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Y10 Mock Oral Exam Feedback & Next Steps

Y10 mock oral exam 2020
feedback and next steps
Those who were successful...
What this looks like
Gave a quick overview of the
plot in relation to their chosen
character/theme near the
beginning of the conversation.
“Over the course of the play, Mrs Linde changes from...to...due to…”
“The significance of theme of the individual vs. society changes over
the course of the play as…”
Knew their chosen
character/theme very well.
We can see this in Act 1 where Nora states “_____”
“A key moment is during the conversation between Krogstad and
Mrs Linde when, in the stage directions, it says, “______”
Used the playwright’s name
frequently throughout the
discussion to demonstrate their
understanding of the author’s
“What Ibsen is saying here is…”
“Ibsen does this in order to…”
“Through Dr Rank’s dialogue, Ibsen reveals to us / is commenting
Spoke about characters as
constructs rather than real
“Mrs Linde is presented to the audience as a pragmatic character…”
“Ibsen presents Nora as frivolous and flirtatious in order to make a
contrast with…”
Used literary and dramatic
terminology frequently
throughout the discussion.
“Ibsen uses this dramatic irony to build tension so that…”
Those who were successful...
What this looks like
Remembered to comment on
the effect on the audience.
“Nora’s departure at the play’s closing would likely evoke anger
and disbelief from a 19th C audience…”
Gave specific quotations from
the text to support their ideas...
(Hint: if you hear the word ‘Where…?’ in a follow-up question, it
means we’re asking you to be more specific and point to a key
moment from the play, with a quotation)
...then commented on language
used in the quote to
demonstrate analysis skills.
“Ibsens’ choice of language here is interesting as [word]
Gave detailed responses, going
into depth when explaining their
Steered the conversation. They
didn’t depend on the teacher to
keep the conversation going.
Gave a personal response to the
text, offering individual ad
insightful comments on the play
“In Mrs Linde, I saw many of the qualities that I find admirable,
such as…”
“The theme of ______ strikes me as, even over a hundred years
General feedback
Quotations, quotations, quotations! If your brain goes blank and you forget a
quotation, instead comment on a specific action a character takes in the play
(e.g. “When Nora is decorating the Christmas tree, this action symbolises…”)
Analyse key language from the quotations you do use
“I chose to speak about ____ because s/he/it is a main character/theme” is a
poor start to the discussion. Here is your chance to offer a personal response
and show your individuality. Why does it interest you?
Bringing your responses back to the purpose of the play will keep you focused
If you have chosen to do a theme, you will get better marks if you compare the
way different characters represent this theme in different ways.