Team Building S.Babu Bangalore Mobile no- +919916904003. What is a Team • A Group of people sharing common objectives and values, united together to achieve a common purpose. • It is people and people working together who constitute the deciding factors between successful and unsuccessful organizations and nations. Why do we need Teams • Physical Survival • Accomplishment of common goals and objectives. • Enhancing productivity. • Planning resolving conflicts • Gaining commitment. • In the time of crisis. • In transition phases to facilitate change. • When there is lack of involvement. • When there is continued increase in cost. WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF TEAM • Strength of team is degree of alignment between an individual`s values, goals, style, perceptions, semantics, or agenda with that of the organization. Stages of Group Development FORMING Characterized by dependence. STORMING Characterized by competition & conflict. NORMING Characterized by cohesion. PERFORMING Characterized by interdependence ADJOURNING Characterized by disengagement. Roles of Group Members Task Roles 1. Defining Problems 4. Seeking Opinions 2. Seeking information 5. Giving opinions 3. Giving information 6. Testing feasibility. Group-Building/Maintainence Roles 7. Coordinating 10. Supporting 8. Mediating/Harmonizing 11. Encouraging 9. Orienting. Individual Roles (Non functional) 12. Blocking 14. Digressing 13. Out of context 15. Manipulating 8 Characteristics of Effective Team Work • • • Participation Openness Facilitation Collaboration Team Vision Commitment Flexibility Sensitivity Risk Taking What is Team Building • Empowering an individual to change relationships with other team members in a manner that enhances team performance. • A set of activities which accelerate the development of working relationship. • To evolve a shared vision , align with strategic direction of company and develop interpersonal competence necessary to achieve synergistic excellence in group performance. • Essentially it means to develop a sense of self awareness and personal effectiveness in the group context. What is Team Building • To examine the degree of alignment and appropriate adjustments or changes necessary to the tasks or relationship to achieve excellence in performance. • TB is a process of deliberately creating an energetic group of people who are committed to achieving common objectives , who work well together and enjoy doing so and produce high quality results. What is the focus of Team Building • Task i.e. needs , skills , resource allocation , procedures , criteria of measurement , criteria of achievement , review and upgradation. • Goals i.e. objectives , purposes , values , vision , strategies , planning for a short term or long term or both. • Relationship i.e. interpersonal skills , awareness in group context , feedback. To a Team Member • Gets a chance to discover his identify. • Takes pride in one’s own achievement. • Develops satisfaction of interest being shown in one’s own work by others. • Does not feel pressured to change , but learns to adapt voluntarily. • Develops feelings that , “ I am consulted before changes are made “. • Develops a sense of confidence and transparency. • Brings in a sense of belongingness & ownership. To a Team Leader. • Learns to pool his/her energies with the team`s energy. • Develops personal interest in each person`s achievement. • Takes price in the achievement of the group. • Helps groups to work together to create conditions of excellence. • Learns to give critical feedback on performance. • Learns to sublimate personal needs and ambitions to team goals. To an organisation • Creates a sense of belongingness to the organisation. • Effective management of complex change. • Increased ability to respond to ever changing work demands and environment. • Increased “ proactivity “ because of prevention and anticipation of problems. • Achievement of high levels of motivation , task accomplishment and job satisfaction. • Improved commitment. • Synergism – multiples energies of its members. Competing User Characteristics Appropriate When Takes firm stands. There is an emergency or crisis. Can be intimidating to subordinates, Who are likely to fear dissent. A decision is unpopular. One is certain that he or she is correct about a crucial matter. One is defending against opportunities who might exploit a less combative style. Collaborating User Characteristics Appropriate When Views disagreements as opportunities to make things better. The desires of both sides are too important for a simple trade-off. Sometimes tries inappropriately hard to reach consensus on unimportant problems. Attempting to gain insight into somebody else’s idea or opinions. Bringing a variety of views to bear on an issue. Seeking consensus to obtain joint ownership of the action. Overcoming previous hostilities in a relationship. Compromising User Characteristics Appropriate When Perhaps cynically views the mechanics of compromise as more important than the substantive concerns about the controversy. The objectives are not inconsequential but conflict would be probhitively costly. Not timid about the stressful environment of a bargaining situation. Opponents of equal strength are locked in zero-sum bargaining. Able to give and take. Seeking a quick , temporary fix of a complicated issue. Under the pressure of a deadline. Collaboration or competition already has failed. Avoiding User Characteristics Appropriate When Accept default decision. The controversy is trivial. Withholds contributions to decision making. Victory is impossible. Does not want to hurt others feelings. The pay off for solving the problem is lower than the potential damage of the controversy. Delegates or passes controversies onto others. It is advantageous to let anger and passion recede before tackling the issue. Further research is more useful than a quick resolution. Someone else can solve the problem better. The concern is far from the central issue (s). Accommodating User Characteristics Appropriate When Gives in to others when warranted or perhaps when not reasonable. You are aware that the other side’s position has more merit or justice than yours. Willing to admit error. You wish to make amends or reparations. Wise enough to surrender when appropriate. The controversy matters more to the other party than to you. Knows the correct exceptions , policies. You want to build up a “debt” to collect later. The other sides holds all the winning cards. You value peace more than the potential gains in the controversy. Assertive Competing Collaborating (Domination) (Integration) Compromising (Sharing) Avoiding Accommodating (Neglect) (Appeasement) Non-Assertive Uncooperative Cooperative Are you a HIGH ACHIEVER • Set realistic but challenging goals. • Raise targets incrementally ( one step at a time ) , no jumping. • Scan the environ fully and accurately ( insightfully ) before deciding. • Take calculated risks , have no fear or failure. • Respond to the minutest changes in the environ ( ground rule ) • Learn from experience ( self and others )and make mid-course corrections. Are you HIGH ACHIEVER • Refuse to be pressured , stay relaxed and have a sense of big occasion. • Display extraordinary persistence , refuse to quit , complete tasks without follow-ups. • Exult in success and despair in failure ( Hoopla vs Can’t stand failure syndrome ) • Be feedback sensitive ( respond to positive and negative signals from the environment ) •Thank You