NTPC Title : Ref. No. : NTPC STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Coal mill Inerting operation OPN/MAIN PLANT/BLR/22 Issue : 1.0 Page 1 of 3 Date : 01-05-2018 PURPOSE: This is used for inerting Operation of Coal mill SCOPE:It covers Coal mill of Main Plant Lara (2 x 800MW) RESPONSIBILITY: UCE/Boiler Desk Engineer of concerned unit is responsible for compliance with this work instruction. The concerned operator executes the work taking all safety precautions as per the procedure laid down. Mill Inerting operation: The purpose of pulverizer inerting is to dilute the oxygen content of the pulverizer when the risk of a pulverizer explosion is increased, to maintain an inert atmosphere in the pulverizer with steam, and to extinguish fires in the pulverized fuel system. Mill Inerting steam Line charging 1. Ensure all mills inerting Block valves and Control Valves are healthy and in closed condition. 2. Open all 4 inert steam header drains to atm @ 0m. (near Mill E, H, J, B). 3. Open Mill inerting line isolation valve in boiler side (26m). 4. Crack charge the common isolation valve for steam inerting and APH soot blowing in unit HT PRDS. 5. Ensure dry steam is drained from all the drain valves and line is warmed up. 6. Close the atm drain and fully open the common isolation valve. 7. 15 KSc header pressure & 310 DegC temp to be maintained. Operation Philosophy Inerting steam is supplied automatically whenever mill is tripped or mill outlet air temperature reaches 110°C except Boiler MFT that means all the mills are out of service simultaneously. The pressure of steam will be reduced to 0.2 kg/cm2(g) for steam inerting. the inerting steam at the inlet to pulverizer shall not be exceed 3.0kg/cm2 at any case like inerting or transportation using control valve(10HHR10AA071) and pressure transmitter(10HHR10CP101). The maximum quantity of steam inerting for a mill is approximately 23,400 kg/hr per mill for transporting mode and 3,600 kg/hr per mill for inerting. NTPC Title NTPC STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE : Coal mill Inerting operation Ref. No. : OPN/MAIN PLANT/BLR/22 Issue : 1.0 Page 2 of 3 Date : 01-05-2018 Mill Inerting procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Close the hot air gate and hot air control damper. Close the cold air gate and cold air control damper. Close feeder Outlet gate. Ensure MDV & BIG is open Ensure inerting steam line is charged upto MOV from Unit HT PRDS. Inject steam at a rate sufficient to achieve an inert atmosphere. Note : The inert system will be functional at all times except when the pulverizer discharge valves (10HHE11AA061~10HHE15AA061) are not fully open.(The steam inerting valve(10HHR10AA071) is interlocked to not open in this case). The pulverizer can be inerted at any time by manually activating the pulverizer steam inerting valve (except when the pulverizer discharge valves are not fully open) Transporting mode After resetting the mil trip parameters, operator has to decide whether the unburned coal in the mill shall be sent to the furnace or to the ground. To send the coal to the furnace by ensuring the flame, cold air damper shall be opened to meet the minimum cold PA flow(around 95 TPH) Transporting is conducted manually as follows: 1. Check that all permissive for the mill starting is satisfied. 2. Hot air gate & hot air control damper remain closed. 3. Open Mill Discharge Valves (MDV) and Burner isolation gates (BIG) if they are closed. 4. Open seal air valve and cleaning air valve 5. Close shut-off valve at coal feeder downspout 6. Open steam inerting block valve (10HHR10AA041) if closed 7. Open steam inerting control valve(10HHR10AA071) wide open 8. Open cold air gate & cold air control damper(to min PA flow) 9. Start the mill motor 10. Close the steam inerting control valve after 3 minutes of mill running. 11. Maintain Transportation steam pressure downstream of control valve at 2 kg/cm2. 12. Maintain PA flow(95 TPH) and mill outlet temperature 54°C and continue the mill running until it is empty. NTPC Title : Ref. No. : NTPC STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Coal mill Inerting operation OPN/MAIN PLANT/BLR/22 Page 3 of 3 Issue : 1.0 Date : 01-05-2018 Emptying mode Emptying is conducted in case of impossibility of using transportation mode. Emptying is conducted using pyrite removal system. The mode is to remove the accumulated coal in the mill by rotating scraper. Emptying is conducted manually as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Check that all permissive for starting the mill motor is satisfied. Open the pyrite hopper inlet valve if closed Close Hot & Cold air gate damper Open seal air valve and cleaning air valve Close shut-off valve at coal feeder downspout Open steam inerting block valve if closed Open steam inerting control valve – inerting position for 30 seconds Close the steam inerting control valve Start the mill motor Prepared by Checked by Reviewed by Approved Nilakantha Meher Yousuf Ali Sr Manager(Oprn) A.K.Singh AGM(Oprn) E.S.Phani Kumar GM (Oprn) Asst Manager (Oprn)