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Spiritan Postulancy Formation Program in Malawi

(Malawi Spiritan Group)
1.1 Rationale
I belong to the Congregation of the Holy Ghost/Spirit under the protection of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary. It is abbreviated, C.S.Sp., standing for Congregatio Sancti Spiritus, Latin words meaning
Congregation of the Holy Spirit. It is a congregation of priests, lay brothers, and after Vatican II,
lay associates. Members are known as Spiritans in the Continental Europe or Holy Ghost
Missionaries in English-speaking countries.1 This is the congregation for which I write this
Proposed Program for Postulancy Stage.
The Congregation was founded by Fr. Claude Poullart des Places who was a seminarian by then
on the Pentecost Sunday, May 27, 1703, in France. He was from a wealthy family but opted to
begin a religious institute with the aim of supporting the poor students who desired to become
priests. 2
The above brief history is very vital for the congregation because it is the basis for the Spiritan life
in all its aspects. It shapes the charism, mission, life-style and formation of members. In my
research project however, I shall focus on the formation aspect specifically, postulancy stage in
the context of Malawi where I work but within the guidelines of the life of the congregation of the
Holy Spirit.
“Congregation of the Holy spirit”, March 23, 2020,
“Founders of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit”, April 1, 2020, https://www.duq.edu/about/centers-andinstitutes/spiritan-studies/congregation-founders
1.1.1 Background of the Proposed Formation Program for the Stage of Postulancy
Like any other religious congregation, the congregation of the Holy Spirit started from a low and
humble profile. As far as formation of candidates is concerned, in the beginning it did not have a
formal written guide as such. For instance, Fr. Poullart des Places who founded the congregation
when he was still a seminarian, simply emphasized the spirit of prayer, simplicity and being able
to follow academic studies. All this was based on the rules of devotions, silent reflection and selfdiscipline, which even himself observed under the guidance of his friend St. Louis Marie Grignion
de Montfort.3 In the later stages after the congregation had gained momentum especially after the
prescriptions and decrees of Vatican Council II about the training of priests and religious,
formation in the congregation took another shape. At this time, the emphasis was on initial
formation, and therefore, it focused on studies in philosophy and theology as far as academic cycle
is concerned, and novitiate as far as formation studies are concerned. There was no structured
postulancy stage. Therefore, each circumscription, that is Province or Group in the different
countries would find its own appropriate methodology of preparing those who wanted to join the
congregation. The methodology varied according to the surrounding environment. Here in Africa
for example, Spiritans arrived in, 1860s at the coast of East Africa in the areas of Zanzibar. Few
years after, they penetrated in the interior through Bagamoyo, Tanzania. When they started
formation programs for those who wanted to join the congregation, they did not consider
postulancy stage. They rather set up a novitiate at Usa river, Tanzania in 1973.4
This kind of situation lasted until 1991 when an international gathering for Spiritan Formators was
convened in Nigeria. In this gathering formators expressed a need to have written guidelines for
all formation programs in the entire congregation, which would suit the modern times. And so, the
first edition of the Guide for Spiritan Formation was published in 1997. 5
Evolution in the physical world is a reality we cannot avoid. As the world continued to evolve in
the different aspects, the Spiritan Congregation also followed in the same footsteps to counteract
Michael Troy, “Claude Poullart des Places”, April 7, 2020, https://spiritans.org/claude-poullart-des-places
“Tanzania/Spiritans Roma”, April 6, 2020, https://spiritanroma.org/tanzania
Victor N. M. da Silva, Cover designer, Guide for Spiritan Formation: Congregation of the Holy Spirit, ( Rome: Clivo
di Cinna, 2013), 5.
the new challenges that had emerged as a consequence of modernism. It therefore thought of
equipping its future members with tools that would enable them to be relevant in the changing
world. This therefore forced the congregation to evaluate the current Guide for Spiritan Formation
by then and to see the necessary changes to be made. As a consequence, in July 2010, another
International gathering for Spiritan Formators was convened at Nairobi, Kenya. This paved way
for the approval of the current edition of the New Guide for Spiritan Formation in 2012, in the
General Chapter at Bagamoyo, Tanzania.6
1.1.2 Identification of the Problem
The new Guide for Spiritan Formation has a lot to offer to those both in initial and on on-going
formation as we shall discuss in the coming chapters especially in chapter two. As regards
postulancy stage, a lot has been considered in relation to some related church documents as well
as some Congregation documents again as we shall discuss in the proceeding chapters. At the same
time however, I realize that there are still a few gaps that need to be bridged especially in the areas
of human development, sexuality and formation in the perspective of local cultures.
