Sibanye Stillwater Gold Operations Sibanye’s Gold Operations comprise the Betrix operations in the Free State and the Kloof, Driefontein and Cooke mines on the West Rand of Johannesburg. Included in the stated Reserves and Resources of Sibanye’s gold division are the Cooke Operations that are currently on care and maintenance and 38% of the West Rand Tailings Retreatment Project (“WRTRP”) that was recently sold to the listed DRD in exchange for 38% of the issued shares of DRD. Some of the salient features of the gold operation are summarized in the table below Sibanye-Stillwater SA Gold operations Ore milled (000 tonne) Underground Surface Total Yield (g/t) Underground Surface Combined Gold produced (kilogram) Underground Surface Total Operating costs (Rand per tonne) Underground Surface Total Capital expenditure (R'm) Ore reserve development Sustaining capex Major/growth projects Total capex Unit revenue/costs - Gold Operations Gold price - R/kg Gold price - US$/oz Operating cost - R/kg Operating cost - US$/oz All-in sustaining cost - R/kg All-in sustaining cost - US$/oz All-in cost - R/kg All-in cost - US$/oz Average exchange rate R/US$ 7 575 11 455 19 030 5 816 21 388 27 204 5,19 0,38 2,30 5,21 0,32 1,53 39 285 4 349 43 634 30 263 6 361 36 624 8 451 647 3 756 10 176 647 2 868 2 288,0 516,8 203,7 3 008,5 2 053,6 545,5 447,2 3 046,4 536 203 1 253 0 0 482 708 1 129 501 716 1 173 13,31 536 422 1 264 484 036 1 137 558 589 1 312 584 775 1 373 13,24 RESERVE AND RESOURCE The Gold Reserve and Resource across the operations are as follows in M’oz Reserve and Resource Statement 2018 Reserve Underground Beatrix Driefontein Kloof Total underground Surface Total 1,187 3,302 5,020 9,509 2,599 12,108 Resource Measured Underground Beatrix Driefontein Kloof Total underground Surface Total Indicated Inferred 4,003 5,386 7,216 16,605 3,433 4,732 0,905 9,070 0,004 2,388 1,264 0,489 0,089 0,093 Total 7,440 10,118 8,210 25,768 4,141 29,909 VALUATION To calculate an approximate transaction valuation we have considered the margins and NPV based on a gold price of $ 1,400/oz and $ 1,500/oz and the reserve table above. Reserve Annual Production kg Annual Production oz Life of mine Gold Price Exchage Rate All in costs Margin NPV (R'm) Beatrix 1,187 8 536 273 280 0 1 500 14 1 208 292 4 001 Driefontein 3,302 9 573 306 480 Kloof 5,020 15 253 488 325 Total 9,509 33 362 1 068 084 1 500 14 1 443 57 1 756 1 500 14 1 104 396 18 949 1 400 14 1 252 148 24 705 We arrive at a total NPV for the mines of R 24,7bn. No bidder would pay full NPV for an operating mine. Given labour issues, country risk etc. a starting bid (used by myself and Neal when negotiating a purchase price) would be 30% of NPV or R 7,4bn. We now need to consider the value of the resource in the ground. Using a recent comparable of South African listed gold companies we have a value per measured and indicated underground ounce of R98/ounce and for surface material R 60/ounce. This values the resource in the ground at R 2.9bn. Finally we need to take into account the value of Sibanye’s 38% shareholding in DRD, assuming this would be part of the transaction. DRD’s current market cap is R 4,7bn valuing Sibanye’s stake at R 1,8bn. If we use the above assumptions and mechanics, the transaction value calculates to around R 12bn or $864m. Salient Information on the gold operations below: Driefontein Ore milled (000 tonne) Underground Surface Total Yield (g/t) Underground Surface Combined Gold produced (kilogram) Underground Surface Total Operating costs (Rand per tonne) Underground Surface Total Capital expenditure (R'm) Ore reserve development Sustaining capex Major/growth projects Total capex Unit revenue/costs Gold price - R/kg Gold price - US$/oz Operating cost - R/kg Operating cost - US$/oz All-in sustaining cost - R/kg All-in sustaining cost - US$/oz All-in cost - R/kg All-in cost - US$/oz Average exchange rate R/US$ 2017 2018 2 137 3 905 6 042 1 634 1 509 3 143 6,21 0,45 2,49 5,44 0,50 3,30 13 262 1 742 15 004 8 952 621 9 573 10 219 734 4 098 13 664 878 8 501 876,1 235,0 44,4 1 155,5 817,1 228,1 0,4 1 045,6 535 373,79 1 251,43 0,00 0,00 488 812,25 1 143,10 491 762,50 1 150,30 13,31 537 968,43 1 266,89 626 846,57 1 460,02 746 515,25 1 736,14 746 553,75 1 736,24 13,24 Kloof Ore milled (000 tonne) Underground Surface Total Yield (g/t) Underground Surface Combined Gold produced (kilogram) Underground Surface Total Operating costs (Rand per tonne) Underground Surface Total Capital expenditure (R'm) Ore reserve development Sustaining capex Major/growth projects Total capex Unit revenue/costs Gold price - R/kg Gold price - US$/oz Operating cost - R/kg Operating cost - US$/oz All-in sustaining cost - R/kg All-in sustaining cost - US$/oz All-in cost - R/kg All-in cost - US$/oz Average exchange rate R/US$ 2 177 3 574 5 751 1 821 5 287 7 108 6,81 0,45 2,85 7,11 0,45 2,17 14 826 1 606 16 432 12 940 2 313 15 253 9 376 730 4 003 11 840 759 3 620 876,2 210,2 147,1 1 233,5 839,6 220,5 141,9 1 202,1 536 157 1 253 0 0 431 585 1 009 440 553 1 030 13,31 537 091 1 265 417 908 983 490 870 1 154 500 325 1 177 13,24 Beatrix Ore milled (000 tonne) Underground Surface Total Yield (g/t) Underground Surface Combined Gold produced (kilogram) Underground Surface Total Operating costs (Rand per tonne) Underground Surface Total Capital expenditure (R'm) Ore reserve development Sustaining capex Major/growth projects Total capex Unit revenue/costs Gold price - R/kg Gold price - US$/oz Operating cost - R/kg Operating cost - US$/oz All-in sustaining cost - R/kg All-in sustaining cost - US$/oz All-in cost - R/kg All-in cost - US$/oz Average exchange rate R/US$ 2 737 778 3 515 2 282 670 2 952 3,25 0,29 2,60 3,68 0,36 2,89 8 859 232 9 091 8 291 245 8 536 5 647 566 4 524 6 888 429 5 302 482,0 63,1 0,5 545,6 396,9 82,6 1,7 481,2 536 372 1 254 0 0 502 994 1 176 503 262 1 176 13,31 538 890 1 269 461 245 1 089 524 964 1 240 525 182 1 240 13,24 Cooke Ore milled (000 tonne) Underground Surface Total Yield (g/t) Underground Surface Combined Gold produced (kilogram) Underground Surface Total Operating costs (Rand per tonne) Underground Surface Total Capital expenditure (R'm) Ore reserve development Sustaining capex Major/growth projects Total capex Unit revenue/costs Gold price - R/kg Gold price - US$/oz Operating cost - R/kg Operating cost - US$/oz All-in sustaining cost - R/kg All-in sustaining cost - US$/oz All-in cost - R/kg All-in cost - US$/oz Average exchange rate R/US$ 524 3 198 3 722 79 4 018 4 097 5,03 0,29 0,91 0,80 0,33 0,34 2 338 769 3 107 80 1 314 1 394 14 166 567 2 321 373 682 598 53,7 8,5 11,7 73,9 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 540 485 1 263 0 0 677 340 1 583 680 760 1 591 13,31 547 830 1 292 493 180 1 164 487 001 1 159 487 001 1 159 13,24