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Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain Stress Anxiety Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allcbdstores.com

Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allcbdstores.com
Bene ts Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And
Aiding Sleep
 July 6, 2020
Nataly Komova
CBD Gummies as a Treatment Option
CBD has been determined to be a safe treatment option for users by doctors across the globe. CBD
gummies are an e ective way to ingest CBD daily and manage dosage and potency. While there are
not yet a lot of studies that prove e
cacy of CBD and mental health conditions, there exists plenty
of anecdotal evidence and early signs of scienti c evidence in the research that has been completed
to date. So how does CBD treat common ailments such as stress? What about anxiety and
depression? Does it help with insomnia? How about chronic pain? Let’s dive into some science and
research to better understand how JustCBD Gummies can work for your body.
Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allcbdstores.com
What is Stress?
Stress is a physical response to external stimuli, for example, a deadline at work, a ght with your
partner, or running late for a family event. The body’s reaction to stress is called allostasis. Treating
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stress is usually simply by dealing with the external cause, for example, completing the deadline,
making up with your partner, or arriving at the family event and apologizing for being late. Typically,
once this action is completed, the stress will dissipate and your body will return to homeostasis. We
run into di
culties when we are unable to immediately deal with the stress and it begins to build
What Happens In Your Body When You Experience Stress?
When we experience stress, a series of events occur in our endocrine system beginning with the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. This is a very complicated way of saying that the
hypothalamus, a small region of the brain near the pituitary gland that connects the brain and the
endocrine system, sends a signal to the pituitary gland to produce a hormone. This hormone signals
the adrenal glands, which are above the kidneys, to increase the production of cortisol, also known
as the “stress hormone”. Cortisol levels exist in our bodies throughout the day at varying levels as
part of normal functioning. It’s usually highest upon waking and throughout the day it depletes until
bedtime. During a period of stress, however, cortisol peaks in order to give us energy to deal with
the problem. When we become over-stressed, the cortisol levels do not regulate and this can cause
problems throughout the entire body. During an acute stress attack, the following things occur
within the body:
Our airway widen in order to allow more oxygen into our lungs
Our heart rate increases so nutrients and oxygen can go faster and deeper into our muscles
Our liver pumps glucose into our bloodstream for a boost of power to our body
Our digestive and immune systems shut down so our body can focus on our muscles and brain
Norepinephrine, a stress chemical, is released to stimulate our brain and heighten awareness
Given all of these processes that take place in an acute stress attack, you can see why managing
stress is one of the most important things we can do to stay healthy.
How do CBD Gummies Help Relieve Stress?
As we’ve discovered, CBD (cannabidiol) interacts with the endocrine system and the
endocannabinoid system. Endocannabinoids bind to cannabinoid receptors, known as CB1 and
CB2, throughout the body in the brain, central nervous systems, immune system, and organs. This
process helps your body maintain homeostasis and health. Essentially, your endocannabinoid
system acts as a safety net to prevent your body from becoming ill as a result of external stressors
by regulating the response to fear, stress, and anxiety.
In essence, endocannabinoids are molecules that change the activity of cells when necessary. All of
those stress processes mentioned above need to be reversed when the stressor is managed.
Meaning, we stop producing stress hormones like cortisol, our heart rate slows and blood pressure
returns to normal, and our digestive and immune systems become activated once again. When this
is completed, we’ve returned to our homeostasis. When CB1 receptors within the brain and central
nervous system are activated, the body experiences a feeling of calm. Keep in mind that this is only
speci c to CBD, not THC, which can actually increase feelings of anxiety. Ingesting CBD
Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allcbdstores.com
Gummies helps produce the endocannabinoids necessary for our endocannabinoid system to ght
the extra stress within our body. How? Well, in very basic terms, the primary player in stress is
the hypothalamus. When the hypothalamus senses cortisol peaks, it sends signals to shut them
down. The more frequently we experience peaks, the more cortisol is required to set the alarm o .
Basically, the hypothalamus becomes so used to the higher levels of cortisol that it requires even
more stress for it to respond. This is what we know as chronic stress. CBD helps the hypothalamus
to sense the cortisol. It ampli es the receptors and our body begins the process of shutting down
the ight or ght response. This is when we begin to experience that feeling of calm.
Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allcbdstores.com
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety can be easily confused with stress, however it is very much a horse of a di erent color.
Unlike stress, anxiety is a mental health disorder that can be chronic or acute. While stress is often
Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allcbdstores.com
resolved once you complete the activity causing the stress, anxiety lingers regardless of task
completion, and the continuing feeling of dread and apprehension remains. In layman’s terms,
stress is feeling under pressure, while anxiety is feeling fearful, uneasy, or worried. If you’re
removing stressors yet you’re still feeling helpless, chances are you’re su ering from anxiety. Stress
and anxiety are treated very di erently, however CBD can assist with both and there is burgeoning
research that suggests CBD can be very e ective against anxiety disorders.
