Uploaded by Sarah Paglioni Fankhauser

Disease Project: Research, Infographic, Class Lead

Disease Project (60 points)
During the semester you will work with 3 classmates to investigate a disease of your
choice. This project serves many goals:
• Investigate and understand the biology and impact of a specific disease of your
• Apply concepts of information seeking and communication to develop a guided class
discussion and infographic.
• Create an infographic that shares accurate and relevant information for the Oxford
College Community in a compelling visual format.
The project will have the following components:
Annotated Bibliography (10 points): Due October 7th
- The purpose of this part of the project is to gain a more comprehensive understanding
of the disease that your team has chosen.
- This is the first part of the project and is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. Why? Because to
be an effective team member, you need something strong to contribute to the team.
- For this assignment you are required to find at least 5 sources and provide a summary
paragraph of each source which includes the following:
o Author and credentials (ie why is this article valid?)
o Type of article/resource
o Summary of what you learned about your disease from the article
- (Consider Zotero training…does the library have a video tutorial?)
- IN class: rate good->bad infographics, identify what makes a good and bad infographic
Infographic Draft (5 points): Due October 21
- This is a team assignment- must make
Infographic final (20 points): Due November 17th by midnight
Disease of Choice Class Lead Day (20 points)
The goal of this is for us (the class) to learn about the disease that your group has chosen to do
an infographic about.
For your day you will need to provide the following:
1. Learning goals for the class: what are the specifics that we need to learn? (2pts)
2. Readings with specific questions that we should do before class. These need to be
provided by 10/28 so that I can post to canvas and we all have enough time to read
them prior to the class (2pt)
3. Discussion post prompt that engages us in conversation about the topic. This can be
assigned as a pre or post class assignment (your choice) (2pt)
4. Activities, discussion, videos, powerpoint, etc that you will use to lead us in the class.
You will have the entire 75-minute period but you do not need to use the entire time
(10 points). You have a lot of flexibility, but at minimum you should provide
activities/discussion/lecture that covers the following:
a. Basic biology of the disease
b. General impact of the disease
c. Scientists who contribute to our knowledge of the disease
5. Feedback after each student-led class, due 24 hours after the class (4 points total)
a. What most surprised you?
b. What interested me most?
c. I was confused about…
Team and self-evaluation of your team’s work (5 points total): Due 11/23 by midnight
Rubrics/Items needed:
- Annotated bibliography
- Infographic
- Rubric for class activity: develop as a class. As a class, what do we find important?
o Learning goals
o Readings
o Discussion post
- Self/team evaluation form (complete/incomplete)
- Reading reflections