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The Life cycle of a frog

1. Discuss the BTN story together with your class and list the main points.
2. Where is White Island?
Whakaari/White Island is one of New Zealand's most active volcanos, situated 48km off
the coast of Whakatane in the North Island.
3. How many volcanoes in New Zealand are active?
Where are 12 of the volcanoes in New Zealand
4. What is the Ring of Fire?
The Ring of Fire is a major area in the Pacific Ocean where many earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions occur. It is 40,000 km and has 452 volcanoes
5. In which ocean can you find the Ring of Fire?
It can be found in the Pacific Ocean
6. What are tectonic plates? Explain using your own words.
A tectonic plate are pieces of Earth’s surface
7. What is another word for molten rock?
Magma, lava
8. What clues can scientists look for to predict a volcanic eruption?
They can predict when seismic activity occurs or build-up of gas in the area
9. What is a volcano alert system?
A chart that shows a volcano level so people lives can be saved.
10. What is the main challenge for scientists that manage volcano alert
The challenge is it takes Time to take data deciding
Question 2
What do plate tectonics have to do with volcanoes?
because Volcanoes form when tectonic plates collide and one plate is pushed beneath
What is meant by the `Ring of Fire’?
ring of fire is a path Along the Pacific Ocean characterized by active volcanoes and frequent
What are the different types of volcanoes?
Different types of volcanoes are shield volcanoes, strato volcanoes, and cinder cones