Uploaded by Jailyn Ragot


Ragot, Jailyn V.
Defining Globalization
Lesson 1: Globalization
Defining Globalization
globalization, they tend to
compare it to a country’s
transformation of technologies,
transportation, information and
communication and upward
mobility of economic status,
however, it is way beyond of what
they perceive it to be. People
might not have observed but
globalization is already part of the
world and everybody’s lives. Just
like a female student for example
who sleeps and wakes up in a Uratex mattress every day, uses Colgate toothpaste in
brushing her teeth, sips Nescafe coffee every morning, wears a pair of black New Balance
shoes and a Lacoste bag when goes to school and eats in famous Samgyupsal restaurant
in weekends. Those examples are just some of the little variables of globalization where
brands from other countries like China, USA, Switzerland, Britain, France, and Korea
were mentioned in the given example and unconsciously part of everyday life.
By reading this module 1-lesson1: Globalization (defining globalization),
students will be able to know simple definitions based on different
thoughts of some writers in the field of globalization, understand its
history, acquire knowledge of the variety of approaches, apply concepts
and principles and analyze the positive and negative effects of
globalization to people in general.
Question Alerts !
What is Globalization?
Globalization is the spread of products, technology, information, and jobs across
national borders and cultures. (Investopedia)
In globalization, it only shows that people are uniquely “business-minded” and
“traders” in mental aspect. They make useful and creative products and innovate
technologies which can be transported to other countries. In addition, it does not
only promote products but employment as well. One example for innovated
technologies is the revolution of mobile phones from keypads to touch-screens.
Nowadays, people are fond of using smart phones instead of old keypad phones
because it gives productivity and convenience to users. (e.g. Nokia 3210 to Iatest
iPhone 11) As for employment, people migrate to find new and better opportunities
abroad. (e.g. OFW Nurses in Canada)
Globalization means the speedup of movements and exchanges (of human beings,
goods, and services, capital, technologies or cultural practices) all over the planet.
Because of connections and agreements between two and more countries, trading
and transporting of goods and services are much easier compared before. All
countries have strengths and weaknesses when it comes to resources and in order
to satisfy the lack of one country, it will be needing the help of another country. For
example, the major trading partner of the Philippines when it comes to importation
is China with 18.6 percentage from the rest of its partners whereas it imports 25
percent of electronic products, 21 percent of mineral fuels and 11 percent of
transport equipment. These import materials are part of the weaknesses and lack
of the country and in order to fil-up these deficiencies, cooperation and diplomatic
alliance is necessary. (Trading Economics)
Globalization can be defined as a process of rapid, economic, cultural, and institutional
integration among countries; this unification is driven by the liberalization of trade,
investment and capital flow, technological advances, and pressures for assimilation
towards international standard; and makes the world more accessible to everyone.
Globalization, economics and politics usually intertwined with each other.
Globalization is a tool of economics to attain its goals and objectives while the role
of politics is legal intervention between globalization and economics and it mostly
needs the legal label to follow the so called “international standards”. The
Philippines for example was a third world country and currently a developing
country. In order to be fully developed, it needs to accommodate the help of other
countries through liberalization.
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History of Globalization
The origin of the term
globalization is rooted from
the word “global” which
refers to the interaction of
the countries around the
proliferated. The first wave
of globalization in 1930’s
were the creations of
Europeans and thus, enable
them to become imperial
economic power. It was
propelled by steamed ships, rail roads, telegraphs and other breakthroughs which serve
as cause of globalization to rise. It also increased the economic interaction among
countries. However, it gradually crashed down because of major catastrophes such as
World War I, postwar protectionism, the Great Depression and World War II in the mid1940’s. Expectantly, United states made the efforts so that globalization might be revived
and it’s a success up to this day. (PIIE)
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Approaches to the study of Globalization
Types of Globalization
Political Globalization refers to the amount of political
cooperation that exists between different countries.
