Cell: the smallest structural and functional unit of an organismn, which is typically mtcroscopic and consists of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane ontides oa, and flage reticulum: system aidts in he manatachure o Nuclear envelope: aoubilo membrne beteon the cerbohydrates and tipids cieus ard he cyroptasm Intermediate filament: imtertoined r o r e tbene trat provide dipport and strengm 6 Actin filament: tstod prorein fibers Nuclear pore: opening ebedded ethpreteins shat reguiates passnge into and oxt at the nuclemus Rough endoplasmic- Ribosomes: smusil compleres of RNA and proten reticulum: imternat mornibranes shudided aah hst are w s p o s t l a tor ces mouement df cel Nucleolus: site wtsote abosomes are prodisoet ntrnas membranes hat Microtubule: tube of prot mcsecuhe posent in 5 NUCLEUS: cemmand certer 6 Smooth endoplasmic 4 CYTOSKELETON: nd cel shae ed pliyssupports a role in orpnees cell motien hiat ara the sites of protean synthesis ibosomes that carry ou proten synthesis 7 oompla usrbly of 12Centriole: crotubudes fhat occurs p a Peroxisome: v e l e that comtiom e n r y e that cary out partcular reactions such as detoatying patentioity tarmtul icecsies 2 Cytoplasm: sema multrx thut optans the The nucleus and othar organabes 2 Eukaryoiic Mitochondrion: - argaeia energy is exraced Cell Trom foud uing oxidatvecmetaboksm Secretory vesicle: vesucto fusing with thhe pasma membrarne runeasng malerats to 1 be secreted from the cet Plasma membrane: protesns are ernbeddad -Lipid bilayer 7 vosicle Lysosome: that breaks Membrane protein down macromalecule ard digests warn out cel components 6 Golgi complex: Oecis, packag5 and distribLtes molecules maraactured in the ce Copyright The McGraw i l i Companies, Inc P e r m i s sion r e q u r e d tor icproduclion or display glycocalyx gel-like coating outside the cell wal; if compact, it is called a capsule; if diffuse, it is called fimbriae hairlike bristles that allow adhesion to surfaces a slime layer Cell that the cell is the smallest entity, which presents all characteristics of nucleoid location of the bacterial development, metabolism, responsiveness (homeostasis),. ribosomes sites of protein synthesis plasma membrane hollow sheet that surrounds the appendage used cytoplasm and regulates to transfer DNA to other cells entrance and exit of molecules cell wall rotating filament that pushes the cell forward Prokarotic biology that makes generalizations about cells as the smallest unit of life living things, elongated, flagellum The inclusion bodies stored nutrients for later use chromosomes pilus Cell theory is a fundamental theory in structure that provides support and shapes the cell mesosome plasma membrane that folds into the cytoplasm and increases surface area such as growth and reproduction, adaptation to environmental factors, and death. Cell theory states all organisms are composed of cells and that cells come onl from preexisting cels. One ofunifving concepts of biology. Cell Bioloy akoryoe lls olgie Characteristies Pavs Pens Cyopss lat cafa Centoote eresiso Bactetal Fingehun Nia feold lecular DNA) erotubd Cytoukotaton e mediata mnra Mroiment Nucleus Typically 0.2-2.0um in diamete Nonuclear membrane or nucleoli Organelles Absent Size Iypically 0-100um mdiometer True nucleus consistingof anuclearmembraneand nucleoli Present cexamples inotide lyosomes, Golgi complex, endoplasie reliculum mitochondra, If present depending on complexity of organism it is complex Consist of two protein building blocks Flagella consisting of multiplemicrotubules Present as a capsulc or sline layer Usually present, chemically complex (typical Glycocaly Cell Wall Plasma Membrane Cytoplasm Ribosomes DNA Fresentin some.cells that lack a cell wall bacterial cell wall includespeptidoglycan) Nocarbohydrates and generally lack sterols Nocytoskeleton or cytoplasmicstreaming Sterols and carbohydrates that serve as ecopfo Cytoskeleton, cytoplasmic streaming SmallerSize Cr05) Usually single circular chromosome; typically lacs histones. May have a smaller circular chromosome (plasmid) lor additional functionswhich is free-floating in the cytoplasm Cell Division and Reproduction When present, chemically simple (includes cellulose and ehitin) Asexual Bmary fisS1on and cxchange ol genetic materal (usually Larger sixG (8OS, sller size(70S)inoganeles Multiple linear chromosomes with histones puckaged in a complex arangement within a specialized organelle (nucleus) Sexual Division is camed out by the process of mitosis onco the cell the plasmid) by Inansfomation, transduction and conjugation has linished its growth faee Reproduction is camied out through which is similar to sexual reproduction meiosis which orms haplod ganetes for sexualreproduction Protein Trafficking Bound Ribosome Proteins are synthesized on either free Free Ribosome ribosomes or ribosomes bound to endoplasmic Endoplasmic reticulum reticulum (ER). Peroxisomes Mitochondria Nucleus Cytosol Default pathway is indicated by solid arrows Proteins that will function in the nucleus, mitochondria, or peroxisomes are synthesized on free ribosomes. These proteins also contain structural features that enable them to be taken The newly synthesized proteins will be modified within the ER and trafficked or moved through a membrane-enclosed transport vesicle to the Golgi complex where additional modifications will be made. Signal Golg Lysosome Secretion Plasma membrane Defauit pothway is indicated by solid arrow Proteins synthesised on bound ribosomes are destined to take the default pathway to the Golgi Sequence: Structural features within the protein complex and be secreted outside of the cell unless they have the correct amino acid signal being produced are recognized by the organelles, facilitating the movement sequence bound to it to direct it to their proper of the protein. workplace such as M6P to direct the proteins to They direct the protein to locations where it can be modified the lysosome. properly in order to become functional. T h e sequcnces act as "address labels" routing the new proteins to their proper place to be used. Non-Secretory Pathway: mRNA translated by polysomes in the cytosol a produce polypeptide targeted to interior of the nucleus, mitochondria, peroxisomes, or cytosol (default) Proteins destined for cytosol have no signal sequence as they are already where they belong Secretory pathway: mRNA translated polypeptides produced in the cytosol that are not destined for it are sent to the Golgi apparatus to be secreted out of the cell unless they have the proper amino acid sequence to send them to their true destinations. into the organelle where they will function.