Year 9 Science- Physics Program 2020 Term 2 (weeks 8-10) & Term 3 (weeks 1-7) Approx. Timing (W) Term 2 W8 & 9 & 10 Curriculum Focus Energy & Heat ACSSU182 Skills, Knowledge, Understanding ● Define energy as the ability to do work and that energy is measured in Joules. ● Identify different forms of energy such as heat energy, sound, light, electromagnetic radiation and electrical energy. Suggested Texts/Resources EDWA L & S Act 1. “Waves Transfer Energy” (p 23) PS 4.1-HEAT (main reference) ● Describe the difference between heat and temperature. ● Convert between the Kelvin and Celsius temperature scales. ● Explain the process of conduction and describe the direction of heat transfer, using examples. ● Explain the differences in rates of conduction through solids, liquids and gases using kinetic theory. ● Define and give examples of conductors and insulators. ● Explain the process of convection, using examples. ● Recall that heat energy can be transmitted through radiation. ● Relate the properties of substances to their ability to reflect, transmit and absorb radiant heat. ASSESSMENT Validation test on PS 4.1.1 Testing Insulators (15 %) STILE Introduction: the perfect pizza What do you already know? What is heat? What is conduction? Practical: Metal conductivity Cross EDWA: Energy Act. 19 “Heat Transfer” (p 123) EDWA: Energy Act. 39 “Fire-Alarms and Switches?” (p 211) Investigation PS 4.1.1 Testing Insulators STILE Heat > Introduction Heat > What do you already know? Heat > Lesson: What is heat? Heat > Lesson: Conduction Heat > Lesson: Convection Heat > Lesson: Radiation Heat > Lesson: Career profile STILE practicals STILE Heat > Glossary Heat > Test Heat > Investigation: Which material is the best insulator? Heat > Practical activity: Modelling convection currents Heat > Investigation: Which colour absorbs the most radiation? Heat > Engineering challenge: Build a solar oven PractIcals: Any ideas? Term 3 W1 & W2 & W3 Sound Understand that sound waves are longitudinal, mechanical waves. ● Describe the features of a sound wave including compressions and ● rarefactions. Describe the properties of a wave including frequency, wavelength, amplitude, ● crest, trough and period. Describe how energy can be transferred from one place to another as a wave. ● Describe how sound waves travel through a medium. ● Explain the differences in speeds of sound through different media using kinetic ● theory Explain the structure and function of the human ear ● Recall that the loudness of a sound in decibels (dB) is a measure of perceived ● sound intensity. Explore safe sound levels for humans and their implications for workplace and ● leisure activities. PS 4.2-SOUND (main reference) STILE Are there sounds in space? Sound waves The Speed of Sound Practicals: Any ideas? EDWA- L & S Act. 12. “The Ear” (p 123) Sound (Quiz) Mid-topic test on Energy, Heat and Sound (multiple choice) -30 % STILE Sound > Test PSc (9) AB 4.4 “Human hearing range” (p 43) STILE Sound > Introduction Sound > 1.1 Lesson: Sound waves Sound > 1.2 Lesson: The speed of sound Sound > Lesson: Career profile STILE practical Sound > 1.3 Practical activity: Hearing range Term 3 W4 & W5 &W6 Light Recall that light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. ● Outline the structure of an electromagnetic wave. ● Explain the difference between mechanical and electromagnetic waves. ● Explain the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves. ● Describe how diffuse or regular reflection can occur when light strikes a ● surface. State and use the law of reflection. ● Use the wave equation (v = f λ) to relate the speed of a wave to its frequency and its wavelength. Explain the process of refraction with reference to changes in the speed of ● light. Outline the role of the lens, retina and optic nerve in processing visual ● information in the human eye. Understand how lenses correct eye problems ● PS 4.3-LIGHT (main reference) Validation test on the EYE dissection (15 %) PSc (9) AB 5.1 “The Wave Equation” (p. 54) STILE Light > Test Investigation: EYE dissection EDWA- L & S Act. 23 “Images formed by mirrors” (p 209) EDWA: L & S Act. 24 “Reflection” (p 215) EDWA: L & S Act. 23.“Images formed by mirrors” (p 209) EDWA: L & S Act. 25 “Refraction” (p 221) Practicals: Any more ideas? STILE Light > Introduction Light > 1.1 Lesson: Light waves Light > 1.2 Lesson: The interaction of light with objects Light > 2.1 Lesson: Refraction Light > 2.2 Lesson: Lenses Light > 2.3 Lesson: The use of lenses Light > Lesson: Career profile STILE practical Light > 1.3 Practical activity: Properties of bubbles Term 3 W7 Final topic test (40%) Revision Vocabulary energy, temperature, heat, conduction, convection, radiation, conductor, insulator, sound wave, longitudinal wave, transverse wave, crest, trough, compression, rarefaction, frequency, hertz (Hz), wavelength, decibel, supersonic, electromagnetic wave, refraction, incident ray, angle of incidence, angle of reflection, angle of refraction, critical angle, normal, virtual image, real image, radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultrasound, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, gamma rays. Assessment for the topic : Your overall performance in the topic will be determined as a composite mark out of 100 based on weightings as follows: ● Investigation & Validation tests 30% ● Mid-topic test 30% ● Final topic test 40% TOTAL 100%