(Explore Politics)
“Umbrella” principle refers to a belief that it is much
better to have ties within an organization of states or
countries than individual countries to avoid future
conflicts among them. Top 3 examples of global
organizations are The League of Nations, World Trade
Organizations and United Nations.
Social Globalization refers to the sharing of ideas and
information between and through different countries.
(Data was found in Explore Politics)
Nowadays, people are fond of using the internet
and social media accounts especially Facebook,
twitter, Instagram, and the like and those are the
good things that globalization can offer. Many
Chinesedrama, Hollywood movies and other local
movies have been recognized because of this.
However, the most battle for this is that cultural
flow tends to be exposed only in developed and
developing countries and not in poor countries like 3rd world countries and
eventually the cause of criticisms on cultural differences.
Economic Globalization refers to the
interconnectedness of economies through
trade and the exchange of resources. (Data
was found in Explore Politics)
This also explains the second definition of
Globalization?) It only proves today that no
national economy operates in isolation
because they need the help from other
countries for the benefit of their country as
well. If Philippines for instance is lack of
modern digital tools for education, meanwhile, US is lack of natural products. If
these two countries will cooperate and make ties with each other that way they can
fulfill the needs of their people and the country.
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Advantages and disadvantages of Globalization
Ability to tap into a wider pool or pool all Globalization benefits the wealthy than the
the resources together
People are no longer restrained to
showcase their talents and skills and be
employed anywhere in the world. (e.g.
Those with money to invest would see
their bank accounts continue to rise. At the
same time, households living paycheck-topaycheck would struggle to access what
talent/Britain’s got talent) Nations on the they require, suppressing their ability to
other hand can attain their goals for their pursue a better job. (Vitanna)
countries if they will make an effort
Globalization would encourage disease
together. (e.g. Security and privacy)
Globalization reduces the prospects of
Because people are traveling from time to
time, the spread of diseases from the
Nations today are not concentrated in one country and people they have in contact
administration only and this practice will with might increase or rise. (e.g. Corona
eventually reduce tyranny and money in virus 2019)
one country’s pocket. Other countries
have capabilities to promote their Globalization would not prevent resource
strengths as well because each country consumption
needs the other. (e.g. if China is only the
country who can trade to other countries This allows wealthy countries who always
for instance, China will eventually be the exports goods from their own gradually
most superior among countries in the consume their remaining resources to
meet the needs of their people. (e.g.
minerals and fuels)
Globalization improves communication
Potential IP theft
People are already parted around the
world and because of innovated
technologies brought by globalization to
people, it helped them communicate with
their loved ones. (e.g. skype)
Class A and B imitations are prevalent
elsewhere these days. Products from
other countries can be easily copied even
its trademarks.
(e.g. Chinatown products)
New Ideas due to cultural diversity
Issues with supply chain
People can move and travel easily to
countries they want to see and visit, work
with new kind of people and practice
different cultures. (e.g. Islam and
Employees are exploited from their jobs
and works in an unsafe condition because
of demands in supplies. (e.g. factory
worker with more than 8 hours of work)
Larger Markets
It is inevitable not only in politics but also
Makes new opportunities for business to in globalization.
sell their goods in a larger market not only
in local places but also abroad. (e.g. online Researchers at the Henley Business
selling, exportation and importation)
School found 85% of managers surveyed
admitted they had to resort to bribery when
Earnings Changes
trading with developing countries where it
is considered a usual cost of doing
People are now experiencing high living business.
standards and employed people are now Disadvantages of Globalization)
receiving higher salary rates.