How do CBD Gummies Help Relieve Anxiety?
As a molecule, CBD is very good at binding to neurotransmitter receptors in our brain. Gammaaminobutyric acid, or GABA, is an amino acid neurotransmitter that is naturally occurring. It is
referred to as an inhibitor because it blocks certain brain signals and decreases the activity in our
nervous system. That feeling of calm after you deal with a stressor is GABA at work. Like with all
chemicals making up our bodies, not everyone is capable of producing the amount needed for a
healthy state. Low levels of GABA are present in people with:
seizure disorders
panic disorder
mood disorders, such as depression
Medications like Gabapenton and Pregabalin are classi ed as GABA Analogs because they increase
communication with the GABA neurotransmitters to decrease the ght or ight processes in our
bodies. When su ering from anxiety, your body is experiencing continuous stimuli through the
hormones and signals being communicated throughout your body. CBD binds to these receptors
and acts as an o
switch so that your body can begin to return to its natural state. Enjoying CBD
gummies on a regular basis will increase the level of cannabinoids in your system, which in turn, can
help ease anxiety. As mentioned previously, if you are taking medication, please consult with your
physician rst to ensure there are no interactions with CBD. And remember, we don’t yet know
enough about CDB to be able to use it as a curative, only a treatment.
Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allcbdstores.com
What is Pain?
There are two main types of pain that we experience as humans: Nociceptive and neuropathic.
Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allcbdstores.com
Nociceptive Pain
Nociceptors are little pain receptors located all throughout your body. When they are stimulated by
trauma, you experience the physical feeling of pain. The nociceptors signal the damage to your
body to your brain and your brain alerts you to injury.. For example, when you step on something
sharp, the nociceptors react to the trauma and send signals to your brain that cause you to pull
away from the danger and react to the feeling of pain. These receptors are involved in both acute
and chronic pain responses
Neuropathic Pain
Neuropathic pain occurs when there is a mis ring or miscommunication within your nervous
system. It can be the result of nerve damage, spinal cord damage, illness such as Shingles, or even
brain damage. Neuropathic pain is often chronic in nature but can be experienced acutely, for
example, a cold breeze on your face could elicit a pain response in your system.
Acute Pain
Acute pain is the easiest to diagnose and understand. We experience an event and as a result we
experience corresponding pain. Once that area is healed, the pain is gone. For example, while
hammering a nail we miss the nail and hit our thumb with the hammer. Once the thumb is healed,
we no longer experience pain in our thumb.
Chronic Pain
Pain is classi ed as chronic when it remains at least six-months after an injury, or if pain exists for at
least three-months without a noticeable cause. Chronic pain is insidious and it’s estimated that
roughly 50 million adults su er from chronic pain in the US alone. Chronic pain can be caused by a
previous injury, degenerative conditions like arthritis, or nerve damage.
What Happens In Your Body When You Experience Pain?
When we experience pain, we’re actually dealing with an in ammatory response. When an area of
our body is injured, our immune system sends blood ow to the area and begins to ght o
perceived threat in a cascade of events to shield the rest of the body from that threat. This is why
we experience redness, heat, and swelling when we get hurt. In a healthy body, the body will
respond to the threat, and then recognize when it’s over and begin to return to homeostasis by
releasing anti-in ammatory compounds to heal and relax the body. There are all sorts of triggers
that can cause our bodies to go into the in ammatory response process such as allergies,
environmental threats, disease, and even stress. In a healthy body, the brain signals the immune
system to begin ghting the threat, and then signals it to stop ghting by releasing the antiin ammatory molecules beginning the healing process. When our brain no longer knows when to
turn o
the in ammatory response, that is when we enter the realm of chronic pain and where CBD
can really help.
How Do CBD GUMMIES Help Relieve Pain?
Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allcbdstores.com
People who su er from chronic pain experience a disconnect between the in ammatory and antiin ammatory response. CBD molecules are naturally anti-in ammatory and this is why they can
help relieve pain.Similar to NSAIDs like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, CBD acts on inhibiting the
prostaglandin enzyme that is responsible for making your body more sensitive to certain types of
pain. Essentially, prostaglandin makes pain receptors more sensitive and CBD naturally dulls these
receptors. There is still a lack of research in the e ectiveness of CBD and certain pains, for
example, sunburns, however there is a lot of promising science for treating other widespread pain
such as arthritis, menstrual cramps, migraines, and nerve pain. One of the greatest bene ts of using
CBD gummies for pain is that they’re non-addictive and have few, if any, side e ects. They are also
long-acting so you can manage pain e ectively for hours.
Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allcbdstores.com
What is Nausea?
Nausea can be triggered by many things from illness, poisoning, or even pain. The process of
nausea originates in the small region of the brain called the medulla oblongata. The medulla
Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allcbdstores.com
oblongata is responsible for regulating many of our autonomic functions such as breathing,
sneezing, and well, vomiting. Vomiting is a safety response built into our bodies to purge our
digestive tract of poisonous substances (alcohol or spoiled food, for example), infectious agents like
bacteria or viral infections, and sometimes mistakenly from abnormal neurological activity due to
conditions like migraines or brain tumors.
