Major Project Presentation Modelling Logistic Growth Model For COVID-19 Pandemic in India Under The Supervision Of Ms Minni Jain Submitted By: Prajwal Kumar Bhati (2K16/CO/225) Pranav Kataria (2K16/CO/229) Rohit Kumar (2K16/CO/258) Modelling Logistic Growth Models For COVID-19 Pandemic In India Accepted in IEEE 5th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2020) Scopus Source: 21100810605 • The effect of COVID-19 has been successfully controlled in India, by using the technique of National Lockdown, but it has spread in many countries at a very rapid rate. Here, we are using phenomenological models to find the development of Covid-19 pandemic in India and the impact of lockdown on the number of infected people in India. INTRODUCTION • To officially announce the number of infected cases in India, we have used growth models. Each growth model has a different lower and upper bound for our result. We tried to document the stages of the covid19 pandemic in India. The extreme taken by India is very effective with some variation across all parts of India. Here, using this paper we want to understand about the rate at which this outbreak has occurred in India. Using generalized growth modelling, we have mapped out the growth rate of the pandemic in India. Why Logistic Growth ? • The reason to use Logistic Growth for modeling the Coronavirus outbreak is that epidemiologists have studied those types of outbreaks and it is well known that the first period of an epidemic follows Exponential Growth and that the total period can be modeled with a Logistic Growth. DATASET SOURCES • The dataset is sourced from the COVID-19 Patient Database which consists of total confirmed cases state wise consisting of patient number, patient gender, age-bracket, travel history, detected city and current status for all cities in India. The data is updated daily. In this report we have used the data from Jan 31 when the first case in India was reported to Apr 10 and used the models to forecast outbreak for next 5 to 10 days. Major Epidemic Growth Models Nonlinear Least Squares for India’s Logistic Growth When looking at the data, we only have the number of cases per day. We also have the formula that we want to apply, but we do not yet have the correct values of the parameters r, K and p in the formula(s). Unfortunately, it is not possible to rewrite the Logistic Function as a Linear Regression, as is possible for the Exponential model. We will therefore need a more complex method: Nonlinear Least Squares estimation using Levenberg Marquardt Algorithm Steps of Model Parameter Estimation • Logistic Model (Lower Bound) {Best Case} [C,r,K] • Generalized Logistic Model (Average Case) [p,r,K] • Generalized Growth Model (Upper Bound) {Worst Case} [p,r] Results • Total No of cases • Daily increase in number of cases • Daily growth rate of cases RESULTS Total Number Of Confirmed Cases vs No. Of Days RESULTS Daily Increase Of Confirmed Cases vs No. Of Days RESULTS Daily Growth Rate Of Confirmed Cases vs No. Of Days Short Term Forecast Day Date Actual Predicted Accuracy (%) 72 11 April 2020 854 677 79.27 73 12 April 2020 758 730 96.30 74 13 April 2020 1243 787 63.31 75 14 April 2020 1031 847 82.15 76 15 April 2020 886 911 97.25 77 16 April 2020 1061 978 92.17 78 17 April 2020 922 1188 77.6 79 18 April 2020 1371 1268 92.48 80 19 April 2020 1580 1274 80.63 We predict a high level risk in India with approximate total actual cases on April 14 to be 12116 (i.e. 95 % CI: [11895, 12336]), 25706 (i.e. 95 % CI: [25337, 26034]) by April 20. The parameter 𝑝 of the GLM is estimated as 0.99 (95% CI: [0.98, 1]). Conclusion and Future Work This confirms that the growth is close to exponential, indicating that local transmission channels in India are not yet under control despite National Lockdown. Actual number of cases recorded match the number of cases predicted by the models designed. This indicates that we can use these models to estimate the growth in number of cases in the future, and can take definitive and decisive decisions based on them. With a thoroughly validated model, this type of information could be used by policymakers to estimate how to take the right measures. Future work involves to follow closely whether future trends follow the selected model(s). References • Ke Wu1,2, Didier Darcet3, Qian Wang4 and Didier Sornette. Generalized logistic growth modeling of the COVID-19 outbreak in 29 provinces in China and in the rest of the world. Preprint at: • Chowell et al., 2007; Chowell et al., 2006a. Transmission dynamics of the great influenza pandemic of 1918 in Geneva, Switzerland: Assessing the effects of hypothetical interventions. Preprint at: • COVID-19 Patient Database for India available at • Tian-Mu Chen, Jia Rui, Qiu-Peng Wang,Ze-Yu Zhao, Jing-An Cui, Ling Yin;A mathematical model for simulating the phase-based transmissibility of a novel coronavirus. Accepted in IEEE 5th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2020) Scopus Source: 21100810605 Communicated on: 5th May 2020 Accepted On: 12 May 2020 Registration Proof Scopus Index Proof