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Preperimetric Glaucoma Evaluation: Diagnosis & Monitoring

Evaluation of preperimetric
CHAIRPERSON -Dr. H T Venkategowda
MODERATOR - Dr. Spoorthy S
PRESENTER : Dr. Malvika Suresh
POAG- A chronic, progressive, anterior optic neuropathy that is accompanied by a
characteristic cupping and atrophy of the optic disc with corresponding visual field loss.
Preperimetric glaucoma (PPG) is defined as the presence of characteristic
glaucomatous changes in the optic disc and increased vulnerability to damage in the
retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), without the presence of visual field defects
detectible with standard automated perimetry.
Studies have proved that structural changes in glaucoma (ONH, RNFL)
preceed functional changes
Glaucoma is a continuum.
Optic nerve maybe abnormal WITHOUT glaucoma
This has a great potential value in delaying and avoiding progression of the
Indications for early diagnosis
Family history
Raised IOP
Increase in size of cup
Difference in size of cup
Associated disease state - diabetes mellitus
Pre perimetric Glaucoma diagnosis &
monitoring require 3 main tests
1. Scanning laser polarimetry
Scanning laser polarimetry is an imaging technology to
measure peripapillary RNFL thickness
GDX is a device that uses this technology
Latest generation - GDX VCC (variable corneal
Evaluates the site of damage before patient experiences
visual loss
Total chair time less than 3 minutes for both eyes
Undilated pupils work best, no drops required
Painless procedure, safe,
Phenomenon of double refraction where a ray of light when incident on a
birefringent material is split by polarization into 2 ways taking slight different
Main birefringent intraocular tissues - cornea, lens and retina
In the retina, the parallel arrangement
of the microtubules in retinal ganglion
cell axons causes a change in the
polarization of light passing through
The change in the polarization of light is
called retardation
The retardation value is proportionate
to the thickness of the RNFL
Technique -
780nm DIODE laser
The scan is obtained by the use of an 3.2mm fixed ellipse centered over the optic
disc as seen in reflectance map
Data is displayed as color coded grids which displays a ‘heat map’ - representing
different levels of retardation and therefore RNFL thickness.
VCC stands for variable corneal
compensator, which was created to
account for the variable corneal
birefringence in patients.
Uses the birefringence of Henle’s layer in
the macula as control for measurement of
corneal birefringence
PATIENT DATA: patient data and quality score - the patient’s name, date of
birth, gender and ethnicity are reported. An ideal quality score is from 7-10.
FUNDUS/ REFLECTANCE IMAGE -useful to check image quality
Every image has a Q score representing the overall quality of the scan
The Q ranges from 1-10, with values 8-10 representing acceptable quality
This score is based on a no. of factors including - well focussed, evenly
illuminated, optic disc well centered and ellipse is properly around the ONH
The calculation circle is the area
found in between the two concentric
circles, which measure the TSNIT and
Nerve fibre indicator (NFI)
By resizing the calculation circle and
the ellipse, the operator is able to
measure beyond a large peripapillary
atrophy area
RNFL thickness map
A color coded format from blue to red.
Hot colors like red and yellow mean high retardation or
thicker RNFL
Cool colors like blue and green mean low retardation /
thinner RNFL
A healthy eye has yellow and red colors in the superior and
inferior regions representing thick RNFL regions and blue
and green areas nasally and temporally representing
thinner RNFL areas
In glaucoma, RNFL loss will result in a more uniform blue
TSNIT displays the RNFL thickness values along the calculation circle in relation
to normal range
Normal eye - typical “double hump” pattern
Healthy eye - there is good symmetry between the TSNIT graphs of the two
eyes and the two curves will overlap
In glaucoma - one eye often has more advanced RNFL loss and therefore the 2
curves will have less overlap
Green and pink shaded areas of normality, over which a black line is
drawn to demonstrate patient’s RNFL thickness
TSNIT symmetry graphR & L superimposed on
each other
Deviation map
Reveals the location and magnitude of RNFL defects over the entire thickness map.
