channels in the rock for oil and gas to flow through easily. Common stimulation treatments: Acid injection to dissolve formation damage (skin); Prop and Frac to split the rock and prop it open with a proppant; Explosives to break the rock and increase permeability. Formation damage may occur during the following operations: Drilling and completion; Swelling of clay; Induced particle plugging; Workover operations; Stimulation operations; Asphaltene and Sludge Production; deposition; Water and Gas Injection; Emulsion Block; Enhance oil recovery; Scale and bacterial actions; Formation Damage Mechanisms; Wettability change; Fines and carbonate Migration; 57 Formation Damage. 2.2. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 2.3. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) by improving the flow – b) from the drainage area – c) the opening of new channels – d) oil and gas to flow through – e) stimulation treatments – f) g) h) i) j) enhance oil recovery – fines and carbonate – particle plugging – swelling of clay – wettability change – 2.4. Watch the video “Well Stimulation – a New Challenge” and discuss it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFe55WwTNgE 3. Текст для перевода на английский язык. Поддержание стабильных темпов добычи нефти невозможно без систематизированного применения эффективных технологий обработки призабойной зоны (ОПЗ) пласта, основная задача которых заключается в восстановлении и улучшении фильтрационных характеристик этой важной переходной части общей пластовой гидродинамической системы. Предприятия ПАО «Татнефть» всегда уделяли особое внимание внедрению методов ОПЗ. Месторождения компании и сегодня являются полигоном для испытаний новейших научных разработок в этой области. Особенно важен вопрос выбора методологии, системы применения технологий в скважинах, начиная с их ввода в эксплуатацию. Необходимый эффект может быть достигнут только при внедрении новых научно обоснованных технических и технологических решений. Особенно актуальными в настоящее время являются задачи текущего восстановления и повышения продуктивности скважин, ограничения притоков попутной добываемой воды; системной стимуляции объектов по всей цепочке технологического процесса добычи нефти (от бурения и вскрытия пластов до ремонтно-изоляционных работ); снижения затрат на добычу нефти за счет эффективного применения комплексных технических решений, совмещения операций во времени, экономии технологического времени и материалов, уменьшения простоев; снижения энергозатрат на подъем нефти в скважинах с обводненной продукцией; повышения технико-экономической эффективности методов увеличения нефтеотдачи. ПЗ - 11 Тема 4. Капитальный ремонт скважин (Well Workover) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. Vocabulary 1. coiled tubing 2. spool on a large reel 3. wirelining 4. coil 5. self-contained 6. footprint 7. wireline spread 8. tool string 9. jetting nozzle 10. logging tools – – – – – – – – – – гибкие НКТ малого диаметра наматывать на барабан канатные технологии гибкие НКТ автономный площадь у основания канатный барабан буровой снаряд гидромониторная насадка/головка скважинный прибор/наддолотный модуль Text А Coiled tubing 1. In the oil and gas industries, coiled tubing refers to a very long metal pipe, normally 1 to 3.25 in (25 to 83 mm) in diameter which is supplied spooled on a large reel. It is used for interventions in oil and gas wells and sometimes as production tubing in depleted gas wells. 59 Coiled tubing. 2. Coiled tubing is often used to carry out operations similar to wirelining. The main benefits over wireline are the ability to pump chemicals through the coil and the ability to push it into the hole rather than relying on gravity. Pumping can be fairly self-contained, almost a closed system, since the tube is continuous instead of jointed pipe. 3. For offshore operations, the 'footprint' for a coiled tubing operation is generally larger than a wireline spread, which can limit the number of installations where coiled tubing can be performed and make the operation more costly. Onshore, they can be run using smaller service rigs, and for light operations a mobile self-contained coiled tubing rig can be used. 4. The tool string at the bottom of the coil is often called the bottom hole assembly (BHA). It can range from something as simple as a jetting nozzle, for jobs involving pumping chemicals or cement through the coil, to a larger string of logging tools, depending on the operations. 5. Coil tubing has also been used as a cheaper version of work-over operations. It is used to perform open hole drilling and milling operations. It can also be used to fracture the reservoir, a process where fluid is pressurised to thousands of psi on a specific point in a well to break the rock apart and allow the flow of product. Coil tubing can perform almost any operation for oil well operations if used correctly. 1.2 . Ответьте на вопросы: a) What is the normal diameter of coiled tubing? b) Where can coiled tubing technologies be used? c) What is the difference between offshore and onshore operations? d) How is the tool string of the coil commonly called? e) List the advantageous of coiled tubing technology. 1.3. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 60 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text B Coiled Tubing Rigup 1. The main engine of a coiled tubing intervention is the injector head. This component contains the mechanism to push and pull the coil in and out of the hole. An injector head has a curved guide beam on top called a gooseneck which threads the coil into the injector body. Below the injector is the stripper, which contains rubber pack off elements providing a seal around the tubing to isolate the well's pressure. 2. Below the stripper is the preventer, which provides the ability to cut the coiled tubing pipe and seal the wellbore (shear-blind) and hold and seal around the pipe (pipe-slip). Older quad-BOPs have a different ram for each of these functions (blind, shear, pipe, slip). Newer dual-BOPs combine some of these functions together to need just two distinct rams (shear-blind, pipe-slip). 3. The BOP sits below the riser, which provides the pressurized tunnel down to the top of the Christmas tree. Between the Christmas tree and the riser is the final pressure barrier, the shear-seal BOP, which can cut and seal the pipe. 4. Worldwide the coiled tubing unit count has increased year on year in the past decade especially in the USA. 2.2. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 2.3. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) the injector head – b) contains the mechanism – c) to push and pull – d) contains rubber pack – e) to cut the coiled tubing pipe – f) g) h) i) j) two distinct rams – dual-BOPs – a different ram – final pressure barrier – in the past decade – ПЗ - 12 Тема 4. Капитальный ремонт скважин (Well Workover) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. 