CEGAH CORONA Memilih Disinfektan yang Aman: Yuk Kaum Muda Pasti Bisa! Fatma Lestari Gaul Online Bareng DK3N Selasa, 31 Maret 2020 Perkenalan 1993: S1 Kimia FMIPA UI 1997: S2 Kimia FMIPA UI 2006 : PhD in Safety Science, UNSW, Sydney, Australia 1995 - sekarang: Dosen Dep K3 FKM UI 2014 : Guru Besar FKM UI 2014 – sekarang: Disaster Research & Response Centre UI 2019: UN Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group on Natech 2008 - 2019: Tim Independen Keselamatan Migas 2020: Dewan K3 Nasional 2020: Tim Ahli PMI - Disinfektan Agenda • • • • • • • • • • • • • Statistik Coronavirus & Prediksi Populasi berisiko Virus Korona Silent Carrier Berapa lama virus korona berada di permukaan? Seberapa sering kaum muda menyentuh wajah? Siapa garda terdepan pencegahan penyebaran virus korona? Cuci tangankah anda setelah dari toilet? Bagaimana disinfektan membunuh virus corona? Mengenal jenis-jenis disinfektan Memilih disinfektan Apakah aman mencampur pelbagai produk disinfektan? Apakah aman menyemprot disinfektan ke tubuh manusia? Statistik Mortality Rate World: 3.4% Indonesia: 8.6% Italy: 9% Iran: 7.8% Spanyol: 6% https://www.covidvisualizer.com https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-death-rate/ Realita vs Prediksi https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ https://news.detik.com/berita/d-4957064/tim-fkm-ui-tanpa-intervensi-negara-25-juta-orang-ri-bisa-kena-corona/2 Populasi berisiko https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-age-sex-demographics/ Virus Corona https://www.scientificanimations.com/3d-medical-animation-still-shot-showing-coronavirus-structure/ Silent Carrier https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/03/people-with-mild-or-no-symptoms-could-be-spreading-covid-19/ 23 Mar 2020 Around 60% of people with coronavirus show mild or no symptoms.People without symptoms can infect others By our most conservative estimate, at least 59% of the infected individuals were out & about, without being tested and potentially infecting others Berapa lama Virus Corona berada di permukaan? Human coronaviruses can remain infectious on inanimate surfaces for up to 9 days Seberapa sering Kaum Muda menyentuh wajah? On average, each of the 26 observed students touched their face 23 times per hour. Siapakah Garda Terdepan Pencegahan Penyebaran Virus Corona? ANDA Cuci tangankah anda sesudah dari toilet? The survey, conducted by Wirthlin Worldwide in August 2003, observed 7,541 people in public washrooms in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Miami, and Toronto. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/09/030916074111.htm Bagaimana disinfektan membunuh virus Corona? Disinfeksi: proses membunuh kuman/mikroba (bakteri, jamur, virus) yang terdapat di permukaan benda mati (non-biologis) seperti: pakaian, lantai, dinding, logam MEKANISME AKSI • Merusak dinding sel • Denaturasi & pengendapan protein • Denaturasi & Saponifikasi Lemak • pH (ion hidroksil) • Alkilasi asam nukleat • Berikatan dengan fosfolipid membrane sel Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2EVlqql_f8 • Kimiawi: sabun, desinfektan kimia, pH tinggi/rendah • Non Kimiawi: panas, UV, sinar matahari, pasteurisasi https://www.who.int/publications-detail/water-sanitation-hygiene-and-waste-management-for-covid-19 Mengenal jenis-jenis desinfektan kimia • Alkohol • Etanol • Isopropil Alkohol • Klorin & Senyawaan Klorin • Natrium hipoklorit (cairan) • Kalsium hipoklorit (padatan) • Aldehid • Formaldehid • Glutaraldehid • Asam Perasetat • Asam perasetat • Asam perasetat & hidrogen peroksida • Fenol • ortho-phenylphenol • ortho-benzyl-parachlorophenol • Biguanida: • Klorheksidin • Senyawa Ammonium Quartener • Benzalkonium klorida • Hidrogen peroksida • Iodofor • Larutan iodin • Orto-phtalaldehid (OPA) https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/guidelines/disinfection/disinfection-methods/chemical.html Disinfektan: bahan yang dapat digunakan untuk membunuh kuman/mikroba yang terdapat di permukaan benda mati (nonbiologis) seperti: pakaian, lantai, dinding, logam Bimo A. Tejo. IIHA Webinar. 