Dear Mr Tan Chee Chong, Based on the problem, I would suggest to make a limited promotion to our Huawei’s product. This is because we can produce right amount of product with the certain budget that we have rather than making to many. With this method we can surely reduce the losses later and focused to our potential customer and giving them super great services. This method will not only cooperate to the reduction of our event budget but will improve our customer relationship. Other than that, our reputation will be maintained as example customer who choose and interested to our product during our limited event promotion will definitely give good impression to us when buying our product. Thus, my suggestion will make benefit to our company to recover budget reduction. In any addition, I will discuss more in our next meeting. I would like to suggest Qualcomm as our sponsorship deals. Qualcomm is widely known as a cellular connectivity with many areas of invention and also develop operating systems, user interfaces, graphics and camera processing functions, among other innovations. If we can get the sponsorship by this company, I am sure we can continue our promotion according to our plan as we are using Qualcomm technology in Huawei smartphone’s processor (Snapdragon 845). I believe this will increase our audience insights as we are cooperating with brand building that will be used as content strategy in social media and public. This will be our advantages over our rivals as we are cooperating with big company because will increase company’s credibility, image and prestige that make our market finds more attractive. Thank you, -Best regards, Russel Rosmin BI18110034 HC12 Multimedia Technology, Faculty of Computing and Informatics, University Malaysia Sabah, Labuan International Campus, Jalan Sungai Pagar, 87000 Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan. Tel.No : 0198083209.