Uploaded by M.Jaafer Riaz

PTCL Internship Report: NGN, OFAN, IP Domains

Switching Domain(NGN+OFAN) (3 weeks)
IP Domain (3 weeks)
Submitted By
M.Jaafer Riaz
Telecommunication Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila
Submitted To
Engr. Khurram Shahzad
Internship Period
6 weeks Internship Programme
w.e.f 24th July, 2019 to 03rd September, 2019
Internship Centre
IP Network Services North Region
CDDT Building, Sector H-9/ Islamabad
First of all I would like to thanks ALMIGHTY ALLAH by the grace & help of which I am able to
complete the Internship. Special Thanks to the wonderful people at PTCL who provided support,
warm encouragement, patience and guidance. I wish to express deepest gratitude and sincere
thanks to my supervisor Sir.Khurram Shahzad for his encouragement, invaluable guidance, advice
and indispensable help without which the completion of this work would not be possible. Thanks
to all the people who took the time to voluntarily send encouragements & suggestions for this
Internship Period. Your input and help is very much appreciated. Truly thanks to our dear parents
for genuine support & encouragements. This task is dedicated to the covenant of God with man on
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................................................2
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................5
TECHNICAL & OPERATIONAL NETWORK ......................................................................5
LEADING COMPANIES(TECHNOLOGY) USED BY PTCL: ..............................................5
MAIN PARTS OF PTCL ............................................................................................................6
TRANSMISSION PART: .......................................................................................................6
POWER PART: ......................................................................................................................6
OFAN (OPTICAL FIBRE ACCESS NETWORK) ......................................................................7
NMS PART: ...........................................................................................................................7
FIELD PART: .........................................................................................................................7
BASICS OF OFAN .................................................................................................................7
MSAG (Multiple Services Access Gateway): ..........................................................................7
Difference between MSAG and MSAN: ..................................................................................8
NMS (NETWORK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) ....................................................................8
Functionality: ..........................................................................................................................8
Topology and view management .............................................................................................9
ZTE Topology View: ..............................................................................................................9
ZTE View Management: .........................................................................................................9
HUAWEI View Management: ............................................................................................... 10
Fault management ................................................................................................................. 10
Alarms: ..................................................................................................................................... 11
CRITICAL ALARMS ........................................................................................................... 11
Major alarms: ........................................................................................................................ 13
Minor alarms: ........................................................................................................................ 13
Warning alarms: .................................................................................................................... 13
PROBLEM MANAGEMENT: ................................................................................................. 13
1. Problem management in NMS: .......................................................................................... 13
2. Acknowledged problems: .................................................................................................. 13
Next generation network (NGN) ............................................................................................... 14
Description:........................................................................................................................... 15
Characteristics of NGN ......................................................................................................... 16
Architecture .......................................................................................................................... 16
Daily based assignment details .................................................................................................. 20
SWOT analysis ......................................................................................................................... 21
Strength:................................................................................................................................ 21
Weaknesses of ptcl ................................................................................................................ 22
Opportunities: ....................................................................................................................... 22
Threats: ................................................................................................................................. 23
Conclusion of the internship ...................................................................................................... 24
✓ I: Information about ptcl: ................................................................................................... 24
✓ N: New practical environment: .......................................................................................... 24
✓ T: Training about telecommunication ................................................................................ 24
✓ E: Experience of engineering: ............................................................................................ 24
✓ R: Relationship building/ resource utilization .................................................................... 24
✓ N: Network architecture: ................................................................................................... 24
✓ S: Skill development of yourself: ....................................................................................... 24
✓ H: Helpful in your life: ...................................................................................................... 25
✓ I: Inter personnel communication skill development: ......................................................... 25
✓ P: Personal attitude building: ............................................................................................. 25
Established on January 1, 1996
Head Office: - Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited
G-8/4, Islamabad
PTCL is a leading telecommunication authority in Pakistan. The policy provides for the Federation
of telephonic services nationwide and is the country's backbone of telecommunication
infrastructure with the arrival of a dozen other telecommunication corporations, with Telenor
Corps and China Mobile Ltd. The Federation controls and operates around 2000 telephone
exchanges all over the country, providing the fixed line network. Data and backbone services such
as GSM, CDMA, broadband Internet, and IPTV, wholesale is an increasing part of its business
Pakistan telecommunication Corporation under the Act 1996, Pakistan Telecommunication
Authority (PTA) issued a license for Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited for the
provision of telecom services within Pakistan to the private sector and the general public as the
Federal Government may determine and during the exclusivity period of the Pakistan
Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) specified in the above-mentioned Act. PTCL has
25 years license to provide telecom services in Pakistan with Stake in the Company with about
62% fairness. PTCL has the largest network and huge infrastructure for its more than
4,405,161users as in (Mar, 2008).