2020 Efektivitas Disinfektan Kuat Contoh: Kaporit dilarutkan Hipoklorit 0.5% Lemah Jenis Bahan Kimia Contoh: Kaporit dilarutkan Hipoklorit 0.05% Konsentrasi Waktu kontak (wet time) waktu yang dibutuhkan oleh disinfektan untuk tetap berada dalam bentuk cair/basah pada permukaan & memberikan efek “membunuh” kuman 15 detik……………..10 menit https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/quality/the-importance-of-contact-time-andvisible-wetness-to-ensure-effective-disinfection.html Memilih disinfektan secara tepat • Pilih disinfektan yang tepat untuk membunuh kuman Daftar Sementara Bahan Aktif dan Produk Rumah Tangga untuk Siaran Pers Bisa diakses melalui www.lipi.go.id Disinfeksi Virus Corona Penyebab COVI D-19 • Lakukan kaji risiko - SDS Disinfektan menjadi salah satu kunci dalam pencegahan penyebaran virus corona penyebab COVI D-19. Namun informasi yang kurang tepat mengenai antisipasi COVI D-19 seringkali menimbulkan kepanikan yang tidak perlu juga kesalahan dalam penggunaannya. Lembaga I lmu Pengetahuan I ndonesia (LI PI ) merilis daftar sementara bahan aktif dan produk rumah tangga untuk disinfeksi virus corona penyebab COVI D-19. LI PI menghimbau masyarakat agar membeli sesuai kebutuhan dan memprioritaskan ketersedian bahan serta produk tersebut untuk kepentingan penanganan medis COVI D-19 yang lebih mendesak. • Cek regulasi, standar, rekomendasi • Konsentrasi tepat – baca instruksi kemasan Bandung, 23 M aret 2020. COVID-19 merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) yang merupakan virus corona jenis baru. Virus corona merupakan virus yang memiliki selubung atau sampul (enveloped virus) dengan pelindung lapisan lemak. Di i fek a da a e ak a i a e ak e eb ehi gga e b a virus corona cukup lemah dibandingkan dengan norovirus yang merupakan virus tanpa selubung dan virus lainnya yang memiliki cangkang protein yang lebih kuat, gka Kepala Loka Penelitian Teknologi Bersih LIPI, Ajeng Arum Sari di Bandung, Jawa Barat pada Senin (23/3). • Waktu kontak • Teknik menggunakan tepat – baca instruksi Peneliti Loka Penelitian Teknologi Bersih LIPI, Chandra Risdian mengungkapkan banyak produk rumah tangga umum mengandung konsentrasi bahan aktif yang sesuai untuk disinfeksi. Dirinya menjelaskan, bahan aktif dan konsentrasi efektifnya yang tercantum dalam Tabel 1 telah terbukti efektif melawan virus corona berdasarkan studi literatur yang dilakukannya. Se ai e gg aa age e be ih, e a a a ai a g efek if e hada virus corona adalah dengan metode PersBerdasarkan informasi yang diterima dari The Robert Koch e be ia a da e ak a a a , e a gSiaran Chandra. Bisa diakses melalui www.lipi.go.id Institute (RKI), Jerman, Chandra menjelaskan bahwa jika produk disinfektan yang aktif terhadap virus corona Daftar Sementara Bahan Aktifsetidaknya dan Produk Rumah Tangga untukterhadap virus berselimut tidak tersedia, produk disinfektan lain yang memiliki aktivitas virucidal Virus Corona Penyebab COVI D-19 (enveloped virus) jugaDisinfeksi dapat digunakan. Tabel 1 Disinfektan menjadi salah satu kunci dalam pencegahan penyebaran virus corona penyebab COVI D-19. NamunNo. informasiBahan yang kurang aktif tepat mengenai antisipasi COVI D-19 seringkali menimbulkan kepanikan yang tidak perlu juga kesalahan dalam penggunaannya. Lembaga I lmu Pengetahuan I ndonesia (LI PI ) a Accelerated hydrogen peroxide (0.5%) merilis1daftar sementara bahan aktif dan produk rumah tangga untuk disinfeksi virus corona penyebab COVI PI menghimbau masyarakat agarammonium membeli sesuai dan memprioritaskan chloride / quaternary / alkylkebutuhan dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride) 2 D-19. LIBenzalkonium ketersedian bahan sertab produk tersebut untuk kepentingan penanganan medis COVI D-19 yang lebih (0.05%) mendesak. 