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Varicose & Spider Veins: Causes & Treatments Guide

Varicose Veins
Spider Veins
Approximately 23% of US adults have
varicose veins. If spider telangiectasias
and reticular veins are also considered,
the prevalence increases to 80% of men
and 85% of women. Generally more
common in women and older adults,
varicose veins affect 22 million women
and 11 million men between the ages of 40
to 80 years. Of these, 2 million men and
women will develop symptoms and signs
of chronic venous insufficiency, including
venous ulceration. When some condition
is so common, it's imperative to know
about its common causes and treatment
procedures available.
Common Causes of
Varicose Veins & Spider Veins
Standing Jobs, like nurses, hairstylists,
teachers, and factory workers
Hormonal influences of pregnancy,
puberty, and menopause
Use of birth control pills
History of blood clots
Increased pressure in the abdomen, due
to tumors, constipation, and garments
like girdles
Trauma or injury to the skin
Previous vein surgery
Exposure to ultraviolet rays.
Common Treatments of
Varicose Veins & Spider Veins
Support Stockings
Simply wear properly-fitting support
hose, especially when the veins cause
painful or uncomfortable symptoms.
Lifestyle Changes
Good skin hygiene, weight loss, and
walking can help treat varicose veins
and spider veins.
The procedure is simple, relatively
inexpensive, and can be performed in an
outpatient setting.
Endovenous Laser Treatment
A small laser fiber is inserted into the
vein. Pulses of laser light cause the vein
to collapse.
Common Treatments of
Varicose Veins & Spider Veins
Radiofrequency Occlusion
A small catheter is inserted into the vein
to deliver radiofrequency energy to the
vein wall, causing it to heat, collapse,
and seal shut.
Lasers & Intense Pulsed Light
Light treatments, such as Vasculight
and PhotoDerm, use heat energy to
selectively damage or destroy abnormal
Generally used to treat large varicose
veins, techniques include ligation and
In another procedure, ambulatory
phlebectomy, large surface veins are
removed through minimal incisions that
don't need stitches.
Be it heredity, obesity, standing job, hormonal
imbalance, or birth control pills, anything can be a
cause of varicose veins or spider veins like vein
And from simple lifestyle change to treatments like
EVLT, Sclerotherapy, Intense Pulsed Light
Treatment, or even Support Stockings help you in
treating varicose veins or spider veins like vein
Contact NJVVC for all your
Veins Issues