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MetaNeb in Lung Management: Best Practices & Experiences

Best Practices in Lung
Experiences using MetaNeb
Paula Abbas, BSN, RN, CPTC
LifeSource Donation Coordinator
Region 7 Meeting
February 13, 2015
Current options for CPT
Vest therapy
Metaneb 4.0
Manual CPT
Downfalls of manual and vest
• Time consuming (manual)
• Often not performed correctly or frequently enough
• Vest stays on patient, potentially interfering with
other treatments
• Disturbing to families/seen as violent (vest)
• Limited to loosening secretions
The MetaNeb® System Description
The MetaNeb® System is a therapeutic
device that uses a systematic approach to
enhance mucus clearance and resolve or
prevent atelectasis.
The MetaNeb® System offers 3 therapies:
1. Continuous Positive Expiratory Pressure (CPEP)
– Lung expansion therapy for the treatment and
prevention of pulmonary atelectasis
2. Continuous High Frequency Oscillation (CHFO)
Secretions mobilization therapy
3. Aerosol Mode
– Aerosol Therapy
Provides supplemental oxygen when used with
compressed oxygen
The MetaNeb® System
‒Untreated tension
‒Untrained or unskilled
LifeSource’s Experience
 Device
became available through Hill
Rom in 2012/2013 and several hospitals in
our region began using the device in 2013
 Lifesource worked with Hill Rom rep and
hospital RTTs to begin using the device on
organ donors
 Noted decreased atelectasis and better
secretion removal with use
LifeSource Experience cont.
 Hill
Rom rep came to LifeSource skills day
to demonstrate set up and use of
Metaneb to clinical staff in 2014.
 LifeSoure worked with Hill-Rom legal rep to
set up an exclusive rental program for use
at 2 of our donor hospitals. (for use
exclusively for organ donors) Unusual
rental circumstances for organ donors
requiring daily rental rate.
LifeSource Experiences cont.
The 2 hospitals with the rental agreements
LOVE the metaneb and are considering
purchasing the equipment
RTTs verbalize use of this device has
prevented escalation of care to oscillators or
other High frequency ventilator modes.
Significant reduction of atelectasis and
increase in secretion removal noted by staff,
demonstrated by CXR improvement, better
oxygenation, and decreased secretions.
LifeSource Experiences cont.
 Treatment
not as violent as the vest.
Families not bothered by treatment
 Easy to use
 RTTs with overwhelming positive feedback
regarding device
 Research data available on Hill-Rom
LifeSource MetaNeb Protocol
 10
minute treatment q 2 hrs
 Used with neb q 4 hrs, and q 2 hrs prn
 HOB up 30 degrees during treatment
 Used in conjunction with q 4 hr
recruitment maneuvers and O2
 Used also in non-lung donors to improve
oxygenation and secretion clearance