4. deliquification hydrostatic head to kill a well kill fluid гидроизоляция гидростатический напор глушить скважину раствор для глушения скважины 61 обломки породы дисперсная жидкость предохранительный клапан сборка / разборка забойный турбинный двигатель бурение забойным двигателем 5. debris 6. dispersing fluids 7. safety valve 8. assemble and disassemble 9. mud motor 10. slide drilling Text A Coiled Tubing Uses Circulation 1. The most typical use for coiled tubing is circulation or deliquification. A hydrostatic head (a column of fluid in the well bore) may be inhibiting flow of formation fluids because of its weight (the well is said to have been killed). 2. The safest (though not the cheapest) solution would be to attempt to circulate out the fluid, using a gas, frequently nitrogen (Often called a 'Nitrogen Kick'). By running coiled tubing into the bottom of the hole and pumping in the gas, the kill fluid can be forced out to production. Circulating can also be used to clean out light debris, which may have accumulated in the hole. Pumping 1. Pumping through coiled tubing can also be used for dispersing fluids to a specific location in the well such as for cementing perforations or performing chemical washes of downhole components such as sandscreens. In the former case, coiled tubing is particularly advantageous compared to simply pumping the cement from surface as allowing it to flow through the entire completion could potentially damage important components, such as the downhole safety valve. Coiled Tubing Drilling 1. A relatively modern drilling technique involves using coiled tubing instead of conventional drill pipe. This has the advantage of requiring less effort to trip in and out of the well (the coil can simply be run in and pulled out while drill pipe must be assembled and disassembled joint by joint while tripping in and out). 62 Coiled Tubing 2. Instead of rotating the drill bit by using a rotary table or top drive at the surface, it is turned by a downhole mud motor, powered by the motion of drilling fluid pumped from surface. Drilling which is powered by a mud motor instead of a rotating pipe is generally called slide drilling. 3. Typically the mud motor will be one component of a Coiled Tubing Drilling bottom hole assembly. The BHA also provides directional survey, gamma, pressure, temperature, and in some cases, petrophysical logs as drilling progresses. The latest generation of advanced Coiled tubing drilling BHAs offer the ability to steer the bit,[2] enabling the well’s trajectory to be corrected in response to the measurements taken by the sensors. 1.2. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) the most typical use – f) can be used for dispersing fluids b) the well is killed– g) a specific location in the well – c) the safest solution – h) chemical washes – d) frequently nitrogen– i) particularly advantageous – e) to clean out light debris – j) potentially damage – 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Прочтите и переведите текст Text B Coiled Tubing Uses Logging and perforating 1. These tasks are by default the realm of wireline. Because coiled tubing is rigid, it can be pushed into the well from the surface. This is an advantage over wireline, which depends on the weight of the toolstring to be lowered into the well. 63 2. For highly deviated and horizontal wells, gravity may be insufficient for wireline logging. Roller stem and tractors (pioneered by Welltec) can often overcome this disadvantage at greatly reduced cost, particularly on small platforms and subsea wells where coiled tubing would require mobilizing an expensive mobile drilling rig. 3. The use of coiled tubing for these tasks is usually confined to occasions where it is already on site for another purpose, for example a logging run following a chemical wash. Coiled Tubing. Production 1. Coiled tubing is often used as a production string in shallow gas wells that produce some water. The narrow internal diameter results in a much higher velocity than would occur inside conventional tubing or inside the casing. This higher velocity assists in lifting liquids to surface, liquids which might otherwise accumulate in the wellbore and eventually "kill" the well. 2. The coiled tubing may be run inside the casing instead or inside conventional tubing. When coiled tubing is run inside of conventional tubing it is often referred to as a "velocity string" and the space between the outside of the coiled tubing and the inside of the conventional tubing is referred to as the "micro annulus". In some cases gas is produced up into the micro annulus. Coiled tubing umbilicals can convey hydraulic submersible pumps, electric submersible pumps and jet pumps into wells for both permanent deliquification schemes and service applications. 2.2. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) realm of wireline – b) coiled tubing is rigid – 64 c) advantage over wireline – d) highly deviated well – e) a chemical wash – h) micro annulus – f) narrow internal – i) conventional tubing – g) jet pumps – j) service applications 2.3. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 3. Текст для перевода на английский язык Колтюбинг (англ. Coiled tubing; колонна гибких труб) — одно из перспективных и развивающихся направлений специализированного оборудования для газонефтепромышленности. Оно основано на использовании гибких непрерывных труб, которые заменяют традиционные сборные бурильные трубы при работах внутри скважин. Такие трубы благодаря своей гибкости способны предоставить доступ даже в боковые и горизонтальные стволы, кроме того не требуется производить операции по сборке/разборке бурильной колонны. Колтюбинг широко используется в технологических, а также ремонтновосстановительных работах, производимых на газовых, нефтяных и газоконденсатных скважинах.Технология была изобретена в 1950-е, стала широко применяться только в конце 1980-х. Является более дешёвой и экологичной по сравнению с классическими колоннами. Одно из основных ограничений классического колтюбинга — невозможность использования вращения. Из-за этого для бурения основной скважины чаще используют традиционные установки. Оборудование для колтюбинга включает не только гибкие металлические трубы, но и различное внутрискважинное и наземное оборудование: колтюбинговый агрегат (в том числе катушку с трубами, инжекторную головку и др.), а также буровой насос, бустерную установку или специальные компрессоры для нагнетания инертного газа, технику для нагрева технологической жидкости, генератор инертного газа и разнообразное устьевое оборудование. В состав такого оборудования могут входить и многочисленные насадки, режущие инструменты, забойные двигатели, породоразрушающие инструменты, отклонители, пакеры и многие другие приборы. Установки колтюбинговые делятся на три класса: лёгкий, средний, тяжёлый. ПЗ – 13 Тема 4. Капитальный ремонт скважин (Well Workover) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. 