Uploaded by Maria Ayala Padilla

Compare and Contrast-Reading Comprehension Strategies

What is it?
When you compare and contrast information in a passage, you are determining what information is alike and
what information is different between two or more pieces of information.
Compare- when you tell how two or more things are alike.
Contrast- when you tell how two or more things are different
Read the following sentence and write how things are alike.
Frogs and toads are part of an animal group called amphibians.
Read the sentence and write how things are different.
Although most amphibians have smooth skin like a frog, a toad’s skin is bumpy.
Read the following paragraph and write how toads are similar and different.
Toads and frogs are both amphibians. This means they hatch from eggs in water and are born with
gills. As they develop they grow legs and lungs. Now they are able to live on land and breathe oxygen
from air. Both animals enjoy eating insects. Frogs usually live near water their whole lives, while
toads don’t need to live near water to survive. A frog’s skin is smooth and moist where a toad’s is
rough, dry, and bumpy. A frog has many different types of predators and are frequently eaten. A toad
doesn’t have many predators because its skin tastes bitter. Animals stay away from toads because they
don’t like the way they taste.
Instructions: Read the following passage. When you are finished, fill out the Venn Diagram to compare and
contrast them. Remember in the Similarities between groups are represented in (middle) portions of the diagram, while
differences are represented in the (sides) portions of the diagram. Double click over the Venn diagram to enter your
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