BENEFITS REALISATION MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK From NEW SOUTH WALES – GOVERNMENT AUDIT TI - INSPEKTORAT VII Agenda 01 Principles 02 Process 03 Maturity BRM PRINCIPLES BRM PRINCIPLES A benefit is a measurable improvement resulting from an outcome which is perceived as an advantage by a stakeholder Benefits must be aligned to the organisation’s strategic goals Benefits need to be first understood as outcomes Benefits are the reason an investment is made 4 Benefits must be measurable and evidence-based in order to demonstrate that an investment provides value BRM PRINCIPLES 5 6 7 Benefits can only be realised through change and change can only be sustained by realising benefits. Benefits need to be owned by appropriate sponsors and managers, not by the program/project manager Intermediate benefits are needed to realise end benefits (and are just as important) BRM PRINCIPLES 8 9 10 Benefits are dynamic; they need to be regularly reviewed and updated. Keep the number of benefits monitored and reported to a sensible, manageable number Benefits management should be integrated with other organisational processes, including Project Management BRM PROCESS BRM OBJECTIVES BRM PROCESS BRM PROCESS BRM PROCESS BRM CSF AND RISK BRM MATURITY ASSESSMENT MODEL P3M3® Portfolio, Program, Project Management Maturity Model Managing Benefits Health-check Assessment Digital Service Standard (Australian) 4 NSW Digital Strategy – Digital Standard P3M3® Maturity Model Few Questions and Notes 1. Prinsip 1 e) digital capability, apakah menjadi syarat? 2. Prinsip 2, Benefit harus aligned dgn tujuan strategis, bukankah benefit itu merupakan hasil dari tercapainya tujuan strategis? Perlu cari contoh hubungan output, outcome, benefit, tujuan strategis 3. Perbedaan prinsip 1 dan 3, outcome dulu (prinsip 1) atau benefit dl (prinsip 3) = benefit = positive outcome? (guideline hal 7) 4. Prinsip 4.c? (Projects or programs should not be claiming the same benefits) 5. Apakah penerapan BRM akan “menghukum” proyek yg gagal? Jika ya, tentu akan menghambat org2 untuk inovasi. 6. Prinsip 9: Priority should be given to those benefits with the greatest likelihood of being realised 7. Prinsip 10: Benefits management is at the heart of Program Evaluation 8. Prinsip 10: Benefits management supports and can be aligned with relevant assurance requirements 9. Butuh: Benefit realisation strategy, Benefit maps, Benefit distribution matrix, 10.BRM seperti proses yg terpisah dari manajemen lainnya, meski di prinsip 10 harus integrated 11.BRM berlaku untuk project baru saja atau BAU juga? 12.BRM hanya bisa dengan data dan baseline measure (prinsip 4) Terima Kasih