65 Vocabulary 1. well intervention – подземный ремонт скважины (прс) – гидравлический разрыв пласта грп) – матричная обработка коллектора – коэффициент проводимости – прогнозируемый 2. hydraulic fracturing treatments 3. matrix treatment 4. conductivity 5. predictable Text A Enhanced Oil Recovery, Well Workover and Well Intervention 1. A treatment performed to restore or enhance the productivity of a well. Stimulation treatments fall into two main groups: hydraulic fracturing treatments and matrix treatments 2. Fracturing treatments are performed above the fracture pressure of the reservoir formation and create a highly conductive flow path between the reservoir and the wellbore. 3. Matrix treatments are performed below the reservoir fracture pressure and generally are designed to restore the natural permeability of the reservoir following damage to the near-wellbore area. Stimulation in shale gas reservoirs typically takes the form of hydraulic fracturing treatments. 4. Hydraulic fracturing. A stimulation treatment routinely performed on oil and gas wells in low-permeability reservoirs. Specially engineered fluids are pumped at high pressure and rate into the reservoir interval to be treated, causing a vertical fracture to open. The wings of the fracture extend away from the wellbore in opposing directions according to the natural stresses within the formation. Proppant, such as grains of sand of a particular size, is mixed with the treatment fluid to keep the fracture open when the treatment is complete. Hydraulic fracturing creates high-conductivity communication with a large area of formation and bypasses any damage that may exist in the near-wellbore area. 5. Treatment fluid. A fluid designed and prepared to resolve a specific wellbore or reservoir condition. Treatment fluids are typically prepared at the wellsite for a wide range of purposes, such as stimulation, isolation or control of reservoir gas or water. Every treatment fluid is intended for specific conditions and should be prepared and used as directed to ensure reliable and predictable performance. 1.2. Watch the video “Hydraulic Fracturing Stimulation” and discuss it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyYGf8vpt-w 66 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text B Oil well stimulation 1. Oil well stimulation is the general term describing a variety of operations performed on a well to improve its productivity. Stimulation operations can be focused solely on the wellbore or on the reservoir; it can be conducted on old wells and new wells alike; and it can be designed for remedial purposes or for enhanced production. Its main two types of operations are matrix acidizing and hydraulic fracturing. 2. Matrix acidizing involves the placement of acid at rates and pressures designed to attack an impediment to production without fracturing or damaging the reservoir (typically, hydrofluoric acid is used for sandstone/silica-based problems, and hydrochloric acid or acetic acid is used for limestone/carbonatebased problems). Most matrix stimulation operations target up to a ten foot radius in the reservoir surrounding the wellbore. 3. Hydraulic fracturing, which includes acid fracturing, involves the injection of a variety of fluids and other materials into the well at rates that actually cause the cracking or fracturing of the reservoir formation. The variety of materials includes, amongst others: water, acid, special polymer gels, and sand. The fracturing of the reservoir rock and the subsequent filling of the fractured voids with sand ("proppant") or the creation of acid channels allows for an enhanced conduit to the wellbore from distances in excess of a hundred feet. 2.2. Переведите следующие сочетания: f) damaging the reservoir – a) to improve its productivity – g) involves the injection – b) solely on the wellbore – h) cause the cracking – c) for remedial purposes – d) two types of operations – i) at rates – j) creation of acid channels e) within the wellbore – 2.3. Переведите письменно один из абзацев. ПЗ – 14 Тема 4. Капитальный ремонт скважин (Well Workover) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. Vocabulary 1. flow capacity – фильтрационная емкость 2. formation damage – нарушение проницаемости продуктивного пласта 67 3. conductive channels 4. wormhole 5. compatibility 6. hydrochloric acid (HCl) 7. preflush 8. to swab 9. formic and acetic acid 10. retarded-acid 1. 2. 4. 5. – – – – – – – – проводящий канал червоточина совместимость хлористо-водородная кислота предварительная промывка свабировать муравьиная и уксусная кислота кислота замедленного действия Text A Matrix Stimulation A treatment designed to treat the near-wellbore reservoir formation rather than other areas of the production conduit, such as the casing across the production interval, production tubulars or the perforations. Matrix stimulation treatments include acid, solvent and chemical treatments to improve the permeability of the near-wellbore formation, enhancing the productivity of a well. Matrix stimulation is a process of injecting a fluid into the formation, either an acid or solvent at pressures below the fracturing pressure, to improve the production or injection flow capacity of a well. The goal of a matrix treatment is different in sandstones than in carbonates. In sandstones, matrix treatments restore or improve the natural formation permeability around the wellbore by removing formation damage, by dissolving material plugging the pores or by enlarging the pore spaces. 3. In carbonates, matrix stimulation creates new, highly conductive channels (wormholes) that bypass damage. Because of these differences, the selection criteria for the treating fluid are also distinct. For sandstone treatments, knowledge of the extent, type of damage, location, origin, reservoir mineralogy (petrographic study) and compatibility of the treating fluid with the formation are especially important. In carbonate treatments, reservoir temperature, pumping rate and fluid type become more significant because these parameters directly affect the reactivity of the treating fluid with the reservoir rock. A sandstone matrix stimulation treatment is generally composed of a hydrochloric acid [HCl] preflush, a main treating fluid (HCl-HF mixtures) and an overflush (weak acid solution or brine). The treating fluid is maintained under pressure inside the reservoir for a period of time, after which the well is swabbed and returned to production. 68 Matrix Stimulation 6. In carbonate reservoirs, HCl is the most common fluid used. Organic acids such as formic and acetic acid are used in either sandstone or carbonate acidizing, mainly in retarded-acid systems or in high-temperature applications. Matrix stimulation is also called matrix treatment or matrix acidizing. 