Uploaded by Van Nguyen

Analyzing Argument Warrants: Censorship, Guns, Media

Name: Van Nguyen
1) We must resist all effort to allow the government to censor entertainment. As soon as we allow some
censorship, it won't be long before censorship will be used to silence the opinions critical of the
Claim: We must not allow the government to censor entertainment.
Reasoning: Censorship will be used to regulate and control opinions critical to the government.
Warrant: Allowing the government to censor the media will eventually limit the people’s right to
express opinions, share & perceive information.
Is the Warrant effective? Why or why not?
The warrant is effective because the public recognizes the freedom of speech as constitutional right.
The audience will agree that their right must be protected under the law and may not be violated from
any source of power, including the government.
2) Roger Maris' record of 61 homeruns in a single season stood from 1961 until 1998. He should be
admitted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Claim: Roger Maris should be admitted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Reasoning: The player scored a notable record, the total of 61 homeruns in a single season.
Warrant: Roger deserves to be recognized in the Baseball Hall of Fame for his record because it stood
for 37 years ( 1961-1998).
Is the Warrant effective? Why or why not?
The warrant is not effective. The reason used to support the claim reflects the player’s best
achievement, which was recorded in a single reason. There is no other fact provided that proves Roger
Maris’s continuous contribution and development throughout his career.
3) Isn't it obvious that if we ban guns, law-abiding citizens will not own them, while only the criminals
will have them?
Claim: We should not ban gun.
Reasoning: Criminals will be the only group that maintains firearms assessment and dominates the
Warrant: Banning gun causes harms to the good citizens as their power of defense is abolished when
their safety is threatened by the criminals, who most likely do not abide by the law.
Is the Warrant effective? Why or why not?
The warrant is not effective.
4) Two teenagers saw the movie "Natural Born Killers" and went out on a killing spree. A number of
teenagers who have committed violence at schools have spent many hour playing video games filled
with murder and violence. We must have some stricter controls on the content of entertainment that is
viewed by teenagers.
Claim: We must have stricter control over the content of media and entertainment.
Reasoning: Children, who are encountered or exposed to violence, may quickly develop aggressive
and dangerous behaviors.
Warrant: There have been reported violent and killing cases caused by teenagers, who got influenced
by the power of video.
Is the Warrant effective? Why or why not?
The warrant is effective. The claim is supported by proven facts, including real-life cases and human
psychological theories. Also, the public can relate to the issue by recognizing the powerful influence of
media over human perspective as they are commonly exposed to it.
5) Research has shown that people who do at least 30 minutes a day of vigorous exercise reduce their
risk of heart disease and some forms of cancer. It would be wise for you to begin a daily program of
Is the Warrant effective? Why or why not?