There are different switching technologies and companies which work with PTCL. PTCL uses and
maintains the equipment and software of these companies. The three mainly used companies by
PTCL are:
These venders have contracted with PTCL. They have their own equipment’s like MSAGs and
equipment used in transmission. With these different switching technologies PTCL is running its
huge network and providing different communication facilities to its customers.
Transmission is the first and the basic part in PTCL. We know that there is an exchange which is
the main internet exchange through which internet is supplied to the country called the
PAKISTAN INTERNET EXCHANGE (PIE). Each and every exchange here in Pakistan
contains PCMs (PULSE CODE MODULATION SYSTEMS). These systems and deployed by
vendors and the whole transmission process takes place in them.
Power part is the most important and essential part in PTCL. If there will be no power, then the
system and everything installed would be of no use. There are three parts in which power is
This is the supply which is coming from WAPDA. This supply is mainly of 220 volts. This is first
step downed and then rectified to the required amount of voltage on which the system runs (mainly
on 48V).
DC supply is mainly provided through batteries. Normally in the case of PTCL, dry batteries are
used. This is because dry batteries normally last for 5 to 6 years which is perfect. They do not
require any type of regular treatment. Once they are deployed, they start working till their time
period (lifetime) after which they are replaced. These DC batteries are normally connected with
each other in combinations. There are banks in which they are deployed. Each bank has
approx. 24 batteries and each battery provides 2V, so at the end 48V is achieved by these
batteries to run the system.
Mobile generator is also being used as a backup. As we know that the DC batteries can only support
the system for 2 to 3 hours. In Pakistan, we know that there is a lot of crisis regarding electricity.
This mobile generator is available in every exchange. If somewhere, the batteries are not that much
supportive or the amount of time of AC supply shortage has increased, then this generator is
deployed there. This generator normally provides 220 V AC and works on 50 to 60 Hz of
NMS stands for network monitoring system. This part of the access deals with the REGIONAL
OPERATION CENTRE (ROC). Basically, this part deals with the monitoring done on
software’s of different companies.
Field part is normally the part of access which deals with outdoor MSAGs. It will be discussed in
detail further.
Before discussing in detail the monitoring systems and field equipment, we should know first the
basics of OFAN.
The basic terminologies used in OFAN are as follows:
MSAG (Multiple Services Access Gateway):
MSAG is also known as MSAN (Multi-Service Access Node) in ZTE. It is the latest technology
used nowadays. It is much more, intelligent and easy to handle than the previous technology. It is
a device typically installed in a telephone exchange or distribution cabinet, which connects
customer telephone lines to the core network. Typically, MSAG consists of batteries with
rectifiers, optical transmission and copper distribution frame.
Difference between MSAG and MSAN:
➢ MSAG is normally located at the roadside while MSAN is located in plazas and buildings.
➢ The number of subscribers in MSAN are from about 3000 to 5000 while the number of
subscribers used and entertained by an MSAG are normally up to 1000.
The integrated network management system provides centralized, unified network management
for all ZTE, Huawei and Alcatel includes MSAG and ONUs, where we monitoring the network
systems of these PTCL vendors.
Topology and view management
Fault management
Problem management
Configuration Management
Report management
Software Version management
Ring management
Phone management
Optical fiber advantages
Topology and view management
The first and foremost thing that we come across after viewing the NMS system is the topology
and view management. This is basically the view, the topology map which is there to understand
that which MSAG is connected in which ring.
ZTE Topology View:
ZTE View Management:
The view management in ZTE is a sort of search bar in which we can view any sort of MSAG.
HUAWEI View Management:
Fault management
Mainly, fault management consists of alarms by which fault can be tested and trouble shooted .