1.1.3 The Need for the Proposed Formation Program
Like any other religious missionary institute, the Congregation of the Holy Spirit continues to
promote and nurture vocations for apostolic and missionary activities for the entire church where
possible as well as admitting candidates to Spiritan life (SRL no 107).7 Most of the candidates
admitted for Spiritan initial formation beginning with postulancy stage are young adults between
the age of 19 – 35 years. Basing on the different stages of human growth and development with
their related challenges as explored by the different theorists like Erik Erikson in the realm
Psychology, we realize that this stage is a crucial and sensitive period.8 People in this stage have a
lot of questions and still struggling with issues of identity and sexuality. To help them discern well
their vocation, it is important to understand them as well as helping them to be aware of
themselves. This is howw Human development as an in-put to Spiritan formation in the postulancy
stage comes in.
Victor N. M, Guide for Spiritan Formation, 5.
_________, Spiritan Rule of Life: Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Rome: Pio X Printing Schools, 2013), 61
Verywell and Joshua Seong, “Erik Erikson on psychosocial development”, March 23, 2020,
Secondly, by the fact that Spiritan Missionaries serve in 62 countries worldwide 9, for the members
to work effectively, they need to be equipped with tools that shall enable them adopt and adapt the
different cultures where they work. In addition to this, it is also important to note that candidates
come from such cultures with their different and unique background. Due to these circumstances,
it is therefore of great need also to develop a course that shall treat formation in the perspective of
local cultures.
1.2 The Purpose of writing the Proposed Formation Program
If self-awareness is important to all people in the ordinary daily living, what more shall it of benefit
to the future ministers of the church whose work is to nurture spiritual growth among people in
the vineyard of God? It is therefore by this virtue that my proposed formation program for the
stage of postulancy, becomes purposeful in the formation guide of the Spiritan Congregation where
I belong. For it is intended to promote self-awareness in the Spiritan candidates, who are the future
ministers of evangelization in the apostolic mission of the church.
Exposure and exposé on factual issues concerning human growth and development as well as on
the different cultural norms and practices with their related challenges, are a fundamental factor
leading self-awareness. Self-awareness, which in simple terms is described as a situation of
knowing oneself both in character and in feelings consciously, helps people to be confident and
creative as well as being able to make sound decisions. Furthermore, it helps them to build stronger
relationships through effective communication.10 From this exploration, we therefore, realize that
once self-awareness is attained successfully, it can lead to holistic growth in persons. I therefore
have no doubt that such persons can relate well and prudently with other people as well as finding
fulfilment in their relationship with God.
From the above discussion, I wish to assert that the purpose of my proposed program for
postulancy stage for the congregation of the Holy Spirit, is to add an in-put in the already structured
“Founders of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit”, April 6, 2020, https://www.duq.edu/about/centers-andinstitutes/spiritan-studies/congregation-founders
Tasha Eurich, “Self-awareness”, January 4, 2018, https://hbr.org.
formation program to encounter the current challenges. My personal in-put is in the areas of human
development and formation in the context of local cultures as already mentioned above in 1.1.3.
1.3 Objectives
During the time of Pope Paul VI, he realized the reality of the growth of the church as well as the
possible challenges that could face it. To prepare the church for such encounters, he therefore
thought of making a reform in the training of candidates to priesthood in order to have competent
pastors who would guide the people God even in times of tribulations. He therefore came up with
a document entitled Optatam Totius, where in number 2, he emphasized on the program of priestly
training that; it should be undertaken in the entire church in the different countries under episcopal
conferences. He further emphasized that even though universal laws should apply on the training,
this could be revised from time to time to meet the pastoral needs of the people in a particular place
under given circumstances.11 In the same sentiment, I recognize the fact that in the changing world
with all its dynamics in the different aspects, formation of candidates to Spiritan Missionary
Religious life should be fundamental. Furthermore, where necessary, it should be open to positive
changes to encounter the possible current challenges of a particular locality in order to meet the
pastoral needs of the people.
