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Case-Control Study Design: Epidemiology Lecture Notes

When We Use Case-control?
Exposure data are expensive or difficult to obtain
Disease is rare
Chronic diseases (has a long induction and latent period)
Little known about the disease
The underlying population is dynamic
Purpose of control
Refers to the exposure distribution in the source population or base population
Strength of case-control design
Most efficient design for studying rare diseases
Most efficient design to study long latent diseases
Quick – no need to follow up
Can evaluate several etiologic factors for a single disease
Inefficient for studying rare exposures
Bias due to sampling two population
Inability to establish correct temporal relation between E AND O sometimes
Cannot compute incidence of diseases (unless design is population-based)
Susceptible to selection and information bias
Sampling of controls: Survivors sampling
Controls are samples from those who survived in the follow up
At the end of the study
Sampling of controls: Base sampling
Controls are sampled from the population at risk when follow-up begins
Set our controls at the beginning of the study from the at-risk population
Sampling of controls: Risk set sampling
Controls are sampled from the population at risk as cases are diagnosed
Once a case appears we set control
Nested case-control design
Conducted within cohorts of exposed and unexposed
Controls is selected each time a case develops
o Cases and controls are matched on in calendar time and length of follow-up
o Control who selected early in the study can become a case
Case-cohort design
Controls are randomly selected from defined cohort at the beginning of the study
o Equal chance of being included in the study as a control regardless the person-time
or the person develop the disease of the study
Advantage: controls are not individually matched to each case  possible to study different
diseases in the same case-cohort study
Ratio of controls to cases
To increase the power of the study to detect an association we increase the size of the
control group
4 controls for each case