There are 3 types of Alarms in any system:
1- Critical alarms
2- Major alarms
3- Minor alarms
4- Warning alarm
Mostly we check the Critical Alarms I.e. Power Alarms, most commonly AC Main Failure as
shown in the Fig. b. AC Main Failure means the light is off.
There are different types of critical alarms. Critical alarms are called critical because they can
cause damage and can stop the or become a barrier between the services accessed by the user from
PTCL. Some of the critical alarms are explained as follows:
AC Mains Failure:
It is the most critical alarms and is being monitored each second at the NMS. This type of alarms
can cause severe issues in PTCL services. This alarm relates to the power (AC OR DC) which is
being fed to the MSAG to run. If the main power fails and the DC batteries are not capable to
provide power for sufficient time to the MSAG, then the MSAG goes down and TT (trouble ticket)
is being generated and all the access services are stopped. This failure if not monitored can cause
profit loss and even it can decrease the users of PTCL.
Uplink port down:
This alarm is caused when MSAG of an area stops working. This alarm also deals normally with
the power of the MSAG because MSAG can only stop providing services when it power card fails
or power coming from WAPDA or DC battery power are not provided.
Fiber Cut:
In each ring in which different MSAGs are connected, each MSAG relates to one another or to the
OLT via a fiber. This fiber provides connectivity and services to different MSAGs. If fiber between
two MSAGs breaks, then there is a chance of MSAG to go down. This fiber cut issue is resolved
as early as possible so that the services can be brought to normal.
Card failure issue:
An MSAG uses different cards which are installed in its racks and slots used to provide different
services to the user such as landline, DSL, IPTV etc. Shown below are different cards installed in
an MSAG;
If a card installed in an MSAG fails, then all the services provided by that card fail and the users
cannot avail those services. If this type of failure occurs, then the card is being refreshed, replaced,
rebooted or changed.
Battery Low Voltage (47 V):
An MSAG normally operates on 47 V DC and 220 V AC supply. Normally this battery low voltage
alarm occurs when the MSAG is operated on DC voltage. If this voltage decreases, then this alarm
is generated. This alarm is quite serious and critical because this can cause the MSAG to go down
and all the access services are gone. So, when this alarm is generated, the team of the nearest
exchange is urgently deployed so that the AC generator can be deployed.
Heat/Smoke/Water Alarm:
The location where the MSAG is deployed, sensors of smoke, heat, water etc. are deployed so that
in case the MSAG heats up or water comes in the MSAG during rain, it can be detected by this
sort of alarm that is being displayed on the NMS by the help of the sensors.
Major alarms:
Major alarms are the alarms which are generally overlooked in the NMS due to the overloaded
critical alarms. The major alarms generally are called major because they do not cause any critical
sort of damage. These major alarms are generally solved after a passage of time when they start
causing serious issues in the MSAG or the monitoring systems which can affect the user.
Minor alarms:
Minor alarms are those types of alarms that are generated when a small less serious problem
occurs. These sorts of problems are usually unacknowledged and therefore are termed as minor by
the monitoring system.
These minor alarms are usually solved automatically by just refreshing the MSAG cards or by
resetting them.
Warning alarms:
Warning alarms are the least acknowledged alarms or we can say that unacknowledged alarms.
These alarms are generated when less than minor issue takes place.
Problem management is one of the most important thing in every company. Management qualities
are one of those qualities which every technical person must have to reach an executive post .
1. Problem management in NMS:
In NMS, as there are a lot of problems which are to be taken care off especially in the day time, so
they have different ways to deal with problems per the nature of those problems.
2. Acknowledged problems:
Acknowledged problems are those problems which are to be dealt as soon as possible. These
problems include the following factors:
Trouble ticketing:
Trouble tickets usually called as TT s are generated when an MSAG goes down due to power
issue, fiber cut issue or due to any other issue. This TT is being generated via google to all the
terminals at the NMS.
These TTs are resolved on the very priority because till the time the MSAG remains down, the
users connected to that MSAG cannot access any PTCL service that can cause a severe loss at the
business end.
Normally, all the critical problems described above are acknowledged because the most important
target of NMS is to provide access to PTCL services to every user and for this these critical
problems must be solved.
Software version management
Each vendor has his own management or monitoring software. The software of a single company
can monitor the equipment (MSAG) of its own. No vendor has the authority to configure or
monitor the MSAG of another vendor.
