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Science 6: Solutions Lesson Plan

Prepared by: Louie S. Sug-ang
Romana C. Acharon Central
Elementary School
General Santos City Division
1. Describe solutions as
homogeneous mixture and its uses
2. Write one sentence summary
3. Appreciate the uses of solutions
Yes or No.
1. Mixture is a combination of two or more
substances without chemical reaction.
2. A homogeneous mixture has the same
uniform appearance throughout.
3. A heterogeneous mixture consists of visibly
different substances
or phases
4. Air with smog is a homogeneous mixture.
5. Stainless steel is a homogeneous mixture.
Question of the DAY
What happens
when solids are
mixed with
1. The students will be grouped into 4.
2. Setting the standards in group activity
3. Discussing the criteria in doing the
4. Group Activity
Activity 3: Mysterious Water.
5. Group Presentation
Chocolate powder
Coffee powder
Detergent soap
Glasses (8 pieces)
Powdered juice
Powdered milk
1. Get samples of sugar, coffee, powdered milk, creamer, chocolate powder, powdered
juice, and detergent soap and salt. 2.
Prepare a spoon, 8 plastic cups, and water. Label the cups.
3. Fill half of each glass with water.
4. Mix the sample and water in each glass.
5. Describe what happens to the sample.
Group 1: sugar & powdered coffee
Pour the sugar sample into glass
Pour the coffee sample into glass
Group 2: powdered milk & creamer
Pour the powdered milk sample into glass
Pour the creamer sample into glass
Group 3: chocolate powder & powdered juice
Pour the chocolate powder sample into glass
Pour the powdered juice sample into glass
Group 4: powdered detergent soap & salt
Pour the powdered detergent soap sample into glass
Pour the salt sample into glass
Guide Questions:
1. What solid materials were dissolved in
2. What do you call these solid materials?
3. Where can we use these solutions?
The students will make a sentence by
choosing a word or phrase form the Venn
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which is a homogeneous mixture?
a. Oil and water
b. Mix nuts
c. Seawater
d. Pebbles
2. There are five kinds of solution. Gas in liquid is
one of it, therefore, which of the given example is
one of the solution?
a. Air and water
b. Cola or Soft drink
c. Oxygen and salt
d. Rocks and solvent
3. Homogeneous mixture has the same properties. It means that the
substances mixed thoroughly and after stirring, it appeared as one
substance. You can no longer distinguish one component from the
other. What is the other term for homogenous mixture?
a. Solution
b. Dissolution
c. solute
d. Solvent
4. Which is the best example of a solution?
a. blood
b. milk
c. salt dissolved in water
d. oil and vinegar mixed for salad dressing
5. Which of the following is an example of a solution?
a. gelatin
b. mashed potatoes
c. a mixture of salt and water
d. a mixture of corn starch and water that is heated until it
thickens flour dough
6. The part of the solution that dissolves what is being put into the
solution is called the:
a. solvent
b. solute
c. precipitant
d. mixture
7. Air is a solution of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% other gases.
Which part of this solution is the solvent?
a. air
b. nitrogen
c. oxygen
d. other gases
8. Because water has a slightly positive end and a slightly negative
it is referred to as
a. a polar molecule
b. a hydrophobic molecule
c. a magnetic molecule
d. a nonpolar molecule
9. Sterling silver contains 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper.
Which substance is the solute?
a. platinum
b. silver
c. copper
d. solids do not form solutions
10. A liquid substance capable of dissolving other
substances is
called a
a. solution
b. solute
c. dissolver
d. solvent
Identify 5 solution and its uses.