Uploaded by Kelly Michaels

James Baldwin Learning Menu

Appetizers (choose 2)
15 points each
•Read this article and complete a double-entry journal
•Read this interview and write a response
•Read this conversation between Baldwin and Achebe and write a response
•Watch this short Ted-Ed video and create a poster
Main Course (choose 1)
55 points (2 appetizers must be completed 1st)
•WatchTake This Hammer Documentary and share your reaction
•Watch this interview and write a response
•Watch this speech and write a reflection
Dessert (choose 1 or more)
15 points each (2 appetizers & 1 main must be completed 1st)
•Songs of Oppression Flipgrid P4 or P5
•Design James Baldwin’s mobile phone screen
•Create James Baldwin’s Instagram Posts
Grading Details:
2 appetizers must be completed & turned in on time in order to earn full
points for a main course.
A main course turned in without appetizers first can only earn 25 points.
Desserts will not be scored unless both appetizers and the main course are
turned in on time.
Hyperlinks to each assignment detail the criteria.
Partial credit will not be given for any assignment or for late work without
advance communication with the teacher.