REGULATION 42 The listed entity shall intimate the record date to all the Stock Exchanges where it is listed in case of Corporate Actions like Mergers, Demergers where stock derivatives are available on the stock of listed entity or where listed entity stocks form part of an index on which derivatives are available. •Regulation 42 (Contd…) Notice in advance of atleast seven (7) clear working days shall be given (excluding the date of intimation and the record date) to stock exchanges of record date specifying the purpose of record date. The listed entity shall ensure the time gap of atleast thirty (30 days) between two record dates. REGULATION 94 The designated Stock Exchange, upon receipt of the draft scheme of arrangement and the documents prescribed by the Board as per Regulation 37, shall forward the same to the Board, in the manner prescribed by the Board. The Stock Exchange shall submit to the Board its “Objection Letter” or “No Objection Letter” within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the draft scheme •Regulation 94 (Contd…) The Stock Exchange shall issue the said letter to the Listed Entity within seven (7) days of receipt of comments from the Board, after suitably incorporating the changes in the said letter. The Stock Exchanges shall bring the observations or objections, as the case may be , to the Notice of the Court or Tribunal at the time of approval of the scheme of arrangement. Upon sanction of the scheme by the Court or Tribunal, the designated stock exchange shall forward its recommendations to the Board, on the documents submitted by the listed entity in the terms of regulation 37.