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differentiatedinstruction K-12

Differentiated Instruction in
the K to 12 Curriculum
1. Identify the essential elements of
Differentiated Instruction.
2. Identify different strategies to support
the implementation of differentiated
Differentiated Instruction
What is Differentiated Instruction?
To differentiate instruction is to RECOGNIZE students varying
background knowledge, readiness, language, preferences in learning,
interests, and to react responsively.
 It is a PROCESS to approach teaching and learning for students of
differing abilities in the same class.
 The intent of differentiating instruction is to MAXIMIZE each
student’s growth and individual success by meeting each student where
he or she is, and assisting in the learning process
Taught Skill Practice
the Same Suit
of Clothes
Instruction Does NOT
Reach All Learners
Learning Styles
of Whole-Class,
Group and Individual
Flexible and Responsive
Learners of Multiple
Abilities CAN BE
Educated Together
Universal Design to DI
Based on Student Readiness, Interest & Learning Profile
1. Content
2. Process
3. Products
4. Learning
Learning Cycle & Decision Factors Used in Planning and
Implementing Differentiated Instruction
How can he/she access the information?
How do we Plan?
How to?
• Determine the Ability Level of Your Students
– Survey Past Records, Look at Their Cums
• Align Tasks and Objectives to Learning Goals
• Survey Student Interests
– Interest Inventories, Interview/Conference,
Respond to Open-Ended Questionnaire with
• What are Your Students Multiple Intelligences &
Learning Styles?
• What are Your Student’s Preferences and
• Instruction is Concept-Focused and PrincipleDriven
• Brain-Based Research
• Know YOUR Students
 Use Reading Materials at
Varying Readability Levels
 Put Text Materials on Tape
 Use Spelling/Vocab. Tests
at Readiness Levels of
 Use Reading Buddies
 Meet with Small Groups to
Re-Teach an Idea or Skill
for Struggling Learners, or
Extend the Learning
How Do We Plan?
Determine a Focus Area:
• Four T’s
– Teaching Objective
– Target
– Bloom’s Taxonomy
– Text/Materials
• Instructional Strategies
• Learner Engagement
– Effective Presentations
• Learning Environment
Based on Research:
• All GOOD Instruction Must
– Active Engagement
– Reading & Writing Strategies
– Address the Auditory,
Kinesthetic, Visual & Tactile
– Address Multiple Intelligences
– Be Developmentally
Do YOU Wing It?
(Or) Do YOU
Plan it!
Learning Cycle & Decision Factors Used in Planning and
Implementing Differentiated Instruction
How to process information, organize, store
retrieve & apply information?
How to?
 Flexible Grouping is
Consistently Used
 Groupings are Not Fixed, and
Should Be Dynamic in Process
 Teach Whole Class Introductory
Discussions ,then Follow with
Small Group (or) Pair Work.
 Direct Instruction
 Inquiry-Based Learning
 Cooperative Learning
 Classroom Management
Benefits Students and Teachers
 Organization & Routines
 Use Tiered Activities
 Provide Interest Centers
 Develop Personal Agendas for
Completion of Work
 Manipulatives(or) Hands on Supports
 Varying the Length of Time
 Memorization
 Reciprocal teaching
 Graphic organizing
 Scaffolding
 Webbing
 Self Talk
 WebQuests
 Guided Notes
Learning Cycle & Decision Factors Used in Planning and
Implementing Differentiated Instruction
Culminating projects that ask the student to rehearse,
apply, and extend what he/she has learned in a unit
How to?
 Initial & On-Going Assessment of
Student Readiness & Growth are
 Authentic Assessment
 Students are Active & Responsible
 Vary Expectations & Requirements
for Student Responses
 Consider each Student’s Multiple
Intelligences & Learning Styles
Based on Outcomes
 Give Students Options of How to
Express Required Learning
 Create a Puppet Show, Write a
Letter, Develop Mural with Labels
 Use Rubrics that Match Student’s
Varied Skill Level
 RubiStar.com
 Allow Students to Work Alone (or)
in Small Groups
 Performance -Based Assessment
 Student Portfolios
 Knowledge Mapping
Learning Cycle & Decision Factors Used in Planning and
Implementing Differentiated Instruction
Learning Environments
The way the classroom works and feels
How to?
• How the Classroom is
• Classroom Behavior
Management System is in
– Procedures
– Consequences
– Positive Interventions
 Places in Room Free of
Distractions, and Places that
Invite Student Collaboration
 Materials that Reflect a Variety
of Cultures & Home Settings
 Clear Guidelines for
Independent Work
 Develop Routines
 Students Understand
Differences of Learners
Hall, T. (2002). Differentiated Instruction. Wakefield, MA: National Center on Accessing
the General Curriculum. Retrieved October 22, 2008, from http://www.cast.org/
Heibeck, T. (2008). How to use multiple intelligences to reach every child. Retrieved November 1, 2008
Kozleski, E. (2003). Guidelines that make differentiation possible for teachers to attain. Retrieved November 1,
2008 from, www.urbanschools.org/events.docs/
Lamb, A. (2003). Ten Tips for Differentiation. Eduscapes. Retrieved November 1, 2008, from
Nunley, K. (2008). Layered Curriculum. Retrieved November 1, 2008, from http://help4teachers.com/
Robinson, S. (2005). Instructional Tools Related to Universal Design for Learning. KS: Special Connections.
Retrieved November 1, 2008, from http://www.specialconnections.ku.edu/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/speccconn/
References –continueTeachervision (2008). Structuring Lessons to Promote Learning from Materials.
Partnership with Council for Exceptional Children. Retrieved, November 1, 2008
from, http:www.teachervision.fen.com/curriculum-planning/learningdisablilities/6731.html?
Teachnology. (2007). How to Differentiate Instruction. Retrieved November 1, 2008,
from http://www.teach-nology.com/tutorials/teaching/differentiate/print.htm
Thompson, S. (2005). Instructional Tools Related to Instructional Accommodations. KS:
Special Connections. Retrieved November 1, 2008, from
Tomlinson, C. (2000). Differentiation of Instruction in the Elementary Grades.
Retrieved October 1, 2008, from http://www.ericdigests.org/20012/elementary.html
Tomlinson, C. (2000). Educational Leadership, 58,6-11, Retrieved October 1, 2008,
from http://www.jamesviledewitt.orgtfiles/folder257/ReconcileDITomlinson.pdf