3 Chloroxylenol (0.12%)c Bandung, merupakan 4 23 M aret Ethyl2020. alcoholCOVID-19 atau ethanol (62-71%)d,epenyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) yang merupakan virus corona jenis baru. Virus corona b 5 virus Iodine in iodophor (50 ppm) merupakan yang memiliki selubung atau sampul (enveloped virus) dengan pelindung lapisan lemak. b Di i fek6 a da a Isopropanol e ak a atau i a 2-propanol e ak e eb gga e b a virus corona cukup lemah dibandingkan (50%)ehi dengan norovirus yang merupakancvirus tanpa selubung dan virus lainnya yang memiliki cangkang protein yang 7 Pine oil (0.23%) lebih kuat, gka Kepala Loka Penelitian Teknologi Bersih LIPI, Ajeng Arum Sari di Bandung, Jawa Barat 8 (23/3).Povidone-iodine (1% iodine)d pada Senin d, f 9 Sodium hypochlorite (0.05 Peneliti Loka Penelitian Teknologi Bersih LIPI,0.5%) Chandra Risdian mengungkapkan banyak produk rumah tangga umum mengandung konsentrasi bahan aktifb yang sesuai untuk disinfeksi. Dirinya menjelaskan, bahan aktif dan 10 Sodium chlorite (0.23%) konsentrasi efektifnya yang tercantum dalam Tabel 1 telah terbukti efektif melawan virus corona berdasarkan 11 Sodium dichloroisocyanurate (0.1-0.5%)g studi literatur yang dilakukannya. Bimo A. Tejo. IIHA Webinar. 2020 Memilih disinfektan secara tepat Table 2. List of Household Disinfectants/Cleaning Products Effective Against Coronaviruses A. Corrosive to metals, wipe away residues with wet cloth after 10 minutes. B. Flammable at high concentration. Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. C. Not all recommended dilutions stated on the label meet the concentration requirement indicated in Table 1. Adjustment in dilution ratio may be required. https://www.nea.gov.sg/our-services/public-cleanliness/environmental-cleaning-guidelines/guidelines/interim-list-of-household-products-and-active-ingredients-for-disinfection-of-covid-19 Memilih Disinfektan pembunuh Virus Corona Sodium hypochlorite 0.01-0.5% Glutardialdehyde 2% Etanol 62-71% Ortho-phtalaldehyde 0.55% Benzalkonium chloride 0.04% Surface disinfection with 0.1% sodium hypochlorite or 62-71% ethanol significantly reduces coronavirus infectivity on surfaces within 1 min exposure time Memilih disinfektan secara tepat Larutan Pemutih Zat Aktif: Hipoklorit Pembersih Lantai Zat Aktif: Benzalkonium Klorida Larutan Klorin Zat Aktif: Hipoklorit Desinfektan Peroksida Zat Aktif: Hidrogen Peroksida Karbol/Lysol Zat Aktif:Fenol COVID-19 virus berbentuk envelope dengan membran luar yang rentan Apakah aman mencampur pelbagai produk disinfektan? Dikutip dari World of Buzz dari The Poiseon National Malaysia Sabtu (6/7/2019) TIDAK! sebuah insiden terjadi. Seorang ibu rumah tangga tewas keracunan parah setelah mencampur pemutih & detergen. https://intisari.grid.id/read/031777202/jangan-pernah-campur-detergen-dan-pemutih-saat-mencuci-karena-hal-mengerikan-ini-bisa-terjadi?page=all Mengapa? X Lysol & Bleach Gas Klorin & Kloramin Gas beracun, dapat menyebabkan iritasi mata & saluran pernafasan, kematian Hidrogen peroksida & Cuka Amoniak & Pemutih Cuka & Pemutih Peracetic Acid Hidrazin Gas beracun, menyebabkan kerusakan saluran pernafasan Gas Klorin & Kloramin Gas beracun, dapat menyebabkan iritasi mata & saluran pernafasan, kematian Ledakan https://www.doh.wa.gov/YouandYourFamily/HealthyHome/Contaminants/BleachMixingDangers Concept and design: Dumas, Zock, Speizer, Le Moual, Camargo. Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All authors. Apakah aman menyemprot disinfektan ke tubuh manusia? Drafting of the manuscript: Dumas. Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Varraso, Boggs, Quinot, Zock, Henneberger, Speizer, Le Moual, Camargo. Statistical analysis: Dumas, Zock. Obtained funding: Le Moual, Camargo. Administrative, technical, or material support: Varraso, Boggs, Quinot, Speizer, Le Moual, Camargo. Supervision: Boggs, Speizer, Camargo. JAMA Network Open Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Drs Dumas, Varraso, Le Moual, and Camargo and Ms Boggs reported receiving grants from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health JAMA Netw Open. 2019 Oct; 2(10): e1913563. PMCID: PMC6813668 (NIOSH) ofonline the Centers for18. Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the conduct of this study. Dr Zock reported receiving personal fees from Partners HealthCarePMID: System,31626315 Inc, and Published 2019 Oct doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.13563: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.13563 being a paid consultant on an NIOSH R01 grant. No other disclosures were reported. Association of Occupational Exposure to Disinfectants With Incidence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Funding/Support: This study wasFemale supported inNurses part by grants R01 OH-010359 from the CDC (Dr Camargo, principal investigator [PI]) and UM1 CA-176726 from the National Institutes of Disease Among US Health. The research leading to the results presented herein has received funding from the People Program (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program Orianne Dumas, PhD, 1,2 Raphaëlle Varraso, PhD,1,2 Krislyn M. Boggs, MPH,3,4 Catherine Quinot, PhD,1,2 Jan-Paul Zock, PhD,5,6,7 Paul K. Henneberger, ScD,8 Frank E. Speizer, MD,3 1,2 3,4 (FP7/2007-2013) (Dr Dumas, PI) under REA grantJr,agreement through the PRESTIGE program coordinated by Campus France. Nicole Le Moual, PhD, and Carlos A. Camargo, MD, DrPHPCOFUND-GA-2013-609102 1 INSERM U1168, VIMA: Aging and Chronic Diseases, Epidemiological and Public Health Approaches, F-94807, Villejuif, France Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or 2 University de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, UMR-S 1168, F-78180, Montigny le Bretonneux, France approval the manuscript; andMedicine, decision Department to submit theofmanuscript for publication. ChanningofDivision of Network Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 3 4 Department of Emergency Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts Disclaimer: The findings and Health conclusions in this Barcelona, report are those Barcelona Institute for Global (ISGlobal), Spainof the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the NIOSH. 5 6 Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain Additional Contributions: ThePública Nurses’(CIBERESP), Health StudyMadrid, II is coordinated CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Spain at the Channing Division of Network Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. We thank 7 8 Respiratory Health National Occupational Health, Morgantown, West Virginia the participants andDivision, staff of the Nurses’Institute Healthfor Study II for their Safety valuableandcontributions. Corresponding author. Article Information Received 2019 Jun 4; Accepted 2019 Sep 2. Accepted for Publication: September 2, 2019. Copyright 2019 Dumas O et al. JAMA Network Open. Published: October 18, 2019. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.13563 This isAccess: an open This access article underdistributed the terms ofunder the CC-BY License. Open is an opendistributed access article the terms of the CC-BY License. © 2019 Dumas O et al. JAMA Network Open. Corresponding Author: Orianne Dumas, PhD, INSERM U1168, VIMA—Aging and Chronic Diseases, Epidemiological and Public Health Approaches, 16 Ave Paul Vaillant Couturier, Key Points 94807 Villejuif CEDEX, France (orianne.dumas@inserm.fr). Author Contributions: Dr Dumas had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Question Concept and design: Dumas, Zock, Speizer, Le Moual, Camargo. Is exposure to disinfectants and cleaning products associated with incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among health care workers? Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All authors. Drafting of the manuscript: Dumas. Findings Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Varraso, Boggs, Quinot, Zock, Henneberger, Speizer, Le Moual, Camargo. Statistical analysis: Dumas, Zock. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/myth-busters In a cohort study of 73 262 US female nurses participating in the Nurses’ Health Study II who were followed up from 2009 to 2015, occupational exposure to cleaning products and disinfectants was significantly associated with a 25% to 38% increased risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease independent of asthma Administrative, and smoking.technical, or material support: Varraso, Boggs, Quinot, Speizer, Le Moual, Camargo. Obtained funding: Le Moual, Camargo. Supervision: Boggs, Speizer, Camargo. Meaning Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Drs Dumas, Varraso, Le Moual, and Camargo and Ms Boggs reported receiving grants from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the conduct of this study. Dr Zock reported receiving personal fees from Partners HealthCare System, Inc, and This study’s findings suggest that regular use of chemical disinfectants among nurses may be a risk factor for developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. being a paid consultant on an NIOSH R01 grant. No other disclosures were reported. Funding/Support: This study was supported in part by grants R01 OH-010359 from the CDC (Dr Camargo, principal investigator [PI]) and UM1 CA-176726 from the National Institutes of TIDAK Studi kohort 73.262 perawat di US rutin disemprot disinfektan meningkatkan risiko 25-38% Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Abstract Health. The research leading to the results presented herein has received funding from the People Program (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) (Dr Dumas, PI) under REA grant agreement PCOFUND-GA-2013-609102 through the PRESTIGE program coordinated by Campus France. Importance Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication. Exposure to disinfectants in health care workers has been associated with respiratory health outcomes, including asthma. Despite the biological plausibility of an association between disinfectants (irritant chemicals) and risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), available data are sparse. Additional Contributions: The Nurses’ Health Study II is coordinated at the Channing Division of Network Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. We thank Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the NIOSH. the participants and staff of the Nurses’ Health Study II for their valuable contributions. Objective Received 2019 Jun 4; Accepted 2019 Sep 2. To investigate the association between exposure to disinfectants and COPD incidence in a large cohort of US female nurses. Copyright 2019 Dumas O et al. JAMA Network Open. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC-BY License. https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2020/03/16/13130231/cegahpenyebaran-virus-corona-pengunjung-istana-disemprot-disinfektan Design, Setting, and Participants Key Points https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6813668/?report=printable The Nurses’ Health Study II is a US prospective cohort study of 116 429 female registered nurses from 14 US states who were enrolled in 1989 and followed up through Question Terima kasih fatma@ui.ac.id