How Do CBD Gummies Help Relieve Nausea?
Just like with sleep, CBD can help relieve nausea by also relieving the cause of it. Although it is not
as e ective in treating nausea as THC, CBD a ects the serotonin release on our brain and stops the
stimulation of vomit triggers in the brain. Additionally, CBD a ects the production of anandamide,
the CB1 agonist, that relieves the feelings of nausea and reduces the urge to vomit. CBD blocks the
breakdown of the enzyme and allows the body to maintain higher levels of anandamide. CBD
gummies can be highly e ective for staving o
motion sickness or other feelings of nausea that
aren’t directly related to direct poisoning or illness like the Flu. If there is only the feeling of nausea,
ingesting a CBD gummy will allow you to feel long-lasting relief and go on about your day as
planned. If you are actively experiencing vomiting, other methods of ingestion will be more
bene cial as you will be unable to allow the CBD gummy to digest fully in order for it to be
e ective.
Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allcbdstores.com
What is Sleeplessness?
Sleeplessness, also known as insomnia, is a condition where a person cannot fall asleep, return to
sleep, or remain asleep resulting in fatigue, irritability, mood changes, and di
culty concentrating.
Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allcbdstores.com
Most of us will experience insomnia at one point in our lives, however some people su er from
chronic insomnia, meaning disrupted sleeps occur at least three times per week for a minimum of
three months.
What Happens In Your Body When You Experience Sleeplessness?
Sleep is in uenced by our endocannabinoid system and our internal clock known as the
suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN, which is located in the hypothalamus. Signals travel from the SCN
and tell the body to produce the hormone melatonin, which is the hormone responsible for making
us sleepy. Melatonin production is usually highest after dark, which is why we get drowsy after the
sun sets. This process is known as your circadian rhythm. When your circadian rhythm is disrupted,
either by time change, medication, or a late night out, we experience that sluggish feeling of jetlag
and become more irritable and grumpy. Also involved is our immune system. When we are lacking
sleep, our immune system begins to work overtime. With regular sleeplessness, our bodies are more
prone to infection, illness, injury (how many times have you run into a doorway after not sleeping
well the night before?), and poor mental health.
How do CBD GUMMIES Help Relieve Sleeplessness?
CBD gummies are a wonderful addition to your sleep routine due to their delayed onset and longlasting nature. Since it takes approximately 90 minutes to two hours for the CBD to take e ect, you
can pop a gummy in your mouth, brush your teeth, curl up with a good book and relax until you’re
ready to sleep, versus taking a sleeping pill which will render you almost immediately impaired.
Being non-habit forming and low-risk for side e ects, CBD gummies are a great option to treat
insomnia and trouble sleeping, especially since they can also treat many underlying conditions that
cause sleeplessness as a symptom. Sleeplessness can be caused by a variety of conditions and
illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and pain. As we’ve already discovered, CBD is an excellent way
to manage these conditions so it makes sense that the relief of these symptoms will also lead to
better sleep. There has been a lot of promising research that shows CBD’s ability to help improve
sleep for people who su er from chronic insomnia. Additionally, the overall feeling of relaxation and
calm that comes with CBD is a great way to prepare for sleep even if you don’t struggle with sleep.
In today’s world with all of the temptation of binge-watching and screen time, we could all use a
little help improving our sleep habits. The long-lasting e ect of CBD gummies will provide you with
ample of time to get what you need to nish completed before settling in for the night and
experiencing the relaxing calm for hours.
Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allcbdstores.com
What Is the Dose of CBD I Need for Sleep?
Dosing with CBD can be tricky because it can a ect everyone a little di erently. As a general
guideline, it’s suggested to take 1-6 mg per every 10 lbs of body weight. For example, if you weigh
100 lbs, you can take 10-60 mg daily. The best way to gure out your ideal dose is to keep a journal
to track your symptoms and sleep. Ask yourself, how long did it take me to fall asleep? Did I sleep
through the night? How many hours did I sleep? Do I feel refreshed? Tracking these questions over
the course of a week or two will allow you to adjust your dosage to get the best sleep. If a journal is
too analog for your tastes, download a sleep app that allows you to make personalized notations so
you can track your dosage along with your sleep cycle.
Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allcbdstores.com
Final Thoughts
While not curative, CBD has many healing properties that can help lessen symptoms that are
causing distress. As more research is being completed, more e ective ways to manage symptoms
with CBD will undoubtedly come to light. When exploring CBD Gummies as a treatment option,
always remember to look for high-quality shops that o er third-party testing and ingredients lists.
Always talk to your doctor to ensure your CBD use won’t a ect any medication you’re currently
using. Start with a low dose and give it time to work before increasing your dosage. Finally, track
your symptoms and see what CBD can do for you.
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