Matter What is matter? Moira Whitehouse PhD Matter includes everything around us-•Computer •Couch •Bed •Food •Drink •Animals •People Yes! Everything is MATTER! Matter on Earth is usually in one of three states. solids We know when matter is a solid because solids: • Keep their shape unless they arebroken • Do not flow orpour liquids We can tell when matter is a liquid because liquids: •Do not keep their own shape; they takethe shape of the container they arein. And...liquids flow or pour. Then what about sand, sugar and salt? Don’t they pour, flow and take the shape of the container they are in? If you magnify sand or sugar, you can see that they are not liquids. Sand, salt, and sugar are made up of verysmall particles that have a definite shape . Then there is that third state of matter: gas A balloon or a bubble is a container that can hold a gas. The air we breathe is made of gas particles. A gas takes the shape of its container, or flies freely around you. Gas particles are not connected to each other and take up whatever space is available. Most gases are invisible—you simply cannot seem them. However, you do know air is there when it moves things such as this windmill. Or when you use the gas in your lungs to blow out acandle. Can you name the three states of matter? Can you tell the difference between these three states? Bubbles hold an invisible gas called water vapor