Different vendors have different type of monitoring software per the compatibility and usage of
their respective equipment.
Next generation network (NGN)
What is NGN: The Next-Generation Network seamlessly blends the public switched
telephone network (PSTN) and the public switched data network (PSDN), creating a single
multiservice network.
Next Generation Networking (NGN) is a broad term to describe some key architectural evolutions
in telecommunication core and access networks.
The general idea behind NGN is that one network transports all information and services (voice,
data, and all sorts of media such as video) by encapsulating these into packets, like it is on the
Internet. NGNs are commonly built around the Internet Protocol, and therefore the term "all-IP" is
also sometimes used to describe the transformation towards NGN.
NGN is a kind of Brand-new network integrating voice, data, fax, and video services. It is an open
and integrated network architecture. Next Generation Network (NGN) is a service-oriented
❖ Through the separation of service and call control, as well as call control and bearer, the serviceindependent architecture is implemented, which makes services independent of network.
❖ Independent network control layer
❖ NGN is a kind of open and integrated network architecture.
❖ NGN is a kind of brand-new network integrating voice, data, fax, and video services.
❖ NGN is based on standard protocols and packet switching network.
A Next Generation Network (NGN) is a packet-based network able to provide services including
Telecommunication Services and able to make use of multiple broadband, QoS-enabled transport
technologies and in which service-related functions are independent from underlying transportrelated technologies. It offers unrestricted access by users to different service providers. It
supports generalized mobility which will allow consistent and ubiquitous provision of services to
From a practical perspective, NGN involves three main architectural changes that need to be
looked at separately:
In the core network, NGN implies a consolidation of several (dedicated or overlay) transport
networks each historically built for a different service into one core transport network (often
based on IP and Ethernet). It implies amongst others the migration of voice from a circuitswitched architecture (PSTN) to VoIP, and also migration of legacy services such as X.25, Frame
Relay (either commercial migration of the customer to a new service like IP VPN, or technical
emigration by emulation of the "legacy service" on the NGN).
In the wired access network, NGN implies the migration from the "dual" legacy voice next to x
DSL setup in the local exchanges to a converged setup in which the DSLAMs integrate voice ports
or VoIP, allowing to remove the voice switching infrastructure from the exchange.
In cable access network, NGN convergence implies migration of constant bit rate voice to Cable
Labs Packet Cable standards that provide VoIP and SIP services. Both services ride over DOCSIS
as the cable data layer standard.
In an NGN, there is a more defined separation between the transport (connectivity) portion of
the network and the services that run on top of that transport. This means that whenever a
provider wants to enable a new service, they can do so by defining it directly at the service layer
without considering the transport layer - i.e. services are independent of transport details.
Increasingly applications, including voice, will tend to be independent of the access network (delayering of network and applications) and will reside more on end-user devices (phone, PC, Settop box).
Characteristics of NGN
1. Open and distributed network architecture
2. NGN adopts the hierarchical architecture, which is divided into media access layer, transport
layer, control layer and service/application layer.
3. Independent network control layer
4. Internetworking and gateways
5. NGN is based on standard protocols and packet switching network.
Huawei NGN consists of
1. S. S Soft Switch
2. MRS Media Resources Server
3. SG Signaling Gateway
4. MG Media Gateway
5. UMG Universal Media Gateway
6. IAD Integrated Access Device
7. TMG Trunk Media Gateway
8. AMG Access Media Gateway
SoftX3000 is applicable to the network control layer of NGN and implements call control and
connection management of voice, data and multimedia services based on the IP network .
Process capacity: 16Million BHCA, 2 million subscribers/360000 trunks
➢ Specifications and Summery:
• Rack specifications: 600*800*2200mm (W*D*H).
• Process capacity: 16Million BHCA, 2Million subscribers/360000 trunks.
• Carrier class reliability design: 1+1 redundancy for major components, online software patching,
hot swappable and Availability: 99.99983%.
• Protocol supported: H.248/MGCP, SIP/SIP-T, H.323,
• R2, PRA and INAP.
• Built-in SG and MRS (Media resource server).
• Built-in SSP with CS2 capability.
• Class 4 application with gateway functions such as authentication, charging, black/white list and
equal access.
• Class 5 applications with PSTN, IN and value-added services.