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text B 1. Matrix acidizing refers to one of two stimulation processes in which acid is injected into the well penetrating the rock pores at pressures below fracture pressure. Acidizing is used to either stimulate a well to improve flow or to remove damage. 2. During matrix acidizing the acids dissolve the sediments and mud solids within the pores that are inhibiting the permeability of the rock. This process enlarges the natural pores of the reservoir which stimulates the flow of hydrocarbons. Effective acidizing is guided by practical limits in volumes and types of acid and procedures so as to achieve an optimum removal of the formation damage around the wellbore. 3. These are two distinct and different purposes, the field applications and results of which are often merged or confused. Basically, there are two types of acid treatments that are related to injection rates and pressures. Injection rates resulting in pressures below fracture pressure are termed "matrix acidizing," while those above fracture pressure are termed "fracture acidizing." 2.2. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) penetrating the rock pores – f) inhibiting the permeability – b) during matrix acidizing – g) acids dissolve – c) the process enlarges – h) volumes and types of acid – d) by practical limits – i) to remove damage – e) effective acidizing – j) injection rates – 2.3.Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 3. Текст для перевода на английский язык. Кислотная обработка скважин - эффективный метод очистки продуктивного пласта от продуктов загрязнения, попавших или образовавшихся в призабойной 69 зоне в процессе вскрытия бурением, цементажа обсадной колонны или при эксплуатации скважины. Дебит скважины во многом зависит от проницаемости продуктивного пласта (главным образом его призабойной зоны – ПЗП), которая всегда меняется в процессе заканчивания и эксплуатации скважины. Коллекторские свойства неизбежно ухудшаются вследствие набухания глин, выпадения солей из пластовых вод, образования стойких эмульсий, отложения смол, парафинов и продуктов коррозии в фильтровой части ствола, гидратации пород, размножения сульфатвосстанавливающих бактерий. Методы восстановления, а порой и улучшения фильтрационных характеристик коллектора в ПЗП приобретают особое значение. Кроме того, после снижения кольматации (процесс естественного и искусственного проникновения мелких, главным образом глинистых и коллоидных частиц в поры и трещины горных пород) солями жесткости (привносимыми закачиваемой водой) повышается приемистость нагнетательных скважин в терригенных коллекторах. ПЗ – 15 Тема 4. Капитальный ремонт скважин (Well Workover) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. Vocabulary 1. hydraulic-fracturing equipment – оборудование для ГРП 2. fracturing tanks – емкости для ГРП 3. slurry blender – блендер/ цементосмесительная установка 4. sand delivering truck (sand truck) – песковоз 5. slickwater – реагент на водной основе для снижения поверхностного натяжения (вода с добавлением несшитого полимера) 6. spacer – продавка 7. cross-linked gel – сшитый гель 8. linear gels – линейный гель 9. fracture gradient – градиент давления гидроразрыва пласта 10. conventional well / unconventional – традиционная скважина / well нетрадиционная скважина 11. kick off point’ – точка начала отклонения 12. stressed condition (or stressed – пласт в напряженном состоянии 70 pattern) 13. breakdown agent 14. carboxymethyl cellulose agent 15. polyacrylamide agent – жидкости разрыва – раствор кмц – раствор паа Text A Basic Understanding of Hydraulic Fracturing Vertical Drilling 1. During the past sixty years, the oil and gas industry has conducted fracture stimulation in over one million wells worldwide. The initial steps are the same as for any conventional well. A hole is drilled strait down using freshwater based fluids, which cools the drill bit, carries the rock cuttings back to the surface and stabilizes the wall of the wellbore. 2. Once the hole extends below the deepest freshwater aquafer, the drill pipe is removed and replaced with steel pipe, called surface casing. Next, cement is pumped down the casing. When it reaches the bottom it is pumped down and then back up between the casing and the borehole wall, creating an impermeable, additional protective barrier between the wellbore and any freshwater sources 3. In some cases, depending on the geology of the area and the depth of the well, additional casing sections may be run and, like surface casing, are then cemented in place to ensure no movement of fluids or gas between those layers and the groundwater sources. 4. Horizontal Drilling is that it’s possible to drill several What makes drilling for hydrocarbons in a shale formation laterals from only one surfacedrilling pad, minimising the unique is the necessity to drill impact on the surface horizontally. Vertical drilling environment. continues to a depth called the ‘kick off point’. This is where the well bore begins curving to become horizontal. One of the advantages of horizontal drilling 71 5. When the targeted distance is reached, the drill pipe is removed and an additional steel casing is inserted through the full length of the well bore. Once again, the casing is cemented in place. For some horizontal developments, new technology in the form of sliding sleeves and mechanical isolation devices, replace cement in the creation of isolation along the wellbore. 6. Once the drilling is finished and the final casing has been installed, the drilling rig is removed and preparations are made for the next steps: well completion. The first step in completing a well is the creation of a connection between the final casing and the reservoir rock. This consists of lowering a specialized tool called the perforating gun, which is equipped with shaped explosive charges down to the rock layer containing oil or natural gas. This perforating gun is then fired, which creates holes through the casing, cement, and into the target rock. These perforating holes connect to the reservoir and the wellbore. Since these perforations are only a few inches long, and are performed more than a mile underground, the entire process is imperceptible on the surface. 7. The perforation gun is then removed and preparation for the next step: hydraulic fracturing. The process consists of pumping a mixture of mostly water and sand plus a few chemicals under controlled conditions into deep underground reservoir formations. The chemicals are generally for lubrication to keep bacteria from forming and help carry the sand. 72 8. These chemicals typically range in concentrations from 0.1 to 0.5% by volume, and help to improve the performance of the stimulation. This stimulation fluid is sent to trucks that pumped the fluid into the wellbore and out through the perforations that were noted earlier. 