EPQ Titles and Grades since 2009 Was Moscow’s claim to be The Third Rome justifiable? Discuss the problems between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics and how viable M theory is as a solution to this problem. Using Dictyoselium to evaluate the role of the CLN3 gene in Batten Disease Osteoarthritic progression: use of Immunohistochemical markers. Evaluate the extent to which Philip II and Alexander III of Macedon revolutionised ancient methods of battle To what extent is supersymmetry still a valid theory of everything? Can I produce effective homeopathic products from my garden? (artefact) To what extent does the Hippocratic Oath prohibit euthanasia and why? To what extent did Franco's regime repress Spanish culture? Is China part of the developed world? Mutation in the TCOFI gene causing Treacher Collins Syndrome. Apartheid: South Africa and Namibia; short term aspirations, long term implications. The extent to which the formation and development of the snow pack influences the triggering of major avalanches. To what extent was the renovation of Paris a desire to improve the daily lives of the Parisian people? The physics behind magnetic levitation. Oscar Wilde: a social critic illustrating the hypocricy of a society in limbo? To what extent is Modernism the new Classicism? A study into the development of the music of Eric Clapton Are ants intelligent? To arrange Sultans of Swing for a guitar quartet (artefact) How does Dual Crystal Arthropathy compare with Gout and Pseudogout? Diabetes and its management. Algebra calculator (artefact) How the Black Death affected the social and cultural identity of Europe To what extend did censorship and control define the rock music scene in East Germany between 1964 and 1989? The relationship between YBAs and money (artefact) How the epidemiology, risk factors and methods of controlling the spread of TB differ between the UK and South Africa. Thalidomide: What happened? What is happening? What lies ahead? Evaluate the extent to which spina bifida is manageable An analysis of nuclear fission with respect to economic, environmental and safety aspects. Control of Japanese Knotweed Illustrate the rise and fall of the cotton industry in Bolton with specific reference to impacts on neighbourhoods Cheetah - an apex predator but how? A family history about me including the Idi Amin dictatorship. Is the current number of cricket clubs in Bolton sustainable? The history of craniofacial plastic surgery What is the effect of the credit crunch on small businesses? How useful is Game Theory in understanding real world situations? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A A A A A A B B B B B B B B C C Humans: the world's most advanced race, but are we hindering the survival of other species? Design a bike D D Grade A* A B C D No. of students 22 6 8 2 2 % 55 15 20 5 5