• IP Centrex and multi-media services.
• Multi-area code.
• 3rd party API support based on SIP and PARLAY.
• Dual homing.
• Carrier-class reliability design
• Supports abundant protocols for example H.248/MGCP, SIP/SIP-T, H.323, etc.
• Built-in SSP
• Single platform with various applications: Class 4/Class 5/IP Centrex, etc.
• Multi-area code
• Dual homing
Daily based assignment details
Switching Domain
Week 1
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 1 was a kind of orientation day, we visited the CDDT building and were
briefed by staff there about the work in different domains in NOC hall.
On day 2 we were divided into groups and each group is assigned to different
domain we were assigned to switching domain.
Day 3 we met the supervisor who introduced the switching domain to us. He
briefed us about the packet switching and circuit switching and how these are
working in ptcl voice network.
There was an oral assessment about what we learnt on day 3 and a task of
presentation is assigned to us which is due next day.
Day 5 was a presentation day. We presented on power point slides about packet
switching and circuit switching and other terms related to switching domain.
Week 2
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
On day 1 we were learnt how switching and routing is done on layer 2,3 of OSI
model. A task was assigned to study the OSI Model in detail.
There was an oral assessment about the OSI model a kind of quiz. And next task is
assigned to learn the protocols involved in different layers of OSI model.
There was an assessment about the protocols involved in 7 layers of OSI model.
There was a session about the general architecture of fixed voice network of ptcl
and components involved in it.
There was an oral assessment about the so far learning.
Week 3
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
There was a session about the TDM based switch which is a circuit switch and the
old architecture of fixed voiced network.
There was a briefing about the SS7 protocol involved in TDM based switches.
There was a detailed session on OFAN and NGN (packet switching) architecture
of voice networks based on IP networking and the working of soft switch in voice
There was a session on adaptation techniques involved in intercommunication
between IP and TDM switched architectures.
There was a final presentation of what we have learnt in 3 weeks in switching
Week 4
Week 4 was off due to Eid-ul-Azha and Independence Day break.
IP Network Domain
Week 5
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
There was an introduction of IP Network Domain. We learnt about the ticketing
and the process involved in ticketing at NMS. Moreover, the types of alarms and
what each indicates and how the network is maintained, repaired, configured and
optimized at NOC hall based on IP networks.
There was a session on IP classes and subnetting in detail. Our new supervisor
Engr. Hifza Ali assigned us some tasks to gather the information about these very
There was an oral assessment on the topics covered so far.
There was then a session on routing and switching and types of routing were
discussed in details moreover, how routing is different from switching and on what
layers of OSI routing and switching is done.
There are the session on the protocols involved in routing.
Week 6
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
From this day we started to implement the concepts learnt on software called Cisco
Packet Tracer. This day we learnt and implemented the static routing on packet
Again, we implemented the static routing but with the concept of remote access
using Telnet Protocol then the same thing but with SSH protocol.
Now Dynamic routing was implemented with RIP-1 and RIP-2 protocols and mix
of them is also implemented to see how the communication is occurring.
Again, we implemented the Dynamic routing with the help of OSPF on packet
tracer. Task was assigned to implement these concepts on different topologies in
packet tracer environment.
This day we implemented the variety of concepts like ACL (access control list) and
was a final presentation of all the work we have learnt in IP Domain.
SWOT analysis
There are many strengths that I myself noted in PTCL. Some of them
are described as follows.
1. DSL market:
PTCL is still the most used by the users nowadays. As PTCL is the oldest company here in PTCL
so it has its internet users in millions. Despite of some major weaknesses, I believe that not just in
Pakistan, in the whole world no other company can beat the national company of any country.
2. Area access:
PTCL is the widest used telecommunication company in Pakistan. Area access means that PTCL
has access to users more than any other country. This is a strength of PTCL in case of access than
many others in Pakistan.
3. Latest equipment:
One of the most major strengths of PTCL is that it used and monitors the latest equipment available
in Pakistan. The vendors hired in PTCL have the latest equipment that improves call and internet
quality so that the user can feel comfortable by accessing PTCL services.
Weaknesses of ptcl:
There are quite major weaknesses that PTCL is suffering from. They are discussed as follows.
1. Staff management:
Staff management is the most critical weakness that PTCL is suffering from. This reason has
caused suffering to many users and many customers leave PTCL services only due to this reason.