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Write at least 15 items per category of the names of brand you are using, you have
used, and/or familiar with. Answer the activity correctly. (20 pts)
Food and
1 Selecta
2 Cheese whiz
3 Energen
4 Coca-Cola
5 Nutella
6 Kitkat
7 Nestle
8 Oreo
9 Dunkin’ Donut
10 Magnolia
11Swiss miss
12 Jack n’ Jill
13 Magnum
14 Angel delight
15 Sunkiss
Shoes and
1 Adidas
2 Nike
3 Converse
4 Puma
5 Skechers
6 Fila
7 Vanz
8 Oxygen
9 Jag
10 Lee
11 Dickies
12 Levi’s
13 Zara
14 Forever 21
15 Jerzees
Beauty Products
1 Be Organic
2 Belle Cosmetic
3 Caronia
4 Cream Silk
5 Blooming
6 Myra
7 Sunsilk
8 Happy Skin
9 Simply G
10 Nature Beauty
11 Afficionado
12 Penshoppe
13 Bench
14 Elizabeth Arden
15 Avon
1 Nickelodeon
2 Paramount
3 Walt Disney
5 Showtime
6 Starz
7 Escape Labs
8 Holywood weekly
9 Dreamscape
10 Happy Dynamic
11 Bohemix
12 Jazzila
13 Channeldial
14 Spriong.io
15 Decowealth
Score: ________________
Chapter Quiz! Essay
Answer the questions properly. Each question should be answered with minimum of 50
words and maximum of 150 words. (20 items)
1-5. Based on your own understanding about the module, what is globalization? (Do not
copy the given definitions)
Globalization is an ongoing process in which economic, political, and sociocultural relations established in a long geographical distance. Ideas, goods, trade and
services are spread across the world. It gains its strength from the possibilities opened
by technologies, strategies, and policies. It also provides a gateway to people to easily
communicate with their love ones living away from home, grow businesses and
improves the quality of education. Moreover, globalization satisfy the needs of each
countries in terms of food and services.
6-10. Differentiate the three types of globalization.
Political globalization mainly deals with policies designed to facilitate international
trade and commerce which ties and bound different countries. On the other hand, social
globalization focuses on the social factors that caused different cultures to converge
such increased the ease of communication brought about by technology. Lastly,
economic globalization deals with integration of international markets, as well as
multinational corporations that have significant influence on international markets.
11-15. Discuss when did globalization started?
Globalization started when Europeans was created. Steamed ships, rail roads,
telegraphs and other breakthrough increase the interaction among countries and that’s
when globalization began to rise. In addition, some research says Globalization as a
phenomenon began with the earliest human migratory routes, or with Genghis Khan's
invasions, or travel across the Silk Road. Conquering empires throughout history
resulted in the sharing of ideas, mixing of cultures and people, and trade across those
conquered lands.
16-20. Aside from the given positive and negative effects of globalization, give at least 2
advantages and disadvantages.
Globalization have many positive effects like it can solve fundamental problems
with the global economy, such as poverty and unemployment, by promoting a free
market that benefits rich and poor nations alike. It also to reduce the amount of trade
barriers between nations. This consequently promotes economic growth, creates jobs,
makes companies more competitive and lowers prices for consumers. In contrast,
globalization may encourage more offshoring instead of less. With fewer restrictions in
place at the national level, some businesses may use offshoring to their advantage.
Globalization may somehow change how humans would identify themselves. Humans
are global citizens in some ways already. We all share the same planet, after all, so we
are united with that common ground. If we lose borders, however, we also lose a piece
of our culture, ethnicity, or family heritage. Even if they kept jobs local, the threat of
sending jobs to a different, cheaper region overseas could be used to justify lower
wages at home.
Score: ________________
(2020, My 20) Globalization: Definition, Benefits, Effects, Examples-What is
(2019, February 4) Globalization: PIIE Peterson Institute For International Economics.
Retrieved from https://www.piie.com/microsites/globalization/what-is-globalization
(2020)Vitanna.19 advantages and Disadvantages of Globalisation. Retrieved from
Duncan, C. (2018, August 29) Diskalert. The Advantages and Disadvantages of
Globalization for the Workplace. Retrieved from https://www.alert-software.com/blog/theadvantages-and-disadvantages-of-globalization-for-the-workplace