



1. Clear membrane over the eyes of amphibians

4. Membrane that acts like an eardrum detecting sound

5. Upper part of the intestine in frogs that aids digestive fluids

6. Clasping behavior of male frogs during release of sperm onto the simultaneous release of eggs by females

10. Where many frogs, toads, and salamanders lay their eggs

11. Number of chambers in the frog’s heart

12. Thin membrane that wraps around the intestines holding them in place

13. Respiratory organs of terrestrial, adult amphibians

14. Lower cavity in amphibians where wastes collect before being removed from the body

17. Ancestor to the first amphibians

18. Order containing salamanders

19. Lobes of the brain that process information from the eyes

20. How oxygen enters a frog or salamander’s moist skin

21. Scaleless and kept moist with mucus

22. Circulation in amphibians from the heart to the lungs and back

23. Bones in the frog joined together to make them more rigid


2. Legless amphibian that resembles a snake

3. Respiration through the skin of frogs

4. Immature larval form of frogs and toads

7. Blood flow to the body cells in amphibians

8. Order containing frogs and toads

9. Nitrogen waste removed from the blood by the kidneys in frogs

12. Transition from an aquatic larval stage to a terrestrial adult form

15. Lobes of the brain that control the sense of smell in frogs

16. An anuran with rough, bumpy skin

24. Two circulations of blood through the frog’s heart