9. This process creates fractures in the oil and gas reservoir rock. The sand in the Frack fluid remains in these fractures in the rock and keep them open when the pump pressure is relieved. This allows the previously trapped oil or natural gas to flow to the wellbore more easily. This initial stimulation segment is it then isolated with a specially designed plug and a perforating guns are used to perforate the next stage. This stage is then hydraulically fractured in the same manner. This process is repeated along the entire horizontal section of the well which can extend several miles. Once this stimulation is complete, the isolation plugs are drilled out and production begins. Initially water and then the natural gas or oil, flows into the horizontal casing and up the wellbore. In in the course of the well as fluid as the course of initial production of the well, approximately 15 to 50% of the fracturing fluid is recovered. This fluid is either recycled to be used on other fracturing operations or safely disposed of according to government regulations. 10. The whole process of developing a well typically takes from 3 to 5 months. A few weeks to prepare the site, 4 to 6 weeks to drill the well and 1 to 3 months of completion activities, which includes 1 to 7 days of stimulation. But this 3 to 5 month investment can result in a well that will produce oil or natural gas for 20 to 40 years or more. 11. Well Abandonment. When all of the oil or natural gas that can be recovered economically from a reservoir has been produced, work begins to return the land to the way it was before the drilling operations commenced. Wells will be filled with cement and pipes cut off 3 to 6 feet below ground level. All surface equipment will be removed and all pads will be filled in with dirt or replanted. The land can then be used again by the land owner for other activities and there will be virtually no visual signs that a well was once there. 12. Today, hydraulic fracturing has become an increasingly important technique for producing oil and natural gas in places where the hydrocarbons were previously inaccessible. Technology will continue to be developed to improve the safe and economic development of oil and gas resources. 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Text B Method 1. A hydraulic fracture is formed by pumping fracturing fluid into a wellbore at a rate sufficient to increase pressure at the target depth to exceed that of the fracture gradient (pressure gradient) of the rock. 2. The fracture gradient is defined as pressure increase per unit of depth relative to density, and is usually measured in pounds per square inch, per foot, or bars per meter. 3. Rock cracks, and the fracture fluid permeates the rock extending the crack further, and further, and so on. Fractures are localized as pressure drops off with the rate of frictional loss, which is relevant to the distance from the well. Operators typically try to maintain "fracture width", or slow its decline following treatment, by introducing a proppant into the injected fluid – a material such as grains of sand, ceramic, or other particulate, thus preventing the fractures from closing when injection is stopped and pressure removed. Consideration of proppant strength and prevention of proppant failure becomes more important at greater depths where pressure and stresses on fractures are higher. The propped fracture is permeable enough to allow the flow of gas, oil, salt water and hydraulic fracturing fluids to the well. Hydraulic Fracturing. 4. During the process, fracturing fluid leakoff (loss of fracturing fluid from the fracture channel into the surrounding permeable rock) occurs. If not controlled, it can exceed 70% of the injected volume. This may result in formation matrix 74 damage, adverse formation fluid interaction, and altered fracture geometry, thereby decreasing efficiency. 5. The location of one or more fractures along the length of the borehole is strictly controlled by various methods that create or seal holes in the side of the wellbore. Hydraulic fracturing is performed in cased wellbores, and the zones to be fractured are accessed by perforating the casing at those locations. 6. Hydraulic-fracturing equipment used in oil and natural gas fields usually consists of a slurry blender, one or more high-pressure, high-volume fracturing pumps (typically powerful triplex or quintuplex pumps) and a monitoring unit. Associated equipment includes fracturing tanks, one or more units for storage and handling of proppant, a chemical additive unit (used to accurately monitor chemical addition), low-pressure flexible hoses, and many gauges and meters for flow rate, fluid density, and treating pressure. 7. Chemical additives are typically 0.5% percent of the total fluid volume. Fracturing equipment operates over a range of pressures and injection rates, and can reach up to 100 megapascals (15,000 psi) and 265 liters per second (9.4 cu ft/s) (100 barrels per minute). 2.2. Сопоставьте термины 1. Darcy is 2. Skin-effect is 3. Oil well stimulation is 4. Proppant is 5. Fracturing Fluid is 6. Mesh is the general term describing a variety of operations performed on a well to improve its productivity. typically a slurry of water, proppant, and chemical additives. is a zone of reduced permeability within the vicinity of the wellbore (skin) as a result of foreign-fluid invasion into the reservoir rock a material such as grains of sand or ceramic, which is added into the injection fluid to prevent the fractures from closing. standard unit of permeability (mD 1/1000) the size of proppant granules (eg. 20/40, 16/30) ПЗ – 16 Тема 4. Капитальный ремонт скважин (Well Workover) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. 75 Text A Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids 1.The main purposes of fracturing fluid are to extend fractures, add lubrication, change gel strength, and to carry proppant into the formation. There are two methods of transporting proppant in the fluid – high-rate and highviscosity. High-viscosity fracturing tends to cause large dominant fractures, while high-rate (slickwater) fracturing causes small spread-out microfractures. Fracturing Fluids. 2. Water-soluble gelling agents (such as guar gum) increase viscosity and efficiently deliver proppant into the formation. 3. Fluid is typically a slurry of water, proppant, and chemical additives. Additionally, gels, foams, and compressed gases, including nitrogen, carbon dioxide can be injected. Typically, 90% of the fluid is water and 9.5% is sand with chemical additives accounting to about 0.5%. However, fracturing fluids have been developed using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and propane in which water is unnecessary. 