Color coded pixels indicate amount of deviation.
Compared to the age matched normative database
Dark blue squares - RNFL thickness is below 5th percentile of the normative
Light blue squares - deviation below the 2% level
Yellow - deviation below 1%
Red- deviation below 0.05%
Nerve fibre indicator
An indicator of likelihood that an eye has glaucoma
Calculated using an advanced form of neural network, called a support vector
machine (SVM)
Output values range from 1-100
1-30 = low likelihood for glaucoma
31-50 = glaucoma suspect
51+ = high likelihood of glaucoma
Quality assesment
Appropriate focusing and illumination of retina.
Ellipse must be centered over ONH
Review of GDx
No pupil dilatation
Rapid data on RNFL
Large normative database
Sensitivity and specificity to detect
glaucoma >80%
Only RNFL information
Corneal surgery will induce error (if
no VCC)
Macular pathology is a hinderance
NFI -proprietary value
2. Confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (HRT)
CSLO is a rapid, non-invasive, non contact imaging
Heidelberg Retina Tomography is the major
commercially available instrument that uses this
3 generations - HRT, HRT 2, HRT 3
Gives 3-D images- high resolution
Principle - spot illumination and spot detection
Stimulus - 670 micron DIODE laser
Uses laser light instead of a bright flash of white light to illuminate the retina
Conjugated pinholes are placed in front of the light source and light detector and allow
only light originating from a determined focal plane to reach the detector.
Sequential sections are obtained by moving through the whole depth of tissue - in this
case the optic nerve.
Oscillating mirrors in the HRT redirect the laser beam to the x and y axis (which is
perpendicular to the optic axis). A bi-dimensional image is obtained at each focal plane.
What the HRT does
Once the patient is positioned, HRT 2 automatically performs a pre-scan
through the optic disc to determine the depth of the individual’s optic nerve
Next, it determines the number of imaging planes to use (range of scan depth
Each successive scan plane is set to measure 0.0625mm deeper
Automatically obtains 3 scans for analysis
Aligns and averages the scans to create the mean topography image
A series of 32 confocal images each 256x256
pixels is obtained in a duration of 1.6 secs
Computer converts 32 confocal images to a
single topographic image in approximately 90
Once image is taken, operator indicates the optic nerve contour line over the
reflectance or topography image.
Reference plane - located 50 microns posterior to the mean height along a 6deg arc
of contour line at temporal inferior sector
HRT 3 provides ONH stereometric analysis without manual delineation of disc.
Stereometric parameters are calculated by the machine and analysed by A1 classifier - Relevance Vector
Machine(RVM). Then a Glaucoma Probability Score is created.
Provides information on exam type (initial report/baseline/follow up), patient
demographic information ( patient name, age, gender, ethnicity, etc) and basic
image information including image focus position and whether astigmatic lenses
were used during acquisition,
On left upper corner
A false color image
Color coded representation of disc
Superficial areas- darker
Deep areas - lighter
Red - cup
Blue, green - NRR
Blue - sloping rim
Green - non sloping rim
On right upper corner in u/l report, below topographic image in OU report
Brighter areas - higher reflectance - cup
Darker areas - less reflectance
Valuable in locating and drawing the contour line around the disc margin
In the reflectance image the optic nerve head is divided into 6 sectors
Depending on this patient’s age and overall disc size the eye is then statistically
classified as :
Height profile along the white horizontal
line in the topography image
Height profile along the white vertical line
in the topography image
The subjacent reference line (red) indicates
the location of the reference plane
(separation between cup and NRR)
The 2 black lines perpendicular to the
height profile denote the borders of the
disc as defined by the contour line.
