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Environmental Responsibility: Overpopulation & Consumption

All of us are responsible for what is happening to our world today. As humans,
we basically get all our needs and wants in our environment. As time goes by, we forget
to take good care and protect our environment. We are all blinded to the worldly desires
around us. We are focusing too much on getting what we want that it reaches the point
of abusing our environment.
I believe that in the long run, our environment can no longer sustain us with the
rapid growth of population in developing countries and even in developed countries. If
this situation continues then, because of our unending needs and demands combined
with our abusive behavior towards our environment, then, eventually our environment
can no longer sustain us. I believe that both of these global issues which are
overpopulation and overconsumption must be addressed immediately. The
overpopulation among developing countries must be reduced with the help of their
governments by imposing programs for education and as well as family planning.
Moreover, discipline plays a significant role in every individual. The people living in
developing countries must be cautious of their consumption by only having what is
needed, and they should learn to be contented of what is enough.
What we are facing today is our entire fault. Now is the time for us to take
immediate and effective actions to eventually help our environment to heal. All of us
must reflect on ourselves to see and to take action on what is happening to our world.
We should do it now, and we should not wait when everything is too late.