4. The proppant is a granular material that prevents the created fractures from closing after the fracturing treatment. Types of proppant include silica sand, resin-coated sand, bauxite, and man-made ceramics. The choice of proppant depends on the type of permeability or grain strength needed. In some formations, where the pressure is great enough to crush grains of natural silica sand, higher-strength proppants such as bauxite or ceramics may be used. The most commonly used proppant is silica sand, though proppants of uniform size and shape, such as a ceramic proppant, is believed to be more effective. 5. The fracturing fluid varies depending on fracturing type desired, and the conditions of specific wells being fractured, and water characteristics. The fluid can be gel, foam, or slickwater-based. Fluid choices are tradeoffs: more viscous fluids, such as gels, are better at keeping proppant in suspension; while less-viscous and lowerfriction fluids, such as slickwater, allow fluid to be pumped at higher rates, to create fractures farther out from the wellbore. Important material properties of the fluid include viscosity, pH, various rheological factors, and others. 76 Fracturing Fluids. 6. A typical fracture treatment uses between 3 and 12 additive chemicals. Although there may be unconventional fracturing fluids, typical chemical additives can include one or more of the following: 7. Acids - hydrochloric acid or acetic acid is used in the pre-fracturing stage for cleaning the perforations and initiating fissure in the near-wellbore rock. Sodium chloride (salt) - delays breakdown of gel polymer chains. Polyacrylamide and other friction reducers decrease turbulence in fluid flow and pipe friction, thus allowing the pumps to pump at a higher rate without having greater pressure on the surface. Ethylene glycol - prevents formation of scale deposits in the pipe. Borate salts - used for maintaining fluid viscosity during the temperature increase. Sodium and potassium carbonates - used for maintaining effectiveness of crosslinkers. Glutaraldehyde - used as disinfectant of the water (bacteria elimination). Guar gum and other water-soluble gelling agents - increases viscosity of the fracturing fluid to deliver proppant into the formation more efficiently. Citric acid - used for corrosion prevention. Isopropanol - increases the viscosity of the fracture fluid. The most common chemical used for hydraulic fracturing in the United States in 2005–2009 was methanol, while some other most widely used chemicals were isopropyl alcohol, 2-butoxyethanol, and ethylene glycol. 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Прочтите и переведите текст. 77 Text B Fracturing Fluids and Additives 1. Fracturing fluids are pumped into the well to create conductive fractures and bypass near-wellbore damage in hydrocarbon-bearing zones. The net result is an expansion in the productive surface-area of the reservoir, compared to the unfractured formation. A series of chemical additives are selected to impart a predictable set of properties of the fluid, including viscosity, friction, formationcompatiblity, and fluid-loss control.The fracture gradient is defined as pressure increase per unit of depth relative to density, and is usually measured in pounds per square inch, per foot, or bars per meter. 2. Properties of a fracturing fluid. The ideal fracturing fluid should: Be able to transport the propping agent in the fracture Be compatible with the formation rock and fluid Generate enough pressure drop along the fracture to create a wide fracture Minimize friction pressure losses during injection Be formulated using chemical additives that are approved by the local environmental regulations. Exhibit controlled-break to a low-viscosity fluid for cleanup after the treatment Be cost-effective. 2.2. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) conductive fractures – f) be compatible – b) net result – g) propping agent – c) productive surface-area – h) friction pressure – d) series of chemical additives – i) cost-effective – e) per meter – j) for cleanup – 2.3.Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 78 ПЗ – 17 Тема 4. Капитальный ремонт скважин (Well Workover) Цель: Активизация лексики по изучаемой теме. 1. Развитие навыков чтения, перевода и устной речи 1.1. Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словами и словосочетаниями для запоминания. Vocabulary 1. Well Workover Operations 2. fishing 3. killing flowing wells 4. transport truck 5. kill fluid 6. to haul 7. potassium chloride 8. formation hydration 9. swabbing 10. load water – – – – – – – – – – капитальный ремонт скважины ловильные работы глушить скважину бочка флюид для глушения доставлять хлорид калия разбухание глин свабировать (поднимать жидкость) закачка воды при гидроразрыве Text A Well Workover Operations. Killing flowing wells and blowout preventers. 1. When a well has a problem more serious than changing out a pump, repairing a hole in the tubing, fishing a parted rod, or other basic well service need, it is referred to as well workover. 2. In most cases when a flowing well is to be worked over, the well must be killed before service can begin. This is usually done with a transport truck similar to the truck that hauls oil or water. Wells can be killed with oil, formation water, or treated water. Water is used when it will not damage the formation. Kill fluid is injected until it reaches the bottom. The well is dead and can be worked over. 3. The crew must be ready to install blowout preventer (or BOP) or to start/to stop the pumps. If water is injected as a killing fluid, potassium chloride (or other chemicals) must be mixed with the water to prevent formation hydration. This is especially true if any shale is present in the reservoir. Enough water is injected to kill the well for the needed time before it may disperse in the formation and allow the well to begin flowing again. Swabbing will remove the load water to speed up the process. 79 4. Swabbing is the act of pulling fluid from the well bore through the use of wire rope and cup assembly. Swabbing equipment includes a swabbing assembly, lubricator with an oil saver, and shut-off valve on the well, also called a swabbing valve. 5. General precautions during all swabbing operations: Conduct swabbing operations during daylight hours. Keep all personnel clear of the derrick or within six feet (two meters) of the wellhead during swabbing operations. Locate swab tanks at least 100 feet (30 meters) from the well, where location allows. 