After the contour line is drawn around the border of the optic disc, the software
automatically places a reference plane parallel to the peripapillary retinal surface
located 50 um below the retinal surface
The reference plane is used to calculate the thickness and cross-sectional area of the
The parameters of area and volume of the NRR and optic cup are also calculated
based on the location of the reference plane. CUP = area of the image that falls below
the reference plane. NRR = above the reference plane
Normal contour - DOUBLE HUMP - humps correspond to the superior and inferior
NFL, which are normally thicker
Green contour line should never go below red ref. Plane. If it does, then contour like
likely not in proper position
The graph depicts from left to right T-TS-NS-N-NI-TI-T
Hrt 2- 14 parameters
HRT 3- 6 parameters
Each value is designated as
Glaucoma probability
New software included in HRT 3
Based on construction of a 3-D model of ONH and RNFL by using 5 parameterscup size & depth, rim steepness, horizontal & vertical RNFL
Employs artificial intelligence: relevance vector machine and derives probability
of glaucoma of scanned eye after comparing it to a predetermined model
- probability </= 28% - WNL
- probability >/= 28% - BL
-probability >/= 64% -ONL
HRT can differentiate between normal
and early glaucomatous eyes with a
sensitivity of 79% to 87% and
specificity of 84% to 90%.
Unlike the MRA, the GPS utilizes the
whole topographic image of the optic
disc, including the cup size, cup depth,
rim steepness and horizontal/vertical
RNFL curvature whereas the MRA uses
only a logarithmic relationship between
the NRR and optic disc areas
Quality indicators
Even luminance
Sharp borders of topography and reflectance
11-20= very good
21-30= good
Good centration of the disc
31-40= acceptable
Manufacturer’s classification by standard
41-50= poor
deviation -->
<10 = excellent
>50 =very poor
Review of HRT
No pupil dilatation
Rapid 3D data on ONH
Software available for longitudinal
change analysis
Operator draws contour line (except
in HRT 3)
Reference plane affects data
Blood vessels often included in rim
Less useful for analysis of macula or
3. Optical coherence tomography (OCT)
It is an imaging technology that measures intensity and echo-time delay of back
scattered and back reflected light from scanned tissues.
Developed in 1991
High resolution cross sectional imaging of ONH, RNFL, macula
Generations - OCT 1,2,3 (stratus), Spectral
Light source - 820 or 850nm IR DIODE laser
PRINCIPLE- low coherence interferometry & the ability to differentiate retinal
layers depending on the different time delay of their reflections
High reflectivity tissues (white and red colors) - NFL, RPE and choriocapillaries
Low reflectivity tissues (blue and black colors) - photoreceptor layer, choroid,
pockets of fluid
Advantage- can scan RNFL, ONH and macula
Resolution - 8-10 microns
Healthy eye
eye (LE)
Peripapillary RNFL scan
3.4 mm circular scan around ONH
RNFL curve starts with temporal quadrant & continues clockwise in RE,
counterwise in LE.
Thickness values are provided for 4 quadrants & each clock hours
Classification based on normative database is color coded
- green = WNL
- yellow = borderline
- red = ONL
Average RNFL is also established.
6 linear scans (length=4mm) ina spoke fashion obtained
Automatically defines ONH margins at the end of RPE layer (blue cross).
Straight line is drawn joining the blue crosses.
Reference plane - parallel line drawn 150 microns anterior to previous line
Tissues above reference plane - rim (Red)
Tissues below - cup (contour -green & edge - yellow)
One radial scan is yellow denoting the axis of cross-sectional image in the
Ganglion cell complex (GCC) analysis
Measurement of retinal thickness at the macula in an attempt to
detect early stage glaucomatous damage
Review of OCT
Highest axial resolution
image can be compared with histology
Rapid data on RNFL, ONH and macula
ONH margin determined by device
No need for pupil dilation
Detects different pathologies
Easy to operate, safe
Limited normative database
Data originate from only 1 set of
Limited programs for longitudinal
evaluation glaucomatous
Proven advantages in early diagnosis and monitoring of glaucoma
Limitations :
Disability to capture all nuances of appearance as instereo- photographs
Cannot discriminate glaucoma in difficult optic discs (high myopia , tilted
optic disc)
● Hence , these modalities cannot replace the gold standards of functional and
structural tests but can definitely compliment them in clinician’s decision
making process.