By the above background, I hereby present the objectives of my proposed program for the stage
of postulancy below in the proceeding subsections as follows:
1.3.1 General Objectives
Due to the fact that the congregation of the Holy Spirit is apostolic by nature and renders services
in many countries all over the world as noted already above, it takes formation programs seriously
in order to have competent candidates for the church’s ministry. It realizes that the quality of
apostolate and mission depend on the quality of formation.12 Basing on this background, the
general objective of my proposal is to add an in-put on the quality of candidates formed for the
Spiritan life and mission.
Pope Paul VI, “Optatam Totius”, Decree on Priestly training (1965), accessed April 7, 2020,
Philip Massawe, “Commentary on the Guide for Spiritan Formation” Spiritan Horizon (2013), 8, accessed April 2,
2020, www.duq.edu/spiritanhorizons.
Secondly, to help future Spiritan confreres to be open to the dictates of the Holy Spirit while living
the charism of the congregation, which is evangelizing and serving the poor people (cf. Luke 4:18)
especially in the places where the church finds it difficult to get workers (SRL 4).13
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
The congregation of the Holy Spirit describes postulancy stage as a period before novitiate. It is
therefore an important stage since it is aimed at preparing candidates for religious life in the period
of novitiate.14 It is also important to note that since it is the first stage for those aspiring to begin
Spiritan formation, it is expected to have candidates who may not know much about religious life
as well as Spiritan life mission. It is also expected to have candidates whose behaviors are still so
much influenced by the past personal background. At this stage therefore, postulancy stage has a
task of reshaping the behaviors of the candidates to suit the required qualifications for novitiate.
From the above background, the specific objective of my formation proposal for the stage of
postulancy, is to help the candidates to acquire self-awareness in order to be open to the formation
program designed for them.
Secondly, the proposal is also intended to enable the candidates to know the historical background
of the congregation, its life and mission as well as religious life in general. The aim of this, is to
help the candidates to discern well their vocation.
1.4 Significance of the Proposed Formation Program
Spiritan Rule of Life number 100, holds that formation is where we constantly deepen our apostolic
life under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and our Founders. Therefore, the congregation needs to
be sensitive to the persons who express a desire to serve God as Spiritans while offering guidance
and formation proper to them15. Under this guidance of the Spiritan Congregation, even though
my proposed formation program is in the general sense intended to benefit the entire formation
_________, Spiritan Rule of Life: Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Rome: Pio X Printing Schools, 2013), 19.
Victor N. M. da Silva, Cover designer, Guide for Spiritan Formation: Congregation of the Holy Spirit, (Rome: Clivo
di Cinna, 2013), 34.
_________, Spiritan Rule of Life: Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Rome: Pio X Printing Schools, 2013), no. 100, 58.
process in the congregation, it shall specifically benefit more those candidates at the first stage of
their initial formation.
Since it is a program with courses to be taught, these courses shall be an addition to the other
already existing structured courses being taught to the candidates at postulancy level. As a
consequence of my proposed formation program if applied, I expect to see a positive change to
those to whom it shall be exposed. I would expect to see this positive change being exhibited in
the holistic growth of the candidates even though some at a later stage may not serve God as
Spiritan brothers or priests.
1.5 Methodology of my Research Project writing
In my research project writing, I shall research from the necessary Spiritan documents and other
related writings. I shall also research from some other relevant church documents as well as other
religious and secular sources relevant to my project. Because I have no access to any library due
the consequences of corona virus all over the world, I shall largely reach out to the relevant sources
through internet searching.
1.6 Conclusion
In the above discussion, I have proposed a formation program for the stage of postulancy for the
congregation of the Holy Spirit. It is intended to elaborate on the vital importance discernment in
the early formation. I have chosen to give a priority to this stage because it is the first step intended
to lay a firm foundation for qualitative Spiritan apostolic evangelizers. We therefore realize that
postulancy as the first stage of formation in the Spiritan congregation does not only lay a
foundation for further formation stages, but also helps candidates to begin a religious missionary
journey. Whatever is acquired in this stage therefore, should be deepened gradually for missionary
vocation in the light of the congregation as we shall discover in the following chapter two below.