This reason can be solved by the taking the following measures.
Refresher courses:
Refresher courses can provide a solution to this problem. These refresher courses can bring
awareness in the staff especially in the staff of lower level.
Improvement of wages and promotions:
An employee related to any company works as per his pay. If he has a good wage, then he would
be happy and will devote 100 percent of his attention to his work and will carefully perform his
duties. But in case of PTCL, the wages are lower than the employees deserve. So, that is why these
staff problems occur.
2. Less facilities provided by the company:
Less facilities, equipment and cars for transport are provided by the company. Some times as we
know that electricity crisis is going on, so company must provide more than one or two generators
to overcome power losses. This weakness can cause loss of customers only due to this issue.
There are many opportunities that are to be focused to improve the infrastructure as well as the
services of PTCL provided to the user.
1. Improvement in DSL:
As PTCL is the most widely used service in Pakistan, so they can expand there DSL as they wish.
They can target more customers especially in porch areas which have been captured by other
2. Improvement in communication and facilitation:
Many problems in PTCL can be solved and the customer rate can be increased by good
communication and facilitation to the customers. Like most of the PTCL users even do not have
information about the helpline. By good communication and facilitation, this problem can be
3. Conversion of ONUs to MSAGs:
Old technology is also hurting PTCL a lot. This old technology that is generally ONU must be
replaced with the new technology that is MSAG to provide better services to the user so that the
number of complaints can be reduced at an effective rate.
4. More facility of FTTH:
Naya tel company has captured a huge amount of market by just providing FTTH (fiber to the
home), and by the usage of MSAGs in all areas and also by improvement of facilities. According
to my observation, the porch market by which company of any sort generates that most revenue
can be targeted by providing good immediate facilities and by the usage of more and more MSAGs
and by the usage of FTTH to give better speed. NAYATEL has turned into a large company by
just focusing on these factors that PTCL which is the biggest telecom providing company is
Opening of small companies:
Nowadays many small internet provider companies have been opened. The focus of these
companies is to hit porch areas so that they can capture the market as fast as possible. The main
focuses that are threatening PTCL and are highly focused by these companies like NAYATEL,
✓ Immediate facilities
✓ Immediate response to complaints
✓ FTTH(fiber to the home) for fast internet
✓ Usage of MSAGs for users to access all facilities comfortably
Conclusion of the internship
My focus while joining PTCL was:
✓ I: Information about ptcl:
The first focus while entering this PTCL environment was to get information about the company.
The focus was to know that which type of people, systems and administration will I come across
soon for which I am preparing.
✓ N: New practical environment:
New practical environment is the most important thing for which an engineer is preparing. New
practical environment is the best area where an engineer gets exposure. They can improve their
technical skills as well.
✓ T: Training about telecommunication:
As PTCL itself is a telecommunication company. It involves power and electronics too but as its
main services are of telecommunication, so one gets good knowledge about it.
✓ E: Experience of engineering:
Engineering experience is one of the most important thing an engineer should have. This
experience gives great exposure and awareness to an engineer especially an internee which can
give him help soon.
✓ R: Relationship building/ resource utilization:
Resource utilization is the most important factor an engineer should look after especially in our
country. This can benefit a lot to an engineer especially while finding a job after engineering and
in other matters of life.
✓ N: Network architecture:
Network architecture should be kept in mind while doing internship in a company like PTCL. This
architecture helps in analyzing the practical environment.
✓ S: Skill development of yourself:
Skill developing is itself a skill that can give an engineer the peak of his field. An engineer, new
or experienced should continue his skill development throughout.
✓ H: Helpful in your life:
Nothing is a waste in life if we do not make it a waste. An engineer should learn from all his
experiences, technical or non-technical. They will benefit in life.
✓ I: Inter personnel communication skill development:
Interpersonal development usually referred as communication skill is the most important skill and
engineer should have. This skill can help an engineer reach peaks. One should focus on these skills
so that he can progress more and more.
✓ P: Personal attitude building:
Personal attitude building means to develop attitude per the filed. For instance, if a person wants
to do a job in future, then in the era of internship one should learn how to make an attitude related
to job. How should one behave with seniors, juniors, rude people if anyone comes across in any
phase of his life.