STEAM SAUNA Technical Support Toll Free: 1-800-354-8462 SteamSaunaInc opsralrqa e-g.wheneverthe Thepumpworksin conjectionwith thesteamgenerator, steamis beingproduced,thepumpheadwill rotateandinjectsliagranceinto ihe steamline. described belowto obtaindesiredperformance: Followtheprocedures 1. Installthe tubingaccordingto installationdiagramon page"7" and insertthetubingto thepumpheadasinstruotedon page"4". 2. Connectremoteconholline from STEAM SAIJNA steamunit to the rearofthe pump. 3. Tum thepumpon by comectingthepoweradaptorto theoutlet,then pouerjackto thereerofscentpump. connect below: 4. Sctpurnpspeedasdesoribed Thepumpheadcanbe setto rotateat four speeds:slow,medium,fast andextrafast.Therotor speedis proportionalto the quantityof fragrancethatis injectedinto thesteamline. To changethespeed, everypressof thebuttonwill advanceit to thenextspeed.The"exha fast" speedcanbe usedwheneverthetubingis replaced.After the tubingis filled up thenyou canswitchto a slowerspeed. Maintenance ofcaseusingdryol dampcloth,neveruseexcessive 1. Cleansurfaces fluid. of tubingthat 2. To prolongthelife oftubing,rnovethesiliconesegment is engagedwith rotorhsadlo lhc lcll or right everywe€l(,until lt reachesto the end,thenrepeatthiscycleby movingit backto the wearof onese€mentoftubing. otherend.This is to preventexcessive 3. Replacethe tubingifexcessivewearandtearobserved. Steam Saura lnc SiliconP. 6lirm lln.6ldt Fntnnl Sld! Flgure1r Aromatizer- FrontPatrel Figure2: Aromatizer- RearPanel Figure3: TeflonTubingSet Caution! Besurethepump&jve is hrmedoffbeforeproceeding. Tubingfor usewith theAromatizer is Silicontubing,Useoftubingother performance thanthatwill resultin poorpumping and,or pumpsystem damage. 1. Openthe coverofthe pumphead. 2. Openthe left retainerclip to placethe tubing. 3. Wrapthe tubmgaroundthetop of therotor head 4. Openfie endsideretainer clip roplacetherubing thetubingin properposirion 5. A-mange 6. Placethecoverback 4 lnc SteamSauna InstallationInstnrctionfor Self-Piercin SaddleValve i . AssembieValvebodyasshownin tl.refollowingsketch,wlth piercing pin rehactedto thetop clamp(2) by Iotatingvalvehandlecounterclockwise. CAUTION:be surethe piercingpin doesnot protrudedown beyondthe top clamp. 2 . With rubbergasket(3) in fixedposition,clampthe entireassembly firn1lyto thesteampipeoutletusingthebolts,nutsandbaseclamp provided. 3 . Turnthehandleclockwiseto piercethesteampipe andclosethe valve. to desiredflow. 4. To openvalve,trunhandlecou ter'-clockwise Qplf-Piernin o Saddle Valve tt€cl,! Plofco Prf shown io crosod F:rs ilon Valve plerces its own hole in 7a" to f 3/8" O.D. copper steam lines to slmpllfy connection. SteanrSaunaLrc WARRANTY Themanufacturer warrantsthepunp to be freefromdefectsin materialand worlmanship asnotedin theWarantyCard.If repairor adjustment is necessary, whichhasnotbccnth€r€sultofabuseor misusewithinthe warantyperiod,please retum,freightprepaid. Correction ofthe defectwill bemadewithoutcharge. Tubingis notwananted. Foryourprotection, itemsbeingretumed mustbecarefullypackedto preventdamage in shipment possible andinsuredagainst damage or loss. Wewill notberesponsible for damage resulting liom careless or insufficient packing. Out-ofwanantyproducts will berepaired for a nominalcha;ge. Wereselvetherightto makeimprovement in design, construction and appearance ofour products withoutnotice. STEAM SAIJNA 210SouthB'r'St Lewiston, NY 14092 u.s.A. Tel:?16-838-8003 or l -800-354-8462 Fax:716-838-6600 lrwtt,ste4nt-saun4.cotn STEAMSAI.]I.JA 153BridgelandAvenue,Unit 13 NofthYork, ON M6A 2Y6 Canada -171.I or 1-800-387-0309 T el 416-'78'7 Far:416-785-9388