2. Задания для самостоятельной работы 2.1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Vocabulary 1. stuck pipe 2. pumper 3. tension 4. salt bridges 5. to adhere 6. tank battery 7. scheduled intervals 8. scale deposits 9. be bailed 10. screened perforated joints – – – – – – – – – – прихваченная колонна труб оператор по добыче нефти напряжение (затяжка) соляной мост прилипать резервуарный парк промысла регламентный интервал отложение накипи откачивать песчанные фильтры Text B Well Workover Operations. Stuck Pipe. 1. Stuck pipe can be caused from several problems, such as salt bridges, scale deposits, and sand accumulating in the bottom of the hole. Stuck Pipe. 80 2. Salt bridges can occur on a pumping well whenever it pumps many cycles a day and the water being produced is extremely salty. While the well is off between pumping cycles, the salt water rises in the casing, and when pumping, water is pumped down to a level near the tubing perforations. Each time this is done, a thin layer of salt may adhere to tubing and casing walls. 3. Since this occurs thousands of times, these thin layers build up until salt bridges the area between the tubing and the casing. If this area bridges completely, gas cannot be released to the tank battery, and the pressure near the well bore increases to formation pressure. Oil production will fall dramatically and eventually cease. To solve this problem, fresh water may be dropped down the casing annulus at scheduled intervals to dissolve the salt, reduce the buildup, and prevent bridging. 4. Scale deposits. Scale is carried into the annular space dissolved in water. It is deposited on the walls of the casing and tubing much in the same way as salt. As pressure and temperature are lowered on the water, the suspended scale breaks out. This scale can bridge the tubing in the hole as well as stick the pump and reduce the size of the tubing to make it too small to be removed. The tubing may need to be pulled out of the hole, laid on a rack, and reamed or drilled out. 5. Sand control. Sand can be periodically bailed from the well or the well may be gravel packed. Screened perforated joints may also be installed to filter out the sand. If sand is a problem, a maintenance program will need to be developed to meet the needs of the lease. 2.2. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) between pumping cycles – f) to dissolve the salt – b) salt may adhere – g) the suspended scale – c) reduce the buildup – h) the size of the tubing – d) prevent bridging – i) laid on a rack – e) can bridge the tubing – j) to meet the needs – 2.3.Переведите письменно один из абзацев. 2.4. Прочтите и переведите текст. Vocabulary 1. broken part 2. impression block (IB) 3. soft lead 4. tar 5. swage 6. roofing tar – аварийная часть – скважинная печать – мягкий свинец – битум, гудрон – инструмент для правки деформированных труб – кровельная мастика 7. junk 8. junk basket 9. spear 10. spring-loaded – – – – металлические обломки ШМУ шламометаллоуловитель (паук) труболовка пружинный Text C Well Workover Operations. Fishing Tubing. 1. When fishing a loose string of tubing in the hole, there may be problems with onto the broken part that is in the hole. To determine the problem, an impression block is run. It may be necessary to design and make a special fishing tool for catching the fish. 2. Running impression blocks. When an impression block is run, the type of block to be used must be selected. Rental blocks are usually made of a soft lead, but a softer material may be needed to get a deeper impression. This are made of tar. 3. Hard impression blocks. When running a lead impression, the tool is lowered into the hole by running it onto the tubing string. The amount of pressure applied and the manner of obtaining the impression depends on the weight of the tubing string being lowered. The lighter the string, the faster it is lowered to strike the fish to obtain the impression. After examining the impression, a decision is made as to the best method of fishing. Stuck Pipe. 4. Soft impression block. A soft impression block is usually a shop-made tool. A hole is drilled in the neck of a swage, then roofing tar is poured into it with a short crown. After lowering it into the hole on three or four joints of tubing, the sand line is attached. It can be run to bottom quickly, and very little pressure is necessary to receive a deep impression. 2.5. Переведите следующие сочетания: a) a loose string – f) a softer material – g) depends on the weight – b) a special fishing tool – h) method of fishing – c) made of tar – d) lowered into the hole – i) tar is poured – e) after lowering – j) a deep impression – 82 Приложение 1 1. Associated gas is a. the uncontrolled flow of gas, oil or other fluids from a well. 2. Barrel is b. the water extracted from the subsurface with oil and gas. It may include water from the reservoir, water that has been injected into the formation, and any chemicals added during the production/treatment process. 3. Blowout is c. natural gas produced with crude oil. 4. BOP is d. a long, small diameter pipe flexible enough to be stored on and deployed from a large, truckmounted roll. Used to replace jointed pipe in certain types of drilling, completion, and workover operations. 5. Brine is e. an engine used to increase the pressure of natural gas so that it will flow more easily through a pipeline. 6. Casing is f. a metal pipe inserted into a wellbore and cemented in place to protect both formation (such as groundwater) and the wellbore. 7. Coiled tubing is g. the equipment installed at the wellhead to control pressures in the annular space between the casing and drill pipe or tubing during drilling, completion, and workover operations. 8. Compressor is h. a unit of measure for oil and petroleum products that is equivalent to 42 U.S. gallons. 9. Downstream is i. the small pieces of rock created as a drill bit moves through underground formations while drilling. 10. Drill cuttings j. this term indicates the refining and marketing sectors of the oil industry. Your answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Приложение 2 1. Dry hole is a. an area consisting of a single reservoir or multiple reservoirs all grouped on, or related to, the same individual geological structural feature or stratigraphic condition. 2. E&P means b. the reduction in permeability in reservoir rock due to the infiltration of drilling or treating fluids into the area adjacent to the wellbore 3. EOR c. any exploratory or development well that does not find commercial quantities of hydrocarbons. 4. Field is d. the application of hydraulic pressure to the reservoir formation to create fractures through which oil or gas may move to the wellbore. 5. Formation damage is e. a standard adopted by the American Petroleum Institute for measuring the density of a liquid. It is expressed in degrees with lower numbers indicating heavier liquids and higher numbers indicating lighter liquids. 