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EXAM PAPER Business Communication

Programme: MBA (BA)
Discipline: Management
Term: III
Academic Year: 2019-20
Mid-Term Examination
Course Code: CLP 523
Course Title: Business Communication II
Date: Thursday, March 19, 2020
Total Pages: 5
Time: 10.30 am to 12 Noon
Maximum Marks: 50
Read the instructions carefully:
1. All questions are compulsory. Attempt all the questions in sequence.
2. Read the questions carefully and provide precise and point-wise answers. Maximum
marks are mentioned against each question.
3. Examinees must complete all the entries before writing answers.
4. It’s a closed book examination. Any unauthorised reading material (such as books,
documents, notes, study material, pictures, graphs, charts etc.), paper and electronic
devices (with communication and/or programming and/or storage capabilities such as
mobiles, tablet PC, laptop, smart watch, portable audio/video/gaming devices etc.) are
not to be brought into the examination hall or used for writing answers in any way.
5. Dictionaries in any form are not allowed to be used during the examination.
6. Photography/video-graphy /scanning in any form is NOT allowed in the examination hall
by the examinees.
7. Examinees are not allowed to communicate by word of mouth or otherwise with other
examinees (this includes the time when answer scripts are being collected). Please raise
your hand if you wish to communicate with an invigilator and unless granted permission
by an invigilator, you are not allowed to leave your seat.
8. In case any point is not clear about any question, you may make assumptions but do
write the assumptions you are making and also the rationale.
9. Please follow university rules, regulations, instructions and oral announcements at all
times during the examination.
10. Max. Word limit for each answer is 300 words.
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11. Borrowing stationary is not allowed in exam.
12. Examinees should follow invigilators instructions to submit the answer sheets. No one is
allowed to submit answer copies after stipulated time period.
1. Make a list of 5 common complaints that you might make in your own life (i.e.
clean up this room; do this correctly next time; you'll never amount to anything).
Using the suggestions from the lessons learnt in the class, revise these complaint
statements into specific action requests. What are the benefits of communicating in
this manner? ( 5 + 2 = 7 Marks)
2. List 5 things for which you are grateful to other people. Develop clear
statements for expressing appreciation for each thing on your list. Be sure to use
the three component model of expressing appreciation. What are the benefits of
expressing appreciation to others? How does expressing appreciation relate to
communication climate? (5 + 2 + 2 = 9 Marks)
3 : Use the 5 component (messages) communication format to write the
appropriate response in the following cases: (10 qns * 1 mark each = 10 Marks)
You lend a close friend one of your note books. She returns it with a few
pages missing.
Your friend always asks to borrow a few rupees but he never repays you.
You begin to resent that he does this all the time.
A relative calls you late at night just to talk. You are tired and have to get up
early in the morning.
Your class mate comes to you with a problem you don't know how to
handle. You know this class mate has a Boy Friend whom she likes and you
recommend that she talk to him, but your friend keeps asking you what she
should do.
You are eating lunch in a restaurant and the person next to you smokes
throughout the meal. This really bothers you.
You went to a party with some people but the person who was driving had
too much to drink and refuses to let anyone else drive.
You are walking home with a friend and realize it is getting late. A car pulls
up and asks if you want a ride. Your friend is tired and wants to take the ride
but you think it's too risky.
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Someone in the office pick up van you ride in daily, decides to sing and does
so for 15 minutes. It begins to get on your nerves and you politely ask her to
stop, but she doesn't.
The new shoes you bought three weeks ago are already starting to fall apart.
You take them back to the store where you bought them.
(10) You bring your car to a garage for service. You ask the mechanic to call and
let you know how much it will cost before doing the work. He doesn't call
and when you call him he tells you he has already done the work and your
bill is Rs.2500.
4. Objective type questions. Just write the right answer in your answer copy.
(10 * 1 = 10 Marks)
4 A. Hearing is not an element of the listening process. (True / False)
4 B. Paraphrasing is feedback that repeats the exact message you thought the
speaker sent. (True/ False)
4C. Careful listening is difficult because our minds are so active. This
demonstrates which barrier to listening?
a. A Hearing Problem
b. Informational Overload
c. Personal Concerns
d. Rapid Thoughts
e. Noise
4 . D. Your friend just told you he's upset that his boss cut his billing hours. You
respond, “So, it sounds like you're really frustrated that your boss is going to
reduce your schedule.” This is known as:
a. using gestures, nods, and facial expressions to respond to the speaker.
b. paraphrasing or restating, in your own words, the message you think the
speaker just sent.
c. repeated use of questions.
d. mentally questioning the speaker's intentions and arguments.
e. all of the above
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4. E. _____________ represents the “less reflective/more directive” end of the
listening continuum:
a. questioning
b. paraphrasing
c. empathizing
d. evaluating
e. silent listening
4. F. Which of the following is not one of the poor listening habits?
a. pseudolistening
b. attending listening
c. stage hogging
d. selective listening
e. insulated listening
4. G. When listeners say, “I am sure you'll do well,” they are using which listening
response style?
a. silent listening
b. paraphrasing
c. supporting
d. analyzing
e. evaluating
4. H. Which of the following is not a listening style discussed in the text?
a. Autocratic listening.
b. Task Oriented Listening
c. Relational Listening
d. Analytical listening.
e. Critical listening.
4. I. _____________ is a response style listeners use when they want to show that
they identify with a speaker.
a. questioning.
b. paraphrasing.
c. empathizing.
d. supporting.
e. analyzing.
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4. J. A(an) _____________ response appraises the sender's thoughts or
behaviors in some way.
a. questioning
b. supporting
c. analyzing
d. evaluating
e. advising
Q. No. 5: Listening skills. (Voice to Text)
You must have brought in your laptop to the exam hall. You have to listen to the
sound file (14 minutes approx.) being given to you in a pen drive and listen to it
carefully. Then summarise the sound file in just 200 words to capture the (i)
essence of the story and (ii) the learning, within. (10 + 4 = 14 Marks)
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