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Cocrystals: Definition, Forms, and Pharmaceutical Relevance

Cocrystals are solids that are crystalline single phase
materials composed of two or more different molecular and/or ionic
compounds generally in a stoichiometric ratio which are neither
solvates nor simple salts.’ If at least one of the coformers is an
API and the other is pharmaceutically acceptable, then it is
recognized as a pharmaceutical cocrystal.1
Scheme 2 Possible crystalline forms for an API: (a) and (b) polymorphs; (c) solvate/hydrate; (d)
salt; (e) molecular cocrystal; (f) ionic cocrystal; (g) nonstoichiometric inclusion compounds
including channel hydrates, solvates; (h) solid solutions (mixed crystals).
ChemComm Feature Article
Published on 03 November 2015. Downloaded