6. Fracturing is f. a legal document conveying the right to drill for oil and gas, or the tract of land on which a lease has been obtained where the producing wells and production equipment are located. 7. Gravity is g. exploration and production. The upstream of the oil and gas industry. 8. Integrated is h. refers to a variety of processes to increase the amount of oil removed from a reservoir, typically by injecting a liquid (e.g., water, surfactant) or gas (e.g., nitrogen, carbon dioxide) 9. Lease is i. applied to an oil company, it indicates a firm that operates in both the upstream and downstream sectors (from exploration through refining and marketing) Your answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 84 7. 8. 9. 10. Приложение 3 1. Lifting cost j. the cost of producing oil from a well or lease. 2. Log a. a natural gas produced from a reservoir that does not contain significant quantities of crude oil. 3. Natural gas liquids (NGl) is b. a measure of the ability of a rock to transmit fluid through pore spaces. 4. Non-associated gas is c. a percentage interest in the value of production from a lease that is retained and paid to the mineral rights owner. 5. P&A (plugged and abandoned) is d. to conduct a survey inside a borehole to gather information about the subsurface formations They typically consist of several curves on a long grid that describe properties within the wellbore or surrounding formations that can be interpreted to provide information about the location of oil, gas, and water. 6. Permeability is e. the process of separating liquid and gas hydrocarbons and water. This is typically accomplished in a pressure vessel at the surface. 7. Porosity is f. the portions of gas from a reservoir that are liquefied at the surface in separators, field facilities, or gas processing plants. 8. Royalty is g. oil containing free sulfur or other sulfur compounds which total sulfur content is in excess of 1 percent. 9. Separation is h. a depleted well or dry hole that has been (typically) filled with cement and marked, with all surface equipment removed. 10. Shut in means i. to close valves on a well so that it stops production, or a well on which the valves have been closed. Your answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 85 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Приложение 4 1. Sour crude oil is a. the injection of water into an oil reservoir to "push" additional oil out of the reservoir rock and into the wellbores of producing wells. 2. Stimulation is b. a well drilled in an area where no current oil or gas production exists. 3. Underbalanced drilling c. the placement of gases or fluids into an underground reservoir through a wellbore. May be used as part of enhanced oil recovery or waterflooding processes or for disposal of produced water. 4. Underground injection is d. oil containing free sulfur or other sulfur compounds which total sulfur content is in excess of 1 percent. 5. Waterflooding is e. the equipment at the surface of a well used to control the pressure; the point at which the hydrocarbons and water exit the ground 6. Wellhead is f. natural gas containing significant amounts of liquefiable hydrocarbons. 7. Well servicing is g. the term used for several processes to enlarge old channels, or create new ones, in the producing formation of a well designed to enhance production. Examples include acidizing and fracturing. 8. Wet gas is h. operations on a producing well to restore or increase production. It may be performed to stimulate the well, remove sand or wax from the wellbore, to mechanically repair the well, or for other reasons. 9. Wildcat well is i. drilling under conditions where the pressure being exerted inside the wellbore (from the fluids) is less than the pressure of the oil or gas in the formation. 10. Workover is j. maintenance work performed on an oil or gas well to improve or maintain the production. 86 Перечень основной и дополнительной учебной литературы, необходимой для освоения дисциплины, и Интернет-ресурсы Основная литература 1. Прокошева И.И. Практический курс профессиональноориентированного перевода по английскому языку [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие/ Прокошева И.И., Мазова Е.И.— Электрон. текстовые данные.— Оренбург: Оренбургский государственный университет, ЭБС АСВ, 2010.— 126 c.— Режим доступа: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/30121.— ЭБС «IPRbooks». 2. Турук И.Ф. A Course of Basic English Revision. Курс повторения основ английского языка [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие / И.Ф. Турук [и др.]. – Электрон. текстовые данные. – М.: Евразийский открытый институт, 2011. – 288 c. 3. Хоменко С.А., Скалабан В.Ф., Крупенникова А.Г., Ушакова Е.В. Английский язык для студентов технических вузов. Основной курс. В.2 ч., Ч.1: Учебное пособие. [Электронный ресурс] – Мн.: Высшая школа, 2011. – 207с. Режим доступа: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/ – ЭБС «IPRbooks» 4. Хоменко С.А., Скалабан В.Ф., Крупенникова А.Г., Ушакова Е.В. Английский язык для студентов технических вузов. Основной курс. В.2 ч., Ч.2: Учебное пособие. [Электронный ресурс] – Мн.: Высшая школа, 2011. –207с. Режим доступа: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/ – ЭБС «IPRbooks». 5. Бочкарева Т.С. Английский язык [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие по английскому языку/ Бочкарева Т.С., Чапалда К.Г. – Электрон. текстовые данные. – Оренбург: Оренбургский государственный университет, ЭБС АСВ, 2013. – 99 c. – Режим доступа: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/30100. – ЭБС «IPRbooks» Дополнительная литература 1. Практическая грамматика разговорного английского языка. Бузаров В.В. - Москва, Академия, 2011. -413c. 2. Практическая грамматика английского языка. Упражнения и коментарии. Гуревич В.В. - Москва, Флинта, Наука, 2011. -292c. 3. Маслова М.Е. Английский язык: учеб.-трениров. тесты для подгот. к централизованному тестированию и экзамену/Маслова М.Е., - Минск: ТетраСистемс, 2011.- 256с (25) 4. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами. Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. - Москва, ЛадКом, 2012. -718c. 87 Интернет-ресурсы http://en. wikipedia. the free encyclopedia http://www.europipe.de/ http://www.usstubular.com/products/seamslp.htm. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Presentation http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Public_speaking Российская государственная библиотека http://www.rsl.ru Электронная библиотека Elibrary http://elibrary.ru Электронная библиотека АГНИ Электронно-библиотечная система IPR books: http://iprbookshop.ru Подписано в печать 20.08.2016 г. Формат 60×84/16 Печать RISO Объем 5,5 ус.печ.л. Тираж 20 экз. Заказ № 265 ГБОУ ВО «АЛЬМЕТЬЕВСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ НЕФТЯНОЙ ИНСТИТУТ» УЧЕБНАЯ ТИПОГРАФИЯ 423452, Республика Татарстан, г. Альметьевск, ул. Ленина, 2 88